Bishapu Manor.

It seems to be a tired rest. Bi Sharp was silent for a while, and the slowly rising and falling chest indicated that this guy was still alive. He had an uncomfortable expression on his face, moved his weak hands, and tilted his head. “Look, this second thing, inheritance, huh, there is nothing to say.” He paused, ” I’m the only Bisharp left.”

A soft knock on the door sounded, and the door of the reception room was opened. Julie had changed into casual clothes, dressed in maids clothes, and entered with refreshments. .

In this way, BiSharp Manors reception is really a bit sloppy. The guests have been here for so long, and the service has just arrived.

But Riley obviously didn’t care, and slightly nodded to the maid, thanking her, and continuing to write something in her notebook.

Bi Sharp didnt look at Julie who put the refreshments, looked at Riley, “Do you have anything else to ask.”

Yes, of course, Bi Sharp is just Having said two obvious things, for the story style in “Urban Legends”, there are too many places to brainstorm!

Before she came, Riley had received a call from Maddison to finish writing this story, and she will continue to develop further with BiSharp. This article will serve as an opportunity for Riley to meet BiSharp again, so Some things that appear in the article must not be too abrupt, and there are some things that were not mentioned in this meeting.

For example, the’popularity’ that has withered at this time in Bishapu Manor.

“En…” Riley continued her shy gesture, “I have to think about it, I have heard a lot of important things, I have to think about it.”

” he he he .” Bishapu squinted, “Is it important that I am single now, or is everything Bishapu is mine.”

“Ah!” Riley took a quick look. The man on the opposite side seemed to be ashamed of realizing that he had said something, lowered his head, “both, all.”

“hehe.” Bishap, smiling at the opposite female editor Embarrassment. But something discordant is in this picture.

Julie forgot whether Mr. Bishaps tea was two cubes or one, and he hesitated to stand beside her, holding a small tweezers in a daze.

Bi Sharp frowned, “That… Zhu, Zhu…”

“Oh, sir.” Julie realized her mistake, “Julie.”


“Well, Julie.” Bisharp manually moved, “You can go out.”

“Oh.” Julie pursed her mouth, put down her tweezers, and quit after saluting Reception room.

“That’s right.” It seems that this small interruption inspired the female editor Riley, “Sir, when I came, I didn’t see the security guard, and I didn’t see anything when I came in. Maid, have you all gone on vacation?”

“All quit.” Bishap didn’t seem to like this topic very much. He slowly picked up his teacup, took a sip, frowned, and Leaning over, trying to reach out and pick up the tweezers to add sugar.

“Oh, that’s it.” Riley laughed, “When things like this happen consecutively, it’s understandable that the gentleman wants to change someone and change his mood.” The next sentence is purely probing. “I just watched Julie bring a friend here. Is Mr.’s manor ready to hire a new servant?” Because in Zach’s arrangement, Bishap Manor has no plan to recruit.

“What friend.” Bishap frowned. He tried a few times, but he couldn’t hold a sugar cube, so he lost his tweezers angrily.

Lilly put down the pen and paper, immediately picked up the tweezers, picked up a piece of sugar, put it into Bishapu’s teacup, then looked towards Bishapu slightly smiled, and picked up a piece again, with a look in her eyes.

Bisharp raised his eyebrows, nodded, and put the sugar cube picked up by Riley into the teacup, and continued to pick up another piece, “Mr. Or Mr.?”

“No, no, It’s already very sweet.” Bishap narrowed his eyes.

“Don’t you like sweetness, sir?” Riley lowered her head and smiled, as if to hide her shyness, “I like it very much.” Riley put four cubes of sugar into her teacup. Holding the small spoon, shook it gently, and then handed out his own teacup. She was shy and even the words were pulled into a strange rhythm, “Sir, do you want to try me…”

With an inexplicable smile at the corner of Sharp’s mouth, he raised his hand.

The dark red space trembled, and the dark red silk thread wrapped around Bishapu’s body sank some more, and then pulled the bright red light spot out. ‘Looking’ at everything Vicious Spirit Shell seemed a bit emotional. It’s a shame.

No matter how much Schell agrees to cooperate with Zachs plan to seize everything from Bisharp, if this man who wasted half of his life and named her husband will fall on the first side with Riley , Not what shame is.

Bishapu’s hand dropped, his face suddenly wilted, and he bent over on the chair.

“Mr. Bishop?” Riley’s tone and expressions are all concerned, but her body didn’t move a bit, and the dark red silk thread around her was beginning to stir, “What’s wrong with you? I’m sorry. , I was abrupt and made my husband uncomfortable. Riley, who saw the real situation, didnt care about BiSharps situation. She was concerned about how fast she could drink Zachs blood, her whole body tight. Is ready.

“No, it’s okay.” Bi Sharp reluctantly lifted his body, his face was a bit irritable, “the past few days are not in good spirits.” He was naturally irritable when he showed ugliness in front of beautiful women. Bishap looked towards Riley, who was tense, and smiled again, “I’m fine, dont be nervous.”

The dark red silk thread calmed down, and Riley also relaxed, put down her teacup, and restarted Picked up the notebook. Come on slowly. Although I confirmed with Vicious Spirit before I came in, it is not something that can be easily faced, she thought.

“I don’t know, a middle-aged woman who drove here with Julie. She waited outside for a while when she brought me here.” Return to the topic just now.

Bishap frowned, sipped, and became irritated again, “Manor…I don’t mean to hire people, I don’t know who it is.”

“Oh.” softly complied, Riley did not continue to ask.

“When you mentioned this, I remembered something else.” Bisharp shook the head and tried a sip of tea. It should be his usual preference. There is no more dissatisfaction, “I am suing The security company that was in charge of the estate originally fired some servants.”

Bi Sharp shook his head indifferently, “these all are trivial things, is your magazine interested in this kind of thing.”


“hehe.” Riley looked at Bisharp laughed, “Mr. has also read our magazine. The angle of writing is all trivial things.”

” Just call me Bi Sharp.” Bi Sharp smiled and waved his hand in a reproachful tone. “Oh.” Riley replied gently, “Bi, Sharp, Pu.”

“Heh. Yes, that’s okay.” Bi Sharp thought for a while, his cheek twitched, “Sue Security Company, I actually wanted to do it a long time ago.”

Do you know what Bishap is talking about?

“Have you heard that some time ago, there was a maid missing in the manor.” Of course it was talking about Hailey, “hmph. I pay them that much money every year, but they even have a girl The servants can’t protect them, so be safe!” Bi Sharp seemed really angry when he said this.

Riley lowered her head and quickly wrote something down. Don’t be curious, Riley is just silently writing the lyrics of a song that I often hear recently. Yes, it’s just doing it. As I said before, these all are. She watched Zacs implanted memories with her own eyes. There was nothing really curious to know.

“Then, Jackson was in the manor…” Bisharp’s body trembled, until he couldn’t tell whether it was the thread entwining him, and his own reaction.

“This woman…” Bisharp’s face was distorted, “My ex-wife suddenly left this time, and they didn’t react at all. I don’t know if those people are doing and so on!” It seems that Bishap is really angry, “hmph! Isn’t their job security? Look what they keep?! It’s like a waste, what do you want them to do!”

“Oh, then their job It’s really bad.” Riley used a nervous tone. These three things basically sum up the recent situation than Sharp. This security company is really bad luck, “Then, after you sued, what effect will you achieve?”

“The security company? Huh, I don’t want to care about the others, but those people who have worked in Bisharp Manor, I want them to survive in Barton!”

Does the law really make a person unable to live in a certain city? Well, the details will not be discussed, but please remember that the Bishop family is a family that turned their private land into a city.

Remember that in the Hayley incident, Nou reminded Zac that Bartons lawyers compared Sharps attitude. The lawyers serving Bishop are capable of turning Newtons land into Bishops private property and then into the current Barton City. Can you imagine the process in the middle? Is it really unimaginable that one cannot live in this city?

But what Bishop said under Riley’s question is not to show Bishop’s “energy”, but to explain the innocent lives that ended in the hands of Vicious Spirit Sher. Uh, not really for them, they are impossible to survive, just to explain why these people will disappear in Barton.

Of course, this is what Zach came up with. Give them a reason not to live, and no one really cares if they are still alive. That’s not the reason.

“Oh, oh.” With a little scared nervousness, Riley complied, “You just said that you also resigned some servants. Have you also been sued?” As if, this woman The editor is sympathetic and thinking, the servants are always different from those who are obliged to protect them. The tragedies in Bisharp Manor continue, and the servants are also victims.

“Uh…” BiSharp’s anger seemed to have eased a bit, “Those servants, uh, some of them are those who take care of his father and mother…” His tone was a little sad, “Not now I need it.”

If anyone is curious about the number, it is two caretakers, four maids responsible for cleaning around the living room, two chefs responsible for preparing the daily meals of the old Bishops, and two gardeners in the courtyard. . These are the second batches after the old Bishapu was killed by Vicious Spirit.

Curious how Zach arranged these people to not exist in this World?

“I have been working with my parents for most of my life, and the parents’departed’, and the manor will fund and send them to the central part of the Federation to recuperate.”

“Oh.” Riley said to him. The response to the seemingly warm thing is to continue to write the lyrics silently.

“Some are that woman…from my ex-wife, huh. Naturally I don’t want to see the people next to her when she is gone.” Bisharp twitched.

The only servants in the manor who survived. They were really resigned. After they were implanted with memories, why didnt they take them home from Bishap, Ms. Sher left in grief? For a while, now I am looking for a new job. If anyone is curious about the things in Sharp Manor, they are proof that the manor is normal.

“Uh, that’s all that’s left.” Bishop raised his hand and said, “People who are usually by my side.” It seems to be complaining, “I haven’t found it before. Less, but I feel that these people are so lazy! Do nothing, just the one you saw before, Zhu, Zhu…”

“Julie.” Riley raised her eyes and smiled.

“Yes, Julie, just do something for Julie, they are all raised by me too relaxed! Now I want to order anything and I can’t see the silhouette!”

Of course I cant see it, because it doesnt exist anymore. When Schell is in a good mood, he just finds an empty body and ties it with a strap to dangle it in the manor, making Bishop think that these people still exist…

Somewhat boring, right, but please understand the arrangement. Zach has done his best. This manor that has been occupied by Vicious Spirit is missing that many people. Such a large void can be filled in this way. Our vampires have done a good job. Up!

Perhaps it should be summed up, so the only creatures in this manor right now are the one host and one guest in the reception room, as well as Julie and Meili who are chatting in the atrium.

Lily continued to write the lyrics silently, asking some questions that he already knew the answer, and Bishap answered according to the false memory planted by the vampire. This scene is also starting to feel boring, so change it and go to the atrium.

“It’s great.” Meili squinted his eyes and looked at the scenery of the Bishop Manor atrium. “You know better than Sharp that you will be compensated for dismissal. Those who have followed the old Bishop and his wife are really lucky. I went to Central China to enjoy it. The richest part of the Federation is Central China. Huh, its like me. Smith just said nothing, no reason, no love!”

“he he he.” Julie was a little embarrassed. Smiling, speaking of which, this woman only met her today, as a sign of goodwill from Senior, but she, a newcomer in the maid world, doesn’t have to be malicious, but this has gradually become a burden.

This Meili kept inquiring about Bisharp Manor without satisfaction, especially the dismissal of the servant, which made Julie a little uncomfortable, because she was not sure whether she should ask this A new acquaintance talked about the private affairs of her estate, so she could only avoid embarrassingly picking out things that seemed to be good on the surface.

“Merry, thank you for sending me back.” Julie has the desire to send this guy away, “I…”

Merry interrupted Julie with a wave of his hand. “It’s nothing, knowing that you don’t have a car, it’s troublesome to take a bus. I’m fine anyway. People who don’t have a job are idle, and it’s nothing to send you back.” Meili laughed, squinted, and didn’t look at Julie, “Oh, are you? Im going to see how your husband and guests are doing, change tea and so on.”

“Uh, oh.” Julie frowned, and her new maid was reminded.

“Go, I’ll just take a look.” Meili waved his hand, “By the way, there are not a few casual clothes in the room where I just watched the change, don’t you live in the manor.”

“Well, I usually go home during dinner to take care of my son.” Julie answered honestly.

“Oh, so troublesome, than Mr. Sharp allows this kind of thing? Hehe” Meili laughed, “It seems to be a really good Boss. Then go ahead, I’ll see other friends, before I also know a few people in your manor, just wait for you, and I’ll take you home for dinner.”

“Ah! No need!” Julie postponed, “Too much trouble for you…”

“No trouble.” Meili waved and interrupted again, “hehe, don’t you know, I don’t have a job, I don’t have anything to do, what can I give you.” She smiled and continued to look around the manor. “If I have a job, and you want me to send you, I can’t send it. Hehe, go, leave me alone.”

Julie now finally knows why this guy is so recruiting The people here are annoying. Psychologically, he thought maliciously,’You deserve to be out of work’, and turned away. Oh, Julie can think so, she is the foreman, remember, if you want to recruit new people than Sharpe Manor, you have to pass her.

However, it doesn’t matter what Julie thinks. This is the manor occupied by Vicious Spirit. The strap of Vicious Spirit has been wrapped around Meili, and Meili can’t get out.

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