Under the night, the parallel red seal marks are the afterimages of the vampires fingertips. The radiantly spreading glazed light spots are cherubim being shattered and fragmented more and more fragments of armor!

Apart from this, I can’t see anything. Between the afterimages, the two people seem to be crumpled together, unable to disassemble.

On the black land, the frequent spattering of bright red blood reminds the progress of the battle.

These blood belong to Zach the vampire.

A halo filled with blurred brilliance suddenly erupted from the cherubim, and the thick fingers of the right palm that were constantly jogging in the air injected countless light spots into the halo that hit the vampire!

On Zach’s arm, the sleeves have long been torn, and the pale skin is covered with blood and torn wounds. Looking at the repeated wounds that are constantly being produced and healed, they are all caught by the vampire themselves!

Zac’s curled palm gathers and embraces his shoulders at the moment of dizziness! The sharp fingertips are directly embedded into the muscles of the shoulders! Under the grinning lips, beside the sharp teeth, the corners of the vampire’s mouth pulled apart because of the smile rose!

The cherubim has already started trying to push away the hopelessly muddled vampire, trying to distance it! But it was too late.

The fingers embedded in the meat suddenly arched! The vampire seems to be creating bigger wounds and drawing more blood!

In the chilling sound of muscle tears, five bright red blood stains on both sides of Zac pulled out with the arm that opened forward! Under the inertia of shaking, the thick, red blood bead crashed into the oncoming glazed halo!

As if water droplets touched the hot red soldering iron, the ear-piercing buzzing sounded! However, the disappearance at this time is not the blood of the vampire, but the halo smudged by the blurred rays of light, as if the snow with colorful colors is invaded by the hot red hot water!

The colorful streamer is just like being attracted, being pulled into the blood drop of the projectile invasion! It was supposed to be the dizziness that pushed Zac back, but when the vampire crashed into it, it was already torn apart and had no effect!

After the shattered and melted qi halo, there is no trace of protection on the cherubim’s body, and the dirty, wrinkled, withered skin is attached to the large skeleton. The calloused fingers are still moving, trying to…


Zac’s fingers together penetrated the right palm of the cherubim standing in front of him! Pierce from the palm of the hand, reveal from the back of the hand!

“This hand!” Zach’s face leaned in front of the cherub. “It’s too much an obstacle!”

The palm of the cherub that was penetrated by Zach is here It started to become transparent! It seems that the bright red of the blood of vampires is domineering to absorb the color of cherubim! A colorful streamer suddenly lit up on the entire arm! As if uncontrollably, it rushed towards the wounds in the palm of his palm that were contaminated by vampire blood!

The intact palm was pressed on Zac’s chest. Zach did not resist, and chuckled, Ren Cherubim pushed himself away!

Until now, the chaotic battle scenes became clear!

Compared with the violence during the first contact, this time, Zach was only pushed back two steps slowly, stretched his aching body, turned his head on his side, and looked at the tattered with regret. Unbearable sleeves.

After pushing Zac away, the cherub on the opposite side touched the ground with one knee. His entire right arm is already like a prosthetic made of glass, hanging stiffly on one side of his body! In the transparent arm, after the initial burst of brilliance was swallowed by the wound in the palm, there are now only sparse spots of light, dragging the winding streamer, struggling to be pulled by the vampire blood remaining in the wound in the palm!

And this trend is spreading. At the shoulder where the arm and the torso are joined, the colorful streamer is being pulled by invisible force, separated from the body, pulled into the arm, and turned the elbow “reluctantly”, being bright red Swallowed blood!

Zac scanned the empty cemetery, saw his blood spilled everywhere, and shook his head helplessly. Finally, he found a metal wine bottle that was upturned in the half-covered soil, in a good mood, temporarily ignoring the object of the battle, and walked to the wine bottle.

The vampire stooped to pick up the wine bottle and shook it. The heavy feeling satisfied him. He unscrewed the mouth of the bottle and gulped it.

In the quiet cemetery, the sound of vampire swallowing is particularly clear. Soon, this voice has a trace of company.


The crisp cracking sound attracted Zac’s eyes, and the vampire licked the blood on the corner of his mouth without wasting, and smiled and looked towards the cherub.

Black cracks are all over the cherubims right arm, which is already completely transparent like glass. The cherubim half kneels on the ground, holding it with his thin left hand is useless, it is completely burdensome right hand .

ka-cha! bang!

The transparent fragments scattered on the cherubim’s side! He abandoned the right hand.

Zac smiled and regretted that the other party did not give him more time to find supplements, “Okay, second round.”

The pale skin, the wound that had just healed was sharp again Embed at your fingertips! Under the moonlight, the vampire’s body once again turned into a vague afterimage, rushing to the cherubim who barely stood up…

The flame, which is different from the flame we know, is called hell by Crowley The fire of judgment, the flame of tormenting souls erupted in the cemetery.

Of course, the cherubim has no choice, do they? His armor had been shattered and disappeared under the repeated strikes of Crowley’s Angel, Fiend Form and Zac. His ability to turn the invisible into a tangible magic right hand has been abandoned by himself, and this ancient creature has no tricks.

The dull pain from the decayed in the depth of one’s soul made Zach frowned. This flame not at all makes Zac unbearable, but it makes people unconsciously irritated!

The vampire didn’t want the scene to be so “tragic”, but this little irritation made Zach focus on the left hand that can release the flame!

It seems that the upgrade of the previous scene is repeated.

The vampire did not let the cherubim push away the hand that penetrated the opponent’s left arm, but backed away.

The cherub on knees lowered his head. After the sudden burst of colorful light, his left arm was sucked into the wound contaminated by vampire blood. It seems that the left arm of the glassware is hanging stiffly beside him. If his body is not stained with mud, and the transparent left arm is crisscrossed with black mud, this transparent limb will not have any real feeling.

The vampire’s sight drifted away again, looking for his bottle in the dark night.

The rubbing sound of Xi Xi Suo Suo appeared in this temporarily quiet cemetery. Senbais huge skeleton was placed on a beautiful body with terrible scars and was slowly pulled up. . Crowley’s golden long hair contaminated with mud slipped across the ground and raised.

The texture of red began to grow from the fallen angel’s back, slowly covering her bone wings. The texture skin is covered again at the speed visible to naked eye, and the fluttering hair and new feathers gradually hide the white skeleton.

Crowley has no expression on her face. She coldly picked up a wine bottle beside her and threw it at the vampire, but her gaze looked towards Seth, who had been standing far away.

Zac caught the bottle, unscrewed it, and added it. With a smile, looked towards the cherubim who was slowly standing up, “Now? He still has power. I think we can still take the third round.”

At the junction of the shoulders of the cherubim, The streamer’s transparent left arm sucked. This cherub had no right hand to control, destroying the left arm that was constantly eroding his power.

Crowley stood up, the wings behind her shoulders still seemed to be a little uncomfortable, shaking slightly. She turned her head and looked towards the cherubim who stood up, “You lost.”

The cherubim did not speak, but lowered his head. His sight was not on anyone, but not The emotional focus is on the land in front of him. This is not tacit consent, nor resistance.

Zach raised his eyebrows and stopped asking for a fight.

Crowley walked to Seth, her hand contaminated with mud stretched out, “Weapon, Fiend hunting.”

Seth frowned, now he doesn’t know what to use What mood. The purpose of this battle is only one, to make the cherubim disappear, because the cherubim is a threat to all demons that walk on the world, there is no choice. However, under the consciously or unconsciously reminder of the vampire Zach, Seth realized that the battle here is nothing but a reenactment of history, the continuation and rewriting of religious history created by ancient beliefs.

The dagger engraved with intricate patterns was handed to Crowley. Crowley’s eyebrows wrinkled when she touched this weapon that can wipe out the soul, and a trace of disgust appeared on her face. This emotion was fleeting, and she turned and walked towards the motionless cherubim.

“You.” The cherubim’s face lifted slightly, his face was pale, his eyes were still muddy, “Are you here to give me the last blow? Prisoner.”

“No, a former comrade-in-arms.” Crowley stared at the dagger in her hand, “I will deliver the final blow to enemies who oppose because of different beliefs.”

The cherubim closed. Eyes seem to agree with this statement.

When the silver dagger touched the cherub’s throat, the cherub’s lips opened and closed, as if to say something.

Zac squinted and frowned, the vision in front of him was illuminated by the scorching red flashes.

The black-gray edge of ashes, surrounded by the burning traces of bright red, wrapped around Crowley’s body. The huge black wings trembled slightly, and the blast of air swept the traces of this cherubim invisible.

The moment of silence disappeared when the moonlight once again occupied this space, Crowley turned around, and the silver streamer was thrown from her hand, towards Seth in the distance.

Crowley doesn’t want to hold this’butcher knife’ anymore.

“Send Mike back.” Crowley said to Zach as her wings spread down to press down on the ground.

It’s over.

Zac looked at Crowley, who disappeared under the moonlight in a moment, and shook his head. He turned his head and looked towards Seth, who seemed to be shaking the gods, with a smile on his face, “Why are you still standing? Your one-day holiday is over. Now, I can return you in good condition.’ The general’ is out.”

Zach really has no weak spot.

The truck started again and went straight into the North District. He dropped Mike with a stack of books and countless pastries in the Mary Church, and set down Seth where he entered the southern part. Zach impatient stepped on the gas pedal and drove to the South. He needs to return to the Grand House quickly.

In this World where everyone belongs, vampires are pulling their own belonging tightly. ‘Alone’, this is the real hell of vampires.

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