The main entrance of the Church of Mary has been sealed off, and the church has also set up an announcement outside the door. In the next two months, the Church of Mary will not be open to the public. This is really not good news for the holy bishops in Barton City, because all devout believers know that it was the Holy Mother Mary who gave birth to the Holy Son. The Holy Son walked the world and brought the glory of the Holy Father to every corner of the world. , And then there will be the existence of Saint Bishop.

Respecting the origin is one of the ways for believers to express their piety. Now they can only go to the gospel hall or the memorial hall.

Benjamins truck was parked on the corner, and the four of them bypassed the main entrance and entered from behind the Mary Church. No one stops, because there is no one at all. Zach pulled open the iron fence on the back wall a little bit harder, and the four of them no longer had any resistance, and directly entered the clergy work area behind the church.

The sun setting in the west stretched the shadow of the church to cover the entire rear, which made Zach the vampire easier.

“People…” James’ question was interrupted by Zach.


James looked at the sign in front of the courtyard, which was the rehearsal place where the choir was. He walked through the winding corridor and his singing became clearer and clearer. Shouldnt the church be renovating the church? Why do you practice at this time?

‘Mary, do you know? One day, your child will walk on the river.

Mary, do you know? One day, your child will save our son and daughter.

Do you know? Your son will give you a new look.

This baby you gave birth, one day, he will give you a new birth. ‘

The white robe has a blue collar, and the golden thread outlines a glowing halo. Everyone wiggled slightly, and their mouths opened and closed vomiting their respect for the Holy Mother.

Anthony glanced at Zach. Zach was nodded. Barton City had a serious face and pouted his lips, but he didn’t at all disturb the choir singing the hymn. The chubby mayor pulled a chair and sat down, as if waiting for them to finish singing.

‘Mary, do you know? One day, your son will give light to the blind.

Mary, do you know? One day, your son will calm the storm with his hands.

Do you know? He walked on the path that angels must pass.

When you kiss his delicate cheek, you kiss God gently. ‘

Standing in front of the choir, the priest wore a fitted black shirt and straight trousers. He seemed to notice someone coming in, and turned his head and looked towards the four’invaders’, on the corners of the round neck The cross wrinkled slightly under his rotating neck.

The priest, who was dressed similarly to Constantine, smiled at the four people, as if thanking them for not blocking.

Zach smiled back and motioned for him to continue.

The corners of the priest’s eyes, which were filled with black, were slightly bent, and his lips moved lightly,’It will be done soon. ‘

‘…Mary, do you know? Mary, did you know…’

Finally, when the last scale was over, the priest clapped as if intoxicated. But the people of the choir don’t seem to be at all joy. At the end of the last note, the reverence and piety on their faces were taken over by fear in an instant!

Only the priest applauded in the empty practice room, “Perfect! It’s been a week, and you finally sing every note!” The priest clapped his hands on his chest. The clear sound of breathing came out of his mouth, touching the heart of everyone in the choir covered in Chinese clothes, “I feel your piety!”

“Everyone !” The priest pointed to the two dozen people of all ages in front of him, ignoring the fear on their faces, “I feel it! Your love for the Holy Mother! Pure love without a trace of impurities! I…”

Zac curl one’s lip, pressed Anthony’s shoulder, and took a step, “Almost all right.”

The priest’s hands just raised stopped in the air, and he slowly turned around.

“We have already waited for you to sing a whole song. Do you still want to express your thoughts?” The vampire smiled and looked towards the demon in front of him, with sharp fingers running under his lips. Even if the opponent occupies the priest’s body, it has no special meaning to the vampire.

His dark eyes blinked, and he unbuttoned a button on his collar, and the crosses that had merged together were forced to separate. “This is the result of their practice for a week. Cant I praise a few words? Is it?”

The vampire waved impatiently and continued to move forward, forcing the’priest’ to start moving aside, and stepped away from the choir.

“Why is this a waste of time?” Zach walked to the front row of the choir and looked at the trembling group of humans. Their lips were chapped and their breathing was heavy. Covered by heavy black green. Vampires can imagine that the words “practitioned for a week” said by the’priest’ are not rhetorical, but literal.

Zach leaned in front of these fearful people, grinning, sharp teeth dangling in front of them. To intimidate humans, vampires and demons have so little in common.

Zac shrugged in front of them, “Let me summarize it for him.” Zach looked towards the’priest’ who had stepped aside, “Even if you are so religious, you will still go to hell.”

“You ruined the surprise.” The’priest’ had a sullen face.

Zac shrugged, not looking towards’Father’, smiling at a group of pale humans, “Luckily, your mayor has come to save you.”

“Huh?! You are driving…”

Benjamin’s whole body was covered with brown-black hair. He stood quietly behind the sitting Anthony. Alpha’s body seemed to move without even wanting to move. A pair of brown eyes turned slowly, looking towards the’priest’ who just opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

“James, be serious.” Zach turned around dissatisfiedly and shouted at James who was in a daze, “It’s time you take out your gun filled with silver bullets and aim It’s time.”

The vampire seems to be creating a feeling of absolute suppression, well, he did it.

‘Father”s gaze shifted from the muzzle that had just been aimed at him, fell on Alpha, and finally looked towards the smiling vampire.

“humph.” He sneered, “So this is Grande style? Many to one?”

“oh?” Zach smiled, “You know how Rand? That’s right.” Zach seemed to think of something, “Grande’s Earthbound Spirit seems to have a comfortable time. Should we be thankful?”

‘Father’ The eyebrows twitched, “You know the best, I…”


In the evening light, the silhouette of the vampire turned into an afterimage, his A finger is pressed on the lips of the’priest’, a finger is submerged in the opponent’s throat, the bright red from the back of the neck flows down the fingertips like sharp thorns, stains the skin, and goes down under the force of gravity. Under the neckline.

“What did you do?!” James’ arm holding the gun was shaking!

“Don’t scream!” Anthony yelled. “He was dead long ago. He died when he was possessed by a low-level demon.”

A demon who can’t control his eyes. , Zach is really not interested in listening to what he says any more. Dramatize? This guy is too far from real drama! Papa’s Midnight Walking Dead Show at midnight is only dramatic in the eyes of vampires! This guy is too low-level!

Black suddenly rolled over in the eyes of the dead’priest’! Zack’s fingers on the opponent’s mouth did not move, the’priest”s cheeks bulged as if someone was pouring water, and the body that should have been weakly hung on Zack’s fingers twitched suddenly!

The two hands of the’priest’ suddenly lifted and grabbed Zac. Regardless, Zach stood there like a statue, supporting the other’s chin with one hand, and pressing the other’s mouth with the other to prevent the contents from having a chance to escape.


The imprisoned cry came from the throat of the’priest’, Zach pursed his lips, just not wanting to put the picture in front of James It was too ugly, so he chose to start from the throat, didn’t expect this guy can still make a sound.

Zach tilted his head and glanced at James. As expected, the detective’s shoulders were shaking.

Zac shook his head and turned back, looking towards the’priest’ who was desperately tearing his sleeve. In the eyes of the’priest’, there was a red line beginning to roll in the ink-like black.

When the body has irreversible damage, in order to complete the’cure’, the blood of the vampire will begin the ultimate cure, turning the opponent into a vampire.

This is just a very simple story of fish eating fish. The devil swallowed the human soul and possessed it, and dominated the human body. Vampires give the flesh more power and devour demons. As for the end, Zach certainly wouldn’t be interested in this guy who became his offspring inexplicably.

When the black in the eyes of the’priest’ was completely swallowed by the crimson, Zac took out the fingertips that penetrated the opponent’s throat, James did not even see the movements, and Zach had backhanded the newborn vampire Pushed in front of him!

Zac held the’priest’ hair in one hand, and held James’ gun-holding hand in the other, leaning against the priest’s left chest, “Detective Lance, if you do this, you will miss the shot. , Ill be very disappointed.”

James brain was blank. He only heard the echo of gunshots in this empty room. The skin of the priest in front of him quickly turned gray, countless Cracks appeared on his skin as if they were dry and cracked…

Zac let go of his hand, and the broken head was scattered into gray ashes before it hit the ground!

Zac clapped his hands, patted the dust off his hands, turned around again, looked towards the choir, “Our patience is almost exhausted, shouldnt you show up now, um, you Called?”

Zakra has a long ending, waiting for an answer.


In the choir, a middle-aged obese man faced Zac Nodded, “My name is Crowley.”

Zac replied, “Hello, Crowley. Zachary Grande.”

Zac sorted out the clothes that had been grabbed by the’priest’, and then looked at the other party. His gaze floated back to himself, as if he was not very interested in the image of the middle-aged obesity, “Do you want to keep this appearance, or use the real face? As you can see, we are educating the next generation of Barton.”

James trembles, and the dust on the gun shakes away. It was not that he realized that Zac was talking about him, but that he realized that he just killed a vampire!

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