Zac folded the third letter, tucked the envelope back, pressed it on the table, and kept tapping the envelope with his fingers.

Zac’s face is very bad. The pale skin of the vampire looked gloomy because of the lack of expression. Zach stood up, walked out of the office, and entered the backyard. He was too lazy to watch John, who was’peeping’ outside the kitchen window, nor was he too lazy to watch the angry waves drifting towards Sibera next to the hammock, and walked directly to the open-air bathroom west of Benjamin’s warehouse.

“Benjamin.” Zach must try, “I need help.”

Except for the sound of splashing water, Zach did not get any response.

Zac shook his head, “I’m not kidding, I was targeted. Now it seems that my’fans’ know me better than expected, he is very dangerous. He knows I can’make’ Video, he is lurking around us, observing us.” Zach frowned, “Otherwise I can’t think of why he would know my new ability.”

The sound of water stopped and the door was pushed. On, Benjamin, who was walking by while wiping his body, didn’t even look at Zac.

Walking through the warehouse, Benjamin began to shout at the second floor of the main building in Grande, “Matthew! The plan changes, start packing now! Go to your parents immediately and inform them of your vacation!”

This is Benjamin’s answer. Zach was very sad.

“Benjamin.” Zach tried to make one last effort. “Are you not going to pick up Jackson at Bishap’s house?”

This is Grand business, Jack Sen’s funeral,’Jackson’ is not in Grande yet, it’s time to pick him up this morning.

Benjamin finally had a reaction. He glanced at Zach, twitched the corner of his mouth, turned and walked towards the warehouse in the south. Zach seemed to be wrong, thinking that there was a play, and Baba followed and looked forward to it. But immediately, Zach was even more disappointed.

What Benjamin did was just drove another car, the old car that belonged to Zach, Benjamin, and Anthony. After checking the fuel level, he didn’t care about Zach. It means that Grande doesn’t care about business, leaving the truck to Zach to pick up’Jackson’ is already Benjamin’s limit.

Zach really has nothing else to do except helpless.

No, there is.

Evil guilty, Zach quickly returned to the office, found Danny the phantom, threw Grandes official business to the employee, then took the third letter and watched the whole process Benjamin’s seated in the old car, started, and drove away.

Zach is lonely on Route 27 in the early morning, both in reality and psychology. In such a mood, the destination Zach is going to is a bad choice. But after all, it’s “evil grows at the edge of the gall”, and Zach is not just robbing the car so naive.

Dont forget the entire group of Fitzs heart and soul. In addition to Fitzs group of otaku from the border town and two members of Grande, there is James.

Although Benjamin didn’t want to talk to Zac at all, he had already stated that his trip to the exhibition was confirmed when he came back last night.

In addition to James performance yesterday, he didnt even want to reveal any important sender information to Zach. Zach was very skeptical that James would also be frustrated continuously because of the case. Everything, go to Comic Exhibition together. Why do you say that, the reason is not good.

Think about what James until nows persistence relies on, its “I am a policeman”. Everything he does is because this is his job. He knows that he must represent the right side. . But in this case,’I am the policeman’ is no longer his reliance. Can understand.

What Zach has to do is to make this long journey as twists and turns as possible. He decides to hold James, indirectly disgusting Benjamin…

But of course, Zha Ks general direction for James is good, and the case has indeed been blocked, but we know that it was not from the director of Cologne to the homicide team leader to Coulson that really made James abandon the case. A sentence from James’Don’t care about this case! ‘

It was a’search warrant’ from Emilia. The’naive’ James could not untie this knot.

The old-fashioned car stopped on the backstreet of Liszt. Zach’s quick action was just to prevent James from going to the police station.

Just walking towards the exclusive passage of James’ attic, the dark elevator fell on the first floor. Zach frowned, is it late? Backed out, looked around for a while, and found the car that James had parked on the side of the road. This guy was still in the vicinity.

looked towards the [Time Wizard] coffee shop next to it. Behind the floor-to-ceiling windows, among the crowds, a profiled face of James appeared in the corner.

Humans are really interesting species. When we broke up, every time James went home through the coffee shop, it was a period of torment. Now he is sitting there without anyone else. Even if there is nothing sitting on the table in front of him.

James, who didn’t know what he was immersed in, raised his head unconsciously and looked towards the guy who was sitting opposite him. What he had just thought about had disappeared, and his face instantly collapsed, “What are you doing here! “

Zac raised his eyebrows, looked at the empty table, raised his hand to greet the waiter, and at the same time, the third letter was also put on the table and pushed toward James.

The waitress with an impatient look stood at the table of the two of them, “What do you want, hurry up.”

This attitude is a bit strange, Zach pursed his lips. , “Two cups of coffee, thank you.”

“Is one for him.” The girl whose expression is really not suitable for the service industry cast her eyes at James and asked.

Zac raised his eyebrows nodded.

“We refused to serve him. Just one cup.” Swipe wrote something on the order, and a regular coffee order was torn off and patted on the table, flicked and left.

Zach blinked and looked at James, whose face was already dark, suddenly feeling a little sympathetic to the young detective.

The sympathy of the vampire is the last thing James needs. He pressed one hand on the letter Zach pushed, and pushed it back, “Don’t bother me, stay away from me!”

Zach looked around, and said perversely, “There is no other place.” Then he opened the envelope directly, took out the letter paper, and put it on the table.

In the busy coffee shop early in the morning, the air currents from people walking back and forth arbitrarily poke the creased paper on the table.

James picked up the letter paper, shrank into his arms, stared at Zac fiercely, and lowered his voice as much as possible, “You!! Can anyone see this thing?! You he -Mom-what do you want to do!”

The letter to a vampire really doesn’t seem suitable for others to see. This is the truth. Do you think it’s just like this? No, in James’ mind, there is a more sad reason-the evidence of a case deliberately ignored by the police is not suitable for anyone to see.


Splashing coffee fell on James’ face fiercely pressed against Zac, James covered his face, as if about to explode.

He has not had time.

“Detective! Are you conscious of it! Don’t harass our guests!” Ma’s tail flicked and left again.

There is no way to stay here, Zach picked up the half cup of coffee he saved, and silently followed James.

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