Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 143: A small gift that is not a precious thing

In the kitchen.

Tang Su and Li Lan were cooking and chatting. The atmosphere was very pleasant.

What surprised Tang Su was that since he finished his evaluation of the three female guests of "Heartbeat", Li Lan, who was originally interested in gossip, suddenly stopped mentioning it, as if he lost all interest in an instant. Look like.

She is not curious anymore. Of course Tang Su will not mention it again. He didn't want to talk about "Heartbeat" at first. He didn't want others to help himself with this matter. He wanted to understand, analyze, and feel himself. , Let your subjective consciousness experience the whole process.

"Xiaosu, when did you learn the art of cooking?"

Li Lan saw his skilled craftsmanship and was surprised: "You didn't have this ability before."

"It's just a sudden interest, and then learn to try it, and it turns out that it's easy, so I learned it."

Tang Su smiled and said lightly.

There is nothing wrong with this, and it fits the original owner's personality.

"Isn't it?"

Li Lan turned his head to look at him, and said with a faint smile: "I wanted to teach you how to cook before, but you were quite resistant at the time. He also said that even if you learn it, there is no use. Work and study Very busy, it is impossible to waste time on such trivial things... Why did you suddenly change your mind?"


Tang Su didn’t know what to say for a while, he indulged for a few seconds, and said, “Maybe the food outside suddenly became unpalatable, or maybe the taste was bad, so he wanted to learn what he wanted to eat. do what."

"I can't see it."

Li Lan shook his head and asked quietly, "Did you meet a girl you like in school, so you want to improve your cooking skills to achieve the goal of'conquer girls' stomachs first, and then girls'?"


Tang Su froze for a moment: "There is no such thing at all. I just occasionally find cooking is interesting, so I just try it out. I am interested. No reason is needed... Aunt Li, why are you a little weird today?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is something wrong with the other party, which is different from the Aunt Li in my memory.

"No, just ask."

Li Lan looked away calmly: "Continue cooking, Lao Su should be back later."


Tang Su nodded and didn't speak any more.


At about eleven o'clock, a sturdy middle-aged man in a suit entered the house. He was wearing black-rimmed glasses and looked extraordinary.

When he saw him, Tang Su suddenly felt that if the other party was wearing a **** framed sunglasses and a black raincoat, he was afraid that he would really look like a black assassin in the movie.

"Uncle Su, long time no see."

Tang Su muttered in his heart, and greeted with a smile on his face.

This middle-aged man in a suit and black-rimmed glasses is indeed Uncle Su, who is as close as his father and son to the original owner-Su Xinwei.

"It's been a while."

Su Xinwei nodded, looked at him, and said cheerfully: "I have been busy with business during this period of time. Every day I open my eyes and there are a lot of things to deal with, otherwise, I would have gone to play with you a long time ago."

"It's okay, work is important."

Tang Su shook his head.

"Okay, now that we are all here, let's get ready to eat."

Li Lan came over: "Xiaosu knows that you are coming back for dinner, so she cooks by herself specially, are you touched?"

"Moved, so moved."

Su Xinwei's eyes lit up: "I am so happy today, do you want to have two glasses?"

Tang Su was worried about whether he should refuse, and Li Lan glared at Su Xinwei: "What to drink? There is still something to do in the afternoon."

Su Xinwei was taken aback, then reacted and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, there are still things in the afternoon, so you can't drink."


Tang Su felt that they were playing some riddle, but he had no evidence.

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, Tang Su said quickly: "My cooking skills are average, mainly for Aunt Li."

"Your so-called'general' is about to become a mess on the Internet."

Su Xinwei shook his head.

Tang Su: "..."


The dining table is rectangular, with Li Lan and Su Xinwei sitting side by side, while Tang Su sits opposite Li Lan.

Looking at the table full of things that I love to eat, and then listening to the two people opposite to praise their cooking skills... Tang Su was embarrassed at the same time, there was an urge to run away.

There is an old saying that goes well: the weasel gives a New Year greetings to the rooster, and he has no good intentions.

The Su family is definitely not a weasel, and Tang Su is not a chicken, but... the opposite couple is indeed a bit too enthusiastic, making Tang Su always feel a little... It's not as simple as being flattered.

"Uncle Su and Aunt Li, what are you doing today?"

Tang Su had almost eaten, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and asked.

" it so obvious?"

Su Xinwei was taken aback, and looked at each other with Li Lan.

"It's already very obvious."

Tang Su was helpless.

Tang Su felt that something was wrong when he called him for a family dinner before. Then when Li Lan cooks in person, he asks questions in the kitchen, and then he hears that Uncle Su is going to prepare gifts for him. As his face changed, he exaggerated...

There's something wrong with it everywhere, right?

In the memory of the original owner, there is a lot of information about the Su and his wife, but those memory fragments are completely different from the atmosphere in which Tang Su is now.

"Is such that……"

Su Xinwei thought for a while and pretended to say seriously: "In recent years, the Internet industry has developed very rapidly, and the growth rate of economic output has greatly exceeded the real estate industry. The real estate company founded by your aunt and I encountered some bottlenecks. A breakthrough, so I thought, to see if I can seek a breakthrough from the Internet industry, aren’t you engaged in the Internet? Simply transform your studio into a company, and then how about I invest in you?"

"Uncle Su, you are here again."

Tang Su helplessly: "I really don't need to invest, you still don't waste your mind on this kind of thing."

From the day he founded the "Simi Studio", Su Xinwei had the idea of ​​investing. His idea was very simple. He didn't bother to read all the business plans, so he just threw the money away and bought some shares.


Su Xinwei gave'Simi' a corporate valuation of 100 million, which was given on the day the studio was established. He also said that he would spend 20 million to acquire 20% of the shares, not involved in management rights, but only as a strategic investment... This is ridiculous.

This kind of behavior that shows that people are stupid and has a lot of money, the original owner saw it as plain and clear, and of course he would not agree to it.

But Su Xinwei is not a person who will give up easily, so in the past three years, I don’t know how many times I have mentioned investment matters. At the beginning, the original owner would tactfully refuse, and in the end he was tortured a bit collapsed. , Can only pretend not to hear.

"I really did it for your own good."

Su Xinwei sighed: "It is no more than 20 years ago. At that time, all industries in the country were waiting to be flourished. Once a lot of successful business opportunities were seized, as long as they were firmly grasped, they would basically be able to communicate smoothly and unimpededly. On the road to the rich, even if you don’t do any business and all the money is used to buy a house in a big city, you can easily get financial freedom...

But that was before. Now the domestic economy is developed, and all industries are being hit by big capital dimensionality reduction and crazy involution, especially in the Internet industry. If you don’t have enough start-up capital, it is impossible to play well, even a little bigger. The risk cannot be resisted.

It's okay to make a small amount of money. If you want to make a lot of money, or even become a unicorn, there is no possibility at all, so you really might as well consider it seriously. "

"Uncle Su, I have my own plans regarding the establishment of the company."

Tang Su said earnestly: "It is not convenient to tell you for the time being, but I believe it will not be long before you will see'Simi''s plan for the future; it is not my own practice to refuse to invest, and the other two of the company. None of the partners agreed with financing.

For the current ‘Simi’, financial pressure is not the biggest weakness. Experience, philosophy, management, market environment, future trends... these things that need to be explored slowly are what we are most in short of.

So, don’t mention investment for the time being. When'Simi' has successfully passed the transition period and is really on the right track, you may consider introducing financing from external peers or interbank capital. I will definitely be the first one at that time. Let me know, do you think this works? "

"Okay, OK, you have said so, what else can I do."

Su Xinwei shook his head and sighed pretending to be disappointed, but... Tang Su always felt that his "long sigh" was a bit false.

"All right, since the investment is not successful, then go and see the gift with me."

Su Xinwei stood up suddenly and said, "In order to prepare this gift for you, I have thought of a lot of ways. Come and see it with me."

Tang Su:? ? ?

This Uncle Su really wanted to come up with it. It was ‘I’m sorry’ just now, but in the next second he forgot the previous thing, and he couldn’t wait to take him to see the present.

Wait a minute... a gift?

Tang Su was taken aback, and then quickly shook his head and said, "Uncle Su, you really don't need to prepare gifts..."

"I have already bought it, so I can't waste it."

Su Xinwei laughed, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go, go and see if you are satisfied, don't worry, it's not expensive, it's cheap, and you don't have to have any psychological burden."

Isn't it expensive?

Hearing this Tang Su was relieved immediately.

It’s not a valuable thing. He doesn’t like to accept other people’s valuable things. Selling money is inappropriate, and keeping it may not be of much use. Moreover, if you are going to return a gift, you need to prepare an equivalent gift...think After thinking about it, the more you think about it, the more you lose.

Then, Tang Su was taken to the garage by Su Xinwei.

Tang Su didn't think much about it. He just thought it might be because he had bought something relatively compact, and he forgot to take it out when he got off the car and put it in the car.

But just as he thought, the next second, Su Xinwei pulled the tarp covering the car next to him, and a brand-new gun-gray car came into view, accompanied by Su Xinwei’s cheerful voice: "Xiaosu, What do you think of this car? I remember you got your driver's license, right? Get in the car and have a try?"

Tang Su:? ? ?

"It's not a valuable thing"?

Uncle Su, is your understanding of "precious things" different from ordinary people?

Oh... I almost forgot, you are rich!

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