In the early morning of Thursday, the same scene as yesterday was staged outside Smith Manor. Smiths expression was complicated at the gate of the manor, watching Lidia, Eve and Kepler get on Laura Car.

“I also ask my big brother to take care of my Flanders today.” Lidia deliberately added a word thank you behind the car window, and then rolled the car window.

Shaking halfway, Smith stopped with one hand. It seems that he didnt want to repeat the situation of watching the car driving away yesterday, “Lydia. You cant be with your parents…” But Smith still has to be in the child They maintained their image in front of us, their voices were low and serious, and the third generations in the car consciously lowered their heads and fiddled with their fingers, “Sit down and talk.”

“I have taken a step back.” Lidi Yas hand is still on the handle of the window, looking at her big brother from the gap in the car window, “I am willing to restore Smiths surname, and even let Flander change his surname to Smith, and even Eves name, what else? How?”

“Uh…” Smith frowned, “These are not the essence of the problem at all, okay…” The essence is that Lidia is married to a foreign, unidentified, ugly Man, by the way, he has an extra daughter!

“Flander is my husband, and Eve is my daughter.” Lydia’s face also became serious, “If father and mother don’t accept this, we have nothing to talk about.” She He pushed away Smiths hand that blocked the car window and successfully closed the window to isolate the outside world. The face instantly changes with a smile and looked at Laura, “Okay, you can go.”

Lola quickly A shot of his driver, the young man got the order and started the car.

Leaving the range of Smith Manor, the route repeated yesterday, passing through the original Grand Cemetery to Paisin. This is very good. As Kepler’s favorite Aunt, Lidia has a topic about Grande, and she wants to talk about it while a few children in these Western Regions are there.

Why? After returning from Parker Elementary School yesterday, this Aunt shamefully eavesdropped on the phone calls of his niece and his friends. Lidia found out that if she suddenly took Eve and went with Kepler yesterday, the children would go to Grand Funeral Home. While Grands owner seemed to be on the move, they would find someone named Alice. Friends, um, chat. Even when Kepler was on the phone, the conversation with Laura was very careful to avoid everything that Lidia was curious about.

Lydia also confirmed that this is the common secret of the children of Kepler. And Elidia’s knowledge of Barton is still a very, very bad secret!

Dont understand, Lidia is an adult, or someone who may have controlled the Smith family industry together with Smith, of course, she knows what Grande istwo old men Run the “clean up people” business!

“That’s right.” Lidia seemed to speak casually, “When will this Grand Cemetery in Western Region be re-planned? Have you decided what to build?”

Sure enough, at the moment Grande was mentioned, the heartbeat of the children accelerated.

“Autumn, autumn.” Laura replied, she was the one who succeeded in making herself look the most peaceful, “I don’t know the details, but, listening to my grandmother, it seems that it will be Liszt’s Engineering. No need to be surprised, the public bidding has not started, but for people in the Western Region, the default and so on, there is no need to make a fuss about nothing.

“Oh.” Lidia didn’t care much about nodded, “I also read Liszt’s shopping guide yesterday. They cooperated with Kozier? Is Liszt getting better and better.” Did Lidia change the subject by herself, “I hope it won’t be any boring shopping plaza or hotel. The North District is enough.”

Of course not. Lidia just happened to express her thoughts on Liszt, and immediately went on to the topic she wanted to talk more about, “speaking of which, I still remember the original Grande, what about the two strange old man now? Where did you move to? Now Barton has only [Ford] [Allen] funeral home? Its a pity, I remember that Hank Carpenter is very good, besides the coffin, his furniture is also very good, for If you have enough money, you can let him customize the furniture.”

Lydia remembers more clearly that these two old men can make certain things that are not suitable for the judiciary disappear in the middle of the night, but , Dont worry, the topic can be guided slowly.

“In the southern district.” The answer was very quick, but Lola, with a strange expression, “The place near the border in the south. Well, you said the old Grande is already not in. Now they There is a new owner…” The volume automatically decreases until it disappears. Accompanied by the heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Lola pursed her mouth, forced her composure, and forced a smile, “They are now the only traditional funeral business in Barton. Now, only their family has retained the burial cemetery.” Hope, Lola hopes , The screen looks like she is just introducing Barton’s new changes to Lydia who has been out for many years.

“Oh.” Lidia blinked, tilted her head, and asked curiously, “In a rural place like Southern District? Laura, how do you know so clearly?”


Lolas heartbeat missed a beat, and Kepler came to his rescue, “Aiya Lidia! You will know by looking through the newspapers at the beginning of the year! Who told you to only read Liszts shopping guide when you came back? Her clothes! Care about our Barton!” The girl deliberately covered up her rapid heartbeat loudly.

This kind of bluffing concealment, Lidia’s next question can make them collapse, but–

“Kun, Quinn grandfather is buried there…” In the car The youngest child, Shylock, the younger brother of the Falken family, said tenderly.

Elder sister Charlotte fills the seat, “Jacksons big brother is buried there too!” It seems to be afraid that Lidia will forget who Jackson is, “Jackson Bishop.”

Saving the nervous Little Fatty Cody Fisher, he blushed, “Uh…well, Kang, Connor, Connor Herman, also buried there.”

Lola cheered up, “Hmm!” She covered her nervousness with her voice, “We all attended their funeral, so, so count, we go often…” This time the automatic silence is because of the topic. The content is to attend the funeral…

Lidia opened her mouth, and every funeral that was suddenly raised at this time is more worthy of her attention, who has just been pointed out that she doesn’t care about Barton’s return! Hey, she wants to continue to test the bad secrets of these five children, which is already impossible.

Lydia pursed her lips. Okay, let’s change the subject. Lidia turned her head slightly and glanced at Eve, who had been quiet, to find out which funeral Eve was more interested in.

Eve looked back at Lidia with a look of as it should be by rights.

Does this still need to be asked, of course Bishapu! Eve saw that Torrido appeared in the Vicious Spirit site than Sharp Manor with his own eyes. If the topic can be moved a little bit over there, it would be good to be able to produce even a little bit of information!

Lydia accepted it. Although I really cant understand Eves complex emotions towards Toredo, yesterday she has missed an opportunity to ask about Bishops situation (Kepler told Lidia in the room At the news of Jackson’s death, Lidia just felt that the other party seemed to be a good boy), Lidia felt that if she missed it, she would be taught by Eve.

Well, Lidia thought about her remarks for a moment, “Being Sharps Jackson…”

“Go straight ahead here.” Lola said to the driver. When Lidia was cut off, she found an address from her bag, “Don’t go to Parker Elementary School, go here.”

The driver who had already driven into Paisin took the address, oh Scream.

“It was given to me by Trisha Teacher yesterday.” Laura looked at Lidia, her heartbeat was gradually calming down, and she looked towards Hungry Eve, “Eve, you are not going to give a handicraft class Can you make trophies for everyone? Trisha Teacher said that if you can get the materials directly, you don’t need to spend money to buy them, so we went to the trophy workshop to see if we can get some materials.”

Perhaps we should see Laura’s growth. Remember, Laura once said to Matthew, “Why do you want to do it yourself? Why not just buy it.” Now, Laura knows how to save money for this material.

“Uh.” Kepler rolled his eyes, “Isn’t that workshop had an accident, the things were burned, and we couldn’t complete our order? Will it not give me the materials?”


“The accident happened in his workshop. He failed to meet our order according to the contract. Don’t he need to pay us compensation!” The first reaction is that the opposite of Kepler is naturally Charlotte.” Its not bad that we didnt ask for compensation, just ask him for compensation, why should he not give it!”

Lola pursed her lips, “‘He’, he has a name, it’s Boone Herman “There was a weird expression on her face, “That trophy workshop is his property.”

“Hermann’s younger brother?” Lidia, who was interrupted in the original intention, actually interrupted at this time. She still knows the relationship between these Western Region adults.

“En.” Laura curl one’s lip corner, “We are not familiar, just try it. Trisha Teacher also said that if you can get the best, forget it, and dont plan to pursue breach of contract. “

“It’s okay to pursue it.” Kepler continued to roll his eyes, “Hellmann’s factory is so big…”

“Kepler!” Lola pushed Stopped her for a while and stopped his friend’s ridicule.

Kepler curled his lips, too lazy to mention it.

The car returned to the relaxed atmosphere of the third generation in the Western Region. Lidia felt that it was not suitable to mention Jacksons funeral. She made a helpless expression towards Eve and waited quietly for the car to arrive. destination.

The western border of Paisin is attached to the isolated forest separating the two districts, and there is the Paisin River in the middle, which leads directly to the port of Massa and converges with the Charles River into the sea. Laura’s car was driving on the side of the woods.

Different from the casual chat of other people in the car, Eve looked out the window earnestly, watching the retreating trees.

Eve is observing what she is interested in-changing the Formation of World Rule. The people in the car didn’t know, but Eve knew that they were now driving along the border of this magical witchcraft Formation.

The eyes of Eve, who is like a ceramic doll, are shining with excitement. If she can, she wants to express-express that someone (the man in Eves crayon painting yesterday) made it four centuries ago The right choice. It’s right to travel across the ocean to this continent!

During the colonial war, Papa aimed at vampires changes to the World Rule at midnight (referring to vampires being invited to enter the territory of the Indians), which made Reimer at the timethe half obsessed with magic The human half-vampire mage, saw a glimmer of hope that the blood of eternal life (the vampire half of Reimer) and the soul (the half humanity of Reimer) coexistthe laws of the world can be changed, what the Holy Lord did After that, he created a vampire with an immortal but crippled soul; Papa went on to do this at midnight, creating an’invitation’ rule that restricts the actions of vampires.

This shows that everything represented by vampire blood, its definition, its abilities, and the meaning of its existence can all be modified, added, or even deleted! Don’t talk about vampires, all the existence, things, and laws of this World can be modified!

But for the Reimers, both Holy Lord and Papa looked down on the world from a high position at midnight, trying to analyze and perceive their power is almost impossible.

Now, in front of Eve, opening the window of the car, the invisible Formation that can be touched by the tentacles, Eve can feel that such a small rule change does not come from the heights of Holy Lord and Papa Midnight exist! It’s artificial! This, Eve can penetrate!

Rimmel, this group of’scientists’ who became semi-vampires in order to study all strange things and phenomena, in what we can understand-this group of magicians who became a member of the thirteen vampire clan for immortality You can penetrate!

“Here.” The car stopped, and Laura reminded everyone and opened the door.

Eve grabbed Lidia, who seemed to not want to move, and said in a very low voice, “I want to go down and watch.”

This is a perfect place with a blanket The open space of burnt residue after the fire was divided into two by this Formation that changed the world law!

“My new shoes!” Kepler blocked in the car door, looked outside, “I don’t want to go down!”

“Kepler!” Laura Reluctantly pushed Kepler away, “I can go!”

“I will accompany you.” Lidia can only smile and pull in the grateful eyes of Laura. Eve that Laura should really be grateful for.

How to describe a scene after a fire? People instinctively want to stay away should be able to summarize everything. However, Lola came down with the task. Looking at the broken and scorched front door of the workshop, the pavilion where the guard was supposed to have collapsed in half, and no silhouette was visible.

Lola frowned, she said unsurely, “Well… let’s go look inside to see if there is a Chief-In-Charge or something.”

Lidi Ya nodded, she already felt the pulling Eve pulling her in a certain direction. Lidia looked towards that direction. The pitch-black open space radiated to the periphery with burn marks like thick ink. The fragmented and protruding steel bars on the ground, and the broken corners and eaves pillars meant that there was a building there. But it became what it is now in the accident.

“Then I will go over there and have a look.” Lidia can only say that.

“Oh.” Laura glanced at the direction Lidia was pointing, and secretly relaxed, Lidia seemed to choose the most dangerous place, “Then, then I went there. Look at the room, it might be the office…” Don’t expose this girl’s careful thoughts.

“Be careful.” Lidia only had time to explain, and was led by Eve to the place she liked.

“What’s the hurry?” Lidia pursed her mouth, and whispered to Eve, who was leading her footsteps.

“There is something here.” In the same low voice, Eve’s eyes were fixed on the darkest part of the ground, as he walked in.

“What’s there?”

Eve was silent for a while, raised her head, looked towards, I am afraid that no one can see except her, just stick to the tip of her nose Formation, “There is something here, right here, where I am standing, punished by the law of the world, and burned into nothingness.”

Lydia hasnt responded yet, Eves voice Trembling with excitement, “I want to figure out what it is? What is the thing burned by the punishment! I want to know that in the north and south area of Barton, the changed world law is for and so on!” Eve looked towards with gleaming eyes Lidia, “I’m one step closer to understanding this Formation!”

Well, we can answer this question, referring to all the creations of Papa Midnight. Don’t tell her, let this Reimer enjoy the process of solving the puzzle.

We should pay more attention to our vampires. At this time, Zach is in Grands backyard, holding on to the door of Rileys car, not trying to help Riley stuff the full blood tank into the rear compartment. the meaning of.

Of course, this is to show loyalty to Louise. Zach smiled to Louise, who was holding his arms on the back porch and watching Riley doing coolies, confessed, “Lois, if Wes and James call, oh, and Jason, let them Call directly to Bishop Manor, or wait for me to come back, soon, I promise.”

Louis licked her lips and turned around to help Alice prepare breakfast.

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