On Monday morning, Zach picked up James on the sofa in the Grand Recreation Room. Grande has no guest rooms, remember.

“Get up, breakfast is ready.”

James struggled like a frightened beast, and he saw that it was Zach who was holding him, and his face was terrible. Wiped off the cold sweat that appeared on his forehead.

Zack bowed down his shirt that was crumpled by James, “Are you sick.”

“I’m not sick!” Habitual rejection, James pulled I took a look at my clothes, glanced at the scattered notes on the coffee table, and seemed to remember that his attitude to Zac shouldn’t be so bad, “It’s okay, but I have returned to Barton without reacting, I thought I was still in Newton.”

Zach glanced at the notes on the coffee table. They were all written by James. What he said was irrelevant. “Oh? It seems that you went to Newton in the name of a relaxing vacation. I dont relax either.”

“Relax?!” Maybe its really early to get up, and I still feel a little bit angry, “How can I relax! I know that Newtons demon is curious about all the information about Barton!” Benjamins werewolf enemy…”

As soon as Zach had the intention of frowning, James shut up in due course. Didn’t you talk about this problem yesterday? Zach, a vampire, is of no use to the’problem’ that Benjamin is experiencing now. It only adds to the troubles.

“Mo, Yu, Moore, Murloc, Morman?” James changed the subject, but he didn’t seem to be accustomed to pronunciation, and his vocalization kept jumping between races and names.

“I’ve already left.” Zach waved his hand. “He said that it is rare to come to the Southern District. He wants to feel the Sea Territory on the east side of the Southern District. You will go for a night tour when you fall asleep.”


James looked strange, sleeping on the sofa, causing half of his swollen face to face Zach, “Moore, fish…” James gave up, “He, what is he?”

“Something?” Zack twitched, “Detective Lance, please don’t objectify a well-meaning citizen who is willing to help you. Repeat it with me. His name is, Mo, Er, Man.”

On the issue of’Foreign Race people’, the’philosophical’, it is impossible for James to talk about Zach. “You know what I mean!” James rubbed his face, “I just want to know if he is any dangerous guy…”

Such expressions didnt help James a bit, James Shi realized it and shook his hand irritably, “No need to answer, I’m going to wash.”

Zac tilted his head, followed James, and entered the Grand bathroom. Standing by the toilet, James looked at Zac unnaturally, “Privacy, please.”

Zach ignored him, “I just want to know if Moreman can help. I see you It seems that I took a lot of notes.”

“You didn’t take a peek?” Unable to do something, James gave up, turned on the tap, crash-bang…

“Do I need to’sneak” to know.” After experiencing two choices yesterday for James, Zach discovered that if James was left with two choices, James would have to choose the one that was more suitable. Personality options. Of course, with Zacs shameless, the option that fits James personality is usually to beautify him.

For example, James obviously doesnt approve of peeking, right, so James stared at the image of Zach reflected in the mirror on the washbasin with his wet face. “You don’t need…” James Fiercely replied.

James stared at Zac in the mirror for a while, and actually changed the subject, “So what do you mean now, you can leave your own image in these things?”


“Yes.” Zach should be a little proud. “Compare it to the interrogation room of your police station not long ago. I can’t maintain it for too long. Now you see, hehe.” Zach drew close. I walked to James, approached the mirror, and looked at the image in the mirror with satisfaction, “I have thought of many things that I could not do before. Now, it is much more convenient.”

James hides irritably Opened Zac’s approach, and looked at Zac who was in contentment for a while, what he was thinking about was uninspired malice-this vampire lurking in Barton, the risk factor has risen again, he can already Unscrupulously enter and exit more densely populated places, such as shopping malls, hospitals, leisure centers…

“Mo, Moreman has helped a lot.” James no longer wants to see Zach contented. Returning to the topic, “The corpses he found contained many clues about their identity, such as identification, facial features, and so on. Moreman retelled them all to me. As long as I return to the bureau, I can bring up the population file. one after another find out.”

“Uh.” Zach turned around and leaned against the sink, looking at James’ wet face, the water droplets had leaked into the neck and pulled An old Hank’s towel was thrown to him, “This is your plan? Go back to the police station and use your detective’s authority to retrieve files under everyone’s attention?”

James’ eyebrows tightened , Was soon obscured by the towel covering his face, he didn’t seem to want to talk.

Zac didnt want to let him go, “Did you forget, I told you the current situation of the police station. When I went yesterday, everyone was busy, Mohrman didnt tell you Did he sign a confidentiality agreement? Obviously, hehe, your police station doesnt want to leak any news. No matter what happens in the southeast part, the police station is not going to let people pay attention there…”

“Enough That’s it!” James shook the towel back, “I know! I know the police station is covering up such things! So what! Mollman also said! Those are only what he found, and there are more! Those are people Now dead! All I can do is notify their relatives! To do this, I need to know their identities!”

Zac hugged his arms, looked at James, and thought. After a while, shook the head. There is too little intelligence, and they don’t even know what happened in the southern part, let alone why the police tried to cover it up. To be honest, Zach doesn’t have any good suggestions, maybe it’s good to let James the head go back to the police station to fiddle with a few nerves to see if he can get some intelligence.

Zach snorted lightly, “Breakfast is ready.” He turned around and was about to leave, “By the way, you have bad breath, get rid of it.” Add another sentence.

James pursed his mouth tightly, and the moment Zach left, he slammed the bathroom door.

Hearing the sound of the toilet lid being lifted by Boss in a hurry, Zach thought of something nasty, tugging at the corner of his mouth and walking towards the stairs.

Today’s Grande breakfast, Zach must attend. Grande members need to be comforted, such as Alice. Everyone thinks that after Zach did something like that in front of the five third generations in the Western Region yesterday, will Lola and Kepler let Alice go without asking anything? will not.

The children of Parker Elementary School were sent away after lunch. These Little Brat also ran for the whole morning. It was Mary Church and Grande Southern District. They were tired. Taking the lunch break as a reason, I was brought back by Cuisha Teacher. At least the afternoon was different and worried that they would be too noisy.

Lola and Kepler were a little free, so they began to exchange secrets with Alice as friends. Dont comment too much on the girls way of maintaining friendship.

But, what they said, Zach didn’t know, he couldn’t’secret’ it, because our vampire also had something.

Go back to yesterday. Zach took a ride, Fitz and their comic show bus, to the North District. On the way, while listening to the feelings of these otakus about Newton and his party, I apologized for their return, Grande had nothing to entertain.

“No!” Fitz replied, “haha! We just came back and told you that Benjamin will stay there for a few days! I didn’t want to eat! haha, Benjamin hasn’t played yet Enough! Oh! I really envy him! With your big brother here, Grande doesnt need him to worry about it, you can play with it! We are going to work tomorrow!”

It seems that this The dream tour of the group of innocent and lovely otakus was not influenced by Benjamin at all, and he had no awareness of what Alpha was going through, so Zac was relieved.

The enthusiastic otaku sent Zac to Becky, and Zac went to the editorial department of the unexpectedly pink Momo tea shop. Of course, look for Mei Yao Lili.

As for Zach’s visit, Riley is not surprised. This is a good thing, the only charmer who was allowed to enter the manor by the Vicious Spirit in the haunted house, after going there once, needs to report to Zac the situation in the manor.

“Not good, food storage and facility maintenance have all reached the bottom line. Julie will find at any time that she is the only one working in the entire manor.”

Start now, Seriously. Don’t worry about what the North District Police Department is covering up, our Grande, but there is a murderous house to cover up!

“Didn’t you send me a new servant.” Zach is not serious at all. “Let Schell be gentle with her, let her live longer and help Julie.”

Riley looked at Zac with a damn look, “Have you never been to Bishapu Manor! Don’t you know how big that ghost place is! How can the two of them maintain it!”


“It’s not all.” Zach is still not serious. “Behind the atrium, the place where the former Bishop and his wife lived is blocked.”

In honor of the old Bishop Couple as a reason. Zach’s arrangement used all available reasons and made all the arrangements that make Bishapu Manor look normal!

“That place is impossible to blockade! After the seven-day traditional watch is over, what reason do you want to restrict their activities in your own home!”

Rylie has no Zacs at all. Relax, “There is also the smell of the corpses, which has begun to show signs. If Julie is not a novice servant, and has a little more autonomy, it is only a matter of minutes to find those corpses in the backyard! Now Shel can’t After casually manipulating those corpses appeared, the body that began to decompose was too easy to be found! What’s worse is that there is also an unknown Meili who seems to be anxious to please the new owner! Who knows if she will find anything! “

Do you know what Riley is talking about? Remember, as mentioned, Bishop Manor is already a place where you can’t get in and out. The coffins buried by the old Bishops are empty coffins!

“Oh? Then you did your best to make Bishap keep this Meri.” Zach smiled. Didn’t Danny relay it? Thanks to Riley, otherwise Julie will see Meri go away. Strange things out of the manor.

“Do I have a choice?!” Riley angrily took out a vial and replayed it on the table, “You gave me so little of your blood! This is where I can freely enter and exit the manor The only guarantee! Do you want me to give Meri who I have never seen before?!”

Zac smiled and waved his hand, “Look, you also said that the manor is not a place for free entry and exit. Discovered. So what? She can’t get out, so she can tell who can’t.”

“Julie can!”

“Will Schell allow this to happen. “

Riley stared at Zac, her plump cheeks twitching, “No.”

“Then what are you worried about.” Zach waved her hand, “But that’s even this Merrie. It’s bad luck, hehe, she can instinctively live longer.”

Will you wonder why Zach is so indifferent to this Meri who has never seen him before? This is no way.

Teacher of Tom Madison’s writing class-Morris’ Fore, Ms. West, wrote an article on the theme of jealousy with no ending, and the protagonist is this Merrie. The role of Meili has been finished in the writing of this miraculous lady. Just ask, who likes jealous people. Zach doesn’t like it anyway, so why should he care about Meili’s life and death.

“Its up to you.” Riley is also a guy who can only follow Zacs arrangements. “I need to purchase, and the manors supplies need to be refilled. Tomorrow Monday (this is a temporary return to yesterdays The real time point refers to today). After the magazine is published, I will visit Bishop again at the manor and replenish supplies before Julie finds it out. I will show you the list…”

Most of the eye list is food. Fortunately, the living person of Bisharp Manor, Gameri, only three, which is not very expensive. Zach happily wrote and signed a check, don’t forget, all this is for Zach to get Bisharp, so naturally he will pay the bill.

“Since you mentioned it.” Zach handed out the check, “The corpses in the back court that are beginning to corrupt, it is up to you to find a way to deal with.”

“What? What do you expect me to do?! Did you dig a hole and bury it!”

“Good idea.” Zach smiled.

This conversation can’t go on.

“Oh right.” Thinking of Willie, Zach raised his hand, “Since those corpses, Schell can no longer pull them out to create the illusion that everyone is still building, so Julie Its not suitable to stay in that place. It really made her not very good to find something wrong. Repeatedly using Enchanting Eyes on a person does not fit my style, hehe. Find a way to get her out.”

“What?!” Riley hated the feeling of being ordered, “How to expel?! What can I do! I’m just a guest than Sharp! What do you expect me to do! And Julie is useless Is it?! We still need someone who can freely enter and exit the manor, so that the outside world thinks everything is normal in the manor!”

“Then I suggest you act quickly, dont those who come and go freely have you now? “Zac received his expression. He didn’t like the feeling that he was always questioned every time he said his request. “I’ve seen Bishop once, but it’s just a guest, shey demon, don’t let me despise you. Race. I dont care, I find a way to complete it.”

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