At dusk, Miles came from the living area to look for Zach. He said, “I need to keep my prayers before going to bed. I need the Holy Book.”

Zac flipped through the bookcase in the office for a while, found one and gave it to Miles.

There is nothing to evaluate, and some people need sleeping pills to fall asleep. Who likes insomnia, as long as they can fall asleep peacefully, some people have more extreme habits, such as Xiaobai and so on ~ praying, its nothing.

As night fell, Zach entered the basement.

Simon is in great condition, very good. The confirmation of Rixing gave him great confidence in the future eternal life, and this confidence became a driving force-he was reflected in the mirror, and he already had the shape of a human.

In the four centuries of history, the thirteen clans in the Federation are not the’genius’ vampires who have been successful without exposure to the sun for the first time. Zach didn’t think much about it, and it was unnecessary. Simon is in a good mood. Naturally, the last pressure Zach prepared for him can be released.

“How do you feel?” The topic of standardization began.


Zach little checked Simon’s progress in learning other characteristics of vampires.

The pupil of charm, yes, according to Gangaluo’s standards, it is okay to use short-term memory to deceive individuals; self-healing control is okay. When encountering souls, such as demons, Simon can at least release enough to complete The blood of battle; physical fitness, after noon, Zach at least confirmed that Simon had a good foundation as a human being, and as a new vampire, it was fine.

As for blood control skills, they are very general. There are two ways to practice blood control: gluttony-Simon has an opinion on the blood provided by Grande, so he gives up; hunger-can’t be done overnight There is nothing to say about the process.

In general, the progress is fast. According to this rhythm, Simon will soon leave Grande and start his new life course~

This kind of job as a nanny for others, for Zach, the sooner it ends, the better. Ke has nothing to complain about.

“The last thing I need to explain to you.” Zach didn’t waste time, “The Gangelo bloodline in your body, and contains a secret that can affect the world.”


Simon, who was in a good mood at first, wrinkled a little, and looked back at Zac, “You did it on purpose! Come and fuck me every other day!”

Hey, Simon is Quite keenly, I noticed that Zach Lu was counting.

“The last one.” Zach also smiled. It’s very’convenient’ for Zach-when you start to get impatient with this number of things, I’m already at the end~

Simon tugged at the corner of his mouth, “Say it! Hurry and finish! “

Simon should think that what Zach is about to say is similar to a day trip at noon, which can be quickly’solved’. This is actually not a good state of mind. The daily journey of vampires is not so easy under the overwhelming majority situation… Forget it, let’s not talk about it.

“In the surname’Yeshir’ included in your Gangelo bloodline, there is something that you no longer have in the Torrido bloodline-the key to heaven’s door.”

Twisted his mouth, “What key?” Simon would of course react this way. Zach explained to him the vampire ecology in Barton, but it has not expanded to other alien ecology in the world!

“The key to heaven’s door.” Zach was also gentle, repeating it. To be honest, there is no need to explain anything, the literal meaning is everything. When Simon fully understands the literal meaning, “All to explain to you, I doubt that you have the patience to listen, so I only tell you the conclusion. Republican alien races, especially Republican true gods, want this thing.”

“What good is this key for me, do I want to keep it?”

What a pragmatic way of thinkingI have something that some people want, then , The only question is, is this thing useful for me? It works, then I will guarantee it. It’s no use, give him away!

Zach said that he only told Simon the conclusion: “It has nothing to do with whether you want to keep it or not. The only person who can actively’take out’ it is the self-styled Holy Lord faithful master, Akane. Qian. The true holder of the surname Yeshir.”

It is still the logic of pragmatism-Simon: “Then is this key useful to me?”

” No.” Zach gave a direct answer, “And this thing is actually a burden for vampires.” Zach gave Simon a very straightforward analogy, “You are a criminal holding the key to the police station.” It’s not the most appropriate metaphor that Zac gave. After all, it seems like a vampire is a criminal and an angel is a policeman. However, it is the most appropriate metaphor for Simon, because he is a criminal and he understands this situation best.

“Tsk, let Cici take the key away!” Pragmatism~”I am not interested in being targeted by the Republican God because of this kind of thing!”

Understand Simons thoughts, as above, and continue to conclude, First of all, the relationship between Cici and the vampire collapsed. What happened recently, no need to repeat, Secondly, the key to heaven on you is the only one in all the world. The only one left. I should probably say more clearly, Cicis take away is not “taken away” as you imagined, but…” In fact, Zach didnt know how to describe it. The key to the gate of heaven was Cici described as not material (only in the surname awarded by the Holy Lord), and was described by the Republican God as something other than this World (which does not fit the theory of this World that everything can be born)… Zachs statement is this World Shackled by common sense, I can only say, Disappear. Take it away, it means disappear, and Cici has already made it clear that after taking the key to the gate of heaven from Torrido, she will never let the only remaining Yes, the key on your body has disappeared.”

I also blame Zachs way of expression. Simon didnt understand for a while and blinked, “Wait a minute, you mean you had this before. The key, and then yours was taken away?” He only grabbed the part he understood.

“Correct.” Zach nodded.

Super practical: “So this was supposed to be a problem between you and me, and then you ran away. Only I faced this kind of problem?” Simon stared at Zac.

“En…right.” Zach nodded again, and there is nothing to refute. Simon doesnt need to know some details, such as Zacs “Escape”, and its not so easy to write-there is one thing I dont know if you still remember. When Torrido “released” the key to the gate of heaven, he gave a bunch of things that shouldnt be. Things that go to heaven go to heaven, and Angel Newton has not returned those things yet! Correct! Talking about the demons of skull bones! There is no southern part of the devil, the’general’ is so lonely~

Simon stared for a while, and then looked away. He also realized that Zac was meaningless, “What is the situation now? I have to live without the god of republic in the future?” In fact, Simon didn’t worry much. The pronoun of republic was the key point. It’s easy to understand, the Republic is a country that Simon will never go to!

As the saying goes good, once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years. Simon, was bitten by the Republic. The bitten now completely gave up the life of Arthur!

“It’s up to you to judge.” Zach is not getting rid of the relationship. Zach used the identity system of the banquet to include Simon in the scope of the banquet vampire. The big and small affairs in the banquet are all from the reality of Zach’s dealings, and Simon’s problem is also a problem that Zach has to deal with. However, another important point is-“The good news is that everyone still thinks that Torrido holds the key to the gate of heaven. I told you at first that your bloodline has the gate of heaven, which is a secret.” Zach shook the head, fix it, “No, it should be said that your existence is a secret, no one knows that Thomas Gangelo has your son~”

Simon looked at Zach , His eyes blinked for a while, “Thank you?”

Ha, no problem~ He should say thank you. Because it seems to be a troublesome issue in his future life, someone is here to take the blame.

“But how long I am willing to keep this secret is something you need to consider.” Zach is very frank, “Vampires have no advantage in front of the Republican God. If I personally judge, continue to keep this secret, It hurts me, it hurts the banquet that represents vampires today. I don’t mind throwing your name.”

“*!” Simon stared at Zac again, “You don’t want to whitewash peace! “

“There is nothing to whitewash.” Zach shrugged, “The vampire of the Federation, the banquet, has made a stand. We are opposed to the Republican God. Sooner or later, things will get worse, even if I can keep a secret. Withstand the pressure, and Cici has no good feelings for the current vampires.” Simon doesnt need to know the details, at least he doesnt need Zach to teach him. He still has immortality waiting for him outside and experiencing this World by himself. All are not better.

“Okay! I understand! I will pay attention!” Simon was impatient after all, he was probably re-adjusting his future lifestyle.

Zac has said all that should be said, and all the suggestions that should be given have been given. Zach’s last wish for Thomas is the most benevolent. Next, Simon can only rely on himself. Whether Gangelo can complete the transformation depends on himself.

Finally, Zach, “I won’t bother you anymore. If you think you are almost ready, you can leave Grande at any time. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow…You are free, don’t have to say hello to me. “

Zac is about to leave.

“Wait a minute!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Uh!” This should be the last chance for Simon and Zac to talk, “Thank you !”

Zac nodded and left the basement.

Just out of the stairs, “There are guests.” Sam reminded him, “Two, from Ellens funeral.”

Zac waited directly on the back porch Up. After watching the lights in the living area for a while, there was nothing new and noisy.

The guest has arrived.

It seems that one of the two guests is really going to visit Grande. This person is Austin, the contractor Zac introduced to Allen’s funeral. The other is just a ride, this person is lawyer Harvey.

Harvey got out of the co-pilot and consciously walked to Zach nodded, and looked at Grands warehouse-where Nick and Roy lived. But now these two guys have not come back.

Austin is what Zach remembers, the businessmans pleasing gesture, “Hi! Mr. Grand!”

Zach can probably guess Austin is coming The reason is probably to thank Zach for introducing him to the new big business.

“Hi.” Zach smiled, but there was nothing to get excited about.

Sure enough, “I was doing a survey at Allens funeral today. Mr. Cappadocia has a big plan for their living area, so Ive been busy for a day, otherwise I can go earlier. Thank you, Mr.!”

Its a kind of relaxed atmosphere-Zach understands that when Austin left, Harvey stood in front of him, this kind of friendly social atmosphere, There is no more. Enjoy the moment while you can enjoy it, “Bigger than Grande’s living quarter? Alan’s idea of funeral and burial is not small~”

“hehe, everyone is imitating Grande that’s all!” The bystanders big truth, isnt it an imitation? What is Grande doing? Other funerals will also follow suit~

Zach is smiling, of course he will not refute, he will make a friendly joke Continue, “Do you want to pay the commission for my introduction of the project, I don’t mind.”

“Ah haha, sir, I really can laugh~~” The nature of the businessman, everyone still remembers Austin this product once In order to make more money for Grande, it is delaying the construction period and saving the cost of the second-hand building materials… It is black material, no washing, but it is also a category that Zach can allow~ So there is nothing to target .

But Zach still wants to remind, “I tried~” This is a response to a commission, and then, “However, Austin, I want to remind you that Mr. Cappadocia is not as good as me. “It means that those little moves that have been done in Grande, don’t repeat them, they won’t have good results.

For Austin, this is a warning. After all, he knew what he was up to in Grandley, and he knew that Zac knew what he was up to. Even so, Zach did not regard this as black material, and still introduced him to Allen Funeral. Austin realized that his only advantage was his careful thinking. For these two gentlemen in the funeral industry, he knew the bottom line.

This kind of engineering thing that takes time, the most important thing is to know the roots. Austin can still remember that he once saw Zac being taken away by the police (James)…not to mention the past.

Austin understands that Zach is also telling him that, like in Allen’s funeral industry, he must be conscious of seeing things that should not be seen and what should not be done.

So, compared to the meaningless pretending to be self-esteem, Austin repeatedly nodded, “I understand, thank you Mr. Grand for reminding!”

Zach nodded, always gotta For example, Austin has the heart to thank him personally, which is an act of increasing his favorability and regaining his relaxed tone, Its not too early. You dont have to be polite with me. Go back and rest.

If this gratitude lasts too long, it will definitely become embarrassing, not to mention that there is another Harvey waiting at the warehouse.

Austin was very conscious, “Then I won’t bother Mr. Grand to rest.” After saying goodbye, he returned to his car and left Grand.

The guest who made a special trip to Grande to thank him has already gone, and the guest Harvey who came along with the ride, did not take the initiative to report to the host Zach.

It doesn’t matter, Zach went to the warehouse.

In the beginning, “What are you looking at?”

“I didnt watch anything, but I didnt want to go to you. When I first came to Grande, I didnt I dont know if I walked into the house of a vampire. Now that I think about it, I am a little scared and I dare not go there.”

Zac didnt see if the other party was joking or serious.

“Then you chose the wrong place to hide, and there are two vampires living here. It’s just that they haven’t come back now.”

“Oh.” Harvey left the warehouse immediately, as if Really scared, “Is there no place for vampires in Grandly?”

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