If you try to reach a consensus with a person through dialogue, and the other party tries to kill you and refuses to answer your question, then you should be conscious that the dialogue is going on Can’t go down.

Attorney Harvey had this conscious, so he decided to leave the Ford Funeral Home.

Zac has nothing to say to Harvey, but Zach expects that when Harvey returns to Allens funeral and reports the incident to Nynard, Nynard will come by himself. Find Zach.

Then just wait.

Zach didn’t plan to spend time with Ford here, and told Ford, “I hope you know what you are doing.” He left and returned to where he was separated from Kate. Zach didn’t expect Kate to wait for him in place, but after all, people came out with Zach, and Zach felt that he should go over and take a look.

Kate was gone, but Bumi in the hood was waiting there.

It just so happens that it saves Zach to find Bumi, “Ford’s grab.” Zach is very direct.

Bumi is also sensible, one hand is Ford’s gun, and the other hand is a bullet shot from the gun-a silver bullet that has been severely deformed lying in the palm of Bumi’s handkerchief.

Zach’s browse frowned is here, “Who is on the phone?” Zach has no expectations for the answer to this question. In this World, I dont have the guts, but dare to encourage a human to sneak attack on vampire creatures…too many. The ghost knew that Ford was poorly used by someone. The follow-up to this question is more important-‘What did he say to Ford? ‘

However, Zach miscalculated.

Bomis answer was, “Hamilton Luxembra.”

Zac shook his head after a brief stupefaction, and sighed silently in his heart, “Hamiton Ah Hami pause. ‘Then, to Bumi, “What did he say to Ford?”

Bumi sold it off, pursed his mouth on purpose, and took back the gun and bullets shown to Zach -This action means that Nofil is not going to let Zack get involved in Ford’s acquisition of weapons against vampires-probably a wise decision. Zach’s old love for Ford is quite a hindrance.

Zach was a little impatient, “What did Hamilton say to Ford?” asked again.

Bumi spoke, “Nothing.” Obviously, he still didn’t want to say.

Zac looked at Bumi, but he wasnt sure what Bumi was tweaking. If he really didnt want to answer Zachs question, he shouldnt wait for himself here! Since Bomi is here, it shouldn’t be lucky that Zach’s question is only asked half!

Bomi watched Zacs patience disappearthe specific manifestation was that Zacs white eyes were slowly being covered by red bloodshot eyes. When red completely covers Zach’s eyes, Bumi will not be able to hide anything.

Of course, Zach doesn’t want to get there, so this is just an’attitude’.

Bumi succumbed to this attitude, but felt it was not worth it, “Well, I tell you, but you will be disappointed. Hamilton didn’t say anything at all, just asked who Ford was here. After knowing that it was not a vampire, I told Ford to let him take care of it.”

Zac’s eyes have returned to normal, he turned his head sideways and didn’t want to talk. Zach was indeed disappointed. Two things–

First, Hamilton really was corrupted by hatred, he wanted to kill the vampire. During the long time when Hamilton was still living in Allens funeral, how much energy did Zach spend to guide and broaden this three generations of Luxembras world view? All those hard work, like shit in the toilet, thoroughly washed by water!

Second, Ford made his own decision to kill. In the funeral and interment industry, the only one white lotus that has suffered from stigma and grievance, let it be buried by the filth thrown by others.

“I told you.” Bumi raised his hand to patted Zac’s shoulder. This is a true friend. He knows Torrido too much. Immediately, “I shouldn’t be delayed here anymore, I will continue to follow Harvey…” Bumi glanced at Zack tentatively, “Kate said you guessed that Sibera is going to find Harvey for Indian law. Protection matter.”

Zac accepted the disappointment, “Am I right?”

“Guess right.” Bumi watched Zach’s mood adjust. A thumbs up, “But you can rest assured that we are not going to advance anything in Barton. We just want to use the lawyer’s knowledge to launch a voice in Barton and release the information that Indian culture needs to protect. “Bumi smiled, “We don’t want to be like the magic banquet society in the west, creating a movement that causes social unrest. The civilians do not need to participate. We only need someone who can speak on behalf of the Indians to negotiate with the government. ~”

Zac raised his eyebrows, followed Bumis words and thought about it, nodded, “very good.” Zach was very pleased that Sibera and Nofila had considered Bartons In the current situation, what is even more rare is that they are still learning from others–

Although everyone in Barton did not really participate in the anti-alien movement of the Western Magic Banquet Society, everyone can see One key. The basic structure of the Magic Banquet society was shaken by this anti-alien movement because this so-called anti-alien movement failed to be resolved within the upper strata of society controlled by the Magic Banquet, and involved the participation of civilians. Once the civilians step onto the street, no matter how much power the upper class has in the hands, they can’t be suppressed.

You all understand why the upper strata of the magic banquet society did not suppress the anti-alien actions of the civilian class, right? The upper level of the magic banquet, the relationship between foreign races and humans, has been messed up. Don’t forget who was the first to represent humans and began to refuse to buy vampire blood, which disconnected the political connection between humans and vampires. It is James’ father, General Lance. Then who caused everything?

This is Torrido standing in front of Bumi.

So strictly speaking, Zach was wrong. Sibera and Nofil are not at all what they learned from the social failure of the Banquet, they just learned something from Zach .

But this is not something that needs special clarification. Bumi accepted Zacs approval, I should go back as soon as possible and continue to follow Harvey, and before that, I should also report the situation on Ford to Dora. Ford needs to send a few people over here to stare.

Zac continues to agree. Based on the previous attitude that Bomi had expressed that he did not want Zach to intervene, Zach did not need to force it. After all, what can Zach do? Stop here at Ford, don’t you go home? ? Uh.

All that should be said, Bumi took a step back, half of his body was hidden in the shadow, “Oh, yes, Kates eavesdropping device has been returned to her.”

Zach nodded, “Did she go home?” Ceremonially confirm Kate’s safety.

“Oh!” Bumi is already out of the shadows, “She should have gone to Newton to find the Black Witch.”

“What?” Zach Yi Brought back Bumi, who was about to completely disappear from the shadow, “What is she going to do in Newton?”

Zac is a little impatient, ignoring the point-the black witch.

Bomi blinked, “She said you shouldnt have much to look at here. She will look for you when things can be interviewed. Now shes going to Newton to follow up on the Newton Devil incident. Follow-up.”

“She is alone?” Zach is really speechless, to himself. When Kate and herself went out, they said that with Zach, she wanted to discover new news events in real time. For those that have already happened, Kate didn’t need Zach, she could follow up.

Zac pays too much attention to Paisin and Western Region News (Roy and Nick) who gave inside information, and ignores the Newton Devil who is perfectly written and does not need his own opinion. event!

The current situation is obviously that Kate has judged that the new news event encountered by Zach is not suitable for her to continue participating, at least for this stage. So I just left Zach to do the single job, and this single job is not to go to Paisin and the Western Region where Zach can confirm Kate is safe, but to Newton, uh.

This development was originally no problem. Everyone is a mature adult, and everyone has a sense of responsibility for their actions. However, the detective who saw his wife the last time would not be so mature.

James only knew that his wife was with Zac before he left home.

We all know how much James likes to put the “account” on Zach!

“Don’t worry about anything.” Bumi was even more speechless, and pulled Zac away and grabbed his hand. “Aren’t Kate and Yuehua Baiying friends? She might be better than her in Newton. Barton is much safer.”

Uh… Zach blinked, as if it was indeed the case.

Zac gave an apologetic look, and helped Bumi smooth the clothes that he had scratched. “It’s okay, you can go and do your job.”

He lowered his mouth and disappeared into the shadow.

Zac stood there for a while, and estimated that Harvey, the lawyer, would go to Allens funeral and report Fords affairs before Nynard would go to Grande to find his time. Zach should still have some free time of his own now.

Go home? Well, I don’t really want toGrande was very busy today, with intensive funeral arrangements. Its not the first time that Zac, the Grand Boss, has chosen Grande when she has a job. Annabel wants to stand firm in Grande so much. Then, lets get used to Grande’s “atmosphere”~

After thinking about it for a while, Zach went to the southern part.

Its rare that Zachs time is entirely his own. It would be too wasteful for Zach not to do something that only he knows~

Zac avoids’General’ and Ike Si Anbao came to Nuo’s safe house.

Not long ago, Zach confirmed that Divine Immortal of the Republic Celestial Court would not easily give up the key to the door of heaven, so it is reasonable that Zach needs to get in touch with the Republic Divine Immortal before becoming more frequent. ,’Dispose’ the blood of Thomas Gangelo in his hand-the only vampire bloodline who still holds the key to heaven!

Then how to’handle’ this blood?

Isn’t Thomas already selected~ This foresaw the end of Gangelo’s bloodline, and decided to change Gangelo’s definition of the guy, and has chosen the person to inherit his blood. This object is just behind the door where Zach is standing.

Zac didnt knock on the door or ring the doorbell, and didnt want to touch itas the safe house that triggered the republic in the southeast part to request new security services (security for foreign races)’trend, Zach did not There will be a masochistic tendency to touch anything in this apartment.

Zac stood at the door for a while, frowned and hesitated, then let go of his voice, “Arthur!”

In the corridor of the unit building, the door opened a few times. , The republican faces came out from the crack in the door, staring at Zac.

“I’m looking for someone who lives here.” Zach explained to several people who were not at all with friendly faces.

Its not smooth, but full of discomfort, “The doorbell is there! Cant you see it?!”

Zac shrugged, “I dont want to touch that thing, I am a vampire, I may get hurt.”

pa pa pa! All the doors were closed in the eyes of the owner, and the effect was superb.

Zach continued to yell twice, no one looked to bother me anymore, Republican, realistic~

Ha, Zach doesnt need to hide anything here, right? ~These Republicans all know what a vampire is. Bartons southern part may be Zachs only one who can show his true race casually, and no one will take a second look~

To be honest, this It feels pretty amazing. Different from the feeling of the banquet, in the banquet, any vampire is willing to show his identity as a vampire because of the privilege of being a vampire. In the southern part of Barton? There is no privilege for Zach, only such a straightforward’I don’t provoke you, don’t provoke me’-none of those Republicans who are too lazy to Rize Zach are willing to come out and help Zach ring the doorbell, right. Wonderful feeling.

Finally, after a few calls, there was movement behind the door.

Zac listened very hard. The wall material of this apartment cut off the senses of vampires. Zach is now like an ordinary human, even worse. Unable to judge the situation behind the door.

“Im Zachary Grande, do you remember who I am.”

Zach heard a sound behind the door, but Zach could not hear What is it, I can only hope that the other party can hear my own voice.

“I’m thinking about getting you out, but I don’t want to do it through Nuo.” This is Zach’s truth. Although I don’t want to admit it, the friendship between Zac and Nou has become something that makes Zac uncomfortable.

Zac continued, “I have a general plan that needs to be perfected, and I need your cooperation.” Zach paused for a while, trying to hear the reaction behind the door, but failed.

Zac pursed his mouth. Communication like this is not a way. He shook his head, “Anyway, I’m here to inform you. You should make mental preparations. Next time I come, I will be able to communicate. People, we need to have a good chat.” Zach paused again, “If you agree, knock on the door once, if you disagree, knock twice.”

Zuck doesnt really care whether the other party agrees or not. No matter what Arthur is thinking, he is the descendant of Thomas, and Zach will only follow Thomas’ will!

So, this request is actually just to confirm that the other party heard what he said.

There was a dull’bang’.

OK. Zach nodded, “Received, the next time I come is uncertain, in short, prepare for it, psychologically.” Zach didn’t think it was essentially what Arthur, who was imprisoned by No, could do physical preparations.

Another dull’bang’. Zach was satisfied, “That’s it, bye.” Turning and leaving, it’s time to go home. It’s not good to make Nynard wait in a hurry.

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