Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 42: Would you like to be my soul mate?

     on the road——

   "Tang Su, why are you here for this show?" Li Shuyao asked.

   This is the second person to ask him this question. The first one is Su Tang.

Tang Su thought for a while and replied: "It's just out of curiosity. I happen to be not very busy recently, so I just came to play. I have no plans to enter the entertainment circle, but I really want to experience seeing myself on TV. What kind of scene is it, well, I also want to see how the audience evaluates me."

   This is an online variety show, commonly known as an online variety show, and will not be on TV.

   But in this great Internet era, the number of people watching dramas and variety shows on the Internet has far surpassed traditional TV audiences. From the amount of data, it is true to say that it is on TV.

Moreover, "The House of Heart" is not an unfamiliar eighteen-line variety show. I remember that when the first season of this variety show ended, it had become the most popular amateur variety show on the entire network, and it was even spontaneously brought about by audience discussions. Traffic has made this variety show appear on Weibo hot search lists several times.

   "The audience's evaluation of you should be better, right?"

   Li Shuyao smiled: "Because you are handsome and funny, and most importantly, your cooking skills are very good."

   "Why good cooking is the most important thing?" Tang Su was puzzled and put on a serious face: "Can't I be so handsome and can't attract the girl in front of the screen? Does it have to be this way?"

   said, his pupils gradually approached, and he actually played with cross-eyed eyes.

"Don't don't...So many people on the street are watching, don't make me laugh." Li Shuyao quickly waved his hand to beg for mercy: "Well, I admit that I was negligent. You still hide a very good virtue. You are very... Um, funny and humorous, yes, that's it."

   ‘witty and humor’ means to exaggerate.

   But Tang Su always felt that what the other party really wanted to say might not be these four words.

   "By the way, what about you? Why are you here for this show?" Tang Su asked.

  Responsibility, you can’t let girls talk to themselves all the time.

   "Um... what I said, don't laugh at me." Li Shuya wanted to get a vaccination first.

   "Don't worry, I won't laugh. No matter how funny, I won't laugh because I am a professional."

   Tang Su added sincerely: "Unless you can't help it."

   "Puff...Don't keep making me laugh."

Li Shuyao couldn't laugh or cry, thought about it, and said seriously: "I am not a native of Shanghai, and there are actually not many friends in this city. They were all saved when I was in college... Later, my friends were busy with their livelihoods. After a long time, the feelings will fade.

   I will feel lonely, lonely, and feel that I am incompatible with this prosperous city. I am tired from work and no one talks about it, and no one celebrates a promotion or a salary increase. This kind of life is not good at all.

   So, I want to use my spare time, find time to meet some people, and try to... find one or two soul mates who are in harmony.

   I am not hungry for lovers, if there is, of course it is better, if not, it’s nothing. "

   Hearing the words, Tang Su was silent for a long time, sighing in his heart.

   It can be seen that Li Shuya looks mature and generous in appearance. He is beautiful, kind-hearted, well-dressed, and able to cook...very much in line with the public’s best illusion of “senior white-collar workers in the workplace”.

But in fact, Li Shuyao is not free of distress and pressure. It’s just that as an adult, she knows how to hide her emotions. What she shows to others is always in the best state, and her most real and tired side is. No one knows.

   "It’s probably not easy to find a soul mate."

Tang Su thought for a while, and said softly: "When we were in school, it was actually easy to find like-minded friends, but after we went out of school, we came to society, especially when we came to such a big city that is very developed in all aspects. Here, it is impossible to make real friends again.

In the workplace, they will see if you threaten your position, if you can be their help, if you can let them call, if you don’t have anything to give them, they won’t pay attention to you. , Let alone make friends with you, and making friends in the workplace has always been the most taboo thing for the company, and it is actually harmful to your own development.

In life, everyone wears a mask on their face. You can only talk to others through the mask. You will never know whether under this mask is a kind little white rabbit or A fierce and greedy wolf who makes a wrong bet once, may be greeted with bruises all over his body. "

   This is the experience of the previous life of the'current Tang Su' + the experience in the memory of the'predecessor Tang Su', which is a summary.

   In his previous life, he was just a very mediocre little character. Now, he is a student of the ‘superior’ in the eyes of the people around him, a genius classmate, and a successful person with an annual income of one million.

   The fusion of two diametrically opposed life experiences naturally made Tang Su understand more truths.


Li Shuyao nodded in agreement: "Your summary just happened to be what I thought in my heart, and it was even more comprehensive than I thought. It was very vivid. I didn't see it. You have so many emotions at a young age. It looks like, You also had a pretty hard time, at least... you have had a hard time and witnessed the experience of cold and warm feelings."

   "It's all the past, it's all over, people always have to look forward, not to mention a little bit of the past."

   Tang Su smiled and said that he did not want to mention the past again, and did not want to ruin the mood at the moment.

   But the real reason is--

Most of the things he sighed in his words are the summary of his previous life, but he used the glorious life experience of his'predecessor Tang Su' to confirm the warm and cold human feelings he experienced in his previous and therefore have more. Deep knowledge is nothing.

   But these things, others don't know, only he knows.

In the eyes of others, you can only see the more than 20 years that the'predecessor Tang Su' has experienced. In these more than 20 years, except for having no parents, Tang Su has lived better than 99% of his peers. He didn't have any hardships, and he just went to college and achieved brilliant results that ordinary people might hardly have in a lifetime.

   So, Tang Su really couldn't tell Li Shuyao about the bitterness of the past, because it was really...not bitter at all.

   Tang Su has no way to deceive. Now the world has begun to enter the era of big data. No lie can escape the calculation of big data. It is he who is deceived and deceived in the end.

   "You are right, people always have to look forward."

   Li Shuyao stretched out her hand and stroked her long hair tossed by the wind. Suddenly, she asked in an inadvertent voice: "So...Tang Su, will you apply to be my soul mate?"

   Tang Su paused, and looked at her with a bit of astonishment, and even wondered if he had auditory hallucinations. the soul mate?

   "Of course, it must be impossible for a soul mate to be so hasty."

Li Shuya saw his astonishment and couldn't help but laugh, and then added: "If you want, I will spend more time with you, try to let you know me better, and let me be able to Get to know you better... Oh, yes, I don’t make friends casually, and I don’t have a soulmate of the opposite sex. I think you have the hope to be the first, perhaps the only one, how about it? Do you want to consider accepting this test? You don’t need to answer me right away, and think slowly after you go back, I’m not in a hurry."

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