As soon as breakfast was over, Austin brought his decoration team to work. Todays task is to mark. It is to plan the layout of the new Grande in the indoor signs that have been completely opened up to prepare for the official start.

Like yesterday, this guy slid away from the scene after arranging things. He first went to the restaurant and said hello to the owner of the Grande Zach, who was symbolically and with a dazed expression, and then to the already recognized The hostess Louise explained today’s work, and ran to the backyard to find old Hank.

Loise sat with Zac for a while, and couldn’t guess what Zac was thinking, rolled the eyes, and the supervisor went.

It was Danny the phantom dangling cautiously next to Zach, “Zach?”

Zuck’s somewhat sluggish gaze moved away from the opened magazine, “What “

“Well, did Louise tell you?” Danny hesitated, “I have an appointment with my friend.”

In that wheelchair Remember, when Zach and James were looking for fantasy people, the teenager who tried to protect Danny (Fourth Volume), as an alien, Zach would naturally have a good impression of this kind of alien human .

Changed his mood and smiled, “How is he?”

Seeing that Zach is no longer sluggish, Danny also relaxed a little, “It’s okay. , His mother found a job in Western Region, and he now has a lot of time alone.”

This sentence means that you can only find Danny when you are alone, right?

Zac kept smiling, “Go. But, be careful.”

Danny’s gaze swept across the magazine spread out in front of Zac, pursing his lips. “I will.” The colored glaze disappeared.

Everyone should remember that Dylans initial alien enlightenment was taught by Danny, a phantom who belongs to the same soul-like alien race. It is impossible to say that Danny has no feeling for Dylans complete disappearance. But what can I do, sit here in a daze like Zach. I can only be grateful. At this time, Danny has recovered a friend who has been out of touch for a long time, so I can express my feelings.

Zac’s gaze continues to return to the magazine in front of him. He hasn’t finished reading it yet. This is entirely because of an unexpected reason.

The funny articles that are usually full of slots and loopholes do not look funny at all at this time.

Lets talk about this article with a long and strange title as always-“Justice under the Night?” Crimson is also hope? 1 plus 23, the light of Dark World underground in Massa Port? “Let time give the answer” what is being written.

No surprise, the author made up a fictional dark workshop hidden underground in the Port of Massa, Barton City. This is the source of the dirty city of this city! The article used a statement like this–

“You can buy life-swallowing** here, and it will let you use everything you have-everyone or everything in your life to fill The emptiness it created.”

Such a vague and false description actually made Zach understand. What does Smith’s underground industry make? Isn’t it just this thing? We have a popular definition, addiction.

The article is a fictitious protagonist who doesn’t even want to make a name, Mr. D.

“Mr. D has worked for this dark workshop all his life. While he witnessed his favorite being plunged into this emptiness, he let the darkness corrupt his soul. Even the final judgment No need, Mr. D has already put his destiny in the dark fog that envelopes this city.”

No need even bold guesses, isnt Mr. D Dylan? As a former employee of Smith, didn’t he witness the addiction of his girlfriend Michelle? As for the final judgment, it is really unnecessary. Dylan is a born demon, and his future destiny is a demon!

After using Mr. D to outline a completely dark underground industry, the follow-up to the article wrote:

“The dark workshop is entrenched in the shadow of the city, hidden in Under the cloak of light. And we know that the brighter the rays of light, the deeper the darkness. And the master who dominates this dark work, with the help of his partner, is about to put on his workshop again Layer coat.”

Zac understands again, Smiths whitewashing, the legalization of something that is about to be promoted, this bright coat, under the blessing of Mrs. Quinn, is not only bright, but also colorful of.

These things that Zach can really understand, have to make Zach think. Is the article once viewed as a joke just because Zach himself cant understand it?

If these things full of uncertain symbols can be said to be Zac thinking too much, then the following content is impossible to Zach thinking too much!

“Sunday is always a time to rest in a city, but such a peaceful rest day is at the end. It is probably just that everyone is lying on the sofa, changing channels at will, complaining that tomorrow will be At the beginning of the busy week, uneasy things happened.”

The time point has been described very clearly, last night!

“The invisible red rays of light broke out from this dark workshop.”

When Zach saw this, his eyes returned to the headline. Staring at “Wenzayao” frowned, apparently under a pen name, I don’t know him.

“The author would consider this to be a sacrifice, a soul destined to corrupt, Mr. D, there and then, a self-salvation.”

‘world punishment ‘From Dylan’s advancement from the dead to the devil, this is not a sacrifice, not a redemption, but a tragedy of not being able to control himself!

But, is the word’Zhayao’ wrong? No, does Dylan hate Smith for manipulating his life? Yes. Does Dylan hate Michelle’s addiction? Yes. Did Dylan choose the right place when he was self-destructing, to completely destroy the place he hated the most? Yes.

Zac adjusted his breathing and looked towards the end of the article.

23 souls that were also corroded by darkness, including Mr. Ds deeply trapped lover, died together in the scarlet-red salvation. This may be hope, and the Dark Workshop may be affected by it. The shock may also be recovered under the Power of Darkness in this city. Whether Mr. Ds sacrifice is meaningful and whether it represents real light, let time tell us the answer.

Thank you readers for reading the First Chapter article. If you like Zach, you can write to Ziyao. The address is the Urban Legendary Editorial Department, xx Third Street, Becchi…*”

Zach looked at the end of the article The abrupt and extremely disruptive small print made an obvious decision, Zach wanted to find the author!

Our vampire needs to know, what exactly is this author who seems to see everything with his own eyes and knows the information impossible and known to the ordinary person.

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