The temperature continues to drop. Every morning, the fog on the windows reminds everyone-get ready, the coming winter will be very cold.

Zach doesn’t like cold, his senses will be dull. At this point, vampires resemble snakes. But rest assured, Zach is still Grandrys most sensitive creature. The starting point for vampires is too high~

When Milo and Scott in the living quarters came to the grid early in the morning, they were wrapped tightly. When Rand was here, Zach was already waiting in the office.

“Where do we start heating?” It was Miro who spoke.

“Winter.” Zach replied, and’eating’ his own breakfast by the way-blood. Because he wants to save his life and no longer control his blood, Zach’s food consumption has restored the rhythm of ordinary vampires. This means… the owner of the Grand Funeral Home has been drinking heavily since the morning.

“It’s cold now.” It was Milo.

“But it’s not winter yet.” Zach actually doesn’t quite understand what Milo cares about. The aliens don’t care much about temperature. Zach glanced at Scott and found that Scott had been staring at his bottle. Zach was also bored, holding his own breakfast and shaking it in Scott’s direction, “Do you want a cup too.”

Scott avoided his sight and muffled his voice, “Someone has already started Im sick.”

“Because of cooling down?” Zach shook his head, “A bunch of adults dont know how to take care of themselves.” Its really speechless. If the former criminal can represent any attribute, it should be. It is a problem with moral indicators, not the ability to take care of yourself! “Well, this year I will heat up in advance, and when Bain arrives, let him arrange the boiler.”

The living area is a collection of mixed apartments. The heating is centralized. The boiler is in the basement and next to the laundry room. _h, probably nobody cares.

“When will Baine come?” Milo was still inexplicably over-concerned with such things.

Zach only had time, “working time.” It was only ten minutes later. Zach just didn’t bother to care about such small things. Sending the two guys to the showroom to wait, he went back to the master bedroom, took care of Adam and went downstairs to the restaurant to chat with the two girls.

The past few days of the high school group have been busy for a few days. After the social project of the previous school, they seem to have another private event. Alice did not explain to Zach in detail, Zach only knew that it was related to the charity project they had done in the Republic during the summer vacation.

“Will you go directly to Laura’s house for a meeting today after school.” It’s not Zach officially, but the past few days Alice used this reason to go home late.

“Well.” Alice’s answer is also concise.

The topic doesn’t seem to go on anymore, but Zach didn’t want to inquire about anything, thinking that anyway, if it is related to the second-generation charity project of the Western Region, the time is right, there will be in the newspaper.

Zac turned to Lily and Nana. Seeing that Nana was wrapped in Lily like a bear, she cast her mouth, “When winter really comes, do you still have clothes to put on your daughter?” Lily glared at Zach, not at all Taking the vampire’s ridicule, “Emilia asked me to work again today to help her review the foreign race.” A new topic was opened.

“Oh.” Zach complied, and didn’t really care, “Are you going to take advantage of your position to accept foreign races from the west into Barton.”

“It is necessary. “Also simply, and then, “You don’t even ask why your descendants ask for leave.”

“She didn’t ask me for leave.” Zach shrugged and didn’t want to stay in the restaurant–


Bane has already arrived in the exhibition hall, and is embarrassed by Milo and Scott, Zach has to go to the rescue.

“The angel’Harrison’ on Harrison has disappeared.” Lily answered the question herself, “Harrison is back to Barton.”

Zach There was a pause at the entrance of the restaurant, and then ignored it without further questioning.

Angel Harrison, um… it should have disappeared earlier. The moment heaven was rebuilt and the devil was forced to return to hell, this angels revenge in this world was over. Those angels who had betrayed their compatriots in the Republic and fell into demons finally received the punishment they deserved in their faith. It’s time for him, an angel who is carrying world punishment and returning from the Republic to revenge from the Federation, to perform the punishment of faith. He no longer has the meaning of being in this World.

The reason for not asking is not that Zach felt that the topic of’disappeared’ was too heavy for the breakfast chat, but that Zach did not think that the angel Harrison’left’. He should have been picked up by… Being taken by the white cat, another world of Holy Lord faith ~

The white cat wants an angel, a real angel! Those angels trapped in the Republic! In order to want those angels, the white cat even asked Zac to solve Fanjo who threatened the angels! How~ Angel Harrison, the white cat is the first real angel recovered for the Holy Lords New World~

This is not heavy, its the joy of others and has nothing to do with Zach~ So , Ignore~


Bain wrinkled and encountered difficulties in arranging the boiler-

Miro: “Foreign races dont like fire, and its not us who needs heating, so , Dont send our people in the morning.”

Scott: “None of our people in the afternoon have this kind of experience. Common sense tells me that this is not a safe job. It’s better than human beings. In all aspects, they should do it.”

Bain Bitter Gourd took a look at Zach.

Zac decided to solve the previous question first and asked Milo, “Since the alien does not need heating, what are you doing so actively asking for heating?”

Answer, very Directly, “Because all human beings are sick and on vacation, we are the only other race to do the work. This is not fair.”

Fairness, it is so understood, uh…

Zach cocked his mouth and instructed Bain, “The boiler room job is offered another salary, whoever wants an extra salary will do it.” Looking at the two employees who pushed each other, “Do you have any comments.” “

No more. The two employees returned to the living quarters with some good “new job” notices from Bain.

Zac watched the two guys leave, and said casually, “Tsk, there was no such problem last year.”

The trouble was solved, and Bain’s mood improved a lot. , “Last year’s Halfway House employees have needs and ideas, and they won’t tell you frankly.”

Zac raised his eyebrows, as if it was the truth. Smiled at Bain, “has anyone started taking sick leave?”

“I didn’t pull it, just a few shifts.” Bain pulled his jacket subconsciously, and didn’t mean to take it off. .

Zach is very keen, “There is no heating here, there is a heater in the warehouse, you can get it if you need it.”

Bain smiled politely, “I’m fine… “The action is already the key to the warehouse.

Zach nodded, let Bain free.

“Oh by the way, tonight, my party, are you coming?”

Bain’s housewarming party~ Zach agreed to it, “Of course~” Ke also held his’breakfast bottle’ in his hand and shook it, “I will bring the present~”

“hehe ……he he he ……” Bain was embarrassed and polite Smile.

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