“‘General’, let Seth use you.” Zach smiled and patted the confused’General’ again.

‘General’ waved his hand, and a guy immediately brought a price list. Seth, as a rookie, was placed at the bottom. His price was very cheap, with more than two hundred geniuses. use. Zach is right, Seths actions are too’discrete’ and easy to expose, this is the point…

Zach raised his eyebrows, and the’general’ actually treated it with a business attitude . It’s right to think about it. This is the best way to shirk responsibility. Although the’general’ is doing low-level business, there is no need to offend a person like Smith. Nuoneng was very loyal enough to operate in hiding here.

Zach generously covered Seth for four days, which was regarded as a preventive measure during the time when Benjamin’s operation was severely restricted.

Leaving the bar, Seth frowned and followed behind his employer who had wrapped himself for four days, “I left, no one will protect that promise.”

Zac side Taking a look at Seth, this guy actually took the initiative to speak. It’s rare, “What can you do when you are there? Do some devilish things and scare a group of yourself.”

Seth did not speak. Now, Dylan has left behind Zac, floating beside Seth, “How do those hunters kill the devil?”

Dylan wanted to ask this question, but the timing was uncertain. Okay, I haven’t been able to ask.

“I can answer this question.” Zach glanced at Seth with a smile and waved his hand casually. “There are too many methods, such as flames that have an effect on everything, such as witchcraft, Potion, or the blood of vampires and werewolves.” Zach squinted, “Or some special weapon, such as Seths dagger.”

Amplifying the weakness of other races is a vampire pastime. , He himself seems to have forgotten, he is also a bunch of weaknesses, it is easier for a hunter to kill a vampire than a demon!

Zach laughed, “Of course, most of the time, just expel the devil back to hell. It’s just that in this situation, the expulsion has no effect.” Because the Gate of Hell has been opened and was sent back , Just climb up!

Danny taught Dylan about the death of an alien soul. It’s just that Danny’s education method should be very peaceful, he can only talk about theories, and won’t directly explain the killing method like Benjamin.

Dylan understands some basic things. For example, most hunters deal with soul alien races by trapping first and then killing. For example, Ravenge’s nailing the coffin to Ryan is a way to completely fix the Earthbound Spirit in his body and prevent him from leaving.

Of course, the trapped steps require a series of carefully set traps! If Ryan ignored the eyes of others at the celebration party and left the dead Connor’s body to escape, Ravench would not be able to catch him.

If there is witchcraft, this process is extremely simple. A soul trap witchcraft can trap low-level earthbound spirits. It’s just that wizards are a rare race. Most hunters can only use a low-level witchcraft after a long preparation and ceremony.

“There seems to be no Indians among those people.” Dylan seemed to be comforting himself, “then there will be no wizards. As long as they are not caught, there should be no danger.”

Zac didnt want to scare Dylan, but he still wanted to remind him, “You forgot, I just told you, hunters never have only one stronghold. What you see is only a small part .”

Dylan stopped speaking.

Zach found a phone booth on the side of the road and dialed Anthony’s number, and he asked for a car.

Anthony in the receiver seemed to be in a bad mood, “The police station in the southern district was withdrawn! What are you doing! The past few days, stay in Grande for me, dont mess with Trouble!”

Zac was a bit wronged and twitched his lips, “I did not cause the trouble.” Of course, Zach would report the hunters affairs to Anthony. This is saying, if Barton City accidentally appeared a few’mummy’, and asked the mayor not to make a fuss about nothing. But of course, there is no need for Zach to tell Antonino about another matter, just as the mayor would not tell Zach about unrelated work with aliens.

Zach quickly brought the topic back, “I told you anyway, I’m going to get the car.”

Zach just noticed! There is one third of that old car that belongs to him, so why can it only be left in Anthony’s garage?

Although there is no shortage of cars in Grande’s warehouse, Zach doesn’t know why he wants that one. Perhaps when Zach is acting alone, he needs something to remind himself that this is a city where three people come together.

“It’s up to you!” Anthony said annoyedly, “It’s okay to hang up.”

“Wait!” Zach stopped Anthony’s move to hang up. “I heard something.” Zach squinted, and the poorly clean handset of the public phone pressed against the vampire’s ear, harder and harder. Zach raised his eyebrows, “Crowley is with you?”


The phone was hung up.

Zac frowned and shook his head. Forget it, too lazy to manage.

Vampires have nothing to worry about. There is a saint who is destined to settle in Barton City, and Crowley acts naturally. I am afraid she is trying her best to persuade Anthony to refuse to accept the saints! Good luck to her.

“You are waiting here.” Zach exited the phone booth and gave instructions to the two guys who didn’t want to talk, “I will be back to pick you up in a while.”

“You shouldn’t Let me leave the’general’.” Seth frowned and looked towards Zac, “If those hunters find Nuo here, they will definitely attack the bar. Those people can’t stop the hunter, and Nuo will definitely be caught. Live.”

Zac wrinkled frowned, and Seth spoke up abnormally. It was the same problem.

The vampire pursed his lips, thinking about it, and the three fell silent.

“Oh!” Zach raised his eyebrows, he thought of something, “I know what you are thinking.” Zach shook his head and smiled, patted Seth’s shoulder with one hand, “You are right Nuo didn’t dare to be interested at all. Are you protecting the strength of the’general’, right?”

Dylan’s gaze quickly turned over the two people, and what these two people were doing now exceeded his understanding. , Has nothing to do with him. Well, Dylan was wrong, it has something to do with him.

Seth’s brow furrowed tighter. Zach was right.

Zach squinted his eyes and thought again, “Has Crowley’s arrangement been completed?”

Seth nodded, took another look at Dylan, “Together with Smith The layout has shrunk overall.”

Two things. In the first case, Crowley tried to control Smith’s tape, and the news was released, and part of it was left outside. The second case is a gang that Crowley completely controls from the Chapman transaction.

Seth stared at Zac, unable to tell what his expression was. He seemed to blame and agree.

Crowleys former subordinates are scattered among the gangs in the southeast part, and they are everywhere. Now they are concentrated in one place, which naturally makes Seths activities much more free and makes Crowleys own goals To be more clear, this is a good thing. But the bad thing is that Crowley can concentrate on supporting a gang. It can be expected that the southern part will be fully integrated sooner or later!

And Seth didn’t want the strength of the’general’ to be harmed, and then was swallowed by Crowley!

Hunters are not soft-hearted guys, they can say by fair means or foul to achieve their goals. If they really attacked the’General”s bar, it would be lucky if a few people survived the’General’.

Zac looked at Seth and suddenly smiled, “The saint is here, you seem to be thinking about something.”

Seth did not deny that before that, he Half-accepted that half of herself was already with Crowley. The identity is that the devil cannot be changed, and there is an outpost played by Constantine, he is destined to belong to Crowley. But now that the saints are here, it seems that things have taken a new turn, and Crowley may not be his only choice!

Zac smiled, and patted Seth on the shoulder, seriously nodded, “I cant say whether your idea is good or bad. But for the sake of’General’ and Nuo, I think you are Correct.”

Zac thought for a while and asked, “Did you reveal his position when you went to Nuo’s house.”

Seth shook his head. Do you think those hunters dare to leave the place that has been arranged as an inescapable net to track a demon with six bullets?

Zac groaned, “I guess you asked them directly, about Maid Nodded.”

Seth nodded.

Zach sighed and shook his head, “Then Nuo is indeed not too safe. As long as the hunter investigates Nuo’s social relations or finds a maid, he will be drawn over.”

Seth’s face is calm, this is not to blame him, on the contrary, because he directly reveals that he knows where Nuo is, it will make those hunters jealous.

Zac turned around and waved, “Catch up.”

“Where are we going?” Dylan asked.

“[skull bone bar].” Zach thought for a while, “I remember this name, right Seth.”

Seth was nodded, but his brows frowned. “What do you want to do.”

“Of course it is for them to protect the’general’.” Zach waved his hand casually, laughed, “Crowley don’t want to mess around this time so easily.”

Seth gloomy face, he didn’t expect to lead the hunter to Crowley, but it is meaningless to do so.

The demon gang fights with the hunter, and the hunters life and death do not matter, but the power of the skull bone will definitely be affected! That is not to worry that the’general’ will be annexed, but to worry that the’general’ will not be able to resist the temptation to annex others!

Think about the reality, the’general’ is just a human being, so the final result will only be the’general’ handing all of her to the demon Crowley! That would be ridiculous!

It’s not just the’general’, any gang in the southern part can do this, so Crowley’s gang is bound to grow in a strange way!

This is what Seth did not want!

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