The azure necroman who has just gained freedom in the bright sunshine is gone. “Chasing it?” Benjamin asked, standing on the front porch of Walter’s house.

The door behind him was heavily closed. Zach shook his head with a bitter face, “Who knows where he is going.”

“Where is Jason?” Benjamin walked to the truck and did Gave a very practical guess.

Zac shook his head and nodded, “Go there and have a look.”

Get in the car, for practical reasons, they dont know how long they will be outside, Ma Xiu is still in worship and needs to be brought. So the two of them didn’t at all drove directly to the North District, but went south to the Gospel Church in the South District.

Like any undead being tricked out of hell, if the other person is obsessed with freedom, the first thing that comes to mind should be his body. Without a body, his freedom is a joke. The death of Mrs. White’s son was not short. He should have enough knowledge of his current situation, instead of being brought back to this World with a little knowledge like Dylan.

Then his course of action should be Jason, someone who knows the truth about death, figure out what happened after his death, and then his family, figure out where his funeral was held. Zach shook his head because he thought he would wait for this guy if he waited directly at the Grand House.

Nodded is that Zach thinks it is better to take the initiative, otherwise a wandering undead, if he is dragged back to hell by the hell dog, it would be funny. heaven knows which time zone he will be thrown into hell, and it is impossible to ask Walter to help again in the short term.

Zach certainly does not think that Walter is about to break with Grande. People with’talents’ or aliens have no obligation to explain their abilities to others. This cannot be said to be a secret, but personal privacy . Just like you ask the vampire to explain why his blood can save people, he will only say: “I can.”

You want him to deeply analyze how the ancestor of the vampire annoyed the Holy Lord and was punished. , Being banished, being cursed for immortality…It is impossible. There is no reason for vampires to dig your heart and lungs with you, but there is a reason to suck you up.

So Zach understood that he had done something beyond the boundary, only to wait for Walt to calm down.

The service in the Gospel Church is still going on. The two brothers of Grande are standing behind the small church and gesture to the priest who is preaching.

Father nodded, immediately the pastor walked up to Matthew and said something to the young man sitting next to his father.

Joseph looked back at the Grande brothers and urged Matthew to go. This devout believer is still very practical, he can understand that the job of supporting a family is greater than faith.

Matthew asked his father to be careful. Some unnaturally entrusted the pastor to take care of his father. He crossed the full bench and walked to Brother Grande.

“Don’t worry.” Alpha said indifferently.

Matthew nodded, still looked back at the priest and priest. He can almost understand the difference between the devil and other alien races, that is, not at all, but he is still a little worried. For example, although belief is to make life easier, the ultimate comfort will always fall on going to heaven after death. Matthew really doesn’t know whether this possibility still exists in Barton now.

“Where are we going?” Matthew asked.

I briefly explained to Matthew that when he got in the car, Matthew was pushed into the passenger seat, and Zach was in the back seat because of the increasingly enthusiastic sunshine.

“That Jason.” Matthew clutched his head, “Is he the same as Stone (Blake)?”

Alpha was nodded while shaking his body to the music.

Matthew blinked. “The preaching priest said that the fire burned the village, and the souls of the unrighteous were sent to hell. Some of them, um, is…” Ma Xiu paused, he had a good impression of Blake.

“Ask Zac.” Alpha twitched his lips. He, an unbelief guy, couldn’t answer this question.

Zac leaned back in his chair, his helpless eyes on Alfa only conveyed to the back of Alfas head, “Did the priest say in his sermon how the Holy Lord chose the righteous?”

Matthew thought for a while and shook his head.

“Then why believe his criteria for choosing unrighteous people.” Zach laughed, “Are those people wasting their lives without shepherd or farming?”

Matthew shook his head.

“Aren’t those people other people’s sons, daughters, lovers, brothers, sisters, parents?”

Matthew shook his head again.

Zach shrugged, “Then they are just bad luck, praying to the wrong god.”

Matthew opened his mouth.

Zach is not going to say more, Crowley’s sermon progress is very slow, and it is still in the early stage of the bishop, which is the period of religious expansion. Her intention, Zach can understand, is to consolidate the status of religion, in order to cultivate souls that truly belong to this belief system.

After all, Crowleys tradition is still somewhat outdated. The current federation is not at all a religion that can be chosen freely. This kind of preaching that excludes other beliefs can actually be skipped.

But Zach did not mean to criticize Crowley. After all, if people just choose their beliefs at will, or just treat worship as a fixed time-killing activity, then speculators who contract with the dead It’s no different. Papa didn’t like it at midnight, as did Crowley.

So these stories usually do not at all have any practical meaning, they are nothing more than expressing one thing, the Holy Lord is the only god. Excessive interpretation will only lead to deviations.

“You don’t need to know this.” Zach patted Matthew on the shoulder, smiling and comforting the young wolf, “Don’t worry about your father, heaven or hell, we will ensure that he has the ability to choose. “

Matthew nodded, feel relieved. His mind is so easy to guess.

When they came to Jason’s house again, the three of them only saw a shadow of azure disappearing in this small apartment. They were a step late.

Matthew looked around curiously, but he didn’t dare to mess with other people’s things. Zach and Benjamin had no scruples. They randomly flipped through Jasons items. The key car keys were still missing. Everything was the same as when they left yesterday. Even the door lock that was torn off by violence was the same as yesterday. Hanging on the door handle, no one came to repair it. It seems that after leaving yesterday, Jason never came back.

“Someone is coming.” Benjamin opened the curtains and looked at the cars parked downstairs.

Zac approached the window and took a look. The young man who got out of the car showed a wry smile. It was Blake Stone. The young man looked at a very familiar truck parked next to him, and remembered that the car should be dirty. He thought for a moment, and looked up directly at the window of Jason’s house.

Zach opened the window, smiled, and waved. Uh, what else?

But Zach also needs news, which is not a matter of bad luck.

Zach made a gesture for us to go down. Blake scratched his head, looking like he didn’t need to go up, standing by the car and waiting.

After the three of Grande got down, they greeted Blake again, “What a surprise, I think we are all here for Jason.”

Blake Somewhat unnaturally looked at Zach, he might not want to get into the topic too quickly, “Well. How is Hank?”

“The same way.” Zach smiled, contrary to Blake, he I want to get to the topic quickly, “Jason is not there, no one is home.”

“Oh.” Blake frowned nodded, and continued to delay the topic, “I hope Hank will not be angry.”

“He didn’t.” Zach smiled and motioned to Benjamin. I don’t know how long this conversation will take. He is asking Benjamin to visit Mrs. White first. Their main purpose is to catch the dead.

“How about we find a place to sit down and talk?” The vampire held his bottle, weighed the remaining portion, and then took out a cigarette.

Blake knew that he could not escape the topic for too long. He knew that Grande was not a simple funeral home. Stone was in Quinn and Barton’s circle. He was already an adult again. With a little fame, he knew more about certain things than Laura.

He looked around and said goodbye to Benjamin and Matthew who were about to be separated, “I am not familiar with this.”

Zach laughed, this is not Liszt , Its not Western Region, and its not even Back Bay. Its normal for Blake to be unfamiliar. “Im familiar with it. Lets walk, Ogier Street is not far. We can find a place and speak slowly.”

Blake nodded, opened the car door again, and Zach watched that he took something that looked like a purse. Uh, it seems that this guy usually only carries a checkbook with him. Zac suddenly had the urge to take him to see Rita.

But what makes Zach look different is that Blake was quickly attracted by the graffiti on Ogier Street, “I like this place.” Blake smiled and followed Zack, “It looks like Its free here.”

“Yes.” Zach laughed, “Besides freedom, there is nothing else people here can be proud of.”

Blake has some on his face. Pursed unnaturally.

He is wearing an ordinary sweatshirt, and walking here is like an idle young man on the street. On the contrary, Zac appeared to be more prominent. A teenager with a paint can yelled impatiently, “Old Guy, stay away! I can’t afford your coat!”

Accounting for these, “The devil’s eyes are black, not red. You made a mistake, Little Brat.”

“Do you know what I’m drawing?! Old Guy!” The boy rolled his eyes,” Lets start! Im going to add a tail to my math teacher!”

Blake stared at the painting on the wall and suddenly laughed clearly, “Angles are spirals, and teeth are trigonometric functions. His clothes are made up of 1s and 0s!”

The boy slapped Blake’s shoulder with joy, leaving two handprints, “You understand buddy! I like you!”

Zach smiled. He wouldn’t remind the teenager that what he couldn’t afford was the clothes on Blake.

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