In the early morning, the Grand House gets busy. A long wooden table was placed in the backyard. Alice was moving between the courtyard and the kitchen. In addition to Benjamin, Matthew and Old Hank, there were seven or eight strange men sitting at the table enjoying a free breakfast. Not a stranger, but a nearby farmer, which can be said to be a far away neighbor. Accepting an employment at the Grand House can usually last a day.

Zach is not in Grande, but in the church to the west, watching several nuns cleaning the church, holding a list in his hand, checking the list of furnishings sent.

“Then shall we wait for Benjamin to deliver the coffin?” Louise asked quietly, standing behind Zac.

Zac nodded, “Well.” The vampire looked at the woman behind him, with a hint of curiosity on Louise’s face, and looked at the church, “Have you never been to church?”

Louis glanced at Zac and shook her head, “No, I just rarely see the church with the theme of’Holy Son Atonement’. I grew up in the correctional home, and the Gospel Church is very familiar.”

There was something flickering in Zach Shallow Green’s eyes, watching Louise perform a standard Holy Prophet on several cleaning nuns, bowing her head and drawing a cross in front of her forehead and chest. The nuns smiled and stopped their gestures and responded. This is the etiquette of wishing and blessing each other, of course, not at all what practical effect.

“This reminds me.” The expression in Zach’s eyes retracted, and he put his arms around Louise’s shoulders with a smile on the corners of his eyes, “We have never talked about the past life, if you want to find someone Talk, I am a very good listener.”

This week, Louise was very cold towards everyone, and today she suddenly asked to help Grande work. Zach was a little surprised, but apparently couldn’t let Louise do the coolies that Benjamin and the others did, so let Louise follow.

The vampire regarded this as a sign of the passing of the cold period, and now Louise suddenly mentioned her past. This is an opportunity to enhance the relationship. How could the vampire let it flow away.

Loise was caught by Zakla, and the blue eyes under her eyelashes looked towards the vampire. After a brief moment of shaking her mind, she also bends the corners of her eyes, her cheeks bulge slightly because of the raised corners of her mouth, like familiarity Seen apple.

“You are not.” Louise pushed Zac away and said with a smile, “Jin is the one.”

Zac remembered that Jin was always An expression, nodded with a smile, “You are right, would you prefer to chat with him?”

Loise stretched out a finger and dangled in the air, ruddy Lips pursed slightly, his eyes seemed to be erratic, “Don’t talk to him, it’s called talking to Mu Mu.”

The corners of Zach’s raised mouth slowly retracted, and his eyes did not know where it was floating. After thinking for a while, when the line of sight returned to Louise again, she found that Louise’s smile had disappeared and she looked at herself quietly.

“We can chat, I can tell you everything, as long as I remember.” There was no extra expression on Zach’s face, looking at Louise.

Loise’s eyelashes quivered, her slender eyebrows were slightly raised at the end, and the slight emotional ups and downs were caught by the vampire. But immediately, Louise’s eyes left Zac, with a hint of complaint that is characteristic of women, “This is too cunning. If I ask’how many women are there before me’, you just need to answer and forget it. I can be confused by you.”

Zac thought about the true meaning of Louises words, whether it was the’past’ brought about by the age gap between vampires and humans, or’woman What ‘refers to is still the meaning of’forget’, and Zach doesn’t want to touch it.

Louis looked towards Zach again, with a hint of comfort in her eyes, “I dont ask, you dont need to answer, it doesnt matter.”

Zac raised her eyes and looked. towards Louise, I seem to understand some recent relationships with her, and also understand why Louise would suddenly request a job. With a touch of complicated emotions, he extended the hand to Louise.

Loise pulled on, breathed slightly, and changed the subject, “When will the funeral begin?”

“Nine o’clock.” Zac adjusted his breath and held Lu The temperature of Yi Si’s hand increased a little. “The ceremony takes about an hour, and then there is free time. After the guests are gone, the ceremony will be carried out.”

“Oh.” Louise nodded, watching The person being delivered, flowers and incense on the wall. These are things that can only be arranged after the coffin is delivered. The nuns checked all the facilities for the last time, nodded towards the two, and retreated to the church.

Loise took the checklist from Zac and settled with the delivery person under Zac’s sign. Zach walked out of the church and looked at the hearse from the east. Benjamin, who was impossible to see with normal human vision, waved behind the window of the car.

After a while, Zach and Benjamin stood behind the church, connected to the backyard where the clergy stayed. The hearse stopped here, and Matthew and a few hired farmers carried the coffin out of the hearse. , Walked to the church.

Matthew looked at his two bosses and explored.

“Louis is inside.” Zach waved, and Matthew nodded, carrying the coffin into the church.

Benjamin glanced at Zach, jokingly, “What did Louise say?”

At dawn today, Louise said without warning that she would go with Zach Work, this really surprised everyone.

Zac gave Benjamin a bit of a grudge, “Everyone can watch jokes, you can’t.”

“Why?” Benjamin frowned in confusion.

“Because you gave Matthew a job.” Zach sighed, continuing to use the tone of’you grievance’.

Benjamin scratched his neck hidden under his beard, “What does it matter? Does she need money? You can just give it to her.”

Zac cast a glance. Benjamin in the play, “Why don’t you just give Matthew the money and keep him with him?”

Benjamin stretched his arms to avoid his weakness, “She is too sensitive. If Ian Here, he doesnt need to work.”

The vampires spirit languished, “Why do you want to mention Ian.”

Grand Brothers dialogue is complementary Knife.

Benjamin smiled and patted Zac on the back, “I’m just giving an example, otherwise you have other’offspring’ roaming outside that I don’t know?”

“No more.” Zach shook his head, and the flash of emotion in his eyes was not noticed by the werewolf. “But you really embarrass me. Now, she is trying to find her place in the Grand House.”

“She has one.” Benjamin twitched his lips, “Your girlfriend. What else does she want?”

Loises foothold in Grande is just Feeling, what is feeling? The feelings between humans and vampires seem to be tragedy.

Benjamin made the point.

“That’s the problem.” Zach frowned. “Now she is caught in an unclear boundary. Unlike you and Matthew, she cannot see where she is. “

“Then transform her.” Benjamin said impatiently, not wanting to discuss more about the vampire relationship.

Zac lost his voice.

It took a long time for Benjamin to react, and Zach was silent, “Hey, your face looks like shit.”

Zach lifts the head, Shaking with a bitter look, “I shouldn’t give her a choice, now if I propose, she will definitely refuse.”

Benjamin looked at Zach as if he was really worried, so he stopped using one. With a matter of no concern to oneself, he frowned and thought about it for a while, shook the head, and sighed, “You are right.” Benjamin chuckled slightly, “Ian is really a very, very bad guy. Role model, and you are a very, very bad’father’.”

Do you remember when Zach explained the inheritance of vampires to Louise?

There is no ethical conflict, loss of personality, or physical and mental pain. On the contrary, it seems more like the beginning of an entanglement of fate.

Let’s take a look at what happened to Ian and Zach, whose fate is entangled. As Benjamin said,’very very bad role model’.

Loise is so smart, she sees, she waits, she thinks, she draws conclusions. This conclusion is not good.

“Then what are you going to do?” Benjamin asked Zach.

Zach thought for a while, stretched out his hand, and pushed forward without a goal,’Let’s live like this’, this is the message Benjamin received.

“Mr. Grande.” Father Constantine’s voice came from behind.

The two turned their heads and saw that the priest was already wearing ceremony costumes, black robes, white long collars directly on the chest, and pale-silver crosses on both sides.

Constantin slightly nodded salutes, “The church is ready, and the back hall is finished. After a while, the owner of the ceremony will come, and the two will go to the back hall to rest and wait.”

Zac smiled and replied, followed behind the priest, after thinking about it, and suddenly asked, “Father, has anything happened in the church recently?”

Constantin and The people at Grand House are very familiar with it, and the two have been cooperating for almost ten years. In the beginning, it was only the prisoners sent from the prison. In the past two months, there have been more real funerals. The two usually chat when they meet, so Zachs question is not that sudden.

Constantine smiled and said, “Apart from yesterday’s confession?” He thought for a while, “It seems that nothing special happened.”

“Oh.” Ke responded with a smile, “I am curious. The priest has also heard of accidents in other churches.”

Constantin put a smile on his chest, nodded, “I heard Its said that the 2-Layer of Marys Church collapsed, the most serious. But fortunately, it did not cause any casualties. Holy Lord bless you.”

Zach also drew a cross with a trace of’sincerity ‘S grief, Does the priest think its a coincidence?

Constantin smiled helplessly. Apart from coincidence, there is no other reason to explain. The church is already making arrangements. Our church in Barton , Seems to have to be refurbished again.” Constantine said this with a hint of apology.

Zac was stunned, laughed, and understood what the priest meant. If it is to be closed for renovation, the funeral will be postponed again.

“Is the time set?” Zach asked.

“It’s not there yet.” Constantine said, “I will notify you if I have news.”

Zach nodded, “Then trouble the priest.”

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