On the way to the mayors appointment, Zach went to Wess house first, and checked the sleeping Teddy. There was nothing unusual. Then he took away the Indian note that was clearly addressed to Zac.

Zach, who was driving on Highway 27, didn’t know how to think about it.

I should feel’fear’, Papa monitored Grande completely at midnight; or should be’thank you’, Papa Midnight will probably be ignored by all those who go to the Republic, safe Sent back; still should be’vigilant’, this note appeared when the Republic and Manzhan teams all left Grande.

The first two are easy to understand. Regarding the last one, please think this way

What are the reasons for the two teams leaving Grande. The Republican team originally existed because Zach wanted to retrieve the missing Teddy. The manga team is because of Benjamin’s and Zach’s cold war.

Lets talk about the former first. Rescuing Teddy is not the goal of anyone in the Republican team now, but an additional’distraction’ that Grande forced them to do.

Conversely, it means that those who are going to the republic to do business are forced by Grande to ask for something they don’t care about. Now, this matter is officially liberated. The trip to the Republic had nothing to do with Grande. Those who go are free to do what they want and what they want.

But, are you aware of it? Benjamin, who Papa initially asked to exchange Teddy at midnight, belonged to the second team and went to Newton’s show, not to the Republic at all! Why is this business liberated?

Papas note at midnight indicated that he knew immediately about Zacs photo. Then he didnt know what happened to Grande recently? Wouldn’t he know the Alpha he wanted, simply did not set foot on the land of the Republic? !

But Teddy was sent back so casually!

Two teams extended from the disappearance of Teddy, as soon as they left Grande, Teddy was sent back!

The people in the Republican team arrived at the Republic with their own mission. Grande’s original intention-to rescue Teddy, was just to get this group of people together on the road! This group of people hit the road, and their original intention was immediately thrown away!

Can you understand! Why was Teddy sent back at this time? A few hours earlier, no, in the past few days waiting for the call from the Transformer, you can pick any moment!

Zach can because his only thing he wants to “rescue Teddy” has been achieved, and then take back Johns private property-video tapes and cameras, and stop the entire go to Republic action!

The information that Crowley wants, goodbye; Sibera’s obsession as a mother, goodbye; John somehow revenges Papa at midnight, goodbye. Even now officially using the gecko as the name changer, you can still retain the title of Great Dane in Grande!

As for what Saint Cici wants to go to the Republic to find the answer, uh, this does not need to be’goodbye’. In the Federal Mission to the Republic, the original vacant quota was hers.

To sum up, this is an alternative meaning of abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal. The’bridge’ was Grande’s original intention to save Teddy. Teddy returned safely and the bridge disappeared. At the bridgehead, looking at the cliff without a bridge, is Zach who stayed in Grande. On the other side of the cliff, at the end of the bridge, are everyone who has left Grande with their own missions.

The alternative is that the person who built and dismantled the bridge was Papa Midnight who did not participate in any of these processes. He only gave a beginning and an end. The Barton City where Grande caused everything, the chaotic Barton City.

Moreover, Zach had to think about a question-whether Benjamin went to Newton, whether it was another cliff that he went to by stepping on this bridge.

Because Papa midnight can obviously make Zach less malicious rejection, do not mention the photo or Ian in the note, and send Teddy back when the Republican team leaves. At that time, at least Benjamin hadn’t left yet.

Before Zach left Grande, he hesitated whether to catch up with the Man Zhan bus and tell Benjamin this.

But Zach doubts that these can improve Benjamin’s and his own cold war state, but these can at least allow Benjamin to go to Newton-another unknown cliff, clearly realize-even if Papa did not With Alpha, he also sent back Teddy.

It means that the Alpha breakthrough is created to limit the secondary development and growth. In the mind of Papa Midnight, not at all, it is important for a bunch of Barton’citizens’ to go to the Republic!

Papa said on the screen at midnight that his philosophy is that what he wants is that he needs to exchange for something else (the same rule is also true for the contract of the dead). Benjamin changed Teddy, this was the initial deal. Now, obviously the Republican team that has nothing to do with Grande completed the Teddy exchange.

The conclusion can only be that Benjamins value is less than the current team in the Republic!

More or less, this will be a relief of Benjamin’s pressure-Papa Midnight not at all. What an urgent need for Alpha that becomes stronger, Papa Midnight has more goals to achieve . In the future, when facing Papa midnight, Alpha still has a little room to turn around.

But in the end, Zach didn’t go after Benjamin, letting Benjamin start Newton’s show tour with the initial pressure.

Because of’warning’, didn’t you say it at the top? Zach didn’t know how to think about the current situation. If it is’abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal’, what is the cliff behind the bridge? What will happen to those who go to the republic? What will happen to Benjamin in Newton? Everything is unknown.

If even Zach doesnt know what he should be wary of, these thoughts are nothing more than a lone vampire who has been toyed with on Route 27. He radiates the delusion of victimization in his thinking! What is he going to say to Benjamin?

So the current Zach, pursing his mouth, shaking his head, abandoning his distracting thoughts, and turning on the radio.

Zac drove the old-fashioned car belonging to Anthony, Benjamin and himself. The radio seemed to be a bit sluggish because it was not used for a long time. The vampire’s fingers turned on the knob for a long time before noisy electrical frequency noise appeared.

Zach listened to the disturbing sound, and tried his best to turn the knob patiently.

“” The song gradually weakened, and the melody of the music gradually became clear.

Zac loosened the knob, ready to relax, and wait for the’appointment’ with Anthony. It is unknown again, hey.

However, things didnt seem to be going in a good direction at all. Zach only heard the fart-share- of a song, and he didnt even hear any type of music, and he had reached the last note. . What follows is not the next song, but the voice of the radio host.

“Okay! The listeners first relax and change their minds. It’s time to talk about things that everyone cares about! Hey! First of all, let us mourn for those who have experienced accidents.”

Zacs hand has been pressed on the knob. He doesnt pay attention and doesnt want to mourn in silence, but…

“We have received reliable news that members of the Night Sons band, including Lead singer Eli Torrido was not injured in the stampede that happened in their first concert, and now they are adjusting their training in a very safe place…”

Zacs hand stopped. On the knob, staring at the road ahead.

“The band stated that they will write a song for fans who died in the accident. The theme is’fear, blood, and the shortness of life’… For more music information, please lock in’ya Se’s music box’…”

Look, if the’seems’ are removed, things haven’t developed in the slightest.

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