The sixth day of leaving Grande. The noon sun was not very warm, and Zach was still accelerating while controlling the car on the road where the front and back were invisible.

A road sign saying “You are leaving xx city, welcome again” was instantly left behind. Xiyun expression irritated his side and tilted his head, staring at the street sign until he could no longer see it. Sit back in the co-driver again, looked towards the road ahead, which is in the outskirts of which I dont know where it will lead, and then glanced at Zach, who was driving smoothly, subconsciously checked the seat belt, pressed his mouth tightly, and said nothing. words.

Everything is so confusing. Let’s start from the beginning.

In the first five days of the drive, Zach only stopped ten times. Thats right, twice a day, once at noon, once at midnight, with supplies and rest. If you miss it, you will wait for the next time without any room for discussion.

Since the 2nd day, Xiyun and Miles began to realize something unusual–except for the first time when they left Barton and entered Newton, Zach drove into the city, and then took the car. They didn’t see the traces of civilized settlements-towns and villages, as if they were actively avoiding Zac’s car. All they saw in their eyes was the road, winding or straight, and the ghost knew where it would lead.

On the 3rd day, taking advantage of a gas station retreat at noon, Miles sacrificed his lunch money and bought a federal map. At midnight, when they were staying in a dilapidated roadside motel, Miles sacrificed his sleep time again, and forced a cloud to discuss Zachs driving route-Zach was very picky and drove himself. A separate room, but only one room for Miles and Xiyun.

On this evening, two Grand employees came to the conclusion that Zach is not at all straight. What is the purpose of strictly limiting the time of staying and rest? Moreover, Zach is definitely not taking a sightseeing route. Hey, unless in a country like the Federation, even roads are considered scenic.

On the morning of the fourth day, Xiyunhei sold Miles, who had the same black eye circles, and said, “He secretly bought a map, and he has great opinions and dissatisfaction with your route!”

Zac ignored it at all.

Then, I parked once at noon, the map was confiscated, and once parked at midnight, the room Zac opened for Miles and Xiyun was a single room, even if the little brother at the front desk kept explaining us There are extra double rooms…

The fifth day. When a dog, a baby, and three adult men are in a closed car for several days of overwhelming majority, you can imagine how…intoxicating the smell in this car is. Ah, it is someone else who is drunk, Zach’s eternal fragrance.

This uncomfortable environment is just a fuse, it ignites something.

“Let that dog stop grinding his teeth!” Xiyun gave an’order’ to Miles in the back seat in the co-pilot.

“It has no teeth.” Miles refused, “It is just biting Adam’s collar.”

ka beng ka beng ka beng _

“Then let it not bite!!” Xiyun turned and stared at Miles.

Myers dark circles are more serious than yesterdays, and they stared at the clouds, “I want the ability to keep the dog from biting things, I wont be here.”


“I *you****! You say it again!!”

“Why, do you want to bite me.”

It exploded.

When the co-pilot got on, Xiyun’s body twisted forcibly, and he constantly pulled the seat belt and threw a fist at Miles behind. In the back seat, Miles had tried his best to avoid back, but he was still beaten a few times. Miles cried out a few times, and then he saw Zac in the rearview mirror-as if he didn’t even know what happened in the car and so on. Looking at the road ahead, he continued to drive the car intently…

Myers began to fight back. unstoppable.

ka beng ka beng, bang heyha, “ao!” “Ah!” “Woo!” “wa!”

At noon, Zach parked the car by himself and made up After getting gas, seeing that the two in the car hadn’t gotten out of the car while entangled, they restarted the car with indifference and continued on the road.

The sixth day, today.

After yesterday’s events, the two employees reached at least one consensus-Zach didn’t care about the two of them.

What makes this situation even more inexplicable is that no matter how fierce the situation is in the car, the two of them beat their heads in the car and the baby Adam has always been, “Eh~Eh~” Watching the Great Dane bit his safety lock. Even more weird than Zach, who didn’t blink.

So, welcoming the sixth day, Xiyun and Miles have stopped, and honestly waited for the same process as the previous five days. The body and mind are worn through, they can’t miss a parking break again, they all feel that they will go crazy.

But today, it has changed.

At the end of the morning, Zach drove the car calmly as usual, and the road ahead was the same as the previous few days, without any shadow of the town.

Suddenly, “Alice starts school today, and the school opening ceremony should be over by now.” Zach suddenly said, “To celebrate my younger sister’s entrance to school.” Is there anything to celebrate for rising to the next grade? ? Zach did not explain, “We enter the city, what do you want to eat, decide now.”

Then the city appeared just like the Illusion Technique, and the street sign “Welcome to xx city” flashed on the side of the road. And pass.

At noon, in the restaurant where people coming, people going… The real restaurant is not the canteen in the prison. Xiyun and Miles were filled with all the food they wanted. Zach, Zach is not there. Zach hugged Adam in the roadside phone booth outside the restaurant and called Alice.

Xiyun and Miles are nervous, even a little scared. They cant understand most of the conversations spoken by the people around the dining table…

It’s not just that the former criminal has not lived in the real society for too long, but also this society…


At the table in front, there were two middle age persons who looked very decent. They were talking about municipal administration, but the mayor in their mouth was not Anthony of Barton. Sitting at the table on the left is a couple who are really discussing going to a cultural exhibition in the afternoon, and this cultural exhibition is not the Indian culture that Barton has become popular in the past few years. A group of young people are sitting at the table on the right, sharing their future plans, saying that they plan to leave this city and go to another city to find opportunities, not Barton, where Barton is the best. Sitting at the table behind is……

As it should be by rights, for six days, although Zach has been walking the weird route, they are far away from Barton, and they are still more familiar with it. Of society for six days. Xiyun and Miles, both former criminals who have forgotten what true freedom feels, are in a completely unfamiliar environment. So, uneasy.

Another fact that continues to increase this sense of anxiety is that the Great Dane who was left by their side has jumped onto the table and is about to finish Zachs food…

“Don’t! Don’t eat! Go down!!” Xiyun tried to maintain Zac’s food.

Unsuccessful, Xiyun tried to get Miles to join him, “You have been sitting with it for a few days, and you told him to go down! Dont eat Boss stuff!!!” It means probably Miles. At least familiar with the Great Dane.

Myers kept filling his mouth with food to cover up his own anxiety, and at the same time, “You have also been sitting with Boss for a few days. Have you seen Boss eating?”


The Great Dane licked Zach’s plate in a daze.

When Xiyun reacted, he was gone when he went to see Zach at the phone booth on the roadside.

“Old, where’s Boss?”

This question was not answered. The Great Dane licked his nose, jumped off the dining table, and stared blankly. , Shaking his ass out of the restaurant, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xiyun and Miles were left in the restaurant.


It seems like this, anyway, Zach doesn’t care about them, right.

Just when both of them thought that Zach would not appear again, Zach appeared, alone, without baby Adam, and no Great Dane Jin, “Done?” Zach looked at Two employees who seemed to have experienced the end, “then get on the road.” Check out, leave the restaurant, get in the car, and leave the city.

Now, Xiyun watched the road sign leaving the city disappear, and when she retracted her gaze, she glanced at the empty back seat next to Miles, who had just been in a daze, and then looked towards Zach drove the car smoothly without any emotions, and the two of them had more consensus and kept quiet.

The confusing thing is over, now it’s time to answer questions.

Ah~ first make sure that Zach did not sell Benjamin’s son. Zach just handed the person to someone who can be trusted for the time being~

Like, starting from scratch.

The first day I left Barton. Zach drove into Newton. Nothing to say, come up with Barton, unless you use the waterway, you must pass through the city of Newton. This is the geographical legacy of the city that Barton was born in Newton’s arms~

The road after Zach can be arranged at will, the first goal is to get rid of those who followed Zach from Newton The devil. Hey, some demons just don’t have a long memory. Last time Zach was harassed by demons on his way to the west, remember, Zach also killed all the way. This time Zach wont give a chance at all–

Zach doesnt go to populated areas at all. There are no demons possessed by humans, hehe, for vampires, he is a more advanced earthbinder. ~It may be worse, because Sam wants to behave. He has always cared about always telling Zach how good at soul witchcraft he is, but he has no chance to show it. In the case that witchcraft has a limited effect on the devil after all, Sem pulled the spirit sucker Manfil together to show it ~ by the way, use some ghost skills to let the spirit sucker know more about the alien race of the Republic.

Zach was very satisfied with the’communication’ between the spirit sucker and Sam, and deliberately took a detour to seduce the surrounding demons. When Miles and Xiyun realized that Zac’s route was weird, they didn’t know that behind them, there was a demon wreckage~

It took two days.

On the 3rd day, Zach knew that he was close to the border of the central part of the Federation, and signaled that the Great Dane could start to move. So, from this day on, the Great Dane stopped licking ink-the safety lock, and began to chew.

ka beng ka beng.

At midnight on this day, Miles and Xiyun were discussing an outdated route in their room. In Zachs room, Zach and the Great Dane were giving Mo showdown.

Zach: “Mo, I give you a chance to leave Adam on the initiative.”

Mo: “No. Alphas ancestors office is our republic and thousands of alien creatures. Only chance!”

The Great Dane has facial paralysis.

Zach: “Benjamins ancestors’ office was not opened for you to republic and foreign races.”

Mo: “The purpose of the ancestors’ office is to help aliens live, isnt it? Or is this just the hypocritical political correctness of the white skins of your federation?” The hypocritical political correctness of white skins? Why does this sound so…

The Great Dane has facial paralysis.

Zach: “Okay. We are about to enter the middle part, Mo, I want to remind you that there are weapons against the republic and foreign races that the wizard family used to use Papa Midnight in the middle part to circulate to ordinary families in the Indian community. Mo. , You know me, guess what would I do to you if you insist on threatening me with Adam? I really dont want us to get there.”

Mo: “hmph, it seems like you dare to The Indian and An’an community in the central part of the country is like a head. If you dare, the wizard family will not let you leave the central part alive!” Mutual threats~ who wouldn’t.

Great Dane has facial paralysis.

Zach: “I dont have to take a head, I need to trace the person who gets the weapon against you in the Indian and Anan community in the middle, its not me. Mo, I have been away from Grande for too long, you cant keep up. “

Mo, did not speak, thinking.

Speak human’s words of the Great Dane’s facial paralysis, “The merged clan of Toledo, the Assamite clan hidden in the middle of the federation.”

Mo shuts himself up and refuses to go anymore communicate with.

On the fourth day, I entered the Federal Middle Road and confiscated Miless map. Taking advantage of the two employees eating, drink, shit and piss at noon, Zach studied Baides map by himself. Sam, leave the devil alone, go find Assamite for me. Draw a line on the map, Im going this way, you go and explore around the road ahead. Come back at night to report the situation. This route, estimated We can delay four days in the middle and find Asamite as soon as possible.”


At midnight this day, Sam appeared as promised, “Sorry, today I didn’t find it. I will cover a bit wider tomorrow.”

Zac was slightly disappointed, but there was no way. I caught a glimpse of two employees. If it weren’t for these two guys to follow, there would be no time limit. Zach could drive the car around the road in the middle. Hmph, Zach said to the little brother at the hotels front desk, “Two single rooms, one for me and child, one for them…no, its a single room, thank you…”

, Zach was holding the baby, looking at the safety lock that was chewed by the Great Dane for two days but there was no trace left, “Still stubborn, Mo, if you give up, we can still have a good talk and always find a republic Dont hang on the most inferior way of that many peoples living quarters.”

Mo can’t reply.

Zach said to the Great Dane, “Keep on chewing tomorrow. Dont eat soft things and you will have no strength. You are a transfigured person who has experienced the development of culture in two countries. You are a bit self-conscious. “

The Great Dane has facial paralysis.

The fifth day. ka beng ka beng’s voice became more intense, and then Miles and Xiyun fought because of unfathomable mystery. Uh, Zach didn’t have the time to care, looking at the road ahead, hoping that Sam floating outside would gain something.

At midnight, there is a gain. Sam clicked on Zach Baide’s map, “I found Assamite! Here!”

“I will be there tomorrow.” Zach was very happy.

Sixth day, today~

The atmosphere in the car today is a bit low. The major event related to the alien pattern has come down. Zach finally has the heart to care about his own two Employees. Uh, did they fight so fiercely yesterday? How come they both had bloody nose and swollen face. Forget it, the past few days are also sorry for them, be nice to them. Think of a reason… “Alice starts school today…”

I found a restaurant that looked good, Zach ordered a sumptuous lunch for the two of them, and then held Adam to contact Asamet People from the clan.

The Great Dane procrastinated for a while and chewed on hard objects for a few days. It was uncomfortable. The Great Dane needed some food to compensate for it. It emptied Zach’s dinner plate.

Assameite came very quickly, no, it was not a vampire, but a human, a human bound to Assameite! Zach was very satisfied, and handed Adam over, “Safe lock.”

“Sem has already clarified.”

“En.” The Great Dane also came, Zha Ke also handed the Great Dane over, “The representatives of the two republics and aliens are handed over to you. Peaceful resolution is the best. The number and ability of the republics and aliens are not something our Federation can despise. Remember this.” /p>

The other party laughed, “Relax, objective and rational weighing is Assamites specialty~”

Zach nodded, I am in a good mood~ Go back and find two employees, “I’m done. ?? Then on the road~”

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