Get in the car, seat belts, start, Zac got rid of the inexplicable irritability in his heart, and finally returned to Becky as he wished. He wants to find the editor of Urban Legend Department, remember.

However, this trip was destined to be interrupted by various minor matters.

When passing by [skull bone], Skols people stopped in the middle of the road.

Zac frowned, stopped the car, rolled down the window, and looked sideways in the direction of the bar. If this is how Skall made up for not saying hello when he passed by, then Zach didn’t appreciate it.

Skall quickly came out of the bar and stood in front of the car window, looking up at Zach who was a little impatient on his face, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m just a message.”

Zac pursed his lips, he was sentimental. This is not a friendly greeting from a chance encounter between acquaintances who have had a cooperative relationship. Skaol really has something to say. Probably it was just that there was someone in Zac’s car when he passed by before, and he didn’t act temporarily.

“What’s the message?” Zach shook his head, adjusted his mood again, drew his seat belt, and prepared to get out of the car. Since it is not a greeting-style communication, it is still more formal.

“No need to come down.” Skauer lay his hands on the car window and raised his hand. “Probably nothing, but I am Boss.” Skauer is the boss of Skull. He can be called Boss. Crowleys guy is only Crowley, “Its said that if you meet you, Ill tell you.”

Zac frowned. This is really bad news. Go to the entire group of Newton Comics. At any rate, James left a strange phone message back! When I went to the entire group of the Republic, Zach had no news. The first thing I heard now was that Crowley continued to intervene in Barton’s nosy.

In addition, Zach didn’t like Skower’s way of expression. What is meant by’tell me if you encounter it’ is too casual.

Zac waved his hand, “Hurry up. I still have things.”

“Do you know that Detective Coulson was taught a lesson at the police station.” Skaul Don’t mind Zach’s attitude, continue to ask in a casual tone.

“Coulson?” Zach raised an eyebrow, “Why did Crowley let me know about this guy?”

James is not in Barton, Zach really does not Knowing that he needs to know the meaning of the trivial work of the detective James partner.

“Rumors from the police station.” Skower’s face is still casual. As the messenger, he doesn’t seem to take it seriously. “Detective Coulson helped his partner, which is Your Detective Lance…”

Zach is in a slightly better mood, because regardless of whether James is willing or not, he is already Zach and Grande in the eyes of others.

Skall continued, “Help Detective Lance, who was on vacation to Newton temporarily, solved a little trouble in Newton.”

Leave the situation to explain a little bit, Skaw The source of rumors from the police station is naturally Chapman. Then continue.

Zac raised his mouth and glanced at Skol, “Can you be more specific.”

“No.” Skol shrugged, “Detective Coulson was The lesson is obviously doing things that the police station doesn’t want to see.” Skauer twitched his lips, “For this kind of thing, don’t expect a small police officer like Chapman to have a chance to know.”

Zach was helpless, shaking his head, he was told that the news that there was nothing really made sense. But on the other hand, Zach understands that Crowley needs to know the meaning of the news. Because it concerns Newton.

“Is it just a rumor, probably nothing.” Zach waved his hand. “James left me a word the day before yesterday, saying they are settled down.” Zach frowned. In fact, he didn’t I dont confirm what James Natons message wants to express, “That guy Coulson is just a police detective. I dont think he can solve anything in Newton.”

Skauer shrugged again. “It’s not easy to say, don’t you know, Detective Coulson is not only with the other side…” His eyes were full of contempt, “The’Hooligan’ over there (Skol said that his gang leader’General’) is a bit In addition to the relationship, it has something to do with the Newton Police Department.”

Skalls face disappeared with contempt, revealing a look of interest. “Listen to what Chapman heard at the police station, saying Sen is because of the previous Saints case.”

Remember? James infiltrated the club as an undercover agent, and Coulson was also an undercover agent for infiltration. At that time, he cooperated with the Newton Police Department in the fight club case. Cologne was appointed by the Chief of Police Cologne to communicate with Newton and set the Newton situation. Old guy.

So Skaur was right. Detective Coulson did have something to do with Newton Police Department. And if it can, Coulson does have the ability to move relationships and solve things. Zach was reminded that he had remembered.

But Skowers interest is not here, but–

“speaking of which, what kind of saints are like.” He smiled and waved, “You I also know those guys in my place, I dont think I can hear any objective evaluation from them. Naturally, all of Skaols are demons. What good evaluation can I give to Saint Cici!

Skauer raised an eyebrow at Zac, and at this time he began to bring this encounter-style dialogue that started from the “password” to the gossip, “You must be able to, she is a What kind of person, to be honest, I admire the club she created.”

If Cicis fight club and the gang members of the southeast part are qualitatively regarded as a social instability group Group’, what Skower said about appreciation at this time is completely understandable.

Zac raised his eyebrows, chuckled and shook his head. In Barton, the humans related to alien races always seem to blur the relationship between alien races. For example, in front of Scoul, as Crowley, the demon’s subordinate, he is interested in saints, hey.

“If you are not a devout believer in the Holy Lord, you should take away your appreciation. Saint Cici will not appreciate your appreciation.”

Zach said Based on her own objective evaluation, even if Grande, as the host, prepares meals, hot water, clothes for the guests Cici… thoughtful etiquette and service, she will still be self-centered and anger each of Grande Like people, “In fact, she won’t be grateful to anyone, the only thing she will be grateful to is Holy Lord.”

Skauer raised his eyebrows, as if thinking about something, “Oh, so. Listen. It looks like a very boring guy. “Curl one’s lip, I don’t know if he listened to it.

Skauer quickly changed his expression, smiled and patted the door of the truck, and stepped back slightly. It should be the end of his work of spreading the message, and he is about to let Zac leave, “Okay, my words It has arrived, so I won’t delay you.”

Zach nodded, restarted the truck, and prepared to continue to leave the southern part and drive to Becky.

Zach suddenly remembered something, he patted the car door sideways, and stopped Skauer who turned and walked away, “Hey! Skauer, I have something to tell you too.”

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