When I returned to Drake’s residence, it was already dusk.

Noffel trusted Zac, and Zach hardly spent time convincing Dora and Bumi about their future predictions. Time was spent discussing how Noffel would deal with this unstoppable trend of the times. on.

No one actively chooses to live in the shadow of the world. Unlike other clans, Nophele inheritance’s descendant standard is not set or chosen by them, but made by this World. ‘of.

Just like…Torrido should have the ability to maximize the effectiveness of false memories in various interpersonal contactsTorridos skin, cultivation, taste, observation, vision, The grasp of the human heart… everything is to serve the’point’ that this bloodline is good at: the pupil of charm. As a result, this became the standard for Torrido’s descendants.

Noffel, if you want to use a little bit of romance, it is: When a person has never seen the sunshine of this World from birth, he will grow into the shadow of this World. This is the standard of Nophele’s descendants-an existence of its own Shadow Transformation. I never felt the light of the world before I was alive, so I immortally controlled the shadow of this World when I was a vampire.

Comparison will make it clear. Everything in Torrido can be refilled by the day after tomorrow, even the skin. Otherwise, why do people lose weight, keep fit, and wear braces? Free?

And Nuofile, cant make up from the day after tomorrow…No, its not up, its the standard of Nuofiles descendants, which is limited from birth-you have to be defective.

This is too straightforward to say, but it is true. You have to have a red skin, so that even your family will think you are a demon. You have to have an abnormal body to make the current regime think that you cannot contribute a bit of value to this society.

These two examples are enough, two Rulers of human civilization, one belief and one politics. No matter which era dominates the time, if it determines you and is not worthy to be bathed in the sun, you will become a shadow. You have become a qualified candidate for the descendants of Nofil.

How many years human civilization has gone through with this concept, hehe, we know for ourselves. There is no need to insult or despise our own history, because now, civilization seems to have reached the stage of not throwing anyone into the shadow.

If you have a defect, human medical treatment will fix you. Let you get the opportunity that no normal person has to feel the sunshine of this World~ and at the same time, obliterate the chance that you may get the eternal life of Nofil. Uh.

In short, since Nophele started consciously from the clan, they never thought that civilization would come to this step. To be realistic, which vampire would treat human medicine as a threat? ? ?

Even Torrido, who loves to go deep into the civilization process, was surprised to see the progress of this civilization today, not to mention Nophele. I’m afraid that by the time they realize that there are no descendants who meet Nophele’s criteria’on the market’, it will be too late.

So, after being warned by Zack, Nofil was shocked, and then simply…negative. They don’t know what to do.

While Zach tried his best, Zach even cited Gangelo’s example. The vampire clan that is no longer suitable for the times is not the only one called Nofil. Even if Thomas Gangelo died, he left behind the seeds to change the future of Gangelo. If Thomas can find a way that does not violate the essence of Gangelo and can bring a turn for the better, so can Nofila.

The effect of cheering up is very average. The Nopheles who have never thought about this kind of problem can’t make any meaningful suggestions. Zach spent the afternoon in a dull atmosphere like this, and when he left, he felt helplessly that every Nuofile’s face carried the tragic and majesty that he was the last descendant of the clan. Hey.

But Zach still has hope. This afternoons discussion only took part in Zach, Toredo and Nofil. This means that everyone’s views on things must be limited to the vampire’s cognition-no matter how bad the topic is, vampires always have a kind of subconscious…comfort. Any guesses? Individual vampires live forever. At least everyone in Nophele is still alive, and things will not get worse anyway.

This is not a good state of mind, but it is an emotion that vampires cannot bypass.

To break this vampire mentality, only creatures other than vampires can be used. Such as the ally of Nophele, the wizard.

Zac hopes that Sibera will be involved in the afternoon, but…hey. After Alice and Maya had a meeting at Park Elementary in the morning, they came to Paisying to help the wizard engage in new witchcraft. Sibera has no time to meet Zach’s needs.

Hey. After all, Zach brought bad things to Pasiying again.

Stop talking about this. After this afternoon, everyone knows that Zach’s mood is not very good.

The mess of thoughts disturbed Zachs mind, and he returned to Dereks house upset. Zach opened the door and glanced at the case data he was still holding, twitched his lips , Why did you bring it back again? Uh, it should be thrown at Nophele. Zach turned back and prepared to throw it directly into the trash can on the street.

“That…Mr. Grande.”

Zac turned around, it was Amanda, sitting on the sofa looking at Zac at the door.

I cant blame Amanda for not seeing Zac in the morning, because the layout of Dereks living room is too weird and there are blind spots!

“You’re awake~” Zachs ability to change his face in front of people is a must. In an instant he swept away his irritability and put a smile on his face. He hesitated for a while, and continued to hold it for the time being. In his hands.

I looked at Amanda’s outfit. She woke up a long time ago. The makeup and clothes are neat and tidy. It is estimated that I have been waiting for Zach here for a long time.

Amanda’s face began to flush, with… ashamed, “Well, I woke up.” Obviously she knew that she had acted like she shouldn’t be seen by outsiders in front of Zac this morning .

Zac gave a smile that didnt care, “Derek called back?” The simple reasoning is correct, Zach asked Drake to call back and tell him how to get along with Amanda, the result Zach ran out without waiting for the call, which was answered by Amanda.

“En.” Amanda’s gaze floated to her toes, feeling completely ashamed that she wanted to disappear into the world, “I’m so… sorry that I didn’t see Mr….”

Zach glanced at the time and smiled, “Dont care. But Derek and I didnt tell you about our naive game.” Of course, Zach wouldnt call it absurd, and naive. In line with. And, “Derek is in a bad mood, the hospital affairs, you know. I want him to relax, Alice is back, Benjamins son Adam is also very cute~ I think being a day in Grand De’s son can relax Derek.”

It’s good to rationalize the situation with everything Amanda knows.

Amanda still keeps her head down, but nodded, seems to have accepted Zach’s statement. Probably Derek also said something similar, after all, there is nothing to tell about this matter~

The two were silent for a while, which was embarrassing. Zach spoke again, “If this game makes you uncomfortable, we can change it back now.” Zach gestured to the outside of the room, meaning he could leave at any time.

“No need, no need!” Amanda took it quickly, but she still had action. She quickly walked to Zach, put Zakra into the room, and then closed the door.

This behavior is a bit confusing to Zach. Anyway, this Amanda is Drake’s girlfriend, plus she used to have some… Forget it, let’s not mention it.

Zac watched Amanda close the door and locked it-the kind of security conscious, and then trot all the way upstairs, as if to get something.

Zac stood underneath, guessing what happened next, and put the case in his hand on the coffee table.

Amanda came down, and with a nervous expression on her face, handed Zach a small metal bottle, which resembled Zach’s snack can.

Zach glanced at Amanda, and had a hunch when he took it. I smelled it when I opened it, and there was that kind of unexpected smile on my face but as it should be by rights, “Mrs Quinn’s blood.” looked towards Amanda, “You know vampires.”

Yes, Mrs. Quinn, after becoming a vampire, she persisted in pulling her old friend, Mrs. Barton, to live forever with her. With Mrs. Quinns character, how could she leave this favorite nurse.

Mrs. Quinn just focused on Mrs. Barton, who has few human lives. For Amanda, a woman who is still young and has a life to live, Mrs. Quinn has the right to choose freely. To her.

“En.” The tension on Amanda’s face finally disappeared-Zach said the most difficult words, “I have known it for a while.” His face blushed again, “En It didnt take long. I knew it when I moved here. Mrs. Quinn suddenly appeared.” She smiled and relaxed completely, “Explained everything and gave me this.”

So Mrs. Quinn has been paying attention to Amanda, Zach is really a bit curious but the situation~

“Dreek?” Zach is very clear. Amanda knows vampires and does not represent Derry. Ke knows that Amanda knows this!

Sure enough, Amanda, who was already relaxed, shook her head, “He didn’t know what I ate.” Her tongue rolled around, and Amanda stuck out her tongue cutely, and said again, “He doesn’t know me. I know~”

Zac raised an eyebrow, “So you guys are also playing childish games~”

Amanda seems to be in a good mood, as if she has returned to the past When she was next to Mrs. Quinn, she smiled, “I have patience~” In a lovely tone, she gestured to her surroundings, “Mr. Grande, you can feel it too. I don’t at all feel that I live in Here~ The details are explained when Zach is doing housework, so I wont repeat it. I think when he can discover his previous family, he can talk frankly with me about his brothers~ I dont want to take the initiative to make it for him. Pressure~”

What a good woman”If he doesn’t want to say, he just needs me to be the person in his life who has nothing to do with all the troublesome things, and I am willing to do it too~”

Zac smiled and made no comments, but returned the blood bottle to Amanda, “Derek is lucky to have you~”

“Thank you~” Amanda’s self-identified nodded, too Thank you Zach for not evaluating himself, only to feel this thoughtfulness from Derek’s perspective.

“Don’t call me Mr. Grande either.” Zach turned off the subject, which sounds strange now, “Just call Zach like everyone else.”

“Okay, Grande first…hehe, Zach~”

Zach nodded, it seems that the life-changing game with Derek can continue, look back When I arrived at the information I just put down, I felt a little irritable again.

Amanda glanced at the direction Zac was looking at. The Vega City Hospital on the case was very eye-catching. Amanda looked away and thought for a while, the silence of the two was broken, “Dinner time~” Amanda walked to the phone, “Do you want to experience Derek’s usual eating habits?”

Zac smiled again, “please.”

Amanda directly called the takeaway and ordered a single pizza, which is really in line with Derek’s habit.

For the next half an hour, both of them avoided the cases on the coffee table and talked about vampires. To a certain extent, Amanda’s Torrido’s descendant standard audit at Zac’s place has passed-Mrs. Quinn not at all gave the right to become Torrido to others, Amanda, qualified.

Amanda’s tension before may also have this reason. After relaxing, the atmosphere of the two is very harmonious.

Until new… interesting situations arise.

When the doorbell rang, Amanda thought it was a delivery person who came, and was taken by Zakla when she went to open the door. Zac shook his head at Amanda, “It’s not a person who rings the doorbell outside.”

Zac went to open the door.

‘James’ face appeared in front of Zac, then went straight into the room, glanced at Amanda sitting on the sofa, blinked and stopped moving.

Zac took a picture of this’James’, “Why are you still so addicted to James’ body?”

“Convenient.” This’James’ Shi’ answered, and gave Zac a’don’t you need to be surprised? ”S sign.

Zac waved his hand, “Amanda knows.” Then formally introduced, “Amanda, Kim. Kim, Amanda. You guys are already familiar with each other.”

Now, only one guy who is addicted to James skin is Grands Great Dane. The changer is golden~

“Why did you come here?” This is Zach curious. Although Kim came in the image of James, but, uh, there was a pet consignment sign on his neck, and the clothes he was wearing didnt know where he came from. It didnt fit well. Isn’t anyone going to pick you up?” No, if Kim didn’t return to Grande, how could he know that Zach was here? “How did you come here?”

“I escaped.”‘James’ replied with a facial paralysis, “It was Mo who picked me up. I deliberately kept the appearance of a pet and separated from Alice and the others. I just want to avoid Mo.”‘James’ is silent, but the content of the words-“It’s still too late, Mobi, I will go back to Grande first. She lied to Alice and was worn on Adam’s neck. Go on.”‘James’ looked at Zac, “Vampire, your Alpha brother’s son, Mo, is the hostage of all the alien races who have not become gods.”


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