Chapman took a deep breath and put his hand on the handle of the patrol car. It is today.

“Hey Chapman!” Someone patted him on the shoulder, and after turning around, the man with his hand on Chapman’s shoulder smiled reluctantly, “Many thanks. I will compensate you tomorrow.”

Chapman buried all his emotions to the deepest, smiling and looking towards his friend, “You guys go quickly and leave me a piece of cake.”

Today is Barton The police chief Cologne had a birthday, so the police had a surprise party. Of course, all staff will not participate, the police are very busy. But being able to spend at least two hours at a party with their top boss, many people are fighting for this opportunity.

Chapman was the one who gave up the opportunity. He took the initiative to take the patrol mission from his friend. He smiled and patted his friend on the shoulder, urging, “Go! And don’t forget to say something nice to me!”

“I will not forget!” The friend smiled and promised .

Of course, Chapman would not take it too seriously. As a police officer, he doubted whether his friends had the opportunity to approach the chief.

He opened the door. It was a standard police car with blue and white stripes and BDPD (Barton Police Department) painted on the body. He got in the car and disappeared easily after a brief distraction. The nervousness, fear…the mess of emotions once again occupied his heart.

Chapman took a deep breath, turned the key, turned on Wireless Electronics with a trembling finger, and after a brief noise, the police wireless channel became smooth. When Chapman drove out of the Barton Police Station, it was night and the street lights covered the windows. “Dispatch Office, Bache First Street, drunk trouble…”, “Liszt Street, someone reported a stolen vehicle… “

Chapman started patrolling.

But he ignored these contents, not at all responding to any scheduling. He has a clear destination, after all, it is today.

The patrol car drives up Becky Street, and then turns onto Highway 27 to the south. The prosperity in the night was gradually thrown behind him, leaving Becky, leaving Liszt’s range, and Chapman continued south. The lights on the car windows have changed from colorful to monotonous, and the buildings on both sides of the street are only warm and dim yellow, which, in conjunction with the street lights, crosses Chapman’s face.

The Church of Mary retreated from Chapman’s vision. Chapman slowed down unconsciously, turned his head and glanced at the largest church in Barton City. He couldn’t help but stopped on the side of the road, not at all, and walked to the church. Instead, he started searching for the phone booth. He didn’t find it, only an open convenience store.

“Do you have a phone?” Chapman walked into the convenience store, put his hands on the belt around his waist, and here hung his police badge, his baton, and one with only six Police revolver for bullets. Of course, he is not showing anything, this is just the habitual posture of all policemen.

The young cashier sitting behind the counter put down the newspaper in his hand, smiled at the policeman in his early thirties, pointed to the back, and asked casually, “Do you need change?”

Chapman touched his pocket, laughed bitterly, and took out a five-dollar bill. The young man quickly passed five coins and pointed to the back again.

After Chapman thanked him, he walked back and picked up a small bottle of whiskey as he passed the shelf. He needs strong alcohol to soothe his nerves.

Pushing all five coins into the coin slot of the phone may be subconsciously trying to make this call last a little longer.

“Hello, the home of Pierce (Chapman’s last name).” A tired female voice came from the receiver.

“It’s me, dear.” Chapman tried his best to make his voice sound normal.

“Oh, my dear. I thought you were taking the job.” The female voice in the receiver was also temporarily relieved of fatigue, with a warm tone.

“Ah, yeah. I’m on patrol, and they are all at the party.” Chapman turned the lid of the wine bottle he had just taken with one hand, his thumb was pale due to inconvenient force, but he Still unscrewed it with one hand, “I just want to call and listen to your voice.”

The bottle was raised, and Chapman suppressed the voice of swallowing.

There was laughter in the earpiece, and then it became worried, “What’s wrong, what happened?”

“Ah, nothing.” The back of the hand holding the bottle reached Holding Chapman’s lips, he frowned. He really shouldn’t use the rhythm of drinking water to treat the wine in his hand, now his throat seemed to be burnt. He quickly changed the subject, “Where is our baby?”

The alcohol of the spirits started to work, unexpectedly soon, Chapman raised his voice unconsciously, and asked again. “What about our baby? How does he feel.”

“He is asleep.” The mood in the earpiece changed and turned into sorrow, “I hope I can have a good dream.”

“He will.” It may be due to the effect of alcohol, Chapman’s thinking is strange and clear. The kind of “clearness” that can only be achieved under the action of alcohol. This is not good, trust me.

“Hey, my dear, I want to hear his voice.” Chapman began to make unreasonable demands.

“He just fell asleep.” The voice on the other side complained, “I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. He needs to rest. Will you go with us tomorrow?”

The topic seems to be in a very homely direction, pulling the thinking in Chapman’s mind slightly to normal.

“Sorry, my fault. I just passed the church, and I remembered the priest’s words, and suddenly wanted to hear your voice.” Chapman avoided the topic of tomorrow, under the influence of alcohol , He is sure he won’t have tomorrow.

“Oh.” The regret was not obvious in the female voice, but she immediately changed to a relaxed tone, “Yes, the priest is right, everything will be fine, there will always be a way. “There was a deep breath in the earpiece, and a more positive and relaxed tone was used, “I am very hopeful for tomorrow’s examination. Maybe the doctor has a new treatment plan. Everything will be fine.”

“Yes.” Chapman raised the bottle in his hand again. He had already figured out a way. “You also have a good rest, dear.”

“Be careful, dear.”

Hang up the phone, Chapman walked to the counter. The young cashier looked at the half-bottle of whiskey in embarrassment, and kindly reminded, “I hope you don’t need to drive.”

“Don’t worry.” Chapman waved casually. , “My partner is in the car, we are about to get off work.” This is a lie that will soon be indifferent.

The cashier twitched his lips and checked out. He glanced at the police officer and picked up the newspaper again. His mind was quickly attracted by the news. Recently, many things have happened in Barton City. The biggest is Smiths acquisition of Yuri. The front page of the past few days, Everyday all, is the details of the acquisition process.

Chapman got on the patrol car and continued south. It didn’t take long before he entered his destination, the most unpopular southern part in the North District.

Far from the bustling bars and clubs of Becky, everything here seems to be covered with a layer of gray. Chapman turned off the disturbing police Wireless Electronics and turned on the radio.

In the deep bass sound, a hoarse and heavy voice sounded. Chapman frowned. It seemed that it was recently popular music from the west, Goth, which seemed to be called by this name. The only reason Chapman knew this was that some enthusiastic fans in Barton City were alarmed by neighbors when they were howling at midnight.

But at this time, the background music is not important, what is important is that Chapman has found his goal.

The patrol car slowly leaned to the side of the road, Chapman extinguished all the lights, and the bottle in his hand that was about to bottom out was raised again. A group of people were swaying from the corner of the street. It was noisy.

“I heard that the’general’ people have come out, do you want to have some fun?”

Chapman doesn’t care what these people are talking about, all he needs is The other party is a disorderly social scum; the other party is drunk, which means it is more impulsive; the other party seems to be ready to make trouble. As a policeman, Chapman had enough reason to stop him.

Pushing open the car door, Chapman walked towards the dangling crowd, “Hey! You guys! Stand there!”

“What?” Someone in the crowd looked towards this At the same time, Chapman walked out in the shadows, “Look! What I found, a police officer!” The other party dangled his body, pointed at Chapman, and waved ridiculously, “Good morning! Police officer! I can do it for you. What? Huh?”

In the roar of laughter, Chapman said, “It’s night! You rubbish!”

“Wow! Wow!” You need to rely on human support. The one who stood up looked at his companion left and right. He had nothing to fear, “Relax, officer! You can’t abuse us at will!”

“I just cursed!” Chapman continued to walk towards the crowd “What can you do to me, you shit!”

“Are you-mum-in courting death?” Someone had already walked out of the crowd, but he could not get close because of Chapman Putting his hand on the holster, “Wait! Relax officer! We didn’t do anything!”

Chapman stared at the speaker, “No? You hit me and attacked the police !” Chapman held the butt back and hit his nose! During the bang, Chapman’s footsteps staggered because of excessive force, but he immediately stabilized his footsteps, and under the crooked bridge of the nose, the bright red stained his lips.

“Hey!” The crowd rioted, “What are you-mother-what are you doing! We didn’t touch you at all!”

Guns rang out in the street and Chapman faced Shouting people shot.

Amid the screams, the other party hugged his knees and fell to the ground. Chapman opened and closed his blood-stained teeth, “Now I’m just defending!”

“Madman!” someone in the crowd shouted, “He will shoot again!”

“Do you know that you are scared now! A group of trash!” Chapman stared at a group of people who were completely shocked and had not had time to react, “Begging for mercy from a group of little bitches!”

“What are you-mother-talking about?!” His companion was still rolling on the ground in pain, someone stared at Chapman and stretched his hand to his back.

“Yes!” Chapman held a gun with a grim face, “Just stand there and let me turn your disgusting faces into pumpkin pie…”

Pullman didnt finish, he was kicked down. From behind, the detective walked to the middle of the crowd for strange reasons…

The southern part of the street that was not covered by gray was very The calmness quickly recovered, leaving a body contaminated with blood on the corner of the street. It will become a corpse soon.


Chapman now knows that in the legend, he will see another legend of himself when he is about to die. It is true, because now there is a person exactly like him lying on the ground with him. The other party smiled and asked, “Who am I?”

“Me?” Chapman was helpless. At this last moment, he had hallucinations.

He shouldn’t answer, because immediately, he was possessed by the shadow man.

According to the plan, Chapman should die in the police service and get a lot of insurance money. Now, uh, he has a few more days of life.

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