Walters home is located at the eastern border of the North and South Districts. Under the influence of the chaotic forces of the small gangs in the North, and being divided into the South District, this is probably the worst part of Barton City. Up.

The only advantage is that the place is spacious enough. Single bungalows resembling residential areas are scattered on both sides of the road. To the east is the sea, and to the west it can be connected to Highway 27. It seems convenient, but if you look closely, you will find that it is even more rundown than Paisin.

The facilities are not only obsolete due to negligence in maintenance, most of the houses are still in an unfinished state, standing awkwardly on the ground, and I dont know if anyone lives. The scarcity of residents makes this deserted place. Standing on the road, there is only the sound of hua hua from the east waves, and no one cleans up the fallen leaves and garbage everywhere.

Occasionally, a few people in ragged clothes poked their heads out of the bare-walled house. Walter threw the last change in his wallet and pushed open the door of his own house.

Walter glared at Zac, because his door lock was broken, apparently the two had violently rushed in before they came. Zach shrugged, “Don’t worry about Walter, there is really nothing to steal in your house.”

Walter can’t refute, have no desire to improve and take off his shoes, just step on barefoot on the unclean on the floor. The middle-aged man’s back was a little bleak. He walked into the kitchen swayingly, touched a couple of beer, threw a bottle to Benjamin, and walked directly into the bedroom.

After a while, I brought a white candle as big as a bowl when I came out. He walked to the small round table in the restaurant, waved his hand, “curtains.”

As for the recruitment of spirits, there is a saying that the deceased return to the world and it is an interruption for them, so shielding the outside light is created for them A peaceful environment helps to have friendly dialogue with them. The actual situation is that when there is light penetrating in, it means there is an exit, and the spirit that has been attracted runs away and it is difficult to send it back.

Zach and Benjamin walked around Walter’s house, pulling the curtains full of dust mites, creating a false closed space in this uncomfortable and untidy room.

When the room was completely dark, Walter struck a match and lit the candle in the center of the table. The dim candlelight filled the room, and the three of them sat down around the round table.

“Who are you looking for?” Walter asked impatiently. The candlelight on the table swayed in the disturbance of breath, and the slight warmth spread all around.

The function of the candlelight is to burn a gap in the barrier of the world, allowing Walter to enter another world to find the opponent.

Zach said two names, “It shouldn’t be too hard to find. Just after entering hell, I suggest you look for the latter. You just died and you also met Benjamin.” Zach smiled. looked towards Benjamin holding a can of beer, he was talking about the guard.

Walter frowned and stared at the vampire in the candlelight, “Are you sure the church (demon) will not trouble me?”

“Crowley.” Zha Ke raises her eyebrows. The weaker guy will always be soft on the stronger party. The most direct manifestation is that he dare not call him by name, “Don’t worry, even if she knows, she won’t bother you.” Zach blinked. “If I find you, you can just say Grande’s name.”

Walter raised his head and took a sip of wine, as if he was raising his hand in a big battle! “Whatever you say! Let’s start!”

Then there was silence, and Walter stared at the candlelight in front of the small table intently, motionless.

Zac hugged his arms, and Erlang’s legs under the table kicked the air boredly. There was only the sound of Benjamin swallowing beer, gurgling, gurgling…

This quiet continued After ten minutes, Zach had changed a few positions boringly, and Benjamin had two more empty beer cans in front of him.

The candle flame suddenly expanded, and something seemed to be beating in the bright red inner flame!

Two sparks reflected in Walter’s pupils suddenly disappeared! The candlelight on the table shrank rapidly after a violent explosion. Before the candlelight returned to its original shape, Walter seemed to have no bones, and his fingers slumped towards the tabletop. Zach thoughtfully pulled Walt’s stray hair aside, so as not to be burnt…

The quiet continued after the sudden ripples. Now Walter, who is lying on the table, is nothing but empty. His body, his soul is in hell, looking for someone for a vampire.

Let us rectify the name for Walter, this human being in the third category of alien race. Walter is very powerful, but he is powerful, not like Banshee, which Papa deliberately created at midnight. You can see death as such a practical ability. Walter can travel freely between the worlds and carry the people he wants to take back and forth!

I hope everyone can understand the difference between the two. Unartificial ores can hurt people, and the metal made into one after another cone is called a bullet. They are essentially the same, but the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Walter is very weak while being strong. For example, now that Zach blows out the candle, he can’t come back.

Zac decided to use this quiet time.

“Benjamin.” Zach took down the can of Benjamin raised again. “We didn’t know Smith started so quickly.”

Benjamin was the one who picked up one in the woods The dead person (James) will bring back the guy Zac saves. Benjamin, like most people, has extra kindness towards strangers. Yes, strangers, once there is a conflict, Alpha is more decisive than anyone else, you can see what he taught Matthew.

This is also reflected in the fact that he reminded Zac to pay attention when he discovered that James had the intention to’use’ Grande. The superfluous but not overwhelming kindness, which can make’friends’ but kill the’enemies’ as soon as possible, is considered to be a quality that leader Alpha must possess.

“You think too much.” Benjamin glanced at Zach, “I don’t care if he (the doorman last night) died, I just don’t like Smith’s approach.”

In every sense, Benjamin is a man countless times more sincere than Zak, perhaps related to the habits of the wolves. Benjamin is Alpha, he doesn’t need to hide from anyone, and no one will hide anything from him. So naturally, concealing Smith’s early days is not as easy to accept as Zach.

Zac raised his eyebrows, “We can think like this.” Zach organized the words, “between us and Quinn, we are more candid (vampires have shown very human abilities). Between us and Barton , More friendly (the smooth handling of the Kyle incident and the existence of Lola).” Zach looked at Benjamin, believing that the other party could understand, “But with Smith, we have nothing.”

Zach The meaning of is very obvious. Judging from the mutual evaluation of Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Quinn, these two people are more intimate. For the special place of Grande, they may only circulate between these two people. Judging from Smith’s arrangement, in his eyes, Grande is no different from other firms. They are ordinary persons who follow the line of investigative reasoning.

This is good news for Grande. Starting from this starting point, we can find that Smith does not trust Grande completely while entrusting him. RAND confidentiality test.

Benjamin twitched his lips, accepting Zachs meaning, and shook his head impatiently, “There will always be one day, they will make the most of us.”

Benjamin emphasized Use two words. In fact, Smiths commission has already reflected this. This is a guy who is good at layout and manipulation.

Zac smiled, “Then it’s time for us to show our true colors.”

When the game of’Barton Good Citizen’ can’t be played, you can still play.’ Barton is a good alien’ game. Grande itself is the ultimate weapon.

The sudden inhalation sound sounded at the same time as the candlelight suddenly soared! Walter, who was lying on the table, suddenly straightened up. In his wide-open eyes, under the flurry of candlelight, his brown pupils were like scattered tadpoles, swiftly running and colliding in his eye sockets!

On the white candle, the skyrocketing flame was distorted, and occasionally a cremation burst out. Zach and Benjamin frowned and leaned back slightly, waiting for the flame to calm down.

In the bright red inner flames, you can vaguely see a group of dark shadows shaking and tangled. Unsure where the shout came from, it was Walter’s voice, “Jump!”

The light and shadow of azure suddenly filled and stretched the outer edge of the flame! The translucent mass slammed into Walter who was sitting upright!

The pupils in Walter’s eyes converge! There are two!

Walter’s body suddenly moved like a monster.

Zac frowned, staring at the candlelight that was still skyrocketing, a dark gap in the bright red inner flame was being torn apart! This is not normal, something is struggling to come out! The vampire reached out and directly pressed the candlelight that was still skyrocketing with the bottom of the beer bottle.

The room suddenly darkened, but it was not quiet. Walter’s convulsive body had overturned his chair, lying on the floor, kicking around frantically with his hands and feet.

But dont worry, this is already part of the normal process.

Two misplaced pupils compete for the correct position of the center. This is the battle between two souls for the control of the body.

“Get out, get out!” Walter made a push with both hands! The translucent light and shadow seemed to be pushed, peeled from his body and pushed into the air.

Walter’s pupils finally returned to the correct position in the heavy gasp, his hands weakly dropped back to his chest, pressing the undulating chest, “I’m back!”

“Welcome back.” Zach smiled and patted the pants that Walter had just kicked. Although the other party presciently took off his shoes, there were still a few footprints on Zac’s pants.

The celebration of receiving the wind from the return of hell failed to last, and the translucent object floating on the wooden table made a scream!

“Ah! My body! You said you have my body! My body! My body!!”

“Shut up, shut up! “Walter’s breath is still chaotic. He took Benjamin and Zach by the arms and barely stood up, staring at the ball in the air, “Of course I lied to you! Otherwise, you will follow me?!” p>

Well, in general, Walter is a liar who makes the most of his talents.

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