Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 921, Xia Xue under house arrest

I was silent for a moment, then turned back to the restaurant owner and said, "Bring me a half-pound bottle of Laobaigan."

I drank half a kilogram in one breath, and the spicy liquid passed through my throat, corroding my stomach and brain. It is true that drunkenness makes people bold. After finishing the drink, I said, "Let's go to Xia Xue's house." Then I got up and was the first to walk out of the restaurant.

Standing at the door of Xia Xue's grandma's house, this single-family house has become a lonely building. Without exception, everything around it has been bulldozed and turned into a barren ruin. Only a few forklifts rumbled over and cleaned up. Holding onto the last traces of remains. I exhaled and started knocking on the door. Boom boom, boom boom, with unstoppable courage. When the door opened, I was shocked because there were about ten people, men and women, old and young. If you take a closer look, Xia Xue's mother, Xia Xue's father, and Xia Xue's uncle are all among them. The others more or less look similar to Xia Xue's mother. It seems that these are all relatives of their family. I was worried. Could it be that the whole family took action to deal with me? When Xia Xue's mother saw me, she turned around and left. The other elders looked at each other, wondering what happened. Uncle Xia Xue said: "This seems to be Xiaoxue's boyfriend..."

Everyone suddenly realized this, and they enthusiastically pulled me to ask questions, and even made a way for me to go in. It seemed that Xia Xue’s mother had not told them about me. However, Xia Xue's father said solemnly, "Why are you here?" Because of his tone, everyone realized something was wrong and fell silent. I said, "Uncle, I'm here to make things clear." When everyone heard this, they knew something was wrong. It was obvious that they were all well-educated and knew that they should not interfere with each other at this time, so they all returned to the courtyard. Xia Xue's father said, "What else do you have to say? I don't like children who go back on their word." I promised him that I would never mess around again. I said seriously: "Uncle, I want to tell a story, a long story. After telling it, maybe you will change your mind."

Xia Xue's father looked at me, and after a long while he said, "Come in."

A few of us followed Xia Xue's father in. Brick and the others were taken to the guest room, and I came to a side room. Xia Xue's father asked me to wait here. After a while, Xia Xue's father brought two people in, one was Xia Xue's mother, and the other was Xia Xue's grandfather, the white-haired old man full of knowledge. I quickly stood up and said hello to everyone. Xia Xue’s mother ignored me with a cold face, but Xia Xue’s grandpa nodded. Although this house is a side hall, it is also very elegantly decorated. The main seat and the guest seats are clearly arranged. Grandpa Xia Xue sits in the main seat, Xia Xue's parents sit in the side seats, and I naturally sit in the guest seat. Xia Xue's father said, "You can tell me what you want now." Xia Xue's mother said, "No matter what you say, I will not let my daughter be with you!"

Grandpa Xia Xue said nothing. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, as if the hustle and bustle of the world had nothing to do with him. I looked at them, and then turned my eyes to the sky outside the window. The pure white clouds were so far away from me...

"Where to start?" I sighed and said, "Let's start from junior high school. In junior high school, I was the most bullied boy in the class. There was a rich second generation named Zou Yang in the class. He …”

This lecture will be from morning to noon, and from noon to evening. After a whole day, I just finished telling the story of Beiqi. During this period, we should eat, drink water, and go to the toilet. After all, Grandpa Xia Xue is old and has to stand up and move around every once in a while. Xia Xue's mother said: "Dad, if you are tired, go back and rest." Xia Xue's grandpa said: "How can I be willing to miss such a wonderful life? Wang Hao, please continue talking."

Because when telling the story of Cheng Gao and Bei Qi, it is inevitable to talk about the emotional entanglement between the four girls and me. Xia Xue's parents couldn't sit still and shook their heads from time to time. Xia Xue's mother looked at me even more irritably, interrupted my story several times, accused me and said, "How could you do this?!" Xia Xue's father always looked unconvinced and kept shaking his head with a puzzled expression. If grandpa Xia Xue hadn't stopped me, I guess I would have been kicked out by Xia Xue's mother. Then, I started telling the story about the Vocational College and Beiyuan. The story was quite bloody. Xia Xue’s parents turned pale after listening to it several times. Only Grandpa Xia Xue’s face did not change and he still listened carefully to my story.

I kept talking until three in the morning. More than ten hours passed before my four-year underworld career came to an end. When I finished talking about the last battle in Beiyuan, with dozens or even hundreds of casualties, Xia Xue's parents were completely stunned. Only Grandpa Xia Xue sighed and said with infinite emotion: "What a legendary life. It makes me extremely fascinated..."

I quickly said: "I don't dare to take it seriously. In fact, I was forced to come out."

Grandpa Xia Xue yawned and said, "It's getting late. I'm going to rest first." Then he said to Xia Xue's mother, "If you have anything to say, just talk to me and don't be angry with the child." Then he walked out slowly. Outside the house, the moment the curtains were lifted, I saw the bright moon in the sky. There are only three people left in the room, me, Xia Xue’s father, and Xia Xue’s mother. Now, the two of them are still a little pale, as if they haven't gotten over the story I just told them. I sat quietly, waiting for their verdict. This time, I not only confessed my dark past, but also told the truth about my relationship with the four girls.

After a long time, Xia Xue's father said: "So, you have fired a gun, killed someone, and your hands are stained with the blood of the same kind?"

I hesitated slightly and nodded.

Xia Xue's father continued: "Do you still want to immigrate to Arabia and marry four girls together?"

I nodded again: "As long as you can agree, I will leave with the four girls immediately." Yes, I have made up my mind. In any case, I am not willing to continue studying at Xinda. That school let me I feel bored from the bottom of my heart, and now that I think about it, I really should have followed Tao Zi’s advice. The room fell into silence again, and Xia Xue's father took out a cigarette and started smoking. This incident was indeed difficult for ordinary people to understand and accept. After a long time, Xia Xue's father said, "It's getting late today. You go back and rest first. I'll reply to you tomorrow." After that, he pulled Xia Xue's mother out of the room. From beginning to end, Xia Xue’s mother didn’t say a word, but I knew it was an even more desperate existence than before.

Lying on the bed, he almost didn't sleep all night, but Brick slept soundly beside him. The next day, I came to the side hall early and waited for Xia Xue's father to give me an ultimatum. This time, it may decide the future of Xia Xue and me. I already knew that Xia Xue was trapped in a room on the second floor. She was almost not allowed to come out except to go to the toilet. Even the food was sent in by Xia Xue's mother. After a while, Xia Xue's parents walked in, and behind them were Brick, Tao Zi, and Bai Qing. I was a little surprised, Brick and the others looked confused, but they quickly sat down as Xia Xue's father ordered.

Xia Xue's parents had dark circles under their eyes, and they seemed to be awake. After everyone was seated, Xia Xue's father said: "I'm calling everyone here. I want to verify something. Wang Hao said that he wants to immigrate to Arabia and get married with you girls, and he has already obtained your marriage. Agreed, I want to know if this is true?”

Bai Qing nodded first, and then Taozi nodded too. Xia Xue's father was a little surprised. He looked at Brick again: "You are Taozi's only brother and her only guardian. Let me ask you, will you agree?" Brick said, "I agree, as long as my sister is happy." Xia Xue Dad shook his head and looked at Bai Qing: "Does your mother know about this? Does she agree?" Bai Qing said: "She doesn't know yet, but I think she will agree in the future." Xia Xue's father Qidao: "Why is this?" Bai Qing said: "Because she likes Wang Hao very much, even more than me, so she will definitely agree."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily." Xia Xue's father shook his head: "You kids, it's always easy to think about things." Then, he looked at Xia Xue's mother again. Xia Xue's mother's face was expressionless, and her eyes reflected a sense of determination. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was broken.

Sure enough, Xia Xue's father said: "I'm very sorry, neither Xia Xue's mother nor I can accept this kind of thing, so..." I became anxious and stood up suddenly. Xia Xue's father glanced at me, hesitated and said, "So... let's think about it again." Xia Xue's mother said "Huh" and looked at Xia Xue's father doubtfully. Xia Xue's father shook his head, and Xia Xue's mother did not speak. Seeing this situation, I already knew what they really thought. When you say you will consider it, it is actually for my own sake. However, I still have a little hope in my heart, hoping that they really want to consider it.

Xia Xue's father said again: "Wang Hao, since you have come out, you should go to school and try to go on the right path. We will tell you after we think about it." I nodded and walked towards the door. Brick and the others All follow me. In the yard, relatives of Xia Xue's family came out and looked at us curiously. I looked up at the second floor. The door of the room where Xia Xue was under house arrest was closed. Turning around, he said to Xia Xue's parents who were following them: "Uncle, aunt, can you let me see Xia Xue?"

Xia Xue's father nodded and took me upstairs. The door was locked. Xia Xue's father opened the door with the key, and I walked in slowly. Xia Xue raised her head and met my eyes. Oh my God, she has lost weight after just a few days without seeing her! We both walked a few steps quickly and hugged each other tightly. Xia Xue's tears welled up and dripped on my shoulders.

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