“Since we are going to get to know’New World’, do we need to call Anthony?” Benjamin put his hands on the steering wheel and asked casually.

Zac turned his head and looked at the receding scene in front of the car window. His pale fingers groped his chin and thought, “You reminded me that maybe we should call Anthony, he It’s the mayor of Barton City.”

“What are you talking about? What’s’New World’?!” In the car of vampires and werewolves, the’weak’ James really has no initiative. The direction of the dialogue has always been controlled by the vampire. Now he has been forced to accept that he wants to fully understand this World, but the trend of the topic at this time seems to be beyond his understanding,’new’? !

Benjamin has turned again, and James can see that it is in the direction of City Hall.

“But Anthony is still reluctant to talk to me because of Ian.” Zach’s mood was a little low. After the end of the full moon last year, the vampire left a message for Anthony after a day’s rest, informing Ian of his departure, but Anthony never responded, apparently evading.

“Who is Ian?!” James yelled from the back seat, pressing his hands on the back of the front seat, his head stretched between the two.

“This is a very personal matter. You have made it very clear that we are not friends, so you don’t need to know. But I can give you a reminder that you have had an unpleasant meeting. Zach glanced at James sideways, “But to answer your first question, how’new’ the world is not at all, but new changes have appeared.”

James wrinkled Eyebrows, the picture in his head constantly flipped, and in the basement of Grande, the vampire who had been pulled out of his chest stopped in his head. Zach is right. They are not friends. James threw this picture away and asked what he wanted to know more, “What do you mean by the new changes?”

“Hell , The derogatory hell on the scriptures, opened the door in Barton City.” Zach said casually, “Perhaps not only Barton, I think the doors of the entire state of Massa have been opened, even the Federation.” /p>

“What?!” At this time, James had a ridiculous thought, is hell real? ! Not a metaphor, not a rhetoric that only exists in curses, but a truth!


The door of Anthony’s office was knocked, and the female secretary Gina opened the door and entered, “City…Ann.” When there were no outsiders, Gina has already called the mayor of Barton City by name!

“Ann, there are two Mr. Grande who want to see you.” There is a faint resentment in Gina’s eyes. Recently, Anthony has been very cold-hearted, and she is beginning to worry whether Anthony has discovered that she is really just a hollow Beautiful vase too. We know that this worry is superfluous, and Anthony has always known this.

“They are not at all bookings, I want to…”

“Let them in.” Anthony leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath and waved, “Also, work I still have to call me the mayor.”

Something choked in Gina’s throat, and she treated Anthony’s irritated eyes as aimed at herself. It seems that this beautiful female secretary is not stupid, just clever in the wrong place.

Gina lowered her head and exited the office. After a while, Grande’s two brothers and James entered the office together. James was brought by Zach specially. He needs to know what the correct world view is.

Anthony lifted his head from the file at the table and saw James was there, which meant that Zac did not come for Ian. Anthony relaxed, but still frowned, put away the documents on the table, looked towards Zach, “Just tell me what happened.”

If Zach is here to exchange feelings, he won’t come to the city Hall, but go directly to his house. So something must have happened.

“Gate of Hell opened, and demons began to appear in Barton City.” Zach and Benjamin were very familiar with pulling over the chairs, and sat down opposite Anthony. Zach’s words are also very direct, completely different from the circle guidance of James.

James took a sigh of relief in his heart, and silently pulled a chair to sit down.

“The devil?” Anthony shook his head, pressed his finger between his eyebrows, and thought for a while, “This is the reason for the recent increase in crime. I can allocate some funds to the police station to strengthen night patrols. Last year, Barton Mercy Hospital made an anti-violence propaganda. Maybe I can tell the dean to do it again. At the mutual aid association, I can also do more activities…”

James looked surprised. Anthony said a lot of the content of urban construction, each of which is strengthening citizens safety awareness and reducing violent factors. It’s just that Anthony’s brows become more frowning, and the pen in his hand is constantly writing and drawing. The city government’s money is not unlimited. Whatever you add, you must reduce it accordingly.

“You also have to hurry up, find those demons, expel and solve them.” Anthony thought for a while, “I can only turn around for one month. After one month, the city government will have to pay The normal specifications are assigned.”

Zac has a smile on his mouth. He listened to Anthony’s whispering talk before leaning forward, reaching out and holding down the pen that Anthony was still writing. The notebook closed, “Anthony, you didn’t hear clearly. I am not only talking about the appearance of the devil, but the point is that the Gate of Hell is opened.”

It is different from being summoned and squeezed from the crack of the world. , But the door was opened. A month? If the door is not closed, this time will be forever!

Anthony’s face just showed a trace of confusion, “Say it again?”

“Gate of Hell is opened.” Zach satisfied his friend’s request.

“What?! How did you open it?!” Anthony stared at Zac.

Zac motioned to Anthony not to get excited, “Now it’s just a guess, you can refer to it.”

Some unknown thing happened in the Federation, which started the popularity of cremation. The alien races entrenched in their own territory began to scrape and recruit, wanting to gather strength and move to new land. It is already known that the hidden alliance of vampires and Papa Midnight, which were originally in the central part of the Federation, are the top layers of the first and third categories in terms of alien classification.

Now, you can add the second-class top-level structure of the alien race to the list of migration. It doesn’t require any developed imagination. It is heaven. When the top checks and balances are not there, the bottom door opens.

Zach looked at Anthony after speaking, “Anthony, is there any news outside of Barton City? This guess has several points of accurate?”

Anthony leaned back in his chair On his back, he put his palm on his forehead and pressed his temple, “I’m afraid it’s more than half, I don’t know if it’s too far, but Massa, Newton, west of Barton, has also recently been the same as us. This phenomenon is spreading!”

Zac smiled and shook his head, “Anthony, you should turn off the rest of today, we are going to visit this guest from the underground.”

“humph. “Anthony was coldly snorted, tidying up the things on the desk, stood up, sorted out the clothes, and took off the coat on the hanger. “He must know who is the master of this city.”

James silently followed the three of them. Now, he truly admits that the world in his eyes is incomplete.

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