How to let a bunch of elementary school students stay obediently and honestly in the nursery in the afternoon? The answer is very simple: drain their energy in the morning, and then give them a super short nap, and then In the afternoon, they all lie on the desk in a daze, noisy does not raise.

This is cheating, but it is so effective that Lola and Trisha Teacher cannot resist using this method. Today is no exception, so in the afternoon, they have time to organize the official duties of Parker Elementary School.

The nursery school is just a temporary holiday measure for the Lola Park Elementary School Project. Dont forget that the adults in the Western Region provided supplies for the renovation of the Park Elementary School. Therefore, Laura and the rest of the Western Region are named child We have real official duties to do.

The noisy children have a better life. Those who maintain the operation of the nursery school gathered together to discuss the future planning of Parker Elementary School. Oh, by the way, Lidia and Liv also participated. Although they are only guests today, they are still from the Smith family and are counted on Kepler’s side.

The open Conference Hall is full of people, semi-profit Parker Elementary School faculty and staff, and the third generation of Western Region.

“Kepler, have you got a detailed list of the building materials your father is willing to donate?” Trisha Teacher has obviously become the middleman between Parker Elementary School and Western Region. Her contribution is irreplaceable. She embraced Lola Barton’s thigh has the hope of Parker Elementary School.

“Got it.” Kepler distributed the document, and Lidia got a copy. She doubted whether Kepler could understand the report-style document, but obviously, she was surprised. Also very proud. Kepler rolled his eyes while distributing it, and said in a complaining tone–

“I told my father about plans to renovate the stadium first. Estimates of plastic, cement, turf, wood, etc. After saying it again, he, uh, said that these materials happened to be in the northeast of Paisi recently by Quest (the planned cemetery of the Far Ford Funeral Home, and Quest bought to open the supermarket market in the North District) The project coincides with him, he is tight, let me think about something else…”

Kepler pouted a little helplessly, “Before, a warehouse in the port of Massa caught fire and lost Many things (Dylans death, advanced demons world punishment), now, he can only take out these things.”

Lidia raised her eyebrows, “Which warehouse?”

“Uh…” Kepler didn’t seem to have prepared an answer to this question. “Which one is in the middle? I don’t know. My father showed me the detailed report of No way loss.” He rolled his eyes.

Lidia didn’t ask much.

Falcons elder sister Charlotte, looked at the papers distributed by Kepler, curled her lips, “Paint, floor, tiles…” She deliberately mocked, “Kay Puller, what do you expect us to do with this thing.”

“You are not qualified to say me!” Kepler returned to his seat, “Do you find the construction team your father wants? Are you there yet?”

“It’s coming!” Charlotte raised his chin, “Preparing to rebuild the Paisin Activity Center (Zuck mentioned when he took the bus several times, this place is very dilapidated. The engineering team, who is only waiting to be demolished, is here by me! The activity center is to work for the city government! I asked my father to do it for me!”

Kepler He pursed his mouth and stopped talking.

Lola started to round the field, “Ah, its okay, this is also good. We can renovate the teaching house first. I have discussed with my father. When the time comes, Knoll Community College (Madison Writing class, the branch of sect room of a community college at night school. During the renovation process, we can temporarily transfer it. The reconstruction of the stadium can be carried out at the beginning of school. It is not urgent.”

Looking at the opinions of the Teacher of my school, everyone seems to have no opinion. Behind the Western Region children in front of them are all iconic figures of the city. When they get things done, can they really give any advice…

“My father agreed.” A fat boy I opened my mouth. It was one of the five people who came together in Lolas car in the morning, Cody Fisher. His father was the’master’ of Port Massa. Yes, it was the one who met with Lola and met the Grand Master’ Super Ability’ guy.

He seemed a little uncomfortable, “I gave him the information of the students and told him that most of the childrens parents here are workers in Port Massa. I mentioned Trisha Teachers work Visit the’Activity Proposal.’

Explain that it is to let the children realize how hard their parents are working, and the teacher will lead the activities to visit the parents working environment and content to inspire the children to be good Learning… the so-called moral, intellectual and physical education.

Trisha Teacher seems very surprised, “Mr. Fisher agrees? This is very good!” You can think of the reason why Trisha Teacher is happy. The Parker Elementary School is being renovated, and it is just material. These Paisin children need more than material for their growth.

In reality, Paisin is a terrible area, full of poor people with unstable work and disharmonious families. As a Teacher, Trisha does not want these children to stay in Paisin for the rest of their lives, so they Need motivation.

“I agreed to the same…” Cody, the boy, began to twist, “But my father said, after all, the work of port workers is a bit dangerous. If this activity is to be carried out, he needs , Um, make some adjustments…”

Is this just acknowledging that the Port of Massa of the Fisher family did not provide a safe working environment for the workers? Everyone pretended not to hear.

“He said that he can try it once, and see the situation in the near future. If the teachers think it is possible and it is really helpful to the students, then plan the activity plan in detail.”

“That’s great!” Trisha Teacher nodded with a smile, looking at his colleagues, “Tell Mr. Fisher, we will be ready.”

Cody nodded and stopped talking.

Next, the third generations of the Western Region all took turns to talk about the results of their exchanges with their families.

Lidia, who was in the audience, raised her eyebrows. After listening the whole process, she had to say that this Paisin elementary school has a bright future. Eve, who has both the identities of Smith and Reimer, will not be too shabby when he comes to school in the future.

“Oh, wait a minute, there’s one more thing.” When everyone was about to leave, Trisha Teacher remembered something, “I think we may need more than one manual activity classroom. “

“Manual activities?” Lola asked in confusion.

“Well, at noon, we have been cooperating with Parker Elementary School…” Trisha hesitated, “The trophy company Chief-In-Charge called. We ordered a batch of trophies before. Because their workshop was destroyed by an accident the night before yesterday (when the Indians started Formation) and they couldnt make it out for the time being, so I thought about not equal to me. They did it by themselves. Brother Laura big brother from the church. The funds obtained by the side can also be used elsewhere.”

“Oh, is it the batch of’Best Performance Award’ trophies.” Lola reacted, this group of people really did not want to make those Brat obedient. Do not use the extreme.


“Oh…” Lola looked around at her Western Region person, “Yes, yes, but, do you know how to make crafts…” “

Young Master and Princess both shook their heads. Of course, they are Barton Young Master princesses, craftsmanship, huh.

“I will.” Eve raised her white arm.

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