I just wanted to stand up and express myself strongly, such as a vampire cursing shameless. In short, the Indian man who wanted to do this, as soon as his ass left the seat, the vampire turned away and restored the host’s hospitable smile.

“That’s right! It’s rare that we all sat down like civilized people.” Zach aggravated’sit down’ and continued to smile, “I found out that we haven’t officially introduced each other yet. !”

Zac sat down at the main table, “As a master, I should be the first.” Zach sat upright like a civilized man, “Zachry Grande, The owner of the Grand Funeral Home.”

“hmph!” The Indian man’s ass pressed out the fresh air again, “Introduction? Have you forgotten something, vampire!”

Zac raised his eyebrows, “I am thinking about you.” Zac looked towards Sibeira, “Or, compared to the senior citizens of Barton, you are more willing to…” Zachton After a while, “I prefer to talk to my identity as a vampire.”

Zacs master smile has not changed, “If you are not stupid enough to disappoint me, I believe you will do the right thing. Choose…”

It seems that in order to make the words that are completely inconsistent with the expression, the expression of reluctance and the smile is slightly a little bit, Zach makes people nauseous to add at the end, “… Yo!”

The Indian man who leaned forward and was about to stand up was frozen by Sibeiras stare! Sibera’s expression was not very good. When the person who tried to stand up again sat back angrily, Sibera turned to Zac, “I’m glad you mentioned this for senior citizens.”

Compared to these exchanging people who first came to Barton for a week, Indian hunters, Zach can definitely call himself a senior citizen. In fact, this is why Crowley was able to pull Grandra into her deal with the hunters and become a third-party oversight!

Neither the devil nor the hunter has any decent qualifications in Barton. Barton is not a demon land, and Crowley is not the lord of this land at all. As for the hunters, it was even worse, they were just criminals who sneaked into Barton.

Both of these are forces with guest status, but they are both forced by reality. They must use this land, which is both guest home,-Barton, as the core of the transaction!

One of them must be local, and one enough to be called the host here…Uh, let’s be more popular! The people in the town who live on this land come as a third party outside the transaction.

At this time, Sibera, of course, would be happy that Zac took the initiative to mention this!

We know that Crowley, the fallen angel at the time, used the information she had at hand and the rumors of Barton Alpha to pull in Grandes Alpha as a third party to make the transaction go smoothly.

When the tripartite forces involved in the transaction return to the root, the devil is a foreign race, Grande is also a foreign race, and the hunter, the hunter!

Finding Grande and borrowing Benjamins Crowley, do you sincerely hope that this third party will be fair? Ah!

Then guess as the other side of the transaction-the hunters, are they really just led by Crowley’s nose so unintentionally?

Except for the “Firefly” who suddenly appeared on the exchanging people list, please look at the woman named Sibera Hayate who is staring at Zac and talking! The timing, reason, and method of her return to Barton were all unexpected conveniences!

“I think you remember the first sentence I said to you when I came back. Master Grande.” Sibera doesn’t like to smile on her face as much as Zach. At this time, it is very good to be able to achieve expressionless! “hmph. How long have I been away? Barton has been messed up by you!”

Sibera is extending the topic of’senior’. Before the current members of Grande came to Barton, the Hayate couple who retired to Barton were already here!

Facts can prove that Sibera is not only more senior, but also a more qualified town player in Barton!

Remember the above sentence!

Why did Zach suddenly appear from Steve Walker when he heard the news of Sibera leaving Barton, he was bound to the “Firefly” who has been designated as an exchanging people? Why does Sibera call an Indian assembly as soon as Barton returns? Why did Sibera come to poach Ryan before and give the vampire a notice-“Come back later, it’s business, it won’t be so easy”?

Because Crowley can selfishly find a third party to supervise herself under the favorable transaction for both the devil and the hunter, don’t the hunters prefer their third party! Have! The only reason why they are at a disadvantage, must be wronged under Crowley’s leadership, and let Grande become this third party is that this third party who favors them was not in Barton at the time!

How could a vampire send a handle to the other party to use, Zachs expression began to change regretful, he was full of emotions, and shook his head, “Yes, I remember I said it at the time, Im very happy for you I’m back.”

Zac suddenly narrowed his eyes, “Do you know why I am happy?”

This question has no idea where the vampire is going, but Sibera can confirm The thing is-can’t continue! That will definitely enter the vampire rhythm again!

But do you think that Zach is really asking Siberas opinion?

“You don’t know, how much I miss Barton once!” Zach spoke in an aria-style, circumflex, “Everything is so peaceful and simple!”

Zach sighed artificially, lowered his head, his gaze seemed unbearable to look at the corner of the table in front of him, “Until, everything is no longer so peaceful and simple.” Zach seems to like these two repeated words very much. The voice continued faintly, “It started with you…”

Sibera realized that Zac was going, “Are you to blame me.” The twitching corners of her eyes calmed because of the impatient vampire’s verbose After getting down, she found that it was beneficial to her, “Are you trying to say that my departure made Barton the mess now.”

Zac raised his head again, with a look of confusion. “Why do you think so?” The vampire kept shaking his head as if being wronged.

The twitching corners of the eyes will not be so easy to calm down. Sibera frowned and looked at Zac, she was starting to lose track of the vampire’s thinking.

“What I want to say is, it started when you summoned Papa at midnight!” Zach opened his innocent eyes and looked at Sibera’s instant gloomy face!

“Don’t look at me like that.” Zach seemed to be shocked by Sibera’s expression, nervously tweaking his body in his seat, “I don’t at all blame you!”

As the master of Grande, Zach at this time seems to be eager to explain to the guests who stepped on “accidentally”, “You must not treat this as against you! I am definitely not against you This is your personal choice. As the master of Grande, how can I do such a bad thing to guests!” Zach repeated the impression that it shouldn’t be aggravated’clumsy’!

“What I want to express is that when you summoned Papa at midnight to solve your own private affairs, you broke Barton’s peace and simplicity, and then…” Zach squinted, “You I just left.”

“Me? He he he.” Sibera’s sudden laugh was definitely not out of pleasure!

“Isn’t it?” Zach lost all the scenes he had accumulated before, because it is no longer needed. “Isn’t it that Papa Midnight is not Barton City for a long time, the first one to let Barton Is the peaceful, simple and unsustainable existence of Siberian?”

Sibera’s face is getting gloomy! Because Zachs words are correct!

Papa made the wizard, Grande and the human detective at midnight, the three parties had to abandon their mutual suspicion and cooperate together! Even with such a lineup, in the end a bad incident like the “cult” at the Paisin bus station occurred in Barton! Not to mention the tragedy of the last three parties being injured at the same time!

“Didn’t you escape after that…no, leave Barton?” Zach continued.

It’s right again! Corden next to Sibera can only live on Sibera’s shoulder at this time.

“I will be happy that you are back. It has nothing to do with what you are doing when you come back! Just because from the very beginning, as a citizen of Barton City, I don’t approve of the way you left Barton!” Ks words became less and less polite, “And, Im not the only one who doesnt approve of this.”

Zac rolled his eyes, because the next words were too cruel!

“The one who was in Grande, your son, Ryan, has the same idea as me!” (When Ryan was dug out, Ryan once questioned his parentsKorden And Sibera, why leave him behind and leave Barton. At that time, Zach was helping Sibera to maintain and correcting Ryan’s accusation of his parents.)

The tremor of Sibera’s shoulders began to link to Ke Deng’s body.

The goal of the vampire has been achieved, and Sibera, the only person who can maintain rationality, was pulled away from rationality by him!

What Zach does is to forcefully put events that a person cant maintain a rational view into his own arguments, and forcefully connect with subsequent events! Not for a direct attack, just to disturb the opponent’s mood!

Sibera tore off her shawl, which had been on her shoulders for thousands of years, and spread it out on the dining table, a large square piece! Sibera began to force herself to take a deep breath, pressing her trembling hand on her shawl as hard as she could, smoothing every tassel on the edge of the shawl!

Do you know the kind of people who will find things to do when they are emotionally unbalanced, such as washing clothes and cleaning the toilet? Sibera seems to be this kind of person, but her behavior is somewhat niche, actually finishing her shawl!

How could Zach wait for Sibera to regain balance when he said such a thorough heartbreaking statement.

“Correct me, if I’m wrong.” Zach no longer pays attention to the temporarily abolished Sibera, but glances at Benjamin who is expressionless eating breakfast. “Alpha solved the problem because of the rumors. The lower-level aliens here.”

“Don’t get involved with me.” Benjamin opened and closed his mouth full of food, picked up the plate, and walked to the kitchen.

Zach doesnt mind, he looked towards the other Indian hunters on the table, “You should all know about this, hunters, let me be a Barton City who knows many things beyond the ordinary person. Min, just ask, where were you when Barton was invaded by those low and low Foreign Race?”

Did you find what the vampire was doing? He willfully let the hunters face his own identity-hunting people of foreign races, but restricting himself, a vampire who lives on blood, to a citizen of Barton City!

“We are not from Barton! How would we know! We have our own city to…”

No one can save these hunters anymore. They were provoked by vampires from start to finish The malicious hunters, in addition to eager to refute the vampire, completely ignored the low-level double standard speech trap of the vampire! Someone who can remind them is combing the tassels.

Zach opened the corner of his mouth, “What a convenient reason, when you maliciously destroy another Barton City citizen’s home, tortured and tortured him, you also use this reason! Humph! , In order to protect your city!”

Zac is saying promise! Really a real Barton City citizen! What’s in Zach’s mouth? It’s the’other’! what! What a natural connection! What a wayward advance!

“That’s not what we did…”

No need to interrupt Zach, among the hunters themselves, someone covered the mouth of the open hunter! The guys who are eager to refute the vampires and justify themselves, have forgotten what they represent, and came to the city of Barton!

But the interrupted words not at all give them a glimmer of hope to escape the vampire’s control! Zach’s eyes locked on the hunter who prevented people from talking! Why, people who can remain rational have jumped out by themselves! Zach found the next target!

“Why don’t you let him finish?!” Zach stared at the middle-aged Indian man, “Do you think this kind of casualty to the people of Barton City is correct?!”

Without waiting for the other partys response, Zachs arms rested on the table, stood up, leaning forward and approached the others eyes, “If I remember well, in your dealings with the devil, ask We, Grande, as a third party, guarantee your safety, right? (Twelfth Volume, Chapter 23. Mike tells Zach about the negotiation process between the hunter and the devil. The negotiation was entangled and stalled because of this issue, because Zach asked to participate. Benjamin, who was negotiating, rejected this request and changed it to forcing the hunters to retreat.)

Zack squinted, “Tell me, you who think hurting the citizens of Barton City are the right behavior, why do you ask I, a citizen of Barton City, protect you?”

No one, no, there is no qualified hunter who would allow myself to stupidly look at a vampire who is approaching! Oh! This has nothing to do with stupidity! This is a terrible instinct!

The hunter has been approached by Zach to a dangerous distance, he stood up and turned his head! The chair behind him was pushed away and fell to the ground losing his balance!

“Stay away from me! Suck…”

Will Zach wait for him to say the word’vampire’? hehe, how could it be! In this civilized conversation where everyone sat down, Zach emphasized countless times that he is not an alien vampire, and he has only one identity-Barton City citizen!

“You can’t even look into my eyes!” Zach stared at the other side’s blunt profile without relaxing. Use a pair of deadly eyes of a vampire to find the heart of the persecuted target!

“Did you dare not face the questions of the citizens of Barton City! If I still have a trace of rationality, it is not to protect the safety of you thugs who will only bring harm to Barton! Call the police!”

An angry stare at Zac, the anger filled with incredibleness!

“Why should we sit here and listen to this madman speaking!”

This madman? The confusing wording suggests that Zach has killed another one.

Zac tilted his head suddenly, and he heard the approaching police siren with the hearing of’Barton City People’.

Zach stood up straight and adjusted his clothes, “It really doesn’t need to be. You can go.”

No one moved.

Zach twitched his lips, “I’m serious, you have to go now, the police are here.” Zach shook his head helplessly, and was ignored when he saw the only truth from these people Up.

“He didn’t play with you.” Benjamin leaned against the door frame of the kitchen, still holding the dinner plate in his hand, and his pointed ears were covered with brown fluff. “It’s true. The police are here. “

Sibera stopped her tassels, turned her head and looked at Benjamin, breathing slowly. Then he looked towards Zach, “You are too much this time.”

Zach curled up his mouth, “Have you ever?” shook his head slightly, “You want to use Grande’s younger sister as a bargaining chip , I didnt consider Alices heart at all. Then why should I consider yours.”

Sibera frowned, looked at Zac for a while, and finally looked towards the hunters with a bad face One of them sighed, rubbed the shawl on the table casually, and stood up.


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