The vampire didnt hesitate too much, so he asked the man with a large burn scar on his chin, Skauer, and the two men he brought to join Grandes dinner. .

He is the Chief-In-Charge of [skull bone], uh, dont need to whitewash it. Everyone knows that the’general’ is the boss of the generals, and this guy is the boss of the skeletons. Skoll is just a transliteration of the skull.

Zach has a good feeling for the Skauer who sold his soul to the devil. It comes from the honesty and directness of the other party when they first met (Volume 11, Chapter 14, Zach asked him to send someone Visit the southern part to prevent hunters from attacking Nuo who is temporarily hiding in the’general’).

Because they knew each other’s identities a long time ago, Zach didn’t have to pretend to really eat anything, holding the bottle and glass, he sat on the main seat. Looking over the two uncomfortable guys who were stared at by Old Hank, Zach smiled and said, “Skol, you only brought two of your own people, didn’t you bring more helpers?”

My own person means human beings. In [skull bone], Zach sees the distribution of humans and demons. This time, Skaur didn’t bring any demon, so Zac had doubts.

Skauer obviously not at all what kind of table education, as soon as he sat down, the owner had not yet started, he held the tableware, the first bite of food has been stuffed into his mouth, “This is awesome !”

Huh! Education does not matter, at least he is an honest guy who does not stingy with praise. He waved the knife in his hand, chewed, and answered vaguely, “No, our own work generally does not carry those black-eyed guys. They dont get too involved in what we usually do.”

Zac got some interest, “What do they usually do?”

Skauer shrugged, “Preach to us. “

Zac laughed, very Crowley style. Please don’t laugh at this kind of behavior, Skauer’s soul has been booked by Crowley, when delivery, the higher the quality of the goods, the better. It is not easy to cultivate the soul. The weekly service is too slow, and instilling in his ear every day is the best use of time.

“Crowley confessed to me, dont make you look too useless in the eyes of employers, tell me what you are going to do.” Just like the first time I met Skall, Gran German attributes prevent Zac from being too friendly with him. After a short gossip, it’s time to get to the point.

Skauer smiled at Zach. This is a direct person, so he doesn’t seem interested in speaking vaguely like Zach, employer? Hehe, “Herman’s request is to do everything possible to get the information in your hands, and then eliminate the trouble.” He held the knife and wiped his neck, twitched his lips toward Zach.

“I look at the Old Guy of Herman.” Skauer’s tone became a little self-deprecating, “I haven’t seen your teeth.”

Zach remembered I used to show my teeth to prove that I was a vampire in Skauer’s bar, smiled and shook his head.

“Thank you for your honesty.” Zach shook his glass. “I should tell you, I don’t have any news here, it’s just a lie that attracted Herman’s attention to me. “

A lie? Well, don’t take this seriously with our vampire Zach.

“I almost guessed it.” Skauer shrugged, “You also have to thank Hermann for the current status of Grande (Hermann is Grandes third commission, The reason that really made Grandes reputation out of Quinn and Bartons small circle of people), theres no need to offend him clearly. Skaol sighed, In addition to trying to make things bigger, I still I really can’t think of any reason.”

Zac raised his eyebrows, “You also signed the non-disclosure agreement?”

Skall sighed again, nodded.

Herman is really not simple to let the dark professionals sign this non-disclosure agreement that the future is ironclad. It’s one thing that Herman is great, and it’s another thing for Skauer, who is not short of demons by his side, whether this agreement can be retained until the day it becomes evidence in court.

“So…” Obviously, this Skoll didn’t have any kindness to Herman. “When I came, I accidentally showed something to the’General’ and we wanted to confront him. The sound of Rand’s move.”

‘General’ and’skeleton’ are opponents, don’t forget this.

Zach curled his mouth, and he had an uncontrollable affection for this guy. Who doesn’t like smart people? It was just a pity that Crowley’s “annoying fallen angel” started first.

Zacs plan has been launched, the big mouth of the’General’, it is estimated that tomorrow night of the gentleman’s night, everyone in the gray professional circle will know that Grande is being targeted by Hermann! Zach only needs to show his face and act on the scene, things will proceed step by step, and the attention will be spread out by these resourceful gray professionals!

Everything is fine.

“En.” Zach squinted his eyes and thought for a while, “I have nothing here to give you Herman, and it is impossible to let you really hurt anyone in Grande. We also I dont have time to act with you all the time.” It seems very embarrassed, “Do you have any plans?”

Everyone at the table bowed their heads silently, except for the sound of the knife and the plate colliding, which is smacking the chewing lips sound.

“Look at how big you want to make the matter.” Skaol looked towards Zach, “Is there no written documents for the commission you Grande received before?”

Zach glanced at Benjamin, who was too lazy to participate in the discussion, raised his eyebrows, “We can make some documents.”

Skall turned his head,” Herman said, doing everything possible .” He spread his hand holding a knife and fork, “I’m just a worker, but I can’t manage to get things that I shouldn’t get after I tried my best.”

Zac was pleased. Take a sip of wine, Bi Sharp, Smith, Stone, Barton, Quinn, oh! There is no need to wait for people in the gray professional circle to slowly spread the word, these people have to pay attention to it. This picture is too beautiful.

“Also.” Skauer’s expression was a little unnatural, “We are’gunners’ (killers), not thieves. It is not enough to just take some files and go back. We still have some professional image to maintain. “

Zach doesn’t like this anymore. Does the maintenance of the image mean that Grande must kill one or two people?

The vampire thinks too far.

“You want to give me a person.” Skauer continued, “make up the appearance that we are doing everything in front of Hermann.”

“Mean?” Zakla had a long voice, waiting for explanation.

Skauer chuckled at the corners of his mouth, “It means we are going to tie someone back and get a bunch of files that Herman doesnt care about. Herman wont stop, we have to show him. We still have the means to get what he wants.”

“Are you talking about torturing and blackmailing in front of him?” Zach raised his eyebrows.

Skauer looked towards Zach, “Of course! You dont expect me to come to Grande whenever I want. I have someone in my hands, I have a reason not to come. ! Interrogation for a few days, no results, and dragging with blackmail until the day when Herman has no energy to look after us, it is over.”

It’s a pity, this is Crowley’s person. .

Zac’s wine glass was raised, and the police’s attention came over. It was wonderful.

Zac put down the empty cup and looked towards the person at the table, who is going to be the one who was kidnapped.

Except for tableware collision, there is only smacking the lips.

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