Walters community actually has a name. During the development, the developer wanted to continue Nor Beach. Life, entertainment, plus the cheap and surplus land in the southern district, gave the name [Exton] (extend) with high hope, which means extension.

Not only did it not extend, the gangs of the southern part cut off the developers good wishes. Easton was abandoned, only the name that had been high hopes still hung on a decaying stand in front of the community.

Someone once satirized that Easton was not the extension of Knoll Beach, but the extension of Herman’s factory that created the boundary between North and South. At the northernmost end of the South District, there is Herman’s factory to the west, and Easton to the east. On Highway 27, you have to cross this left and right attack before you enter the real city.

The truck passed the rotten and decayed stand, and drove in to Walter’s house.

Zach frowned and looked at the black car in front of Walters house. This was James car. James was standing in front of the window, staring at the slowly approaching and stopping with a gloomy face. After getting off, there was no stalled truck for a long time.

“We should change cars.” Zach said to Benjamin with a frown, sitting in the passenger.

The rumbling sound of the old engine is very harsh in such a community, James obviously heard the familiar sound early, standing in front of the window, um, in front of the Walters window, James Taxi in there! I don’t know if the lighting at Walter’s house is bad enough, or the detective’s mood is gloomy enough. The policeman glaring at the truck seemed to be surrounded by shadows, chilling.

Benjamin twitched his lips, “What are you doing now, turn your head and go, or go down.”

Zac reluctantly unfastened his seat belt, “I have been found, go on.”

Pushing the car door, Zach smiled, moved towards James who was standing in front of the window motionless and waved, “What a coincidence.”

James moved, footsteps After that, the front door was opened, and James stood in the door, “What a coincidence.” Then he stepped aside, revealing a irritable look behind Walter, who was the real owner of this house.

Zac pursed his mouth, took a look at Benjamin, and walked in front of him helplessly and entered Walter’s house.

Four people sat down at the small round table in the restaurant. There were new candle prints on the table and a faint burning smell in the air. It seems that Walter was recruiting spirits not long ago. James impossible has this kind of request, so it is what James interrupted Walter when he arrived.

Zac felt the residual smell in the air. It seemed that James hadn’t been here long.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

James’ eyes kept shifting between Grand and Walter. He tapped his fingers on the table and said silently, “Don’t worry about me, you guys come and so on, please continue. “

Last night, it was Walter who drove up James and sent Chapman and Zac to the attic. Zach also introduced the identity of Walter. During the whole incident, Walter was portrayed as a guy who was simply involved in trouble.

Zac observed James expression, nothing gained, and looked towards Walter, a talented liar, looking up, staring at the ceiling, not wanting to make eye contact with vampires.

Zac shook his head and placed the wooden box in the center of the table, “Walter, please, this is a sample.”

“What sample.” James directly stretched his hand over the wooden box and opened the box very rudely.

The strong and pungent scent hits James’ face. The detective’s eyes suddenly widened, and his cold face turned flush in an instant.


Zac pressed the lid of the box with one hand, and looked at James amusedly as he curled up tightly and tilted to one side. Had it not been for the frowning Benjamin to hold him, he would just fall directly under the table.

“Are you okay.” Benjamin pulled James on his shoulders, straightened him, and pressed his arms firmly.

James pupils are dilated, his muscles are tight, the veins of his forehead are bursting out, fine beads of perspiration seep out of his pores, his eyes stare hollowly forward, unable to focus.

“This thing is so fierce.” Walter, who was holding his nose, glanced at the box that was pushed by Zach. He looked at James, twitched his lips, and checked that the thing was covered. Then, I turned around and opened the window, and the indoor light became bright.

Zac stretched out his hand and shook his face in front of James, looking towards Benjamin. Benjamin shrugged and continued to hold James, who was beginning to twitch.

Zac smiled and looked back at James, regardless of whether the other party has the ability to listen now, “This is the spice that Sibera gave Benjamin.”

James’s The eyes moved a bit in the constant shaking, barely aiming at Zac.

Zach smiled even more, and pointed to Walter who went to open other windows, “We are going to ask him to help analyze the samples to see if there is any danger.”

James His face was distorted, he didn’t know if it was because of the spice or he heard Zac’s words.

Zac waved his hand, seeming to comfort James, “Dont worry, Siberas witchcraft notes say that this thing is a shivered soul.” Zach held it in his pocket. A piece of paper came out and swayed in front of James. This is the content of the copied Sibera notes, the ingredients, manufacturing methods, and effects.

“Sibera and Benjamin have used it.” Zach patted James with tight shoulders. “So it should be fine.”

This is not comfort at all, Sibera It’s a wizard, Benjamin is Alpha, James is quite sure that he is just an ordinary person!

After’comforting’ James, Zach leaned back on his chair and looked at Walter who had actually brought an electric fan. He handed out paper, “This should help a little.”

Walter took it, took a look, folded it, found a rubber band, tied the strip of paper to the wooden box, then found a piece of crumpled cloth that didnt know what it was for, and carefully put the wooden box together Pack it in.

James was firmly pressed on the chair by Benjamin. He slanted his eyes and watched Walter do all this. The sweat on his face kept oozing out, and he was driven to the highest gear quickly. Blow dry, stick to the skin sticky, shiny and shiny.

James nose keeps inciting, and his chest is the same, he is working hard to adjust his breathing.

The strength of Benjamin’s hands is lightened, and he can feel James’ tight body relax.

Walter finished the business, returned to the round table, frowned and glanced at the three people, revealing half of the missing front teeth, “My business is gone, I’m okay, I still have business! You guys! Chat, please close the door when you go out!” This guy is about to get out again.

Zack was helpless nodded, watching Walt pick up the wooden box wrapped in a pile and quickly leave his home.

“Feeling better?” Zach looked towards James with a smile, his pupils slowly retracted, and his breathing slowly eased.

James opened his mouth and let out a dry hum. The detective’s shirt was completely drenched with sweat and was slowly evaporating under the fan.

Zac shook his head, stood up, turned off the fan and walked to the kitchen, found a clean glass, took a glass of water, and handed it to James.

“You should rehydrate.” Seeing James didn’t mean to answer, Benjamin leaned back in his chair and said indifferently.

James picked up the cup and poured it down, gurgling. Drinking water can actually look angry.

Zac took the empty water glass very intimately, and was about to pick up another one.

“Stay! Here! Here!” James’ voice was still a little hoarse, he stared at Zac, “Sit down!”

Zach raised his eyebrows. Benjamin twitched his lips with a smile on his face and sat down.

“Why give this ghost sample to Walter!” James glared at Zac, and asked in a coercive tone.

Zach’s gaze turned around in Walter’s restaurant, he was thinking, oh, no doubt, James must have found something when he appeared at Walter’s house in this way.

“Chapman.” Zach decided to take his time. Now that it has been exposed, he will give James a chance to lead and make James feel better. “It should be Wander.” Zach laughed, “The smell on Wander’s body is completely covered up. Walter has the resources and the resources to obtain this advanced witchcraft potion, so we asked for his help.”

James Staring at Zac, the corner of his eyes didn’t know whether it was the remnants of the effect of the spice before, or his true emotional reaction now, twitching, “So you discovered that Walter has this resource after seeing Wander, is that right?”

Zac opened his mouth, “I, um, I, I think, so…” He gave James enough time to interrupt himself.

“Liar!” James held the cup and hammered heavily on the table. “You have been behind us yesterday! You saw Walter go to “isolate”! At that time, you and Walter met!”

“I was counted on.” Benjamin was not at all helpful. “When Coulson left, I went to your house and kept waiting there.”


“hmph!” This is a laugh, James was irritated and nodded, “Very good, very good!”

Zac left Benjamin speechlessly At a glance, “I need to make sure you are safe.”

“So…” James froze as soon as he opened his mouth. What he wanted to say was,’So I was tied to the car helplessly. I keep looking forward to your appearance! ‘, he realized that this sentence would express the completely opposite meaning.

“Okay James.” Zach shook his head helplessly, “I know Walter will not do anything to you, but before I actually contact Wander, I still have to guarantee Wander It wont hurt you.”

James seemed to think of something funny, staring at Zac, “The way you keep people safe is really fun!”

“James .” Zach got serious. “You know what I’m thinking, and I need you to judge Chapman and Wander objectively.” Zach smiled again, “You did it, this is important.”

James frowned tightly, his mouth twitched, “hmph. Hehe, what is this?” He stared at Zac’s eyes and stood up, “Is this another test paper for you? James Lance, I, will you write the correct answer.” James’ eyes narrowed, and his standing body pressed towards the still sitting vampire, “What do you think you are? You think you Is it the person who wrote the question? Do you think you are a god?”

Zac frowned, which is not what he wanted.

“Guess what.” James almost sticks to the face of the vampire, “You are just an insect that is hated and abandoned by all species, but can only live on the blood of other creatures. That’s it.”

James turned around and pushed away the chair in the way, and walked out of Walter’s house.

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