The eleven oclock sunlight spreads over the Gospel Church in the southern district of Barton City. The metal cross is attached to the door beam of the front yard of the church. The black paint makes the cross and the gray church behind The body is separated and very eye-catching.

Amid the gradual dispersal of people and old minivans, a black ceremonial car abruptly went backwards. The car is moving very slowly, the road here is not spacious, and the driver is not rude enough to whistle here at will. People in Barton’s southern district watched the car parked into the Gospel Hall curiously.

Benjamin pushed the car door, and the people he knew carefully identified before calling out, “Oh, Grande! Why did you shave your beard!”

Benjamin was helpless He has a short stubble chin, and his appearance will recover in a few days. Only from this morning, Benjamin discovered one thing that made him helpless, and that was itching!

When I was reminded, the itch came out uncontrollably. Benjamin tilted his chin and scratched it. If it wasn’t for the continuity of time, he would use Alpha’s skin to quickly avoid this tormenting recovery process.

“Where is Joseph?” Benjamin asked.

“Inside.” The enthusiastic man pointed to the church, “Come and see Matthew?”

Nodded, Benjamin walked inside. The porch was obviously replaced with a new one, and the door was rewashed and painted, but the tables and chairs inside were not at all changed.

The Gospel Church in the Southern District is much larger than the Holy Son Church, but it is not as necessary as the Mary Church. The population of the Southern District is not large, most of them are farmers, and a small part of them live in the northwest of the Southern District because they do not want to pay the price of an apartment near Ogier in the North District.

For example, todays week, obviously has a special meaning, but the last two rows are still empty.

Entering the gospel hall, Benjamin saw the forefront of the three people who had finished their prayers.

Alpha’s gaze fell on his clan wolf first, his shoulders slightly tightened, and his breathing as calm as possible. Then there was the Joseph who seemed to be agitated, and finally the priest.

Benjamin frowned and looked at the priest who only had a tall collar. He had smelled a faint trace of blood in the air, mixed in the evil demonic energy that the ordinary person imperceptible had, and floating out of the priest’s body.

The priest has seen Alpha’s entry, just like ordinary clergymen who see strangers entering the church, he gestured with a friendly smile, and then asked ridiculously, “Hello, do you need anything? “

Benjamin is not Zach. He doesn’t like to do meaningless’drama’. He just raised his chin as a response, revealing the pink neck that was caught by him.

“Ben…” Matthew immediately noticed his father’s stern look, “Mr. Grande.” For Joseph, anyone willing to hire the expelled Matthew should be respected. Even more how, the Grand House is very good for horse cultivation. During the days of injury and rest, Matthew would often bring back Alices snacks for him.

Benjamin didnt care about the sympathy, smiled and nodded to Joseph, explaining, “Our schedule has been advanced. Come and pick up Matthew.”

“Oh!” Joseph shot Pat Matthew on the back, “Then you go.”

Matthew is a very well-behaved young man, except that he has become a werewolf inexplicably, and a bunch of non-humans in the Grand House. What to hide from the family. So his father knew the arrangement that he would go out with Grande’s friends in the afternoon. Grands friend refers to Lola Barton. Regardless of who Lola is, the point is’Barton’.

Benjamin laughed, looking at Matthews expression, tilted his head, “Lola and Alice are waiting outside, we will send you back first.” Benjamin looked towards the priest who had already left, and said I still said to Matthew, “You go out first, I just have some questions to ask the priest.”

Matthew nodded, let go of his nervousness since just now. His Alpha is here, and all worries are unnecessary.

The priest who has retired stopped, and once again said goodbye to the leaving believer Joseph Nodded, and looked towards Benjamin with a smile, “Sir, is there any problem?”

Benjamin pursed his lips. At this time, if Zac was there, he would be able to pull out something smoothly and drag it to the back when the church was completely empty. “Behind.”

Benjamin walked back. The priest shook his head helplessly.

“You made Matthew nervous, why.” Benjamin was very simple, and the two opened their mouths as soon as they turned the side door of the church.

“Crowley wants to expand the church.” The priest also almost figured out the temper of this Grande, very directly, “I will tell Joseph’s church recruitment news in advance.”

Benjamin thought for a while, “It’s too fast. I don’t want to arouse Grande’s disgust, so don’t be so anxious to move people around us.”

The priest smiled helplessly, “We didn’t, the past I havent disturbed you in a few days. Even Constantine didnt touch it. You should be aware of our sincerity. The priest looked at Alphas frown and added, Its Joseph who wants a job. , Whether I say it or not, he will know next week.” “What will happen next week.”

“The church application form will be sent next week.” The priest smiled, “He will definitely submit Applicant, maybe you dont know it, in my memory.” The priest pointed to his head, “Joseph did not miss any service.”

Benjamin looked towards the priest thinking, the other party does not need to be here. The above lied, “How long will the review take.”

The priest pursed his lips in a bit embarrassed manner. He knew that Alpha wanted to use the length of time to think about ways to prevent Joseph from entering the church, such as finding a What a peculiar way of treatment, a course of old injuries recover completely and so on. With a healthy body, the work of the church may not be so attractive.

“This is the business of the church.” The priest looked towards Alpha with a look of forgiveness, “No matter from any standpoint, I can’t disclose it at will.”

Benjamin not at all minded this answer, just glanced at the priest, “You can figure it out.”

The priest shook his head helplessly. It seems that I should give Crowley a feedback. If you know it, stop talking. Up.

“You are injured.” Benjamin already had the intention to leave, Laura and the others were still waiting, “What’s going on.”

The priest pressed himself subconsciously with his hand Sure enough, Alpha found his neckline. But the priest shook his head. This time he didn’t have any expression. He seemed to have received instructions long ago and knew what to say, “Yes, but the content shouldn’t be told by me. Crowley has an arrangement.”

“Arrangement?” Benjamin’s body turned away, stopped, and looked back towards the priest. He had just asked casually, and he had such an answer.

The priest stopped speaking, bowed, and left.

Benjamin frowned. Hey, Zach is good at this kind of thing.

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