Because the mill was rebuilt from a real abandoned mill, it retains its original appearance. The stone wall of cyan-gray color is not at all painted, but the original moss on it is removed. Some walls still retain the pits and pits that were once, and Maddison’s decoration style is rough enough to make the entire mill interior like a cold-colored grotto.

The sunlight through the small windows does not make people feel gloomy, even though it is summer, it is not warm at all.

Serris walked directly to Brill, who was standing still at the door of the mill. He took the opponent’s shoulder and stepped into the sun. The group of people behind put down the coffee prepared by the mill employees and left behind them silently. Trouble, just leave.

“Too…” Leon had rushed in front of Zac when he walked out of the office, his open arms flinched under Zac’s squinting look, and held them to his chest, “It’s wonderful !” The demon kept his distance, looking towards the vampire with a pale face all the time.

“Mike!” Leon, who realized that he was going to be bad luck for bothering Zach, turned to his own kind, “I’m so jealous! You can be with Zach!”

There are not only aliens in the mill. Maddison frowned and watched the staff around him pause like a solidified statue. Leon’s eyes were dark, pulling Mike with excitement, “Can you feel it?” That turning, taking, laying out… everything is so perfect! No wonder we are jealous of vampires! They are the masters of manipulating hearts!”

“Free them.” Zach was too lazy to look at this guy and walked towards Benjamin, vampires don’t like to hold human ashes.

The humans in the mill resumed their actions, pressing their chests in surprise, panting and shaking their heads to shake off the sudden suffocation.

“Don’t come here, I won’t touch that stuff.” Benjamin glanced at Zach, and took his shoulders. “So does Matthew.”

Zach twitched helplessly. His lips turned to Maddison, and turned his head to the office before the employee who had begun to have a disappointed expression on his face spoke.

Back to the office, Maddison actually sat in the guest’s seat. Zach was in a bad mood and put the ashes on the table, “Go back to your place.”

“Why, this is your property, you are the boss, you are the one who makes the decision . That’s not my seat.”

Sure enough, this guy has a temper again.

Zac picked up Maddisons collar, pushed him to the desk, and pressed, “This is not what you think. We will not give them a new funeral…”

“Not at all!” It was Leon, the guy who pushed the office away, cleverly dragging Mike to make sure that Zac wouldn’t hurt him. He closed the door carefully, and Zac turned his head and frowned and lowered his voice, “I’m here to help, um, really.”

Zach didn’t bother to care about this guy, and shook his head.” We are just keeping it for Brill, you can think so, I will put it in the cemetery. They will not come to trouble anymore.”

“no no no!” Leon has already jumped When he reached Maddison’s side, he ridiculously embraced the person who was sitting behind his desk reluctantly, “It can’t be skipped so simply, Maddison needs to know everything! For me!”

Zack hands Overlapping on the chest, leaning against the back of the chair. Let Leon start to talk about what happened in the office just now. Because Mike explained to the side in a low voice, “Lyon is like this, you will find him a very interesting person when you get used to it.”

The strange thing is, when Leon began to analyze Zachs use of good feelings and good intentions , Politeness, empathy, fear, worry, these qualities that ordinary people have will smooth the incident. Maddison’s face actually improved a bit, he squinted and looked towards Zach, pursing his mouth.

“Did you find it?” Leon patted Maddison’s back vigorously, “He is perfect! That perfect protagonist!”

The dialogue seems to have reached Zach’s complete No clue.

“What are you talking about?” Zach looked towards the two people behind the desk. The two guys exchanged intensive eyes. When is the relationship between these two people so harmonious?

Zac frowned, waiting for a reply.

Madison thought for a while, “Well, thank you for solving this matter in advance.” He reluctantly said, “But I still don’t understand why I did this for Brill. , This is not our fault.”

Zach does not want to discuss this issue for the time being. Anthony has questions about Maddisons management of the mill, and Zach does not want to create conflicts. He waved his hand, “It’s not that we were wrong, but there was nothing to lose to us. It was just storage. I want to know what you were talking about.”

Madison sighed, and then pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer. Pass it to Zac.

Zach took the same thing as the flyer and looked at it, and asked in confusion, “‘Morris’ writing guide’, is this fuck and so on?”

“Didn’t you say you want to find a hobby?” Maddison snorted, “This is my hobby.”

Zac grinned, looked towards Maddison with smiling eyes, and used it The tone of the statement was, “You want to be a writer.”

“Yes.” Maddison pulled back the flyer from Zack. Before he could retrieve it, he was taken by Mike who reached out in the middle. Seriously Research it.

“For me!” Leon danced with his hands, “but Maddison encountered a problem! His work was evaluated as’empty, moaning, full of delusions not in line with reality’ etc. etc.!”

Madison stared at Lyon, but he couldn’t refute it. The Teacher named Morris seemed to highlight his point of view, and wrote these comments in red ink, just like Madisons fragile The wound on the heart.

“What did you write?” Zach asked with a smile, feeling much better.

The answer is still Leon, because Maddison lowered his head and his whole body was depressed. Leon lifts the head and waved his arms around, “You know. Some ordinary things, vampires, werewolves, Everyday life like changing shapes, demons, etc.”

Zach raised his eyebrows, and the people who wrote these subjects either became the food of the subject matter, or became the aliens themselves. The result is that the few remaining stories have become a word in religion or mythology. Cherubim guarded the Garden of Eden, and fallen angels fell into hell…

“That, come on.” Zach laughed Laugh, he doesn’t know what to say except for this sentence.

“But!” Leon was lying on his desk, leaning towards Zac, staring at the vampire’s eyes seriously, of course keeping some distance, “He has a problem!”

Zac began to understand Leons interestingness. In addition to the initial dislike of being too familiar because he was not used to it, he is now able to maintain a safe distance and show his neuroticism, “What’s the problem?” Everyone You know, Zach also has a desire for drama.

“His character! There is no soul!” Leon said, and was amused by himself. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You know how much humans abuse this word now, you can understand me What are you talking about!”

“Yes.” Zach smiled and shook his head, looked towards Maddison, “Your character is not full enough, just like an empty puppet, stiff and without inner.”

“Yes! That’s it!” Leon posted to Maddison’s side again, “Look! He knows! What did your Teacher say?!” He anxiously rolled his palm in front of Maddison’s face.

“He said, you can’t directly write about a person who is brave. This pale and not expressive. What you want to write about is that a person saved a person in front of a bus that is out of control. This is bravery. “Madison repeated Teacher’s reprimands mechanically, only tossing away the tone and the auxiliary words of the tone, until it became a very reasonable teaching, “The words and sentences are always only empty and superficial descriptions. Only events can become facts and be Remember.”

“Yes!” Leon took the conversation again, “What else did he say!” Maddison sighed helplessly, just about to speak, but Leon interrupted, “No need You come! I come! You dont have any passion!”

Then the demon walked to the side of the desk and pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose. Suddenly, he stared wide-eyed on his face. Showing a kind of neurotic excitement, he began to reappear the original scene of “Morris”.

He straightened his hand and pointed forward hard, the volume was high enough to make Zach frown.

“You rubbish! Are you taking notes?! Why are you taking notes?! What to remember? How to write that someone is brave?! That’s why you are here!” Leon, ah No,’Morris’, he angrily took off the notes of the first row of people in class!

He roared, “Who would want to see a brave man! Saved an old woman in front of the bus?! Who would want to see this stuff!! You! You want to see?!”

Nodded by Mike.

“Then why don’t you read the newspaper!!!”‘Morris’ glared at Mike, “get lost! Get out of my class!! Don’t let me see your face again! Forever!!! “

Zach raised his eyebrows and glanced sympathetically at Maddison.

“What are you going to write?!”‘Morris’ seemed to be walking back and forth, his eyes were full of provocative inducements, his body suddenly became smaller, “Conflict!” There was a long pause. “Tangle!” Breakpoint, “distortion!” Pause, “collision!”…

“Criminal save the kitten!”‘Morris’ raised his voice again, “The hero beats the tramp! The scam group sponsors the elderly! The police sell drugs-products-! The beautiful princess fell in love with the wild beast in the forest! The angel of aloof and remote fell into hell! The werewolf and the vampire became friends!…”

” I added it myself!” Leon shouted with excitement, he was no longer in a play, Zac smiled and waved to continue. He is indeed an interesting guy.

“This is what you want to write! Under the fixed label, those real attributes! Those unexpected and extreme transitions! This is the conflict you need! “Morris” came back, he stared forward, “What are you looking at me for?! Why don’t you take notes?! Are you here for fun?!”

In the silent office There was applause, Zach smiled and clapped his hands, “Madison, he is great.”

Madison shook his head speechlessly.

Zach thought for a while and smiled, “So I thought, I fit exactly what he said, right? Zachary Grande under the label of a vampire, a guy surrounded by conflict, A guy who can solve everything with the enchanting pupil, but uses human rules.”

Leons hands are spread out in front of him, “perfect protagonist.”

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