The natural enemy in consciousness disappeared again, and Zach stared at Benjamin with his eyes wide open.

Although it should be a dangerous situation, it is extremely safe because of this strange phenomenon. But this is really not a good thing, this kind of complete dislocation of facts and feelings is fatal to vampires.

Zach has only one body. Does this body act in accordance with the instinct of his own feelings, or follow the reality he sees?

“What’s going on.” Zach stared at Benjamin. Benjamin was not a threat to vampires at this time. On the contrary, the vigorous life force brought by a strong body made vampires very It feels delicious!

Benjamin took out the blank videotape, shook the head, “Matthew feels the same as you, this situation alternates over and over again.”

Zach hesitated. Finally stepped down the windowsill, but still kept a distance from Benjamin, “How did it start? Is it regular?”

“Suddenly.” Benjamin thought for a while and shook his head, as if he couldn’t be sure. “No pattern found, the duration is short, and the interval is irregular.” Benjamin shook his head again, remembering something, and added, “This is just one of the side effects of stopping the use of spices.”

Zach He frowned, “What else?”

“I can’t use Alpha’s skin anymore, I feel like a human.” Benjamin’s cheeks chewing food twitched slightly, and he said this.

Zach was taken aback, Benjamin put down the dinner plate in his hand, picked up his short sleeves, and put a, uh, a piece of cloth that I didnt know was torn off his shoulder. Pulling the cloth away, there was nothing on the clean skin. Benjamin looked in the room, took a knife, glanced at Zac, as if warning the vampire not to think about anything bad.

Then Benjamin took a knife and poked it at the bulging muscle.

There is a kind of delusion, I believe every vampire will have this kind of delusion, that is to suck up the werewolves. But this thought can only be a delusion, because the blood of the werewolf is the blood of the dead that Papa made at midnight and can move freely. It is the poison of vampires.

However, at this moment, Zach looked at Benjamin’s shoulders leaking bright red liquid, and this delusion seemed to come true. It seems delicious.

But immediately, Zach put aside this nasty delusion, because Benjamin’s wound did not heal itself.

Benjamin showed the third side effect. He tugged at the corner of his mouth, pressed the cloth back, lowered his sleeves and said calmly, “When it comes out again, it will heal itself and I will be Alpha again. He glanced at Zac, “You can fully feel it.”

Zac frowned and shook his head, Benjamin continued, “But every time it comes out, I feel tired and hungry. “He picked up the plate again, lifted it to Zach, and continued to eat.

Benjamin seemed very calm, but Zach really couldn’t calm down. He didn’t understand what was going on with Benjamin.

As mentioned earlier, this is really not a good thing. If what Benjamin shows is actually telling vampires that Alpha and vampires in the full moon cycle can coexist safely, Zach would rather not have this weird security sense.

“If.” Zach frowned, “What will happen if you let it out completely?”

Benjamin glanced at Zach, “I don’t think I can Come back again.”

Did you see it? This is the most fundamental problem!

Whether it was the video taken by the camera or the breath that Zac felt, Alpha’s wolf body was completely restrained by Benjamin’s current body! Wrong, this statement is not accurate at all. Zach can be sure that when Benjamin turns into a wolf in the video, Benjamin is a humanoid wolf!

That kind of feeling cant be wrong. Vampires who are sensitive to blood can clearly feel that at that moment, under Benjamins human skin, inside that thick chest, the noisy heart will be the vampires Poison-medicine -, the blood of the dead is pushed to the whole body!

This is the sense that vampires rely on for survival. You can’t go wrong!

The present situation shows that it is not as simple as the Alpha wolf body that is bound, but the Alpha man and the wolf are separated!

At this time, it seemed that Benjamin was just hungry for humans, without a trace of werewolf, he lost all the ability to be an Alpha. But at any time, the breath of real Alpha would fill Benjamin’s body for no reason.

The appearance of the wolf body, the consciousness of the wolf body, with the ability of the wolf, I dont know how to reproduce it on Benjamin in a strange way, but it is firmly fixed by the human body of Benjamin. Show in the real world with a real attitude.

Let us reverse this situation.

Benjamins human form, Benjamins consciousness, is firmly fixed by a black-brown wolf-shaped body…

Try it and verify it? don’t crack a joke.

Zac said with a sullen face, “I’m going to find Walter.” He walked past Benjamin and walked out of the room.

“I have already asked.” Benjamin waved his hand. “He said a little progress, there should be results before the full moon.”

“No.” Zach was already standing. In the corridor, a gloomy face said, “We can’t wait until the full moon. You are not safe now.”

In this period when Alphas ability disappears and reappears, and there is no regularity, Ben Jie clearly is Extremely fragile.

Zachs sight fell on the slightly bulged shoulders of Benjamins cuffs, and even the most basic self-healing ability disappeared. Alpha, which should have been the most powerful and in the full moon cycle, is now in contact with humans. Just as weak, what a gadget!

“Who will hurt me?” Benjamin glanced at Zach, and deliberately shrugged his injured shoulder towards Zach, “Are you.”

Zach’s mouth twitched. , A delusion, came up again. Just like a student’s work criticized by Morris, if a guy who is allergic to peanuts is placed in front of him with a peanut that says “Never allergic”, will he taste it…

“Benjamin, I’m not in the mood to make a joke right now.” Zach shook his head, throwing away the absurd thoughts, staring at Benjamin, “I don’t know if I think about and so on Gangelo outside.”

“So what.” Benjamin accepted the joke and said calmly, “Even if Walt has the result, how are you going to fix my current situation.”

Zac opened his mouth and was speechless. Then the vampire reacted and looked towards Benjamin helplessly, “You have decided to use the spice again.”

“En.” Benjamin raised his chin, “I just want you to feel my current situation. That’s it.” A lump of meat on the fork was stuffed into his mouth, and Benjamin also walked out of the room, saying vaguely, “Now, do you have any other opinions.”

Zac raised his arms. , Curling his mouth, from the very beginning, the process he wanted to persuade Benjamin to stop using spices was extremely rugged, and he was finally convinced. Now this weird side effect made his efforts wasted again!

But now it is quite certain that the spice given by Sibera is not a good thing! Zach decided to make the last effort, “Dont, Ill stay at Grande the past few days. I can protect you.”

Benjamins generous shoulders directly touched the vampire in the way,” Then? What if I dont come back after the forced transformation? Shall I bring a wolf back to Grande?”

This is a serious problem. Now Benjamin is a human body anyway, Alpha still has enough self-control to limit the transformation to maintain Benjamin’s own body and consciousness. Zach can also temporarily suppress instinct at this time and stay by Benjamin’s side.

But the transformation on the night of the full moon is compulsory, and Alpha cannot resist. Heaven knows According to the current situation, can Alpha after transformation return to Benjamin.

“There is no guarantee…” Zach shouted at Benjamin’s body who had already started going downstairs, “You use it, and this side effect will disappear!”

“At least this point I dare to try something.” Benjamin moved up and down the stairs, stretched out an arm to wave at the vampire, and finally disappeared completely behind the stairs.

Zac stood there, frowning, thinking about the side effects of Siberas spices on Benjamin, connected with the history of werewolves, Papa Midnight, Witchcraft, Vampires, Gangro…Finally Shaking his head cluelessly, he walked quickly towards the stairs.

Zach suddenly remembered something again. During the return to house, he took Benjamin’s videotape, squinted his eyes, thinking of something strange in his mind. The vampire decided to collect this videotape, the reason, as I said before, the vampire can calmly watch an Alpha transition process, this situation is simply impossible.

In order to let Zach truly feel the current situation, Benjamin arranged for the camera to be inexplicably satisfied with the vampires certain evil taste…

Seriously put the video tape in In Grands safe, Zach raised his eyebrows, sorted out his mood, and began to carry out the real purpose of coming back-preparing for the evening banquet of Mrs. Quinn.

When Alice in the kitchen heard the dinner, she hesitated for a moment, but she could understand why Zac wanted to bring her. Seths accident seemed to make everyone in Grande a little concerned. Even Fitz could enjoy the “care” he would never understand. As long as Zach mentioned “Lola will be there too”, Alice would lose it. After hesitating, nodded.

There is a fact that because of the permanent presence of Alice in the Grand House, the magical ability to see death makes this complex family extremely safe. Unless Crowley is crazy and wants to be beaten by angry vampires and Alpha, send the Hellhound to surprise once again, drag Grande’s family into hell.

One point must be made clear here, being dragged into hell does not mean death, look at Neil and Daphne, these two guys are alive and well.

We can define Banshee’s ability as the process of seeing the transformation of life forms. For example, living humans’death’, become corpses and earth-bound spirits. For example, the earth-bound spirit’death’ becomes a dead spirit belonging to hell. These are the things that Banshee’sees’.

Of course, there is also Louise. On formal occasions, even if Zach is just a Blake’nanny’, a formal female companion is still needed.

Zac looked at Benjamin who stretched his arms covered with brown fluff, “Do you want to go?”

After using the spices again, he magically restored his normal alpha right away. , Faded his Alpha skin, shook his head, “The retired veterans are not suitable for such occasions.”

Zach thought for a while, also, in such an occasion, there is indeed no Benjamin can use his The place for human characters.

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