Rain makes the facilities of cyan-gray color more gloomy. Even if you are still in the car, you can hear rain hitting the hard walls and barbed wire, making noises Illusion.

Leon’s face gradually lost his neurotic expression. He stared at the approaching buildings and squinted his eyes. “At least these people know that sin needs to be punished.” As if talking to himself, he said softly from the corner of his cracked mouth.

The guard on duty protruded from the small square room, passed Madison in the driving seat, waved at Zach, who was protruding from the back seat, and pointed in a direction. Zach responded with a smile, patted Maddison’s shoulder in front of him. The blocking bar was raised, and the truck drove to the side of Barton prison.

The obese prison guard was already standing under the protruding eaves, and looked towards the truck with a wave. The splashing rain wet the food in his hand, and he cursed impatiently.

Zac leaned out of the back seat, looked over the iron nets on both sides of the truck, and saw the door opened beside the prison guard. Father Constantine was standing aside, his head down, and his hands cupped Holy scripture, what is in the mouth.

Once you enter the prison, there is no such thing as an unobstructed road. All routes are cut and twisted by iron nets. Benjamin directed Maddison to turn, and the truck moved back and forth in the maze-like iron net for a long time before stopping at the prison guard station.

The food dampened by the rain is not at all abandoned. The fat prison guard holds his hamburger, his eyes scan Maddison and Lyon, and Zach and Benjamin who got off the car are nodded, “This is you The newcomer to?”

Zach smiled nodded, “Madison, Lyon, it will be their mills that will take over the affairs here.”

“It’s a pity.” The fat prison guard Tugging at the corners of his mouth, his bulging cheeks became more prominent, and he raised the burger in his hand, “I will never escape these junk food.”

Zac patted each other very well. Shoulder, “You can go out with me today, and Alice will be happy to prepare something.”

The guard shook his head, the flesh on his face was shaking, with a bored and helpless expression,” No, no chance.” His stubby legs stomped on the ground, “In this horrible weather, the rain burst the pipe and flooded two areas. I will watch them repair it later.”

Zac shrugged, “It’s a pity.”

The honor of the best warden in Barton City is not warmed up yet, I hope it won’t affect Anthony in any way.

Fr Constantine glanced at Zach, and smiled reluctantly as a greeting. The two prison guards had already walked out with a stretcher. Zach and Benjamin looked at each other, opened the back of the truck, and pointed the two newcomers to put on gloves and approached the body that was thrown directly underground.

Zac glanced at the poor guy, there was still some blood on his face, the skeleton on his arm remained misplaced, the clothes on his body were also covered with blood, and there were more than a dozen tiny holes. Below these holes, there are fatal injuries. Like most prisoners who died in prison, he obviously died from, um, fight.

A scent of corruption diffused in this cold environment, and Zac pressed his gloved fingers on his nose. Vampires really don’t like the smell of dead people.

Benjamin also frowned, slapped Leon, who was facing Constantine’s “Ghost Smile”, and Maddison began to spread plastic on the ground.

Black’s plastic bag was opened, Benjamin pushed Leon and decided to give the most disgusting work to the biggest beneficiary. Leon didn’t have any tweaking, and directly pulled up the corpse’s arm, wrapped his hands around the soft boneless corpse, and stuffed it into the plastic bag.

“hmph!” The fat prison guard looked at Leon with interest, “Rookie! Very good!”

Zac smiled and watched the corpse being pulled The clothes rolled up, and the blood holes in the pale skin were very dazzling. “What’s wrong with this guy? It seems that he has offended many people.”

“humph.” The prison guard chuckled lightly, “Just from’ The guy who came out of the black room thought he had no desires, and he refused to close that mouth!”

Zac frowned, and in the summer, the guy in the black room came out, which means Ravenge’s companions were also transferred out (Volume 5, Chapter 20). I don’t know why, Zach looked towards Father Constantine, and the priest’s gaze also looked towards here, as if unintentionally, the priest was nodded, as if he was reassuring Zac.

The vampire did not know what expression to respond to Constantine. In any case, he did restrain Seth from creating chaos in Barton City, which was in line with the vampire’s concept. Zach could only be slightly nodded, which was a response.

Black’s plastic bag was sealed. Maddison watched Benjamin and Leon directly throw the bodies into the car, ignoring the coffin he had prepared, and silently said nothing. He watched Zach took out a few more documents, already signed Grande’s name in this respect, and handed it to the prison guard.

The prison guard held half of the hamburger in his mouth, took the pen, didn’t even look at it, turned the page very skillfully, and signed the name at the end of a few sheets of paper. When the documents were handed over to Maddison, Maddison saw the signature of’Guardian Vincent’.

The new writing class assignment is realistic and requires writing down of your work experience. Maddison thought, even if he wrote it, the estimate he got was still a “fairy tale” evaluation, no, it would be worse.

The prison guard took the contract that belonged to the prison and finally bid farewell to a few people and turned away.

“Are we done?” Maddison couldn’t maintain his calm, frowning slightly, in doubt, and what else.

“Yes.” Zach was definitely nodded. He would not confirm whether Maddison had written down this process. That would be the name of teaching. But this thing can be thought and done, but no one wants to say it.

Madison stopped talking, pursed his mouth, and returned to the car. Although covered by the eaves, the short walk still made everyone’s hair wet.

Zac smiled helplessly, and was about to leave.

“Mr. Grande.”

This priest, no matter how many times he says it, he will always use the official name. Zach looked back and smiled, slightly nodded, “Father Constantine.”

The priest didn’t seem to want to leave yet. He pressed the door with one hand, and his eyes showed the clergy’s generosity and kindness, looked towards the two prison guards who are still guarding the door, “Can we have a little room?”

The two prison guards turned their heads sideways without answering, and walked straight in, the priest facing the two backs nodded made a blessing ceremony. Then he turned to Zac, lowered his head slightly, the expression on his face changed to hesitation.

Zach waited for a while and decided to be the one who spoke first.

The vampire smiled and looked at each other’s lowered eyes, “I want to thank the priest for the reminder last time.” Constantine lifts the head, looked towards Zach, and Zach continued, “I am The pace of change has been slowed down, the way of doing things has been changed, and there have been good results.” The person in Zach’s mind is James, so this is not a lie. Zach feels at ease and has no guilt to deceive the priest.

There was a smile on Constantine’s face, nodded, “I am glad to be able to help you.” Then he stopped talking, still hesitating about the next words.

Zach thought for a while, and the corners of his mouth curled up, “If the priest wants to ask Seth.” A weak sigh came from Constantine’s chest, and Zach was not sure that his mood at this time was mocking. Still comforted, and then said, “I can’t say that his current position is correct, but it is good for him.”

Constantine seems to have given up his hesitation, with a little embarrassing helpless nodded , “Okay, that’s all right.”

Seth is not an ancient guy. According to him, he was alive three years ago and came from [St. John’s Middle School] from the west. Like Laura initially worried about Kyle’s future, a large number of religious personnel grew there. In addition, Seth has shown concern for Constantine in front of Zach, and the relationship between the two is not difficult to associate. As for the details, Zach does not care.

“Father, is there anything else?” Zach asked directly. When talking to people, the emotional wandering is not in line with Zach’s view of doing things, so he does not want this impossible conversation to continue.

Constantine looked at Zach, helplessly heavier, but in the end he could only shake his head, “Nothing. Thank you Mr. Grand for telling Seth.”

Zach smiled nodded, no extra polite, turned and walked towards the truck.

The cool rain usually contributes a clue to the direction of human emotions. Unfortunately, this is not effective for vampires. The wet hair is close to Zac’s forehead, and his senses are dulled by the cold and humid environment. Zach the vampire never liked this environment.

The cabin is much warmer, but Zach is still unhappy, whether it’s Maddison still detouring in the endless maze of iron nets, the rancid corpse in the air, or the cold voice,” Im surprised that Constantine has been with you Grande for so long, but you dont have a nodded thread. Now let the other party disturb your mood.”

“Are you a little too eager Yes, Crowley.” Zach was too lazy to answer. He turned his head, curled his mouth, looked towards the woman who was kneeling on the body with the plastic bag being pulled apart. On the side, on the coffin that Maddison prepared, Leon was lying on his stomach with a smile on his face. The summon of this demon impatient took his own master and collected the first soul.

Crowley’s palm was pressed on the hollow chest of the corpse, red rays of light showed through, and a little bit of light and shadow gathered in the crowded rear compartment.

“Can you hurry up.” Benjamin sniffed impatiently. “It smells bad.” If it wasn’t raining, Alpha would definitely open the window. The first morning after the full moon had not passed, Benjamin’s sense of smell had not faded to the point where he could tolerate the rancid corpse.

Crowley tilted her head and waved her hand. Golden’s long hair swayed in front of her, “Okay. Leon, he is yours.” A thick black mist like ink replaced Crow. Li’s body directly penetrated the back seat, re-washing and gathering on the passenger seat to form the image of Crowley.

The slender legs overlap in front of him, and the body looking sideways does not care that her knees have severely affected Maddison’s control gear.

“I heard what you said to Constantine.” Crowley folded her hands on her chest, her amazing bulge almost touching Maddison’s shoulders, “Unfortunately, the current Seth, appeared in a very wrong place.” Crowley looked at Zac with a smile, with a hint of bad taste.

“He is locked up. This time seems to be a little different from normal.” Crowley is probably most familiar with the southern part of the North Side at Barton, so she is qualified to say so. Crowley pursed her mouth, deliberately creating suspense, “Worst case? He will be sent here.” Her hands on her chest pulled her long hair, which was scattered because of the shaking of the truck, behind her ears.

Zac looked at the iron fence outside the window. The water marks left on the car window made the twisted iron fence more distorted. With the gray building behind, Zach felt worse. .

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