Zach has gained a lot. In addition to the “general” who can provide “no responsibility” manpower, there are also people who buy and sell identities and people who transport goods. If these are already in black In the zone. Then there are lawyers, security guards, and detectives who count as investigations, such as Novo Zach, who are in a gray area.

As for the white zone, there is a saying, if an apology is useful, what the police do.

Of course, these people will have their own informants or people who show affection, just like Zachs James, Coulson who can peacefully talk to the “general”…

The party lasted until midnight, and after the boundary of twilight, another boundary of life. The performers on the stage have changed wave after wave, and the special service has entered the negotiation stage. Zach looked at the beautiful women sitting next to these new’friends’, and the next projects to be carried out would not be carried out in this’gentleman’ bar.

Zach smiled and gestured to Promise, saying goodbye. Either emotionally or physically, Zac didn’t realize that these women could give him more than Louise. Moreover, what Zach wants now is not such a low-level activity. The emotion he has been in the heart not at all is unraveled by James and this guild-like small circle. What Zach wants is to go back to Grande and talk to Benjamin.

About Benjamin, everyone set aside time and imagine this picture. The scene when the only “Torido” meets on the battlefield with an “Alpha” without ethnicity.

The skin of the truck covered with dust and stains has faded away from its confusing neon coat, shrouded in night and moonlight, and drove onto Highway 27.

The further south, the weaker the atmosphere of the city. Away from the North District, there are no longer dense buildings on both sides of the road. The solitary street lights light up the cyan-gray color road and the empty fields on the side of the road. Sometimes one or two small buildings retreat in the night outside the car window.

Every time Zach once drove on this road, his mood always became lighter. The troublesome affairs are on the road from north to south, just like the scenery on both sides, stripped a little bit. As long as they return to the Grand House, Zach will return to the identity of the vampire hidden in the city.

But now, this mood has disappeared. No matter how the surrounding scenery recedes, the connection between the vampire and the city cannot be broken.

With a hint of anticipation, the car controlled by Zach was transferred to the Grand House, but the people who went out have not returned yet, Zach is a little disappointed.

Everyone has rested, only the body of the fantasy man Daniel turned into a faint streamer, rotating and drifting around the Grand House.

Zach looked at the moon that had begun to round, shook the head, and walked out of the basement. Returning to death is a great way to let go of your thoughts, but Zach hasn’t used it for this reason in a long time.

When the vampire’s heart is silent and the blood no longer flows, the body temperature carefully maintained by Zach is gradually fuse together with the ambient temperature. The vampire’s consciousness disappeared, and his life seemed to really stop, turning into an item of Grande, lying flat on a hard stone platform, like a lying statue.

The skin of the white statue was pressed by someone, and its inelastic muscles were sunken, and it had not recovered for a long time.

Benjamin frowned and patted the vampire’s left chest with his broad palm.

A dull noise sounded in the basement, and a faint beating appeared in the sunken breastbone.

Wake up in pain is not a comfortable thing. Zach’s muddy pupils slowly became clear, and the scene in his field of vision slowly focused.

“When are you going to sleep.” Benjamin twitched his lips impatiently.

In the light sound of Kera, the sternum was reset, and the sunken muscles regained their elasticity after the blood was rewashed and circulated, and slowly rebounded. Zach watched Benjamin beside him, scratching uncomfortably His own smooth body.

Benjamin turned out to be so white and tender. This was the first thing Zach thought of after he regained consciousness.

“When is it now.” Zach’s voice is still a bit dry and dumb, and the blood flow is not completely smooth. Benjamin’s tone seemed to be that he’slept’ for a long time.

“Monday at noon.” Benjamin frowned, raised one leg, pulled open the trousers, scratching on the smooth calf, matte and tender… He regretted it. Yesterday, he was moved by Laura. Hair removal all over the body. The hairy Alpha is very uncomfortable now. Between the skin and the cloth of the clothes, he always feels that something is missing.

Zac’s face twitched stiffly, his expression still not working fully.

It’s just been’sleeping’ for a long time. Is it necessary for Benjamin to wake himself up in such a violent way?

The vampire controls his heartbeat, urging the blood flow to speed up, reaching out to pick up the clothes by the stone platform, and slowly putting it on.

“When did you come back?” Zach asked stiffly, looking at Benjamin who seemed a little smaller.

“Morning.” Benjamin twisted his body and kept pulling on his vest. Zach’s mood became inexplicably happy.

“What did you do? Why so long.”

“Watching a movie.” Benjamin frowned and touched himself uncomfortably, “I was just going to watch In a movie, Laura found that Alice liked watching movies very much, so she wrapped up the whole night.”

Zuck raised his eyebrows halfway up ridiculously, and continued to squeeze the rigid skin on his forehead with difficulty. , “What movie?”

Benjamin waved his hand and replied impatiently, “”The Tragic World”.”

Zach nodded, “Good movie.”

“No. They did a remake, and a group of people sang endlessly.”

Zach thought about it with his brain that was not fully functioning. This theme is similar to Benjamins Its normal for the type of music I like to go far. Its normal to be rejected by Benjamin. If it is an opera style, I should like it myself, and shook his head helplessly, to make up for it.

“What’s the matter now?” Zach felt that it was rare for Benjamin to come to the basement and call himself It shouldn’t be just watching a movie all night.

“Go cook. I’m hungry.” Benjamin frowned.

“Huh?” Zach stopped in the air with a stiff movement.

“Loise has gone to church, Alice is still sleeping, no one is preparing lunch.” Benjamin urged impatiently.

Zach will re-drive the blood flow that has stagnated for an instant, “Where is Kim? Where is Daniel? Where is Matthew?” Counting on Old Hank, that is impossible.

“Jin won’t, what did Daniel do!” Benjamin frowned, apparently despising Daniel’s healthy eating style, “Matthew is also getting sleep.”

Zac sighed and followed Benjamin out of the basement. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Daniel, who had built a rare entity, was processing a piece of chicken, and saw Benjamin coming, with a bitter face, “I have added enough butter and seasonings, will you try again?”

Benjamin pushed the plate aside, and Jin glanced at it. What he cared about was the taste. Now he didn’t meet his requirements just by looking at it with naked eye, so he decided to wait.

Daniels enough is obviously not enough. The action of the phantom entity cannot be separated from the desires of others. Obviously, Daniel still retains the previous influence in his body. If you want to break through, you can only consume continuously and then absorb the new Desire.

When I arrived at Old Yu Hank, I had eaten what Daniel made for the first time and had been in the sun in the courtyard. This is probably the only advantage of Old Hank.

Zac moved his body and replaced Daniel’s place. When Daniel wanted to disperse the entity in relief, he was stopped by Benjamin, “Clean up those messy desires!” said the werewolf.

Daniel reluctantly kept the entity. Excluding the third category that is vague in the classification of alien races, the first category of aliens has inherent advantages over the second category.

The Grand Kitchen started to get busy. Although Zach is not as good as Alice, he is much better than Daniel. The vampire made on a whim the steak he learned from watching’Cook’s Kitchen’ yesterday, and then tried a little, and it was really good, in terms of human food.

Set up Benjamin, Zach took out his food, looked at the really hungry werewolf, “Do you want to know what I did yesterday?”

Benjamin was dealing with himself Food, “Wait a minute, when I went to the gospel hall to pick up Matthew yesterday, the priest said something.”

Zac raised his eyebrows and thought about it for a while, “You have told Matthew , My blood can heal everything. If he really doesnt want his father to be in contact with the devil, he will raise it.”

Benjamin frowned, “He treats you as a Boss and wont mention it.”

Zach nodded, Matthew is indeed such a character, but Joseph’s going to church is related to faith. Whatever they do, what happens will still happen. Crowley wouldn’t do anything outrageous to Joseph, as long as this was confirmed, there was nothing to worry about.

“Then what I want to say, you will be very happy.” Zach smiled and sipped the liquid in the cup, and began to talk about the prison trip.

Although, to say that prisoners in prison will definitely go to hell, this is a very prejudiced statement, just like James prejudice against foreign races. But in turn, will they go to heaven? No, in order to maintain the faith, the angels of heaven will not allow this to happen. After all, such rules are set by the believers, the good goes up and the bad goes down.

The superiority of the first kind of aliens over the second kind of aliens is not without reason, because no matter how powerful they are, they are always bound by the thoughts of weak humans.

So not surprisingly, the only destination for these people is hell. Of course, this premise is in the Federation, and the main belief is under the holy bishop.

And what Zach did yesterday was that under Anthony’s impetus, these souls that would inevitably go to Crowley were under Grande’s control.

Let us face the cruel reality. First, the faith of prisoners will not be so firm due to the fixed weekly service in the prison. Therefore, when judging the souls belonging, this process will not be very short. Second, how long do people think the funeral of prisoners will be delayed? Obviously, after spending a few hours or even less time to arrange, people will be sent directly to the funeral home for treatment.

And Zach has already determined the end of this process by cremation. If Crowley doesn’t want to lose the business that is already bleak, she’d better come and make a new agreement with Zach!

Zac looks forward to the moment when he takes the initiative again.

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