When Myona’s eyes returned to their normal brilliance, Zach said softly, “You are tired, go to sleep, this is all a dream.” Myona closed her eyes. .

“I’ll unlock you.” Seeing Myona’s skin returned to its normal color, Zach turned his head and walked towards Nuo, who was still tied to the chair, “You have to guarantee that you He won’t do anything to make my friend sad.” Zach blinked, he seemed to walk out of his previous emotions immediately and become that, uh, vampire we are familiar with, and Grande familiar with Noo.

Nuo’s pursed mouth opened, “Zac?”

“It’s me.” Zach laughed and raised a finger in front of No. It was sharp and shook. . A circle was formed on Nuo’s back, feet, and arms, and the straps tied up had been neatly cut off, Nuo was free.

“You are…”

“Vampire.” Zach smiled and stretched out his hand. “You can cut the paws of anything.” He pointed his eyes. ” Red’s eyes that change people’s memory.” He grinned and opened his lips, “the sharp teeth that draw blood.” He touched the blood on his face, concisely, “Blood.” Finally, he drew a half arc with his hands in front of him and made a gesture. Show her actions, “Vampire.”

Nuo wanted to check her maid Miona, but this morning, she was sitting with her and discussing the incident with her friends. Half of his face was covered with bright red, telling him, “Vampire”, Zachary Grande, attracted all his attention.

So Nuo opened his mouth and stared at Zac for a long time. Zach clearly saw a green vein on his forehead suddenly bulging out, and was about to regret it.

Nuo pointed to Zach, it seems that his brain is too slow to process things in front of him, he said slowly, “You, vampire.”

Zach took a pity, patted Nuo, “You are right, my friend, you are right.”

Perhaps Zach is lucky, and Nuo is not mad, panicked…or all emotions that Zach does not want to see, It’s just that the simple reaction is a bit slow.

Of course, Zach doesn’t want to use Enchanting Eyes on Nou, tampering with his memory, for no particular reason, Zach likes this guy, they are friends.

Nuo’s eyes began to lose focus, and he seemed to have too much to reexamine. Zach gave this guy time, and picked up the sleeping Mina.

The stairs in the basement have been abandoned. Zac waited for No to return to focus. He turned his head to indicate. No hesitated, standing tentatively behind Zach, hugging Zachs neck.

“Hold tight.” Zach reminded with a smile, the basement piled up with rocks and debris, there was no silhouette of the three.

There was no accident. James was still on it, and not only he, but also a few people in formal suits. They checked the neighborhood with serious faces and saw Zach slightly nodded. Zach looked at a few familiar guys and remembered that this was Anthony’s.

The Indian who was called the “shooter” by Siberard went to Zach, “We are late, you can leave, here we deal with it.”

There is no intention to introduce himself in detail, and Zach does not insist, nodded, “There is a wizard’s body below, but his soul has escaped, and there are other hunters in Barton. Will you solve it together?”

The Indian frowned, “You should discuss with the mayor. Here, just leave it to us.”

Zac stopped talking, nodded. There are some special people around Anthony, and now with the resources left by Sibera, Anthony’s control of alien power is not small. If you want to separate the alien forces in Barton City, the first is Crowley, the second is Anthony, and the third is Grande…

, Because Barton used to be very simple. Anthony only needs to prevent the invasion of foreign forces on the political level. Among the people, there are retired wizards such as Sibeira and the entire Indian and even foreign groups who are known to settle in Barton, as well as the vampires of Grande and the hidden sweeping of Alpha. Squad. Barton used to be an ideal town.

Now, it seems to be getting worse and worse. With the departure of Sibera and the appearance of Crowley, the entire political and civil forces in Barton are in a mess! Grande and the people in the Western Region are getting closer and closer. In addition to the church, Crowley is also involved with the people in the southern part. Anthony is caught in the middle, and the surplus people have begun to intervene in civil events!

Not to mention Gangero and the saints who are still hiding in unknown places and their positions are not clear yet!

Furthermore, there are also heaven knows. Now in the world outside of Barton, what is the situation of the entire Federation!

“You!” The Indians pointed at James with a serious face, “Come here and cooperate with us! This is the mayor’s order…”

Regardless of the situation here, beckoning to the confused Mason, they are leaving here.

The old car stopped not far away. Zach took off his blood-stained vest, tidyed up his appearance, and asked Mason, “Can you drive?”


“Very well, you are driving, we are going to your boss now.” Zach has no interest in this Mason’s life, but Seth can’t just disappear like this unfathomable mystery, whether Mason wants it or not. Yes, he will have to work under the generals for a while.

The only consolation is that his current job is to follow Zac, who has wrapped him for four days, so if Zac is in a good mood, he can tell this poor demon container, in the life taken by the devil , What did he do.

Zach put Myona in the co-driver and fastened it with a seat belt. Fortunately, the maids tonnage was sufficient and she slept soundly in the seat. Zach and Noo are in the back seat. Zach has a lot of questions to ask Noo. I believe the reverse is also true. Before returning to the’general’, these two people need to talk carefully.

“Turn, go straight, turn left at the first intersection.” Zach gave instructions to the person in the driver’s seat, and looked towards Nuo, “The first thing, Neil And Daphne, I got it out, and I’m in Grand’s Mill now.”

As the content to start the topic, Zach wisely chose’business’. Believe me, in this delicate situation, Zach needs this kind of business to slow Nuo’s brain to accept the “vampire” event.

Nuo’s surprised expression flashed away. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it immediately, just looking at Zac and looking up and down. As said before, Nou needs to re-examine everything about Zach and Grande.

Zach Yunuo looked at and smiled, “It’s not what you think.” Zakla pulled his bright red shirt, “There was a fire in the nursing home, even I didn’t know it was What’s going on, but since it happened, I took advantage of it and got them out.”

“Fire?” Nuo abandoned all the suspicions in his mind, and his face was full of doubts.

“Yes.” Zach waved his hand indifferently, “It should be in the newspaper news soon.” Zach will answer all of No’s questions, but he doesn’t even know anything. There is no possibility of answering, so Zach also showed a puzzled expression, “Although it is convenient, but believe me, I don’t know what’s going on.”

Zach looked out the car window. Patted the back of the drivers seat, “Go straight.” Then Chao Nuo blinked, “If Seth is still there, he can testify. It’s a pity…”

The topic will definitely turn to alien races and hunters. of. The dialogue skills of the Vampire Grandmaster Rank will not make him stupid enough to use himself as a guide!

Nuo has been puzzled since before, but the image of a vampire, red eyes, sharp claws, sharp teeth… is too bright in his mind. He could not be distracted to explore the difference between’Seth’, and now that Zach mentioned it, he immediately realized why Zach’s tone of’Seth’ was for a stranger who didn’t know the streets of Barton Tone.

“Seth?” Nuo raised his body forward, passing through the gap between the seats, looking at the confused face of’Seth’ driving the car, and shouted again, “Seth “

“Mason, Nuo.” Zach looked at all of this and sat and introduced, “No, Mason.”

Nou sat back in the back seat, frowning, looked towards Zach, he was waiting for an explanation.

“Seth is…” Zach considered the priority keywords, “Hunting Fiend.” Then he looked into Nou’s eyes. He does not have much time to explain the sorrow of Hunting Fiend, so, ” But he himself is a devil.” Zach looked at Nou with an expression of “please understand”, with regret on his face, “This is his container. Just before, there was an accident when we came to save you. Seth was expelled and sent back to the place where the demon should exist-hell.”

Zac did not want to add his realism to No, and added, “So, don’t think too much. Seth is just not here, not in our this World. It’s just that.”

It seems that Seth was driving in the front seat, but he was told that he was not in this World. This contradiction made Noben’s somewhat slow brain slower. He opened his mouth, looked at the person in the front seat, and blinked, “Rong, container? What do you mean by container?”

“Oh, the devil’s actions in this World are limited and they can’t exert their power, so they need a container to hold their main body.” Zach’s hand crossed the backrest, Patted Mason’s shoulder, it seemed to be sorry, “I don’t I dont know much about him, so I used the word, and I corrected it, Mason. You can think Seth is temporarily living in Masons body.”

Nuos expression is still the same, no more understanding, no more doubt. He suddenly shook the head, and in an instant, his expression replied with the wisdom that a detective should have, looked towards Zac, and the speed of his speech also increased quickly, “You said the devil, I kept hearing this word before! Those! People, uh…” He still seemed to be unsure of the identities of those people, quoting Zac’s words to those allegedly under the mayor, “Hunter, the hunter said I was working for the devil!”

Zach is very happy that Nods brain is functioning normally again, smiling nodded, “They think you are working for Seth and Fiend hunting.”

When Zach is dealing with the three upper hunters, listen Part of the dialogue was incomplete, but it was enough for Zach to guess what the hunters were thinking.

They thought Seth, the demon hunter Fiend, found the organization.

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