Zac kept his distance, “Athra, what are you doing here.” The vampire kept smiling, but really didn’t want to look at the woman, “I don’t want to ask the third time.”

“I was summoned.” Essera seemed to wave his hand casually. “It’s very interesting. I received a call from the police. My dear husband, his most beloved car was found on the southern border. It’s reimbursed.” Esela didn’t mind letting her gaze stick to the vampire, as if helpless, she turned her head, “Because my precious son can’t say a word, so I can only ask you. “

Zac slowly paced back and forth in the 2-Layer space of the warehouse, still smiling, “Sorry, Aysera, I didn’t understand, your husband’s car is’reimbursed’.” Zach shrugged, “What does it have to do with Caesar not talking? What puzzles me most is, why do you want to ask me?”

Aysera also doesn’t mind Zach’s impoliteness,” Otherwise, I can ask our mutual “friend”-Anthony.” She suddenly pressed her finger on her mouth, showing embarrassment, “Oh!”

She seemed to be explaining her embarrassment. The reason, even if no one asks, “Anthony should be thinking about some important things now, I am afraid that I don’t have time to answer these questions.” Essera smiled, “We should not interrupt the important work of the mayor.” She aggravated the’important’ Two words, smiled and looked towards the vampire, “What do you mean?”

Zac squinted, Aysera’s purpose has truly been revealed.

She is testing, testing whether Grande has participated in the future mayoral campaign!

Think about it, last night, Anthony himself had already missed the reason why he would have dinner with Essera. Aysera deliberately went to Anthony to’show off’ after gaining her advantage! If it’s just showing off, then she is not the woman who once looked at the’Barton symbol’!

Obviously, she took advantage of the prison affairs to threaten Mayor Anthony and put forward some political agreement! After all, there is still more than a quarter of the mayoral campaign. During this period, what will happen to heaven knows? Aysera must use every trace of resources in her hands to continue to pile up and consolidate her chances of winning! The prison incident is obviously one of them!

The current Anthony is probably, as Isela said, he is carrying out damage control with his team, analyzing Isela’s agreement, and trying to deal with disadvantages.

At this time, I was not asked by this woman what happened to a broken car and so on, a good time! If Anthony was forced to make a wrong decision, the future mayoral election is doomed to be dangerous.

As Anthony’s opponent, Aisera does not have any expectations for Anthony’s character at this time. She knows Anthony’s secret, she knows the secret of Grande, so she has to consider this alien home that can destroy all the rules of human struggle in addition to pure political struggle! So she must test!

“What does this have to do with Anthony?” Zach raised his eyebrows, still not looking at Aysera, “Aysera, you have completely puzzled me.” The vampire shook his head. , With a lost expression, “In general, you came here because you were summoned by the Southern District Police Station, right.”

Zac pursed his lips and expressed sincere comfort.” Then I suggest that, instead of here and the person who doesnt welcome you, I say these things I dont understand, you should go to the police station and report.”

Isela squinted and stared at the side of the vampire. Face, trying to explore the real emotions under that unchanging face! However, she can only look at the side face that performs various expressions at will, unable to see the panorama. She can’t explore anything!

Athela’s eyes twitched slightly, and her impatient expression flashed away. She has nothing to complain about, and asks the vampire to look like a normal human being in her own eyes when talking? It was digging a grave.

Do you think this woman will just give up? This is the woman who used a mouth to get away without injury in front of the vampire and Alpha! All it takes is to grab the right’point’!

On the driveway under nightfall, that’point’ was Anthony! just now?

Athela smiled again, seeming relaxed, “Where is Louise?”

The vampire’s eyes caught the woman on Alpha’s bed!

Athela looked away early and sat lazily on the mattress unguarded, her tone a little regretful, “Last time at Mrs. Quinns dinner, I had a good time together. . I dont know why, so suddenly I didnt even say “goodbye” and left.”

Aysera’s tone was a little lost, “I invite mutual friends, Susan, you know. I I want to know if there is any misunderstanding between us.” She shook her head, seemingly sad, “but the result doesn’t seem to be very good. She seems to have misunderstood my intentions again.” She smiled again, “Since I’m here this time. Now, I want to talk to her personally to solve these misunderstandings.”

Athela adjusted her posture, “After all, I like her very much.” Her eyes overlapped with the vampire, “We They are the same person.”

“Loise is not the same as you.” Zach stared at Isela, there was crimson in the depths of the shallow green pupils beginning to stir.

“Ah~” The tone turned, and the smile on Aysera’s face was not false. She caught the’point’. Essera pointed at Zach a little, “Different?” She shook her head, “I still decided to stick to my instincts. Let’s see how we are going to see who is right.”

Essera turned her gaze to the side, “Where is she?”

Without getting a response, Essera was ready to take the initiative. She picked up the high heels on the bed and turned her folded legs to the side. Leaning forward, slender fingers pressed on the heels of the shoes, and put them on, “Is it breakfast? Just right, I didn’t eat breakfast either.” She seemed to complain, “Oh, I hate high heels. I was woken up by the police on the phone early in the morning. , I didnt eat anything, and I really suffered from wearing these…”

We stopped listening to the meaningless complaints.

Zac frowned, watched Essera stand up, tidy up her clothes, and smiled at him, “How about being a qualified host, how about sending me to the restaurant?”


Zac’s frowning eyebrows spread out, and his raised hand grabbed Essera’s arm, “I can send you away from Grande.”

Half of his body was irresistible Essera lifted by the power of, without a trace of panic, she followed the vampire to the direction of the stairs with a smile on her face, while watching the vampire hold the hand of her arm, the faint blackness along the blood under the pale skin The texture of vessels spread out from the palm of the vampire’s hand wearing her clothes!

Silver, it has the effect of blocking the ability of the alien, and it makes the alien weak!

“Is there no breakfast?” Aysera’s tone was full of smiles. “I heard Susan say that Alice’s cooking skills can be compared with those of the chefs.”

“There is no breakfast.” Zach also smiled, ignoring what was happening in his hands, “As I said, you shouldn’t let the police wait too long.”

“Oh~” Aisera was controlled by the vampire and stepped down the stairs. “I almost forgot how much you like being with the police.” Aisera didn’t try to break away from the other party’s control, and said that she wanted to speak easily and naturally. “It used to be Anthony, now it is, um, James Lance.” She blinked, “A good choice~”

The power in Zach’s hand has increased a little bit, just bear the power The woman who seems to have no response, is still relaxed, and still each minding their own business to say what they want to say!

“Detective Lance, how is it?” Essera asked a question that would never be answered. She showed a somewhat curious expression, “I have never had a chance to contact him, since we are friends , If you have a chance, can you recommend it?”

Zac smiled, had already walked the stairs, and walked to the door, “Have a chance.” He raised his free hand and covered Ming Mei. Sun rising up.

“Then you have to hurry up.” Asra watched the vampire’s movements, smiled and looked towards her car, “I heard that Detective Lance had a friend who had served with him. It’s in the Southern District Police Station.”

Athela put a hand on the handlebar of the car, watching the vampire’s loose palm retract, and the eyes under his arm were in the shadows, unable to see expression, “Wes? It seems to be the name.” Essera opened the door, “I don’t know, can I meet it today.”

“Good luck, then.” Zach was in the shadows The corners of the mouth exposed underneath curled up and responded in a casual tone. Watching the woman sitting in the driver’s seat close the car door, turned the key, and reminded, “Isela, seat belt. Always remember to fasten the seat belt.”

“Oh! I almost forgot. Many thanks reminder! “Isela’s “grateful” nodded, pulled the seat belt, and when he started the car and was about to start, he smiled at Zach, “Then, see you next time.”

Zac doesn’t want to say one more word, nodded, waving. Watching this car turning up without being invited turned around and drove away from Grande’s backyard.

The side door of the back porch was pushed open, Benjamin still holding the dinner plate, looking at the vampire standing in the sun, “go away?”

“Well.” Zach put down The arm that blocked the sun walked towards the shadow of the back porch.

“You are holding it back.” Benjamin tilted his head, the toast in his hand picked up the salad in the bowl, and his tone was disappointed.

Zach shook the head, lifted his hand covered by the jet black silk to show Alpha, “With a little help.”

Benjamin snorted, sideways, buttocks facing Vampire, a wine bottle is in the pocket of Benjamin’s jeans.

Zac looked pleased, took the wine bottle, unplugged it, and filled it up.

“We will never get rid of this trouble, right.” Benjamin’s cheeks squirmed, chewing the food in his mouth.

In the wine bottle lying in the air, the liquid plane of red sloshed and dropped. The darkness on the vampire’s hands gradually faded and disappeared.

The inverted wine bottle swayed in the air, and every drop of liquid was emptied by the vampire. Zach moved his arm with satisfaction, “It seems to be.”

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