Zach returned to Grande for the time being, because there was still time for Zach to think about what to do.

Zac, who ran out of Grande just for the momentary private Evil Thought, didn’t want to miss important things that happened in Grande.

Zucks luck is good, he just returned to Grande, Benjamin has not left yet, and there are a few more people in Grande. James, Crowley, Tyler, Kyle are all here.

Zac hadn’t had time to say hello to these people with different purposes one after another, and the phone in the office rang.

With anticipation and speculation about the caller, Zach answered the phone, “Grande.”

In the earpiece with the noise, the other party opened his mouth. Ke can imagine that plain face with no expression is Jin the changer. But what he said was, “It’s me, Shougong. I’m here.”

Do you know what Zach expects? It is personally to the changer Jin, ah no, Shou Gong. Explain to the Shou Palace himself that he violated the expected plan-he will not follow the Shou Palace and go to the Republic.

Let us ignore the historical background represented by the name of the “shougong”, the changer will be the only member of Grande in the Republic this time. He no longer has Grande’s master, and Zach has promised to give him support. In the gecko of the Republic, there is no dependence, only oneself.

Zac owes him an explanation.

“First of all, I need to be sorry.” Zach smiled faintly, “The plan has changed a little, and Benjamin and I can’t reconcile.”

With noise In the receiver, Shou Gong was silent for a while, “I see, it’s okay, I don’t want you to come.”

Zach slightly frowned, “Is it bad?”

“En. “Shou Gong’s answer was very brief, “Not good.”

Zac pursed his lips. It is right that he and Benjamin are not going. The republican team whose respective goals were already very complicated, and the only gecko that came first to provide special political protection, now seemed to go with their own goals, otherwise they would not say such a thing.

Zach shook the head, “Not only that, among the people who are going to go, apart from Sibera and John, there are Crowley, Saint Cici and her attendants.” Zachton After a while, “They all have the same but different goals. Can you deal with them?”

This is a questioning of concern.

After a murmur of silence, “I dont have to deal with it. When they come, no matter what their purpose is, they will follow the rules.”

Zach doesnt quite understand this sentence. Meaning, the obvious changer Kim is describing the environment of the Republic, but it is a pity that the owner of Grande is just a small federal citizen, and Zach does not understand the world major event.

“So.” Zach said no more, “Your position? People here are leaving.”

“The consulate has given Taylor a position, so I cant talk too much on the phone. For a long time, I hung up.”

The call is over.

The priority of the event has appeared, and Taylor and John enter the office.

These people are about to leave, and Zach does not care about John breaking the rules and enters the main building of Grande.

A map was placed on the desk. Taylor, who hadn’t seen it for a few days, had no expression on his face and pointed his finger at one point, “This is the capital of the Republic, and the Federal Mission is here.”

Zach looked at that point on the map, the prominent red star of Vermilion, the same color as the body of the transmuter. But it should be noted that this map is not new. Zach can imagine that the only red star on the map should have been bright red, which faded over time and now has the dull color.

“Inland?” Zach looked towards John, “I remember you said that Papa Midnight’s witchcraft uses the ocean as a carrier to form a channel. You can bring people to the capital… Huh.”

“No.” John shook his head without any expression, and pointed to a place to the east, looking at a place like a port. “We can get here, and then we can go to the capital. “Its not a problem.” Taylor glanced at Zack. “You cant expect them to be in the most complicated situation when they go to republic. This section of the road can Let them adapt well and find the’direction’.”

The composition of the team is very complicated, the republic is very complicated, and the direction is very important.

It makes sense, but Zach actually has no opinion on any arrangements. The reason is simple. It doesn’t matter to Zach anymore, right.

“I don’t care what you guys did. Bring Teddy back.” Zach waved and drove the two away. This is already Zach’s only request of this team.

Leaving the office, the people in the backyard are ready. Although I don’t know why Benjamin is still in Grande, he offered help at this time.

The big truck Grande used to tow the animals was drove out. Benjamin re-spread the plastic paper and put Sibera on the trunk. Cici and Thomas were already sitting on it, including white The raging waves.

Grands personal belongings, camera and video tape containing Papas midnight token were packaged, kept by John, and sat in the drivers seat. Crowley seemed to have no intention of getting in the car, and Zach stood on the back porch together and watched everyone ready to go.

When the truck drove out of the backyard, Crowley smiled and said to Zach, The wizards mobility is too poor. Benjamin generously lent your car as a means of transportation for the wizard. . They are going to the Eastern Sea shoreline first, and then…” Crowley blinked.

John relied on Papas Midnight token to improve the witchcraft. The essential principle is naturally the same. Teddy disappeared by the sea, and this group of people will also disappear by the sea.

It just seems that John’s improved witchcraft not only brought a huge increase in the number of people, but also large objectscars. Because of the time lag, everyone doesn’t have to worry about secret issues. Such a group of people with excellent ability have enough ways to integrate into the country on the other side of the world after arriving, taking advantage of the night of the Republic.

“I have to remind you.” Zach looked at Crowley in a leisurely manner, “You don’t take advantage of the time to cultivate a tacit understanding with your players, you have missed too much time.”

A sincere reminder. Look, even if Cici brought her own men, she knew that she came to Grande yesterday to get acquainted with her teammates, not to mention John, who has always been with Grande.

Look at Crowley, she didnt prepare any subordinates at all. The time in the previous few days was used to’discuss’ with Tyler and wasted, and now she doesnt hold a Buddhist and so on, I don’t know if it is self-confidence or stupidity.

At this time Zach has realized Barton’s chaotic status quo, Zach naturally does not want to be self-confidence, but stupid, Crowley is not a stupid guy.

“Cultivate a tacit understanding with those people?” Crowley seemed to have heard something funny, “What do you want me to cultivate with the saints? Is there a tacit understanding of each other? As for Sibera and John, you Have you forgotten that they are still my hostage, and I am not in a horizontal position, we can’t cultivate anything.”

Zach shook his head, too lazy to manage, and prepared to walk towards Benjamins warehouse . James didn’t know why he appeared here, and he was hiding with Benjamin at this time, talking with Matthew and Benjamin about comic exhibition.

“Don’t go in a hurry.” Crowley sat down on the bench on the back porch, fiddled with her short hair casually, “They need some time to go to the coast, just let us talk What interests you, southern part.”

Zac raised his eyebrows. Yesterday when he was at the police station, Chapman unnoticed told Zac something and asked a question. Zach answered that question less obviously.

Chapman, [skull bone], Crowley. This is the order.

Zac was looking at Crowley, sat down on the bench, curled his mouth, and said something inconsequential, “I still dont know your name, what am I going to do? Calling…” Zach looked at’Crowley’ gesturely.

This is talking about Crowley’s container. To be honest, Zach didn’t quite understand why Crowley used such a mad woman as a container.

Crowley responded with very aggrieved eyes. Zach turned his head sideways uncomfortably. With or without a container, Crowley is not suitable for this look.

“Still dont know, Anthony deliberately gave me, she changed a name that makes people hard to tell.” Crowley smiled, “Crowley is fine.”

“What are you going to say.” Zach didn’t know what funny things came to mind, chuckled and waved, “I don’t want to take you too long and let your teammates wait. Your impression is already bad. , Theres no need to be worse.”

“Thank you.” Crowley laughed, “Well, lets get started. Yesterday Chapman passed the matter to Skauer, busy me, still Ill help you pay attention.”

Zach clearly stated the southern part and letter at the police station yesterday, not at all. I hope Chapman can give any useful help, but the clues have been passed on. .

“Have you found the person who wrote the letter.” Zach’s tone is not very enthusiastic, because he has learned from Emilia’s constant reminders, and this is just another confirmation .

“I found it.” Crowley looked at Zac’s expression and squinted. “You don’t seem to care much?”

“Because I already know.” Zach Smiling, “It’s okay, you can go on, maybe you know something I don’t know.”

“It’s boring.” Crowley’s face changed, “You won’t thank me anymore. .”

Good realistic presentation.

Zach raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, “But you will make me…” Zach didn’t know what funny things came to mind again, and the smile on his face was even worse. , I can rely on your feeling as it should be by rights.”

Loise, who opened the door on the back porch, glanced at Zac, blinked with her mouth bent, holding The snacks prepared by Alice smiled and continued to walk to Benjamin’s warehouse.

I need to explain the reason for this scene.

Kyle continues to harass Alice for unknown reasons. But after Benjamin pulled Alice into the kitchen for dinner yesterday, Alice found out that Kyle, Bartons Young Master, did not enter the kitchen. The reason, uh, will not be discussed.

So Alice discovered a new skill to get rid of Kyle, and found every reason to trap herself in the kitchen. The reason now is to prepare snacks for Benjamin, James, and Matthew. Louise’s shuttle back and forth is to send things to the master to try.

Come back.

Crowley was a little stunned. After reacting for a while, she understood what Zach meant, “as it should be by rights?” She smiled, “I like this relationship.”

“Like it.” Zach naturally smiles better, of course this’beautiful performance’, Zach understands, Louise understands, better than Sharpe… Ms. Schell understands, we understand , Crowley, she better not understand, hehe.

“Then go ahead.” Zach asked as it should be by rights.

Crowley seemed to be completely immersed in the emotion of loving this kind of beautiful relationship, and she said more, “en! Start from the beginning.” She raised her hand, “The case of the southern part, Skow There are some concerns, some gangs are discussing this case, and are also watching how the police will deal with it.”

Zac did not speak, a little regretful, these southern part gang members cant wait, even James The police gave up, and Police Coulson was too shrewd as a veteran detective, and he could reply to the’general’ by pushing on the orders of his superiors.

The reason for the convenience of speaking of which was derived by Zach for the benefit of Grande. It is really difficult for fairness and interest to coexist.

“But we know that you are involved, at least Skaur doesn’t report any hope.” Crowley chuckled and looked towards Zach.

Zac just turned his head and kept smiling.

“The only regret is that [skull bone] cancelled the night tour because of knowing your actions.” Crowley raised her eyebrows, “In order to provide you with a comfortable’hunting’ Circumstances, my people at Skall completely missed the time of the case.”

Meaning, the demons who knew that Zach would reserve food for the Republican trip, in order not to gather vampires I was disgusted in front of me and did not always pay attention to the movement of the southern part at night and early morning as I always wanted.

If you want to think about it, please contact the reason why Crowley first took over [skull bone]. Crowley deliberately integrated the southeast part. This action is not surprising at all. On the contrary, it is for Crowley. The reveal of determination and action!

However, Zach will not point out these at this time, but will cater to Crowleys words like this, “This way, you are so sweet, I know, I can count on you, anything.”

Sure enough, Crowley was very happy, “Of course, did you find out? The mayor likes to instruct the church to do things for a reason.”

Zach is still smiling , But at the same time, Zach felt it necessary to talk to Anthony.

“It is comforting that the time of the news from Chapman is not too late.” Crowley happily paid herself a gold, and continued on the topic, “and there are clues to the letter. , And the time of the case, our goal is very clear.”

“At three or four in the morning today.” Crowley paused and looked at Zach, “That’s the first two times you After the time of going to the southern part…”

This is aggravating the sense of targeting. After all, on the interpersonal channel from Chapman to Crowley, no one has read the content of the letter. Lauries expression is linked to what Zach could allow Chapman to hear in the police station and tell Coulson and James to be framed.

“Our people, found someone.”

Zac took out the letter he had read to James and Emilia, “You said Is this?”

“Yes.” Crowley smiled, her fingers swaying in front of her, ink smoke-like objects appeared out of thin air, squirming and expanding, and the sound of paper turning was squirming From the mist, the paper night-like thing showed a corner in the black.

“Address, name, family composition…” Crowley laughed inexplicably, “Even medical records.” Her fingers stuck directly into the black, revealing a bunch of things, and placed them on Zachs hand, “I brought it all for you.”

Zach looked at the pile of materials in front of him and smiled, “Look, I said, you will know something I dont Things I know.” Corresponding to what Crowley just said, “Take it all,” Zach looked pleased, “Look, I know I can rely on you, thank you.”

“Of course. “Crowley stood up, actually patted Zac’s shoulders, with a smile on her face, “I am a very reliable person.”

“Don’t be late.” Zach hugged. With a bunch of materials, she finally smiled at Crowley and left.

One is to create the feeling that he needs these things too much, and the impatient needs to study it. The second is that our vampire is laughing and cramping, he needs some food to relieve the stiff blood vessels……

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