On the easternmost side of Barton City’s north-south border, wolves in the night slapped the reef on the shore, and a yellow and white cordon extended from the reef, forming a circle. The blue and white patrol car stuck between the two rocks.

It looks like it was abandoned. The front of the car and the rock fit each other, and the bending of the front cover is obviously the result of the impact. The blood stains prolonged from the car door pointed to the south, but it failed to prolong too long, and was washed away by the wolf that hit behind the reef.

The news from Crowley and the police are combined with each other. It is already known that Chapman drove here directly after leaving the Southeast. Four people circled the patrol car, checking all around.

“Did you find anything?” James looked towards the three alien races. He and Coulson had checked many times. It was not the murderer group who discovered the patrol car. After preliminary investigation, the driver’s seat, steering wheel, and surrounding blood stains made the police found conclude that the driver was seriously injured and was dying. So the case was handed over to him and Coulson, who wanted to low-key investigation.

Now that James has known about the participation of shadow men, he hopes that these three alien races can see something he knows.

“This Wandell is unexpectedly weak.” The moist air made the blood on the car and on the reef have a melting and moist feeling, which was a seduction to vampires. Zach held his own bottle, “He seems to be unable to even control his body.”

James frowned, the tire marks are not flat, this is the car crashing Out of control performance in front of the reef. However, this was the result of their inferior driving force, and now listening to Zac, it seems that two souls are fighting for the control of the body, causing confusion.

“Is there anything wrong with this?” James thought of something bad, “Do you think he is dead Chapman.”

“I didnt Said.” Zach walked around the truck, his nose twitched slightly, and the humid environment was not suitable for smell recognition. The vampire shook his head, “I’m just curious about why Wander is not willing to return to Crowley.”

The motives of Grand and James are a little different. One is to find Wander and the other is to find Chapman. This is a small difference between aliens and humans, please understand.

James pulled the corners of his mouth and looked towards Benjamin and Matthew, watching Matthew only follow Benjamin, with an expression of fear, sighed in the heart, and asked Benjamin, “Did you find anything?”

Benjamin didnt answer, and looked towards his cub.

Matthews face was pale, this guy with no aptitude for driving was right The scene of the car accident showed a real enough fear, “I, uh, I didnt find anything. Only the smell of the sea.”

Benjamin shook his head, a little disappointed, “Very light, but still distinguishable , I went there.”

James looked towards the direction Benjamin pointed to, which was the residential area he and Coulson visited. He frowned, said nothing, and followed Grande’s brother in that direction.

There are no lights, only the stars and the crescent moon in the night, this is a very dark community. The night wind and the sound of sea waves came from the end of the main street, and there was fire from the unfinished houses. Approaching the’indoor’ with only half of the ceiling, the moist wood burned in the iron barrel in the middle, and the crackling light sound of the flame illuminated the surrounding homeless people. They are using this to dispel the dampness on the beach.

The sound of Xixi Suosuo’s voice became quiet as the four people approached, and the numb and dirty faces looked towards them. As they approached, they gradually stepped back, seeming not to be with this Several strangers talked.

“No.” James watched the vampire walk towards a bunch of homeless people. He knew what the vampire was going to do. “I asked Coulson and they didn’t know anything.”

Zac glanced at James and tilted his head. The red in his pupils covered by the firelight faded temporarily. It should be that James is a little too high on the smell of alien races, he probably thinks that there is no need to involve these already very sad people.

But both Zach and Benjamin discovered that the smell became very vague due to the humid environment. After entering the community, the smell had been mixed with the terrible environment and it was difficult to track. They need auxiliary information. But Zac’s pride will never allow him to say this, hey.

Zach thought for a while, patted James on the shoulder, and looked at him seriously, “Either my charm pupil or Alpha’s skin, which one do you choose? James. “

Zach knew that Grande directly used the enchanting pupil to cover Susan’s memory, which made James a little uncomfortable. Zach is reminding the young detective that this is how aliens do things. The human way James and Coulson have tried it, with no results, and now it’s Grande’s turn, James has no right to intervene.

James frowned and stared into Zacs eyes, meaning he understood it, tugged at the corner of his mouth, turned and walked out of the unfinished house. In the dark street, James looked gloomy and looked around irritably.

For a moment, the voice of a vampire came from behind James, with a hypocritical smile and a sense of inducement as usual, “It’s really comfortable here. Let us join you. We can talk about interesting things nearby. For example, you know that there is a police car in the north…”

James knows that Zach is so loud on purpose to let him hear. This is naked-naked-naked stimulation. James sighed and walked away quickly. He didn’t want to hear the vampire attack the innocent people’s thinking and steal the memory of others. Of course, he didn’t want to see Benjamin half-wolf and half-human running around in the street, so as Zach asked, he chose. This does not mean that he likes his choice.

James walked aimlessly on the dilapidated streets. The sea breeze in summer is very sticky. This is not a fair description, just to reflect James mood. He pulled his neckline irritably, trying to get rid of the uncomfortable dampness.

The dim light came out from the complete house. James was walking on the street, and he began to recall the conversation with the owner of the house during the afternoon visit. He needs to let his mind be occupied.

Coincidentally, whether it was Grande or his and Coulson’s visits, they were all guided by the blood stains left on the side of the patrol car, so the way James is walking now is the same as the visit in the afternoon. coincide.

James’ gaze followed his steps, sweeping across the houses, recalling the content of the poor conversation in his mind. Then James realized what he had missed.

He frowned, stopped, looked back towards the street between the yellow and dark, remembering.

Oh yes,’devil’.

The guy described as the devil by a woman, his home is behind James. James accidentally missed it because there was no light.

The memory of the vacancy was filled, James twitched his lips, recalled the guy who had lost half of his front teeth, and turned around to move on.

The devil who talks to the dead? James frowned, put down the foot he was about to lift, turned around again, looked towards the house without lights.

It’s about eight o’clock. Along the way, there are dim lights in the houses where people live, which means that the nightlife of residents here is not rich. James looked forward, roughly visually, and the visit one after another in his head corresponded to the house in front. He quickly realized one thing, the only thing that didn’t turn on the light was this house where the devil lived.

Hesitated only for a moment. Zach’s face that made people unable to calm down was immediately driven out of his mind by James.

James walked to the dark house. But he wasn’t so fearless, his hand was pressed on his holster, and his heart twitched when he was about to touch the dagger. Crowley once made a useless evaluation of his dagger.

James irritably gave up using the dagger, took out the gun, confirmed that all the silver bullets presented by Anthony were inside, and held it tightly. Quickly bypassing the front porch, cautiously pasted on the side wall, slowly moving forward, standing next to the eaves of the bedroom.

James lowered his body and moved forward slowly. The eaves in his sight gradually lowered, and James successfully saw the window.

Under the night, only a faint moonlight shone on the not-so-clean window, and the two dots behind the glass blinked.

James’ eyes slowly widened. Two points disappeared.

James quickly backed away, his gun-holding arm was just raised, and the window in front of him was banged! ‘Push away! A light sound came from inside the bridge of James’ nose, and the pain almost made James’ hand loose!

Unfortunately, the detective’s gun still failed to raise. In the eyes that were already clouded with tears, a pale body rushed out of the window and hit him!

Loss of balance, James fell straight back, one person’s weight was completely attached to James’ upper body, and his gun-holding hands were stuck tightly by the other party and could not be lifted. The things in James’s field of vision flipped rapidly, he just felt the bottom of his back, and his vision was quickly filled with Chapman’s pale and bruised face!


James’ brain shook for a while, before he could feel anything, his vision was completely black.

“What did you do!” Walter lay down in front of the window, staring at Wander who was still sitting on James, and lowered his voice.

“He found me!” Wander looked aggrieved.

Immediately, Wander’s body trembled, “Ah…” The tone changed, and Wander’s face quickly became fierce. This is Chapman!

“You! You…” Chapman stared at James under him, he seemed speechless!

Then, he no longer wastes his precious opportunity to finally gain master control, run!

“Damn!” Walter, cursing in a low voice, jumped out of the window, just chased out a few steps, stamped his foot, fiercely came back, and carried James with difficulty, and was embarrassed about what to do At the time of the detective, Chap…No, Wandell is back.

He was trembling all over, and the gauze on his body was slowly being reddened, “I, I want, I can’t hold it down, he, he is.”

Walter is irritated Tsk, “Bring this guy!”

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