“Turn the page.”

Ryan’s voice sounded, and this earthbound spirit would say this every few minutes. Then Banshee Alice would put down Sibera Hayate’s old diary and turn a page for Earthbound Spirit.

They are not reading the same book.

Alice watched it ten years ago, while Ryan watched it three years ago. Siberas letter was placed by the bed and opened. The content of the letter is not at all. There is only one sentence, “My son, read my diary, you will understand.” ‘

In fact, Ryan didn’t understand. Before he became Bound Diling, this box was never a secret. Even if he read the diary before, he didnt understand. He didnt understand why his big brother Ravenge left home; he didnt understand why his parents agreed to adopt Ellie. After the silk, he drove her out again; as for now, he is even more impossible to understand why his parents have never contacted him for three years, and even now, he has left Barton directly abandoned.

Alice has turned a few pages. This Banshee realized that Ryan hadn’t asked herself to turn the page for a while. She lifts the head and looked towards Ryan floating in the air.

Ryan raised his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Don’t you turn the page?” Alice asked.

“If you don’t turn it over, it’s useless to read it.” Ryan’s drifting body made an afterimage in the air.

Alice put down her diary and asked, “Have you read all of these old diaries?”

“Have you seen.” Connor replied.

Alice pointed to a line of words: “‘It has entered winter. I am very satisfied with the newly bought woolen yarn. I want to be able to knit new sweaters for everyone before Thanksgiving. Last year’s sweaters seem to be missing. What’s the use…'”

“Why are you reading these!” Ryan stared at Alice dissatisfiedly. He had already seen these when he was a boy, all of which were trivial. thing. Compared to the notes in the box that records the formula of incantion, it is too boring.

Ryans mother, Siberas diary style has not changed, even in the past three years.

Ignoring Ryans complaint, Alice continued to read: ‘Last years sweaters seem to be useless, especially Ryans. He grows very quickly. Last years sweaters are already a bit small. I am going to throw them away tomorrow. Its a shame that I missed the church donation.”

“Ha! She never donates anything to the church! She said she missed it!” Ryan coldly snorted Talking.

Alice glanced at Ryan, continued to look back in her diary, and read, “‘A very sad thing happened today. I lost my wallet when I discarded the old things on Ogier Street. There are more than four hundred, which is enough for one person to spend a month. Forget it, its Thanksgiving. I hope the person who found my wallet can be grateful.'”

” hmph! She’s been like this all the time…”

Ryan was interrupted by Alice.

“I remember that winter. Your mother was wrong. I spent a whole winter on those four hundred dollars.” Alice looked towards Ryan and said. Banshee has never been so peaceful.

Ryan was beating on the edge of the transparent body in the air, not at all. Seeing him turn around, it seemed as if the smoke had scattered and gathered again, Ryan frowns kept flashing.

“Of course, there are also those sweaters. I remember the one with red stripes I like best because it fits best.” Alice thought for a while, got up from her bed and moved towards her The closet walked over, “Do you want to see it?” Alice opened the closet, pulled out a cardboard box on the ground floor, opened it, and pushed it in front of Ryan.

“This is what I used to be.” Alice turned out a piece of clothing. “Although all I can wear are boys’ styles, I sleep on the street, not at all. Its very fortunate to be able to find these in the trash can, especially the wallet.”

Alice was silent for a while, reinstalled the box, pushed it back in place, and left. I turned a few pages next to the diary that Ryan had read before.

“‘Spring is here. At this time of the year, Ryan was always emotionally excited because the Barton High School League is about to begin. I always tell him that emotional instability is not a good thing. Its easy to lose yourself, but hes just a teenager, and I dont listen very much.

Ryans body began to flicker, and the transparent body boundary was merging with the air, as Sibera said, Being emotional is not a good thing.

“‘I should remind this child, um, let me think, what should I take to see him? How about the flowers that lead to soul grass? Remember the period before he left us, it seems I am very interested in soul grass, which is really a headache. Hey, it is so decided. Fortunately, I planted a large amount of soul grass last year, otherwise this spring, it seems that it will be a little insufficient.'”

“Enough!” Ryan yelled, “I don’t want to listen! Put these away! I don’t want to see these!”

Alice looked at the edge of her body completely with the air The fused Ryan stopped reading, put the letter and the diary that Ryan was reading, kept the one he was reading, and continued to look.

Time passed with the sound of flipping the book, another girl appeared at the door of Alices room, “Alice! What are you looking at?” Laura jumped on very well. Alices bed, leaning on the shoulders of her friend who is still in an old book, “Indian characters? Alice, you can actually understand the indian characters!”

Alice tilts her head. , Looked at her friend, smiled helplessly, “I am an Indian!”

“But you were adopted here…” Just after she finished speaking, Lola realized she was After uttering a very sensitive word, her voice immediately became quieter, “I didn’t mean that.”

“I know.” Alice patted Lola’s hand to indicate that she didn’t care.

Lola relaxed, looking curiously at the densely packed notes that were written, “What is this?”

“Diary, the owner’s diary, the family I used to foster. “Alice said honestly.

Lola blinked, took the diary, closed it, and threw it aside, “What is it for?! You told me that you used to live in Da…” Laura responded quickly I avoided the sensitive part, “They are not good people!”

Alice smiled and took the diary, “I thought so before, but in fact they are not that bad, at least they taught me Indian script.”

Lola frowned. She felt that her friend was too kind, so Alice opened her diary again and asked: “What did you write?”

“‘I met the previous two people again today. They looked at me and I looked at them. Such a scene is really ridiculous. I dont know if its more ridiculous that two people stand together, or if I calmly look at them. Its even more ridiculous. But I have nothing to worry about. Today I changed a new shawl, which is a little heavier. When I walk, there will be a collision light sound, which makes passers-by look at me.'”

“What’s this written?” Lola asked suspiciously.

Alice ignored her friends question, she was about to see the end, and continued to say, “‘Unfortunately, there is no way, I need to throw away the garbage in my hand, Ryan (person’s name, Alice is useless Federal language translation) I have never had asthma, and I dont know why I buy so many asthma medicines. I will never believe the scam of buying one get one free.'”

“I heard Benjamin say , You used to have severe asthma!” Laura thought of something as if to say.

Alice smiled, “‘I throw away the trash and look at the two people behind me. This situation is going to stop. I don’t want to wear such a heavy shawl to go out every day. I made a reservation for them. They seemed to understand the gestures here, and they remained there until the corner of the street I turned around. Well, today is a strange day, I still dont want to come to Ogier Street again.'”

Alice closed the diary, and she didn’t need to read the next thing.

Lola looked at Alice’s face with a smile, blinked, thought for a while, still insisting on her position, “Still, they are not good people! They at first shouldn’t… “Lola found that there were too many sensitive words that she couldn’t avoid. Moreover, this is a very private matter, and Laura at first should not bother. There was a frustration on the girl’s face.

Alice didn’t talk to each other, she had already watched the first part in the morning, and Lola couldn’t hear it anymore. Alice just smiled and put the diary in the drawer, “Let’s go find Benjamin.”

Lola’s frustration changed a subject, “He is not here, and Matthew said he and Zac were out. “

Alice said, she didn’t know what entertainment she should prepare for her friend. The Grand House is not an interesting place.

“Matthew is here?” Alice noticed the person in Laura’s words. At noon, when everyone was eating, Matthew’s mother rushed to the Grand House to inform Matthew , His father was injured, and then Benjamin gave him a vacation, and now he is here again.

“Well, he’s down there. People waiting for the telecommunications company, are you going to install a new phone?” Laura recovered her frustration and asked.

“Yes, Zach said to separate work from personal phone calls.” Alice is not a lie, she suddenly had an idea: “Lets go to the kitchen and make some food for Matthews father. “Oh.” Lola was nodded, but still asked in confusion, “What happened to his father?”

“During the service, I was injured. Originally given to him It’s vacation, but he is here anyway.” Alice explained as she walked.

“Huh? I was injured also on the week?” Lola seemed a little surprised.

“Hmm?” Alice looked towards Laura, “What’s the matter?”

“Some people in our Western Region were injured during the service. Grandma said when she came back Yes, fortunately I didn’t follow.”

“Ms. Barton is all right?” Alice asked worriedly.

“Well, she’s okay, but her friend has some injuries.” Laura thought for a while, “There is one you should know, Mrs. Quinn.”

Alice “What’s wrong with Mrs. Quinn?”

“Don’t worry.” Seeing Alice’s sudden excitement, Laura said comfortingly, “Mrs. Quinn just suffered a little Its hurt, but her caregiver doesnt seem to be doing well.”

Lola said in a low voice, “Grandma said, during prayer, the priests podium suddenly fell, just hit the front row, she just stood Beside, I pulled Mrs. Quinn, I was suppressed.”

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