Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 893, Bai Qing’s Palm Print

I was even more confused: "What was that for?" Holy shit, you called me into this room in the middle of the night, and you actually said it wasn't for that purpose? ! Although I'm not a big pervert, it's not good to play with my feelings like this, right?

I have already unbuttoned two buttons on Xia Xue's clothes. While tying it, she said, "I want to tell you about Bai Qing."

"What's wrong with Bai Qing?" I suddenly became serious.

"Remember when I first saw her tonight, she covered herself tightly with a hat and scarf?"

"Remember." I recalled Bai Qing's dress. Tonight, Bai Qing wore a green down jacket, a pink woolen hat on his head, and a slightly wider woolen scarf around his mouth. Bai Qing seemed to be afraid of the cold, so she covered most of her face with a scarf. This kind of dress is not unusual in cold weather, so it didn't attract much attention from us.

"She had to take off her scarf when she was going to bed."

"Then what?" I became a little nervous.

"Then Taozi and I saw some red palm prints on her face."

"What?!" I couldn't help but roar, and my voice increased several decibels unconsciously, which woke up their dog and started barking.

"Keep your voice down, keep your voice down!" Xia Xue covered my mouth and looked out the window nervously. The wolf-dog barked twice and finally subsided, and there was no sound in the yard. Xia Xue breathed out and put down her hand. I was panting, my mind was already buzzing, I grabbed Xia Xue's shoulders and said, "What's going on with Bai Qing?"

I could still be so angry when Roudan was insulted by Xiaoman, let alone Bai Qing being beaten!

"I don't know the specifics. Bai Qing just said that she had some quarrels with her classmates. The two of them had a fight with each other, but it was nothing serious. When I asked for more details, she stopped talking, and she kept saying I stress, I must not tell you.”

"You must not tell me?!"

"Yes." Xia Xue said, "But after much thought, I decided to tell you that I am afraid that Bai Qing will be bullied in school."

"Okay, I understand." I touched Xia Xue's hair: "Leave this matter to me, and you just pretend you don't know anything."

"Yeah, yeah." Xia Xue nodded: "Then you should be more careful and punish them a little, don't beat them too hard."

In Xia Xue's eyes, I am omnipotent, and her only worry is that I will hurt others. However, her worries are not unnecessary. At that moment, I really felt murderous. I wanted to kill the students who bullied Bai Qing right away. With the support of the Ye family, killing someone here is not a problem. After saying this, Xia Xue and I went back to our rooms. I lay on the bed and slowly calmed down. First I had to figure out what happened to Bai Qing, and then I could choose how to react. With Bai Qing's original character, it was absolutely impossible for her to be bullied in school; but since what happened to Yang Mengying, she decided to stay away from that circle.

Thinking about the last time I went to their school, I was yelled at by a girl in public, but Bai Qing actually chose to tolerate it at that time! There are many Zen sayings about enduring the calm for a while and taking a step back to open up the world. But in a place like school, the more patient you are, the more ungrateful they become! Sometimes you have to show your tough side, otherwise they will get in trouble. I must stand up for Bai Qing in this matter, and do it once and for all, so that everyone in their school knows that Bai Qing cannot be bullied casually!

The only clue now is that Bai Qing said he had trouble with his classmates. So, is this classmate male or female? If it's a man, it's easier to deal with it; if it's a woman, you have to call Zhou Mo over. In short, I thought about a whole set of plans in my head and decided to start it when I woke up the next morning. This night was really a sleepless night. When I thought of the palm prints on Bai Qing's face, although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I still felt very painful in my heart.

The next morning, I got up early. I planned to leave when they all fell asleep, and then I would just make up a reason why there was a party in the dormitory. As a result, when I got downstairs, I happened to meet Bai Qing. Bai Qing was still wrapped tightly, and it looked like he had just used the toilet. The toilet at Xia Xue's grandma's house was in the yard. As soon as I saw her, my heart felt like needles pricking my heart, but I still had to pretend as if nothing had happened. I smiled and said, "Is the bathroom cold? You didn't freeze your butt."

Bai Qing said: "You gangster, I won't tell you. You can tell whether it's cold or not by trying it yourself."

I smiled and touched her hair and said, "Go back quickly. It's cold outside and you can still get some sleep."

"Yeah." Bai Qing responded, and then entered their room. I went downstairs and walked out of Xia Xue's yard. The surroundings are already very desolate, with only a few dozen houses left, which cannot be compared with the prosperous scene before. There were ruins everywhere. After walking to the side of the road, I took a taxi and went straight to Xinxiang Teachers College.

Today is Saturday, and the new teachers are not in class, but there must be students in the classroom studying for self-study. When the time comes, grab one or two to come out and ask. When I arrived at the new division, I received a call from Xia Xue and the others, asking me where I had gone so early in the morning. I followed my previous plan and said that the dormitory would let me go back to attend the party, and then I would go back and let them play by themselves first. After hanging up the phone, I walked into the new division. It was already eight o'clock in the morning, and the sun had risen, emitting thousands of golden lights, but the weather was still extremely cold. There are already students in twos and threes on campus. Some go out for a stroll, while others go to the classroom to study. Based on my impression, I came to Bai Qing's classroom, but it turned out to be very unlucky. Their classroom hadn't opened yet, so I had to wait at the door.

After waiting for a while, a student finally came. There are many girls in the new teacher, and the first two girls came. They were both holding books in their arms, and their ears were red from the cold. Maybe it's because new teachers rarely see boys, so they kept staring at me. Before I could say anything, one of them said, "Hey, aren't you Bai Qing's boyfriend?"

The last time I came here, it caused a sensation in Bai Qing's classroom, so the girls in their class all knew me, but I didn't know them. I smiled and said, "Yes, that's me." The girl said, "Why are you here? Is Bai Qing coming soon?" Judging from their attitudes, there should be no gap between them and Bai Qing. I said, "If Bai Qing doesn't come, I want to ask you two something."

The two looked at each other, then let me into the classroom and asked me what I wanted to ask. I said, "I was with Bai Qing yesterday and saw palm prints on her face. I asked her what happened, but she refused to tell me. Can you tell me?"

As soon as the two girls heard this, they immediately said yes, and then started talking all over the place. After listening for a while, I knew what was probably going on. It turns out that there is a girl in their class who is from the local area and has a pretty good family background. She is usually very domineering in the class. It is said that she also meets people in the society outside, so everyone dares to be angry with her but dare not speak out. She had no quarrel with Bai Qing originally, but she happened to fall out of love some time ago, so her temper became even more violent, and she vented her anger on her classmates.

"The bad thing is that you came over that day." One of the girls said: "You are so handsome, you are still a student of New University, and you are so good to Bai Qing. The girl looked jealous and felt that Bai Qing was not good enough for you. In those days, she often insulted Bai Qing. In fact, she was just unhappy and took it out on Bai Qing. Bai Qing never paid attention to her, no matter how insulted she was, she would not retaliate. In the end, she still refused to let Bai Qing go. Yesterday, she just I found an excuse and slapped Bai Qing twice, but Bai Qing didn't say anything at the time."

After hearing this, I was furious. There are such scoundrel girls in the world! When I thought about Bai Qing being slapped twice, I felt like I couldn't control myself anymore. I really wanted to beat that girl up and sell her to a brothel. I suppressed my anger and asked them for the girl's contact information. I also found out her name, Weiman!

Damn it, I found out that I was in trouble with a girl named "Man". Li Shanman from Dongguan Town, Xiaoman from the new university, and now Weiman from the new division has popped up. I thought for a while and asked: "Is this Weiman the girl who told us to go outside when I came here that day because she was so annoyed?"

"Yes, yes." Both girls said, "That's her!"

I exhaled. At that time, I thought the girl was mean, but I didn't expect that she was really like this.

"Okay, thank you. I'm leaving first. Don't tell anyone else about this, otherwise it won't do you two any good." They told me Weiman's contact information. If it were spread out, they would get angry.

The two girls knew what I was going to do, so they nodded and promised not to tell anyone. But one of the girls said, "Are you going to teach Weiman a lesson? Then you have to be more careful. She is a local from Xinxiang after all..."

I smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Anyway, thank you for today."

After saying that, I left the classroom. Weiman is a local and it is impossible for him to come to school to study on weekends, so there is no use waiting here. But even if I call her out, how can I, a grown man, attack a girl? I thought about it and called Zhou Mo. It was more reliable to contact Zhou Mo for this kind of thing. Neither Xia Xue nor Tao Zi were good at fighting.

After calling Zhou Mo, she was still sleeping. She said: "You kid, you still know how to call me? I thought you had forgotten me, a yellow-faced woman from Beiyuan, in the company of three beauties."

"No way." I chuckled: "What do you want to do today?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Come to Xinxiang as soon as possible." My tone became serious: "The sooner the better, we are in trouble."

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