To the south of the port of Massa, this is the gathering place for warehouses. It was past midnight, and Benjamin, who was still drunk and bewildered in Bobo Bar, had clear brown eyes, and the bright moon and street lamps in the night sky reflected in Alpha’s pupils, which was surprisingly bright.

“Mr. Grand.” In front of the warehouse belonging to Smith, a complaint flashed in the eyes of the staff of the guard. His superiors had long confessed that someone other than the police would come to investigate today, and the order was to meet all the other’s requirements and cooperate. But I didn’t get to the other party to pick such a late time.

“Here.” The guard poked his lips and led Benjamin to a warehouse. “Are you alone?”

Benjamin looked around at random, “Well. “

The door guard tugged at the corners of his mouth. There were two people who came on the order he received. The people in Western Region seem to pay attention to details. Zach always takes Benjamin with him every time he visits. They also naturally regard the two as one, and the instructions given are thoughtful and comprehensive.

The doorman took a notebook to jot down something. This is a special extra job. He needs all faithful feedback.

The two bypassed the cordon guarded by guards. Benjamin was a little surprised, “Where are we going?”

“There are other entrances and exits.” The guard lowered his voice and laughed. He waved to the police, “Just keep up.”

Benjamin twitched his lips, James report didnt mention this.

The two walked around to the side of the warehouse. The rays of light of the street lamp were abandoned behind them. The darkness seemed to deepen the quiet atmosphere. The waves of the northern waves passed through the warehouse buildings.

A doorman who has not introduced his name walked to the end of the warehouse, handed the flashlight and notes in his hand to Benjamin, talking to himself, “Bartons warehouses are mostly on the beach, and the goods are prone to moisture. , So our Smith warehouse will build an isolation layer in the warehouse.”

The guard is of a good shape. His hands are lifting a layer of rubber underneath. Benjamin on the side shakes his flashlight and looks at that layer. Red-brown glue layer. This thing is very common, it is generally cushion on the bottom of the container.

“Go here!” The guard seemed dissatisfied with Benjamin’s swaying the light source. He pressed Benjamin’s hand down, and a partition appeared under the opened glue layer.

The sound of shuaa~ appeared, the guard took out a bunch of keys, opened the partition, took back the flashlight, “let’s go.”

Benjamin frowned, normal person will not think this is a good direction.

Half of the doorman’s body has already walked off the ground, and he frowns impatiently, “It’s just like a ventilation duct, it’s not dangerous!”

Benjamin didn’t bother to explain, he pulled one hand After passing the baffle, I followed the opponent and stepped down the stairs, “Why don’t you enter from the front door?”

After entering, there is unexpectedly sufficient light source, it is already underground, every two meters There is a built-in emergency light, which doesn’t feel dim after getting used to it. There was a whistling air current flowing through the various winding pipes around, and it was exactly the same as the guard’s explanation, but it was just a relatively large ventilation pipe.

The doorman pressed his eyebrows and glanced at Benjamin, “I thought you all like to take a different route from the police. If you want to follow the police, we can go back.”

Benjamin waved his hand. It turned out that it was a private item. “The police report didnt mention this. Why?”

The guard pulled the corner of his mouth with a trace of irritation on his face, and stepped on the ground. There is a layer below. Warehouse.”

Benjamin is helpless. As one of the founders of Barton City, Smith uses such naive means. But Benjamin didn’t want to ask what’s down there, his nose twitched, and the truth was already on the tip of Alpha’s nose.

The two were shuttled in the pipeline. Not only were two people here, but there were also some staff members who passed by occasionally, bowing their heads and passing by. For a warehouse that is only used to store building materials, the staff here are a bit surprised. It is still this midnight hour, oh, Smith, Smith…

The guard pushed aside the ceiling again. Flap, the two returned to the real warehouse. Benjamin had smelled the remaining blood, and the body had been taken away long ago, but the smell would not disappear so easily. The guard took Benjamin and shuttled between the huge shelves, “Do you want to see for yourself, or do you want me to explain?”

The two have stood at the crime scene, and neatly cut wooden boards are stacked on the shelves. Things like steel bars were marked with chalk on the ground. Although the corpse was transported away, the scene was still preserved. The two steel pipes that were regarded as murder weapons were still stuck between the shelves. The dark red blood stains like falling water droplets covered the walls of the azure tube, where Benjamin was standing. A pool of blood was deposited.

“Let’s talk about it.” Benjamin pulled over the sliding stairs next to the shelf and climbed up.

The guard stood on the spot, watching Benjamin stand to the top of the shelf, pointing his finger in the general direction and starting to tell, there was an irresistible sadness on his face, “Thats it, the polices way of saying It fell from there. Then it happened to hit the pipe here, punctured all the way, and slid down.” The guard’s expression was very uncomfortable, but he still pointed to the other steel pipe responsibly, “Then was blocked by this one. Stand in the air. That’s it.”

Benjamin looked condescendingly. It is close to the edge of the warehouse, and behind it is the stairs on the Internet. The top of the shelf is marked by the police. In fact, James report has completely restored what happened. The deceased probably wanted to pull back the sliding steel pipe, because he was lazy and wanted to jump onto the shelf directly from the stairs next to the warehouse, and then did not exert enough effort. There were two handprints that wiped the dust off in panic where Benjamin stood…

Benjamin looked at it for a while, and felt that there was nothing to expand, and he climbed down the shelf honestly along the sliding ladder, “Then the aisle that took me to the compartment was to see if anyone might get in from there?”

The door guard pursed his lips and did not answer directly, “The door is the one, and the top, follow me.”

Benjamin followed the guard again and went to the warehouse. Edge walk. As explained before, because of the existence of the isolation layer, the real structure of this warehouse is the same as the vacuum flask that has been popular for a while. The underground pipeline room that Benjamin walked through is connected to the isolation layer covering the entire warehouse. This is a A two-story cladding building inside and outside.

The two went up the stairs on the edge of the warehouse, and the guard patted the wall with one hand. “There is a mezzanine. No one is going in. I don’t know, but it leads to the top.” He glanced at Benjamin. “But we have checked. The door I brought you in has never been opened. The exit on the top level, no one seems to have moved it before.”

The event will be re-deconstructed again, the entire commission It cannot be said to be a guise. The things under the warehouse must have more stringent security measures. Smith may be worried that someone has accidentally discovered something, because from now on, the police have ruled out the normal access to the warehouse, and the guard shows the isolation Obviously there are secrets under the layer. If the murderer just chooses to come in from the isolation layer, the things below may have been discovered.

Benjamin’s fist slammed the wall. Like a solid, it was obviously a solid concrete wall, except that there was an extra space behind it to isolate the dampness of the sea.

There are not at all stairs in the warehouse that can reach the zenith smoothly. The guard pulled a pull ring on the wall, and a telescopic simple ladder similar to a fire escape fell down. Benjamin pulled the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand. Up the metal stairs. I was planning to show my face and leave, didn’t expect so much trouble.

The sound of metal rubbing echoed in the warehouse. Benjamin glanced at the rust stained with his palms and frowned. “You don’t really think that someone can come down here without being discovered by you?”


The doorman pouted, “Maybe the bad luck guy is sleeping? I want you to tell us.”

Benjamin shook his head and started climbing. As soon as the body was submerged in the ceiling, the rush of air blasted Benjamin’s hair.

At the end of this staircase, in the isolation layer, there is about half of the body’s space to accommodate people, and above it is the real zenith of the warehouse. Benjamin hooked his body first, asked for a flashlight, and checked it in the isolation layer. To be honest, this isolation layer is no different from a normal ventilation duct, except that it is covered with a soft cushion of unknown composition. Benjamin I tried to touch it, shivering, the feeling was uncomfortably slippery.

Benjamin shook his head, dropped the flashlight, climbed his arm to the roof, and reached the top with a little effort.

“I don’t have to go up.” The guard frowned, raised his head, and looked towards Benjamin, who was already on the roof, in the opening he never hit.

Benjamin replied lazily, stretching his body, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying the scenery casually. In the distance, you can see the Grande truck parked like a matchbox at the end of the warehouse group. The vampire was sitting in the passenger seat, noticed this, and waved in the car with a smile.

Benjamin twitched his mouth and checked the ground around. After a while, he found nothing. Back to the stairs, the doorman leaned on the lowered stairs, not knowing what he was thinking with frowning.

“Nothing.” Benjamin said simply, his body already jumping down the stairs.

The guard looked at Benjamin and asked eagerly, “So it was indeed an accident?”

What happened to Benjamin suddenly, such an obvious accident requires a third party to investigate again. , Smiths purpose is probably to be re-deconstructed again, “Its an accident, you can rest assured.”

This seems a bit harsh to the guard, he frowned, his face gloomy and pushed the stairs back. “Go back the same way and come with me.”

Back again from the underground isolation layer filled with pipes, Benjamin walked directly to the truck.

Zac is already impatient. Unlike the shining eyes of the werewolf, the light green eyes of the vampire are as deep as the dark ocean in the night, “How? Did you find anything?”

Benjamin got into the driving position and turned the key without looking back at the road. He turned the steering wheel and turned the front of the car. He smiled and said, “The case is as good as the police report.”

Zac raised his eyebrows. Benjamin’s statement was very interesting, what he found.

In Benjamins narrative, the vampires eyebrows were raised in Benjamins narrative. This commission took an unexpected turn.

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