Lola took Alice and rushed into Grande’s office, and Zac behind the desk was dangling a wine glass leisurely.

Lola glared at Zac, suppressing her anger! This guy can obviously eat fast! He did it on purpose!

Yes, after Lola didnt know what mentality she finally asked Matthew, Are you willing to be my prom boyfriend? After that, the long lunch followed She strongly asked to see Matthew’s dress, and it was over.

After that, Matthew not at all ended his suffering. After stupidly agreeing, she was forced to change into a dress to judge for Laura. Zach was right. Morlin’s waist was very strict. After finishing the outfit, Matthew felt that his stomach was about to burst. It was no longer an internal swelling, but an external squeeze!

Then Matthew was left behind, and Laura took Alice down the stairwell and went straight to Grande phone. So I saw Zach, who was “finishing half a plate of food” after changing his clothes, tasting wine behind his desk with a smile.

Zac raised her eyebrows, “Lola?”

Lola didnt want to pay attention to this guy, she picked up the phone in a bad mood, and informed Grande in a notice. Master, “Use your phone!”

Zac raised her eyebrows. This is the girls alternative way of thanking her. If it werent for Zacs push, heaven knows how long this girl will have to inked! The vampire doesn’t think Alpha can return to Grande in a short time. What a bad delay!

ka ka ka _

Lola waited impatiently in the sound of the telephone dial wheel turning. Zac and Alice looked at each other for unknown reasons, and didn’t know what the girl was thinking about.

“Kepler!” Apparently the phone was connected, “Don’t lie in bed and complain about yourself! See me on Liszt Street! Right now, now!”

“Huh?” The girl in the girl is obviously as confused as the two in Grande’s office, confused and weak complied.

“I need to shop!” Laura did not explain, and said directly, “I need a new set of prom gown, you have to accompany me!” Laura glared at Zac, then turned Head looked towards Alice, there is no doubt, “You have to go too!”

Alice became nervous, and looked towards Zac for help. Zach raised her eyebrows, as if she understood, Lola must be in order to match her male partner’s dress and choose her dress again. What a nice female child, she can change her dress much easier than Matthew.

“Prom, ceremony, dress…” There was a soft sob in the earpiece, and then it became more and more intense, as if Kepler who was on the opposite side of the earpiece was about to cry, “I, we all Ive been ready to go together a long time ago. My, our dress…”

“Stop!” Lola frowned, and actually faced the receiver in an unusually severe tone, “If I Hearing Yuri’s name, I will break with you!!”

The vampire squeezed his glass and raised his eyebrows at Alice.

It’s quite obvious, no wonder Kepler didn’t show up, it turned out to be in distress.

This girl is not easy. Before she recovered from her boyfriends inexplicable breakup pain, her boyfriend disappeared (emergency escaped from Barton, and now the entire Yuri Building Materials is still in Smiths Acquisition process).

I just recovered, the most grand dance party of high school career is coming. Although the protagonist is not these first-year high school students, it is also an experience not to be missed in high school life. heaven knows what promise the little couple made before, even the dress is ready. At this time, things have remained the same, but people have changed, and Kepler apparently fell into emotional pain again.

So this is about to buy a dress for Laura on the surface, but it is actually a shopping trip to heal her friends. After Laura had already told Kepler to “break up”, Alice had no reason to refuse.

“Don’t…” The girl crying in the earpiece became more and more obvious, “I don’t have any…”

“Don’t let me, listen, he, Yes, name, word!” Lola frowned, using a tone that was almost threatening! It had a bad influence on Yuri, and the empathy for her friends, finally made Laura have such a complete disgust towards Yuri’s kid. This process is also amazing.

The sound of the earpiece was only sobbing. Laura listened to the irritable rolled the eyes, “I’ll give you half an hour! See you on Liszt Street!” hung up the phone.

Lola put down the phone and glanced at the nervous Alice, then frowned, looking towards Zach, who was still shaking the glass, “You have to go too.” Lola can actually consider Alice. I’m really a good friend if I don’t dare to go out alone.

“I’m afraid it won’t work this time.” Zach smiled and shook his head, “I still have something to deal with, remember.” Zach took a document and shook in front of him. God knows and knows, it’s just the mill report that Zach never looked at.

Lola twitched his lips and pulled Alice. To be honest, Alice has a lot of problems. But inexplicably, Alice, who is completely different from her own life, is a special attraction that makes Laura want to hold on to this friend.

If you think about it, you can understand that Banshee can become friends with Laura Barton if he doesn’t go out to report the funeral. The probability of this kind of thing happening should be zero.

The reason for this incident is just the two masters of Grande trying to take Alice to a football game! All this will happen before Grande completely becomes the helper of the Barton family. Once the order changes, Grande’s position as a’hired helper’ is destined to not let Laura get close.

This kind of friendship is what we often say, if you miss it, you will never have it again.

“Let Louise accompany you.” Zac patted Alice comfortingly, blinking, “This will obviously be a girls trip, there shouldnt be men showing up, dont worry, just relax. .”

Alice was nodded, because the colorful light spots of the phantom began to appear in the office.

Zac hasn’t asked yet, and he doesn’t know why the phantom is so active. However, Zacs original intention is also the same, let Louise go just dont want to let go of the default rule of Alice must be accompanied by someone (this rule cannot be broken, once broken, there will be no hindrance to Lola in telling Alice to go out. This is not a good thing for Grande, everyone can understand), secretly either ask Danny or ask King to protect them.

Lola looked at Zac without any gratitude, changed a much relaxed smile to Louise nodded who had heard the arrangement in the living room, pulled Alice away, and left at the same time There is a little bit of color light.

It was Louise who followed out and turned her head hesitantly to show Zac with a questioning expression. It’s not that Louise is worried about her safety, but everyone knows that Alice’s own future is stuck between’Firefly’ and’Grande’. Everything is still unclear. Louise knows herself. There is no ability to protect Alice now.

Zuckby has a mouth shape,’Danny’. Louise smiled and left with confidence.

Soon, there was the sound of the car leaving in the backyard. Zach tilted his head and smiled. He arranged the essentials, took the car keys, and left the office.

Zac assured old Hank that he would find a real detective, No, for help, remember.

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