The truck has returned the same way and returned to the Grand House.

Crowley stepped on the ground in the backyard of Grande down-to-earth. The werewolf Benjamin just lifts the head, took a look, then scratched his pink skin, continued to lie in the hammock, and taught Matthew, who was listening carefully.

Old Hank passed by and shouted impatiently, “Another beautiful woman!” Then he went busy with his own affairs.

Alice glanced at each other curiously, and a little cringed, sat down beside Benjamin. In the river of history, reporting the death of Banshee and the creatures in the world after death, not at all what a good intersection.

Loise has also returned from the church and glanced at Crowley. Looking at Zac with some doubts,’Why does the other party know me? ‘

Daniel the phantom man was ordered to consume the desire of’no need to exist’ and was forced to remain the entity, otherwise he would have disappeared and hid. Now he can only hide aggrievedly in the furthest warehouse, secretly aiming here.

As for the Great Dane Jin, Xiaoshi has not returned yet, or is lying on his stomach somewhere, no one can see it.

Crowley looked at the Grand House with a smile on her face. As a guest, she unconsciously watched all the hosts. She was standing somewhere in the yard, her head down, her mouth, “Such a punishment is a bit heavy, what do you think.”

Zac didnt bother to listen to an outsiders advice, “You think Keep standing there, or come in, shall we continue chatting?” Crowley smiled and shook her head, and walked to Zach.

Of course, the conversation between the two is not over. The previous one may only be a gentle and polite conversation. Now things are about to reach an important moment, Grande’s agreement with the devil.

Sitting in the office, Zach still got to the’wine’ and took a sip with a smile, “Loise must have told you about the prison. Now, what do you want to do?”

“What else can I do?” Crowley smiled and shook her head. “You have mastered what I care about the most. Let’s reach an agreement quickly.”

Zach is very happy, the other party’s directness, of course, there is nothing to not admit, it is true.

“Agreement. I like this word.” There was a hint of helplessness on Zach’s face. “First, stop the operation in the southern part of the North District.” Although this is a request he has always wanted to make, but From the previous conversation, he had felt that Crowley had already planned this, but the reason was not because of himself.

Crowley smiled and waved, “Go ahead.”

“Second point, you can’t contaminate any person or thing related to Grande.”


“I said, I won’t.” Crowley smiled, “If you still want to talk about Joseph. It’s not for me to decide, but I can talk to your cubs. He looks like a good young man.”

Zach nodded, he accepted.

“The third point, for the future.” Zach looked at Crowley and said solemnly, “If you want to conduct a’devil deal’ with the citizens of Barton City, you must first get my consent. “

Crowley’s face also became serious, and her eyes became cold, “Is Grande stretched out her hand a bit longer?”

Zach’s face With a hint of playful abuse, “I can stretch it longer.”

Crowley had a hint of blame in her eyes, she shook her head and smiled, “Don’t be such a low-level interest, say the real request.”

“Sorry.” Zach really laughed. “Always try it. But you won’t be happy if you ask for it.” Zach shook the glass, “Barton City management , You can’t trade with them.”

Crowley pursed her lips, indeed she was very upset. With a mayor like Anthony, her penetration has been very difficult, and now even the demon trading is restricted. But she is still thinking about it, nodded, “Yes.” The reason is still Anthony, if the object of the transaction is always controlled, the transaction does not make much sense.

“Of course, if the demon trade crosses with us, you will be the one who backs down.” Zach continued with a smile.

This has forced Crowley very tightly. There are two ways to obtain souls in hell. One is to judge by faith, and the other is to deal with demons, where people sell their souls.

“I can only accept this request.” Crowley waved her hand helplessly.

“Very good.” Zach smiled with satisfaction, and the negotiation went very smoothly.

Zac finally smiled and handed out a business card. This is Maddisons business card. “This is the custodian of your soul. Treat him well.”

What can I say, uh, thank you vampire?


In the southern part of the North District, this is the broken block of Barton City. If you are idle and need a sum of money to live, then come here.

The agreement between the vampire and the devil has worked. The police who patrolled the streets frequently just a few days ago have disappeared, which proves that the peace and order here has been restored.

Of course, in addition to the decisive agreement, someone has a great credit for killing the guy who caused the riot.

And this person who deserves credit-Seth, he didn’t spend too much time at all and found a bar called [General’s Headquarters].

Seth, like anyone who came here to find a’job’, went to the innermost point.

“Are you a’general’?” Seth asked calmly, looking at the man holding a woman in front of him.

The other party laughed, “Exactly, do you mind introducing yourself?”

“Seth.” answered, “I want to work for you.”

The’General’ moved his fingers and pointed to the seat in front of him. He smiled and said, “So direct, I already like you, sit down.”

“I need a place to live and money “Seth said directly.

‘General’ smiled and looked towards this person, “So are you planning to stay in Barton City for a long time? I’m surprised that Rippet (Nuo’s last name) will be willing to introduce you here.”

Seth is nodded, he seems to be a taciturn person.

The’General’ shook his head. The guy who encountered Quest when he first came to Barton was also a poor guy. The’General’ no longer asks anything more. The subordinates he needs are indeed such silent people, so he satisfactorily began to arrange for his new subordinates.

Seth silently listened to his’Boss’ arrangement.

‘General’ threw a business card, “Nuo said you have no identity, you still need one. Go here, I have already said hello, you have to do it yourself.”


Seth picked up the business card, only one phone number and one address. He stood up in silence, left the bar, and went to a place where he could give himself a legal identity in Barton City.

Seth wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but he really had no way back. This is already the easternmost city of the Federation, he has no way to continue to escape, and Constantine will not accept him again.

Here, Barton City, is the only place he can live.

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