Because Barton City is too young, it is not at all regular universities, but there is a [Back Bay Community College] located in the south of Back Bay, just as a boundary separating Paisin. Regarding this community college, all that is needed is application, tuition, and four years of free time. So you can imagine that this university is stuck in an awkward position in all aspects.

So after the daytime class is over, the Back Bay Community College at night becomes a more practical evening school, making full use of the educational resources that are not at all fully utilized during the day. What you need is application, tuition, and determination to improve yourself.

Morriss writing class officially started at nine oclock in the evening and lasted two hours, but he asked all students to be present at eight thirty, because he would read the assignments left before and comment on the spot.

Now Morris is reprimanding a young man sitting in the front row, “What I want is conflict! Not conflict! Come and tell me why a person who is allergic to peanut butter would want to try peanut butter Taste?!”

The young man is very wronged. His intention is good. If a person cannot eat peanut butter in his lifetime, he should have a strong desire for it. However, he seems to be mistaken. There is a fundamental difference between escaping peanut butter because of life threats and craving peanut butter.

“I can’t imagine how your concrete head came up with this stuff! It’s unreasonable!” Morris threw one assignment on the young man’s face and moved on to the next.

Zac smiled and looked towards the nervous Maddison, “What did you write?”

When Zach appeared at the mill stuck in time, Maddison was sullen . He was really suffering, if Zac did not show up, then he would completely offend his boss. If Zac appeared, Maddison didn’t know how to end it.

So the two came here silently from the Southern District, and Madison hadn’t spoken yet.

Find a topic that the other party is willing to talk about. This is the purpose of Zach’s communication with others. It’s a pity that Zach was disappointed. Maddison just sullen his face and glanced at the vampire without any intention of letting go.

Zac twitched his lips and continued to watch Morris ravage-wrap-his students.

“Ms. West.” Morris stood in front of a middle-aged woman, “You can take your homework.” Morris has a completely different smile from before. “I like it, and you will share it later.”

The woman whose surname is West nodded and turned directly to the end of the article to read Morris comments.

Zac raised his eyebrows. This Morris is really a good Teacher.

Finally, Morris stood in front of Maddison. He frowned, his fingers fiddled with the paper, “Mr. Cook (Madisons last name, not Cooks kitchen). “Morris’s voice is low, “Are you very persistent, right? I think you decided to stick to the blood-sucking guy!” He looked at Maddison with a nervous look and dropped his homework, snorted, ” Then I insist on my point of view! This is rubbish!”

Morris was about to turn around, and Maddison actually grabbed the Teacher with heavy glasses, “Wait! I have something to say. Say!”

Zac raised his eyebrows. The guy who was bullied by the bar staff the first time he met, always broke out at unexpected times. He was curious about what Madison had to say.

“This is who I wrote!” Zach looked at Maddison pointing to himself in amazement, Morris seemed to have a little interest, looked towards Zach, Maddison continued, “He is That guy who lives on blood!”

The lecture hall became quiet, and everyone’s eyes focused on our vampire.

Morris pushed his glasses, frowned and looked at Zac, “Well, pale skin, decent clothes…”

Zac kept smiling extend the hand, “Zachry Grand.”

“Morris. Also very polite.” Morris narrated objectively, and also stretched out his hand, “It’s a bit cold.” Mo Reese actually nodded and looked towards Maddison, who tried to prove it for himself, “So this is your prototype?”

Morris didnt wait for Maddisons answer and took his Last night, I handed it to Zach, his eyes remained on Maddison, with a hint of irony, “Then Mr. Grande, did you know that your friend wrote you as someone who lives on blood?”

Zach took Maddisons homework with a smile, not at all, but shook his head and swept the eyes gathered on him with an expression of’so that’s how it is’, ” It’s more reasonable, I am his boss.”

In the eyes of everyone with raised eyebrows, Zach smiled and shook his head, “If I let him feel like this.” Zach shrugged. , “Sorry?”

“Oh! Interesting!” Morris’s forehead was squeezed out of four wrinkles by the raised eyebrows, “So this is a symbol! The squeeze under the bright appearance!” He was playful. Looking at Maddison with a sullen face, “I now understand the meaning of your choice of such a ridiculous subject.”

That understanding is of course wrong, but everyone guesses Maddison will Explain? No, especially when Zach is already squinting and smiling next to him.

“I want to run before I learn to walk?” Morris shook his head with a chuckle, “If you don’t say it, no one knows your symbol! So it’s still useless! Now, I just want to I wish you will keep your job!”

Morris dropped Maddison and moved on to the next one. And Zach patted Maddison on the shoulder, just smiling.

There are not many people who can get positive reviews from Morris. In fact, this is a very tart and mean Teacher. When the class began, the lady West was invited to the podium.

“I’m disappointed!” Morris stood on the side of the podium, “Now, I want you to hear what a story is really worth writing! Ms. West, please.”


The woman on the stage was a little nervous. She held her article in both hands, looked around, took a deep breath, and started reading.

‘It was a very cold night in the summer, and Will didn’t know how he got to the point of planting. He put his hands on his head in embarrassment and ran in the cold rain…’

Zac’s fingers flattened the folds on his raised legs, adjusted his sitting posture, looked towards the podium That woman, the vampire is ready to enjoy a story praised by Morris.

‘Will began to organize his life. He used to be a simple person. He had an ordinary job. It was boring and worth complaining. But this job can pay for an apartment and pizza on the corner. Used to be very satisfied. Of course, he has many things he wants but cannot get, just like everything. Everyone must have expectations. ‘

‘Will looked at the dark alley, which was the only dry place he found. Yes, Will paid the price for his expectations. He no longer owns his apartment, nor does he have the ability to pay for street corner pizza. All he needs now is a dry place to spend the night. ‘

‘Amid the intensive rain, Will awkwardly stuck the lid of Green’s trash can on the fire escape. He wanted to create a closed space to dispel the cold. He tried to pull out the cardboard stuck on the wall and use it as his bed. On a night with only the sound of rain, this lonely man was fighting with a pile of garbage. Yes, he needs to think about his life. ‘

‘The sound of footsteps is approaching, Will is holding a fluke, no, this is not a fluke, this is giving up. He pulls the cardboard and bends it into an arc, and the enclosed space he wants is about to be completed, perhaps this is his future home. ‘

‘”I found you!” Will recognizes this voice, he doesn’t want to answer, and continues to’build’ his own home. ‘

‘”Not bad!” The voice continued, and Will tried to ignore it. “For a new tramp, you seem to be good at this!” The owner of that voice has approached. Will, there are three people, their wet bodies and clothes, they don’t care that they have polluted Will’s home. ‘

‘ “What a pity!” The intruder overturned the cardboard and pushed Will against the cold and wet wall. “We don’t want you to adapt to the life of a homeless man like this!” Surrounded Will, “You need to pay what you owe! Right!” Will shivered all over. ‘

The vampire adjusted a posture again. It was indeed a good start. He has been attracted…

‘ “What else do you want!” Will shouted ! The water dripping from his hair blurred his eyes, but now he was so angry that he shouted out his inner words,’What else do you want? I have nothing left. ”

‘Unfortunately, no one can hear his inner words. A fist hit his abdomen…’

The story on the podium is still going on, Zach’s finger is on the handrail, and the light green eyes are slightly narrowed and looked towards the woman, This is a repressive tragic story.

Zach knew that the class was over, and he never left the woman. What the vampire was thinking about.

At the end of the class, Maddison packed his things.

“Wait.” Zach smiled, got up and walked towards West, who was about to leave.

“Hi! Zachary Grand.” Zach introduced himself in front of the woman again, “I like your article, some questions, I wonder if you can answer me What?”

“Ah, thank you.” The woman was a little nervous, after all, in front of her was a Boss who was described as squeezing people’s blood, “Sheila West.”

“You can call me Zach.” Zach smiled, “Don’t care about Maddison, we are actually friends.”

Sheila grinned reluctantly and did not respond.

“That…” Zakla took the nervous lady down the corridor, “I want to ask, why Wells, oh, sorry, Will must die? I mean, we I have already felt sympathy for what happened to him, and there has also been a remorseful thug (Seth), a detective who is dissatisfied with reality and wants to protect him (James), why he can’t successfully go to court and gain himself The compensation you want to start your life again?”

Sheila looked at the actually very attractive man in front of her. She realized that the other party was really interested in this story. After thinking about it, she showed a hint of sorry. He said, “Because my cat is sick today, I will take it to the vet and I don’t have time to write it down, so…” Sheila bitterly laughed, “But Morris Teacher seems to be most satisfied with this ending.”

Zac maintained a smile on his stiff face. Some peoples lives are just stories on paper.

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