Loise stood in the back porch and knocked on the eaves of the door, reminding Grande Brother that the guests were over chatting.

Zac finally pushed the hammock for Alpha and carried the bottle from the young wolf Matthew. The vampire seems to have changed his mind again, let’s listen to the content.

Entering the room, Zach has already taken off the extra equipment, but still shook the bottle with the wine bottle, and put on an apologetic and embarrassing expression looked towards the three people in the office, “Sorry, I saw you It’s my bad habit.”

But it was only nine o’clock in the morning, and Master Grande was already holding the wine bottle. It was indeed a bad habit.

No one would criticize his living habits troublesomely. Mr. Herman made a first point and handed a note directly after giving a gesture. It’s the paper on Zach’s desk, which seems to have just been written.

Looking at Zach took it, glanced at it and put it away, Mr. Herman turned to the two younger generations who were still a little embarrassed and turned away.

Although he had guessed it a long time ago, Zach still feels a bit regretful. Of course, the note is not about “opening the grave”, but the time and place. Seeing that Mr. Herman did not explore whether Zac would be invited and left, it is estimated that he would simply not consider being rejected.

Zac can only shook his head helplessly in his heart, arent people like this? The first time he will be polite and hesitate, be careful, gentle, tentatively ask, inform, and hit A phone call and so on. The second time, it is already as it should be by rights directly!

“Your business looks pretty good.” Jackson’s face didn’t look sincere, only typical juvenile disdain.

Blake twitched his lips, messed up Jacksons hair, pushed Jackson onto the chair at the desk, “You want to come, you’re here.” Then Blake gave it. Zach sat back at the desk with a helpless and sorry look.

Zac smiled and waved his hand carelessly. Blake is obviously just a driver and cover.

There was a moment of silence in the office.

“I can only move more than 1,000 dollars a week.” Jackson said, and it was such an inexplicable opening, “I can sign an agreement with you, and Blake learns this. Fancy things, arent you friends, huh, dont worry about my shame. All my money for the next year will be yours.”

Zac raised his eyebrows, trying to think about where the ridiculous words came from.

After thinking for a while, Zach remembered, is this what he said? On the roof of the Ripute school building last night, he said to Jackson,’It’s not cheap. ‘

Zac got a glass of’wine’ for himself, with his mouth bent, but his face turned towards Blake, with a smile in his tone, “Will you actually agree with him to do this?”

Don’t forget that last night, it was Blake’s understanding that made Zac give up using the enchanting pupil.

The apology has long been expressed, and Blake can only look at Zach with helpless eyes and shook his head. Obviously he talked about the truth all night, not at all being heard by a younger generation like Jackson.

“It has nothing to do with Blake.” Jackson leaned up without any education, propped up on the large desk, and squeezed himself into Zach’s field of vision with a wrinkled face, reminding this Grande The master focused on him, “I want to commission.” He seemed to be a little impatient, “You can’t answer.”

Zac can only look directly at Jackson, his lips Squeezing the rim of the wine glass, the red liquid shook gently, touching the lips gently. In his squinted eyes, Jackson’s expression was losing patience.

Zac is a little curious, wondering what Jackson, who was threatened by Heavenly Might yesterday, this half-old male child, what else will he say now!

With a slight noise, the wine glass was placed on the table, Zac’s hand moved away from the wine glass, and placed in front of him, leaning comfortably on the back of the chair, smiling again, “Jack Sen, you haven’t said what commission you want me to accept?”

Jackson twitched his lips, “You to ask a question, when already knows the answer.” He seemed impatient. , “I want to know why that Woody would…” He frowned, and he couldn’t quantify what he saw yesterday, so he could only say vaguely, “Do that to Elena.”

“I can’t tell you.” Zac kept smiling and answered directly.

The truth is that Zach is also not clear, but for Jackson,’can’t tell’ is more reasonable than’don’t know’! Because dont forget, Jackson thought Zach was making another commission!

Jacksons young face didnt twitch unexpectedly at the corner of his eyes. He actually stood up and stared at Zacs eyes, “Then I will find someone else.”

Zac touched his chin, thought about it seriously, and then smiled again, “Professional ethics will make my colleagues reject you like me.”

One thing, no matter the extension How many orders are given, it is the same thing! In the gray professional circle, who doesn’t know Grand and Noble! The two men plus a detective co-directed Smith’s crusade against’Valmina’! No matter how many people are involved, how many levels of relationships are involved, and where the source of the opening is, this is a completely packaged event!

This is understandable, all this is just because the old Hardy asked his grandsons commission to initiate. The key figures are just these, but look at the current results, there is a slight relationship with the original commission?

Who would be so blind as to get involved! Not for professional ethics, but also for Smith! heaven knows Woody, who has already been charged with most of the crimes, will have a bad debt. If Smiths plan is broken, promises bad luck this time is a template!

“humph.” Jackson looked towards Zach with a less obvious range, “Then I will go to Smith directly.”

Zach raised his eyebrows and smiled What’s more, when he glanced at Blake, the apology on Blake’s face was even worse.

Mayor Anthony is paying attention to Smith, and Zach knew it when he commissioned the recording event. So it is not surprising that Blake, who is both a native of Western Region and the mayor, knows what happened yesterday.

The name of the key person Woody cannot be ignored. Probably Blake wanted to persuade Jackson to let go, so he used a new perspective to encapsulate the whole incident and rationalize Zacs shooting of Woody…

I just dont know what Blake said. Yes, obviously wouldnt say that Smith is a drug lord, Jackson is not an adult after all… Dont worry about this, the point is that at this time Jackson said Smiths name! This means that he has attributed to Smith the commission he thinks Zach is doing!

“I dont think that Mr. Smith will be happy to know that the danger in his commission is so close to Kepler!” Jackson stared at Zach, “I dont think he will I’m glad that his commission was seen by Bisharp’s people!” Jackson suddenly laughed, “I don’t think you would mention these at all!”

He stood and got out of the chair, using his unique stubbornness. , Derogatively, said, “Too bad, I will promise to mention these!”

This kind of threat of using Western Region people, the employers Grande used to maintain a low position, is already in It was used once last night. Zac began to realize one thing. Jackson would never be satisfied. If he caught a little, he would keep asking for it. Not all people are like this. Besides, he was too young to understand the meaning of restraint.

“Then I can only guarantee that you will never mention it.” The scarlet gaze caught the male child’s sight.

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