Leaving the apartment building where Daniel lived, James was about to ask where Zac was going next, but found that he was leaned behind his back. Looking back, he found that the vampire was arriving. Holding his small wine bottle, a pair of eyes looked expectantly at a drop of bright red on the bottle mouth, hanging in the air, just unable to drip.

No more words, James stuffed Zac into the back seat and drove to the South Side.

“Will you continue to investigate those lists?” Zach asked in a languid manner, lying in the back seat.

“I will.” James looked towards the empty rearview mirror and replied after thinking for a while.

“Leave Grande’s call.” Zach leaned back in his chair. He didn’t want to talk much now. If it wasn’t James’ car, he would light a cigarette and let his sleepiness weaken. some.

James pursed his lips, neither refused nor agreed. Zach didn’t say any more, looked towards the window, it was almost noon, the sun penetrated the car window, shining on the pale skin of the vampire, Zach felt the blocked blood flow under the skin and adjusted his breathing.

On the section of the road that has not completely left the North District, a large group of people crowded on the side of the road, with ambulances and police cars parked aside, James’s attention was completely diverted.

“Stop over there.” Zach reluctantly pointed to a shadowed street corner. He knew that James wanted to be nosy.

James turned around and parked the car in the alley of the building conscientiously. He opened the door and walked towards the crowd.

James looked towards all around, here in the north of Barton, it is near Southwest and Paisins east. The most conspicuous building should be the Barton Holy Mother Mary church behind the crowd. In the holy scripture, Mary is the mother of Holy Son. Among the churches of various themes in the Federation, the Holy Mother represents the one with the most’love’.

These people are probably worshippers.

James saw Mrs. Coulson on the periphery of the crowd. The middle-aged woman hugged her daughter and wanted to look inside anxiously.

“Mrs. Coulson!” James ran over, “What happened?!”

“Lance!” Mrs. Coulson had a surprise on her face, “You too Now!”

James inspected the bodies of the two people and found no injuries. The crowd seemed to be calm, not at all. What riots were happening, just rest assured, “Where is Coson? Where is he? “

“He’s still inside.” Mrs. Coulson grabbed James’ arm. Seeing James’ face suddenly tense, she realized that she had made a mistake. “He was not injured. Search and rescue.”

James breathed a sigh of relief: “What happened?”

“The second floor of Mary Church collapsed.” Mrs. Coulson trembled.” Many people were injured. He, he is organizing search and rescue and evacuation.”

“You stay here.” James pressed Mrs. Coulson’s arm, “I’ll help.”

Mrs. Coulson was nodded, James had already taken out the police badge and cleared the way, drowning in the crowd.

James is not a true believer. Apart from the symbolic experience of baptism when he was a child, he occasionally accompanies his mother in worship when he had not yet come to Barton. He did not at all fulfill the obligations of believers. Like most federal people, this is just a tradition.

The Mary Church is very large and is the largest church in Barton City. At this time, the front entrance was closed by the police and smoke and dust leaked out of the door. James lighted the police badge and walked in. There were a large number of firefighters and ambulance personnel in the church searching for the injured.

James looks up, and almost one third part of 2-Layer is covering one layer. On the tortuous fractures on the top of the head, there are constantly falling cement fragments, the bent steel bars suddenly stretch out, and the cement blocks attached to the steel bars are suspended in the air.

“Hey!” James’ arm was pulled, and he stepped back. Coulson glared at his young and reckless partner: “You stand here and want to die!”

“Uh, sorry.” James withdrew his somewhat surprised expression, “What’s the matter?”

Coulson gave James a disgusting look: “Can’t you tell? Just like that. Fortunately, I found out early, and started to evacuate the crowd ahead of time, otherwise!” Coulson waved his hands and pointed to the part of the layer that was being held down by the 2-Layer collapse: “Otherwise, the hundred people will see God!”

It must be reminded that Detective Coulson is not a devout believer. When everyone is praying, he is looking up at the ceiling in a daze…

James Feeling Coulson’s pride, he asked helplessly: “I mean, what’s the matter? Why did it collapse?”

“How do I know!” Coulson raised his eyebrows, “first I got it out and said that we won’t have anything to do in the future.”

Coulson is very practical. They are a homicide group and they can’t care about the accident. Yes, in Coulson’s eyes, this is an accident.

James took another look at the collapsed fracture of 2-Layer. For some reason, he looked at the statue of Holy Mother placed at the end of the church. The quiet-faced woman was holding a baby in her arms.

As Coulson said, fortunately, he found out early and began to evacuate the crowd before the accident. The accident not at all resulted in death, and many injured, and some people were trampled on in the chaos that followed.

After all the injured were recorded and the scene was emptied and sealed for investigation, noon had passed. James casually found an excuse to bid farewell to the Coulsons and returned to his car parked in the alley. .

Zac is already asleep.

Find a wooden stick and insert it into the heart of the vampire, clean the back seat, and then quit Barton’s job and return to the general’s father to avoid Grande’s pursuit. Such thoughts really didn’t cross James’ mind. He started the car and continued to drive towards the Southern District.

On Route 27, James car seems to have a companion. The words Barton Telecom are printed on the old van.

du! du!

The van blew its whistle for no apparent reason, and went side by side with James, with a face sticking out of the window: “Detective Lance! Detective Lance!”

James heard the sound, turned his head in confusion, looked towards one side. Obviously lack of exercise, thin body, slightly pale face, tangled hair, “Detective Lance! It’s me! Fitz!”

“Fitz!” James smiled. Raised his hand to greet the other person, “Work?”

“Yes!” Fitz was obviously happy to meet someone he knew, and shouted, “Detective Lance! Do you work too?”

“Forget it!” James yelled back, both of them slowed down. It seemed a very interesting thing to talk through the car. James seemed to be in a better mood after a bad day. .

“Where’s Detective Coulson? Didn’t you guys be together?” Fitz is also very enthusiastic. Please understand the otaku who is socially disabled. For him, getting to know the detective is a very magical thing. Although the process is not very pleasant.

“No! I’m the only one!” James replied, seeming to want to talk a little more, “Where are you going?”

“Ah! There is one named Grande A new phone will be installed in the house!” Fitz said.

James’ face stiffened, a head stuck out from the back seat, Zachs voice was still a little soft, “Hey! We are on the same road! What a coincidence!”

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