Nothing happened. After Zach and Holy Son looked at each other for ten minutes, the demons returned.

“You worried me for a while.” Not a moment, but 40 minutes.

Mike looked sorry, “Sorry, we expected that after the demon returned to hell, some demons would try to seize the Gate of Hell time controlled by Jessica. But we didnt expect it almost… All non-Barton demons will swarm over. Jessica spent some time suppressing them and it was delayed.”

Uh… So in these 40 minutes, a war broke out in hell? Zach hesitated for a moment and did not ask any more, but, “You control the situation, there will be no unfathomable mystery demon in Barton in the future, will it cause me trouble?”

Mike is confident, “No~”

Zac got the answer he wanted and took Roy back to Grande. But Roy seemed to experience some kind of violent emotional ups and downs during these 40 minutes, and he couldn’t adjust for a while, “So what did we come to this church for? Except you tell me a disgusting secret about our vampires, we do it for the devil What’s wrong?”

Zach can’t answer this question, and he doesn’t want to know the answer. Zach came here because Mike seemed to be worried about something when he made the request. Now that Mike has no worries at the time, Zach doesn’t care anymore.

Ignore Roys question and continue to return.

“I, I’m going to find Giovanni!” Roy suddenly turned around on the dirt road and separated from Zac in the opposite direction. I can feel it, Roy doesn’t care about the devil at all, “You Torrido has no feelings for the magic banquet society! I don’t expect you to have any feelings for the whole society after Rutter brainwashed! But Giovanni must have! Im going to listen to his thoughts on this disgusting secret!”

Zac wont stop iteverybody thinks that Zac used to accompany himself to Holy Son church to tell Roy that he was boring, Lu What is the reason for the truth about the ruling of the banquet by T. Luxembra? Oh, it was Zach who said to the doctor during the day,’I don’t care’. Well, fair and objective, who would keep a secret that he doesn’t care about! Of course tell those who care about it and let them weigh it by themselves~

One night passed.

In the early morning, Roy didn’t come back, and he probably won’t be back today. It was the high school students who returned to the Grand restaurant for breakfast one by one.

Zach tentatively stayed with him for a while, and found that he couldn’t join the topic of teenagers at all-these high school students didn’t talk about Newton’s angels and demons at all. They talked about high school gossip. Even Cici, who hadn’t talked much for dinner yesterday, was chatting with Caesar, the republic girl Vicki.

Leave the restaurant and look at the living area on the back porch. Back yesterday, as the boss of Grande, Zach did not explain the situation of Xiyun and Miles to the employees in the living quarters. In fact, Zach was also observing.

Zach is lazy. Zach felt that anyway, the community renovation project above is now handled by Blake, the secretary to the mayor, and inside Grande below, if these employees dont care about the situation of Xiyun and Miles, why bother Zach What’s the explanation?

The result of the observation is, hey, no one really cares about Xiyun and Miles~ There is no question of “the two of us and the Boss are gone after a trip” in the living area. Sound~


Zac looked back and saw Lily pull Nana out. Lily held the applauding briefcase in one hand, patted Nana with the other, “Go find Andrew by yourself.”

Nana was polite, “Goodbye Mr. Grand.” Grande.

Zac ignored Lilys name and watched Nana run out, “Andrew ran to us a month ago to see Nana, but now Nana took the initiative to run there. ?”

“Why, do female children have to wait reservedly for male children to find them.”

Zac is speechless, Lily sometimes thinks very… _ffensive, or the kind of offensive that is completely unnecessary. Zach didnt want to argue with Lily, he glanced at the briefcase in Lilys hand, “I want to hand over a report from Emilia?”

“Yes.” He didnt want to respond, but Lily did. Did not ignore Zacs actions, stood next to Zach, Dont worry, according to Roys request last night, I shaved off the content of the alien race in the West. Turning his eyes to Zach, I listened to what you said later. Roy made sense. As if there was a regretful tone, I should have realized that as a banquet alien, I can use credit for rewards. The reason for regret is, I should use my identity value (previous Secretary Root), exchange rewards from you, instead of being fooled by you, willingly ran to become Porch Quinns secretary!”

Zac smiled, “Now Its also very good. After all, its completely in accordance with the rules of the magic banquet. I can order you to be Pochs secretary with a burger.”

Lily sullenly did not respond to this sentence.

Zac waited for a while, didn’t feel Lily was leaving, “Are you still doing something?”

“Torrido.” Lily repeats what she said when she just came over call.

Zac frowned. Lily shouldn’t make a mistake in her address.

Lily took a deep breath herself, “I’m not calling you, I’m calling’Torido’.” looked towards Zach, “The union name of the Union of Funeral Services in the West, Toledo.” Speechless, even with a somewhat contemptuous face, “What did you do for a month in the west? Root refused to give his father, the surname of Resenbra Zulsenbra, and finally this ancestor became Le Have you forgotten the example of the biggest obstacle for the Sambra clan in the magic banquet now?”

Zac raised his eyebrows and didn’t speak for a while, ready to hear what Lily wanted to say.

“The surnames of the thirteen clans are attributed to the vampire clans, dont you know? How can you make your surnames become the name of a gang of alien and human unions? Dont you pay attention to your own sense of belonging to the clan? Just throw your surname to… a civic group? What are you thinking?!”

Zac blinked Next, I waited for a while and found that Lily had finished speaking, staring at herself and waiting for a response.

Zac went aside, “I have to admit, I guess you will ask me some things when I come back, but what I expect is that you will ask me about the second generation Luxembra. Regarding Nina Luxembra, or now at Barton, er, Kevin Luxembra.”

Lily looked at Zac, “The second generation Luxembra? Nina, Kay Wen? Who are they? I don’t know, I only know Root, and Root is dead. Humph.” This answer…so special.

Zac went to the west and was attacked by Nina before realizing that he had no opponents in the Banquet. Hearing Lilys answer, it seemed that Lily had already been certain of this…

Zac smiled and no longer deviated from the topic, “Its not that I dont care about Toredos clan. The way he treated his ancestors, failed because the surname of Resenbra represented the highest value of a clan, and Root did not want to give this highest value to his father when he awakened Frank, so he deliberately did not give the name of Resenbra. For Frank, this created a barrier.” Zach glanced at Lily, “Torrido is currently in the Magic Banquet, and it does not represent value, because the Toledo clan has just begun to gain a foothold in the history of the Magic Banquet. Toledo, there is nothing.”

Seeing that Lily had thought about the expression, Zac turned his eyes away, “You should see it, I have no intention of working in the society created by the magic banquet. “Zac shrugged,” I don’t even intend to build my “Torido” highest value in the western society. But as the Demon Banquet clan, the name must represent something in order to correspond to the power carried in the society. , Right.” Zach smiled, “given some interesting ecological interpretations of vampires by Miles.” Didnt expect it, Zach plagiarized Miles ideas~ “Im in the west. “Rido” becomes a “appellation”, so that the alien or person who gets this appellation can establish the value of being “Torido”.”

Lily is like a taken a deep breath of sudden enlightenment, looked. towards Zachs profile, “You let every alien and human in the funeral industry in the west turn their value into the value of your Toledo! You dont even need to do anything! Every existence in those funeral industry will do For their own benefit, continue to push the title of Toledo to the height of social value! When’Toledo’ has appeared at the apex of society, you no longer need to care, Toledo represents a vampire His surname is still the name of the union! Because Torrido is already a value in itself, it is the belonging of this collective!”

Zac smiled, and there is no need to respond.

Lily withdrew her gaze and was quiet for a while, “Route had long been his greatest happiness, right.”

“Maybe.” Zach wanted to try. “Before you ask, do you really think that I made the same mistake as Root?”

Lily shook the head, “I didn’t say that the way to deal with the surname of the ancestor of Luxembra was Lu Special mistake.” Re-looked towards Zach, “As Ruths secretary, I really have the information to exchange rewards with you.”

Hey, I was really tempted by Zach, Zach Ke curled his mouth, “Route is not willing to let his father, Frank, get the surname of Luxembra and touch the value of Luxembra, is there a last resort?”

“Yes Yes!”

Sure enough! What a human doctor can discover, Lily, the secretary closest to Rut, also knows! And Lily has chosen such a time point to find Zac for such a delicate presentation, and there is a reason

Zac gave Lily a regretful expression, “Sorry Lily, even Now you want to use some information to ask me for credit, its too late~”

“You didnt even listen to me what this information is!” For Lily, the spreading is over, and she is already a little restrained. Live…Excited.

“I don’t need to listen.” Zach, “I already know. Root ruled the Banquet by brainwashing, which is why he must maintain the dictatorship. Even his own father, The reason he can’t trust it.” Zach didn’t play with Lily’s thoughts, and gave her joy.

Lily looked at Zac for three seconds, then slapped her hand on the pillars of the back porch and walked away.

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