Back to Grand House, the truck was transferred directly to the backyard. Looking at the scene in the backyard, the vampire raised his eyebrows and went back to the office first.

The itinerary in the afternoon was interrupted because I didn’t expect a certain teenager to move, and it didn’t take long at Madison’s place, so there was still a long way to go before the evening party. Zach returned to the office, carried only a wine bottle, and walked to the backyard.

The vampire gave up the office very intimately. If Daniel needs to call someone, no one will be bothered.

“What’s the situation?” Zach moved the chair, facing the backyard, looking at Laura who was telling Matthew to run back and forth loudly, but it was Benjamin who asked.

Benjamin put one of his legs on the hammock, pushed back and forth, and explained with a smile, “Lola is teaching Matthew Rugby.”

“Run!” Lola pointed at the horse Xiu yelled, “Don’t be like a girl!”

Ma Xiu’s vest is already wet with sweat, holding a ball tied up with a ball of hay in front of him, running in the direction of Lola’s fingers go with. Even the ground was not known if it was lime or something, and it was marked to help Matthew remember the location.

“Here?!” Matthew smashed the hay ball on a white spot, raised his hands, his chest undulating, “Did I score a touchdown?!”

“Wrong!” Lola waved her hand, looking flustered and exasperated, “It’s here!”

Matthew quickly picked up the ball that rolled off one side and sprinted to another point.

The two are so good in the play.

“Score!” Matthew hit the ball to the white spot again.

Lola lowered her head, her head downcast, “Matthew, you reminded me of the position of the big brother.”

Matthew put down his hands, gasped for breath, casually He pulled up the vest and wiped the sweat off his face, “This is a good thing? Right? You said your big brother is very difficult to deal with, right? What position is he playing?”

Lola flips over With a blank eye, Matthew, the person who appeared later, did not know what happened before, “the right-wing outfield.”

“Where?” The sunlight reflected in the sweat on Matthew’s shoulder, this high school did not The graduated young man looked confused in the white spots in the backyard.

Lola reluctantly waved around an area.

Matthew ran over honestly, “Then I am the right-wing outfield.” He arched his body and assumed a posture ready to move, looking towards Laura looking forward, and asked, “I What are you going to do? Offense? Defense?”

Lola’s face didn’t know whether it was a smile or distress, piled up together. Finally the girl gave up, “Dont teach anymore! Alice! Lets not bask in the sun anymore! Lets go in!”

Leave Matthew, who is not knowing what to do, and he is having fun. ! Although a bit cruel, Matthew’s family did not allow him to have any extracurricular activities, including sports, when he was a student. His strong body comes from work, not from’games’.

Matthew looked at Benjamin in confusion, he could feel that the topic of’big brother’ affected Laura’s mood. Benjamin smiled and waved, “Go take a bath, and then tell you.”

The young wolf obediently walked to the west of the warehouse.

Zac watched the activities in the courtyard dissipate, and also turned the direction of the chair to face Benjamin. The bottle has been raised to the level, Benjamin chuckled and shook his head, “No need to fill it now, I have the spices given by Sibera, forget it.”

Usually, for the two days of dieting , Vampires will start to store some’food’ in advance, and fill themselves first before Alpha’s senses are stronger than vampires.

Zac shook his head, and Zhan Shi put down the bottle, “Its better not to use that thing.”

In the notes left by Sibera, they have found In order to meet the description of the spices, the material ratio and production methods are already known. As for the effect, Sibera only vaguely wrote a few words,’thorn shivered soul’.

How you look at it, the word’stimulation’ is used, which is not like a good thing. Recalling the scenes used by Sibera herself, she was overdrawing herself to perform witchcraft. So, instinctively, Zach didn’t want Benjamin to rely on this stuff.

Benjamin didn’t care about twitched his lips, but as he had thought before, Sibera didn’t need to hurt him.

Zac frowned, Benjamin thought it didnt matter, it seemed ridiculous that he abused himself by breaking the diet. Zach twitched his lips, put the wine bottle aside, and began to talk about the afternoon.

Benjamin heard the James case and held the same attitude as Zach. The perpetrator was so targeted, Grande really didn’t need to participate. Now it is different from before. The people who need to maintain the city of Barton are not only Anthony and Grande, but also Crowley and James. It is the most ideal state that everyone can divide the work independently of each other.

It’s just that the identity of the other party is really curious. The’Hellfire’ (Trial Fire) has shown that the opponent and Crowley and Zach come from the same belief system. Judging from the words and sentences on the news revealed by James, it should be from a different race from the opposite direction of Crowley, but which category it belongs to is still uncertain.

Then two things, Benjamin just shrugged and said he had no opinion. One involves the privacy of Daniel, if the fantasy man has privacy. There is also a real job involving the Grand House. Benjamin is just a guy digging a tombstone with his claws. He doesn’t want to worry about the troublesome things.

After Matthew washed, he changed into a clean vest and sat down in front of Benjamin. Zach sat listening, passing the time when he found that Benjamin had made an interesting point.

“Even if what Kyle did will allow him to enter hell and accept endless punishment. But the punishment is not real for everyone. Because his punishment no longer exists in this World No matter whether it is atonement or confession, it has nothing to do with this World. His imprint in this World will only be a real, decaying evil. So what we do is give him An opportunity to be truly punished.”

The young wolf does not need to understand Alpha’s words, he just writes it down.

Bartons car has come to pick up Laura, and it just happened to be when Alice was going to’date’ with Cook. At the last party, Zach was obviously the one who arrived late. This time Zach was correspondingly early, following Barton’s car, and drove to the North District.

The terminus of Highway 27 is on Beck Street, which connects with the freight station, and then on Beck Street to Northwest, which is the Port of Massa. Such a traffic skeleton was set up by the founders of Barton City, and it remains today.

But perhaps it is precisely such close transportation connections that make Bachee’s development more and more away from the positive urban image.

I think everyone understands what I mean.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the red light district, the mixed flow of people has spawned countless bars and nightclubs… Those who will put up signs “business hours, 6 pm to 9 am”, this kind of person A shop with completely opposite schedules.

Of course, the city government will not ignore this development. The street east of Bech, close to [Ript High School], has been renovated and remodeled since the beginning of the year. The Bech area, which originally presented the image of an upside-down comb, was divided into the dirt and the construction vehicle from the turned-over teeth of the comb head, separating the world of teenagers and adults.

As for the effect, it will not be obvious in the short term.

Zac turned at the crossroads at the end of Highway 27 and headed towards Pop.

The old city planning does not have a parking lot like Liszt Street, and all kinds of vehicles are parked on the side of the road at will. Zach randomly found a corner of the street and parked the car, then found a small cart selling hot dogs for a lot of change, and then walked to the bar.

Just like warming up, at this time, the people in the’gentleman’ bar are still very reserved, just like in an ordinary bar, chatting with friends, sipping beer, and chewing Bread, shelled with nuts. When the sky outside the bar is completely replaced by neon colors, the dancing girls they are waiting for, who can give out the one-yuan bills they have prepared, will appear.

Zac smiled directly at the person guarding the stairs and went upstairs.

The scale of [Bobo Bar] is not large, and the space of 2-Layer is just the size of a box. There is no partition wall for ordinary boxes, just the open upstairs. Standing on the sofa, you can see the infinitely beautiful scenery downstairs after the gentleman’s night has really started.

Zuck thought, maybe it is because of their young age that Nuo and the others would choose here. The only open box means complete independence and safety. You know, what they are discussing is too embarrassing if they have ears on the wall. There is nothing obvious at a glance here all around, unless someone is tied under their feet.

Nuo and the others have arrived, a group of people eating and chatting. [Bobo Bar] Like most bars, it offers simple food, such as bread and chips. Zach sat down with a smile, greeted a few people, and randomly picked up the peanuts in the basket.

“It’s early today!” Nuo looked towards Zac with a smile.

Zach nodded, looked at the gazes of the people around him, and seemed to realize something. He smiled and said, “I didn’t disturb you.”

“Of course not!” Laughing and bumping Zac with his elbow, he was holding French fries that he didn’t know what sauce in his hand, so he didn’t touch Zac directly. Then Nuo looked towards the other people, “It’s all you, sneaky, making people suspicious!”

Several people smiled awkwardly.

Nuo explained it seriously, “Its nothing, but its hard for us to get together at ordinary times, so there is only this time. Some sensitive information is not suitable for talking when there are too many people, so take advantage of Now.”

Nuo’s eyes gestured outward.

Zack understands, it’s the service staff. Now the formal activities have not started yet, not at all waiters come up and wait for orders. Zach thought for a while and found that this was a very strict group of people. Now recall the situation of the last party. It is true that most things are told like gossip in front of the dancers. The really important information is not revealed by people.

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