Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 887, Roudan’s confession

Roudan is the best at shouting, saying that with Zuo Qiang’s small body, he can be defeated with one finger, why should he be our boss?

Yu Qiang glanced at him and said, "You are fatter than a mouse. Go and beat him."

Everyone laughed, Roudan said sheepishly: "Rat is an exception. I tell you, if Rat has been around, it must be different." In the eyes of the dormitory people, I am already recognized as the strongest combatant in 309. In fact, they don't know that the strongest combat power is 306, and Brick can kill both of me without any problem. Brick is very low-key now. He is just a good student who studies hard. Apart from his weird dress, he is unlikely to attract anyone's attention. Yu Qiang added: "Forget it, Zuo Qiang is good to me, I can't beat others with no invincibility."

I asked him: "Yu Qiang, do you want to be the boss? If you want to be the boss, I have a way."

Yu Qiang looked at me: "You tell me."

"Actually, it is not easy to establish friendship between people, but falling out may only be a matter of one or two sentences." I told them the story of Lai Scarzi beating someone in the toilet, and then said: "There is nothing in this world. It's easier than finding faults. We had a fight with Xie Bin, and the commotion was so loud that Zuo Qiang will definitely come to deal with it tomorrow. By then, no matter what he does, you are just not satisfied, so you try to find faults with him, forcing He has to turn his back, so it’s natural for us to kill him.”

These words were spoken and received unanimous agreement from everyone. Roudan said with a smile: "It's still a rat."

I smiled and said nothing, this matter was child's play to me. I looked at Yu Qiang again and said, "How about it? Can you do it?"

Yu Qiang was silent, seemingly lost in thought. I threw him a cigarette, and he sat up, took two puffs, and said, "The method is a good one, but what about Sun Kai? Zuo Qiang was promoted by Sun Kai. If we kill Zuo Qiang..."

I said, "Why is Zuo Qiang the boss? Isn't it because of the good relationship with Sun Kai! You have been drinking with Zuo Qiang and Sun Kai these days? You should also give money to have a good relationship with Sun Kai." Give money, do whatever you have to do.”

In fact, I originally wanted to say that Sun Kai would just do whatever he asked for, but considering Yu Qiang's ability to accept it, I had to change the approach. Yu Qiang thought about it carefully, and finally threw the cigarette butt under his feet, crushed it, and said fiercely: "Okay, let's do it!"

After the decision was made, everyone was very excited, Roudan even squealed with joy. When other students come to SJTU, they all want to study hard and find a good job after graduation. On the contrary, we think about how to be the boss all day long, and kill this and then that. In fact, for men, there is a dream of military war hidden deep in their hearts. The key is whether there is a chance to inspire it.

Some people are excited and some people are afraid. Brother Peng is a little better, he has a calmer personality and can handle the situation. Zheng Fei kept mumbling: "Are you really going to do it? Are you really going to do it?" Roudan patted him and said, "Of course I'm going to do it. When Yu Qiang becomes the boss in the freshman year, I can help you rob Hao Jiajia." He's back. Brother Xiaomi is just doing well in the Department of Industry and Commerce, and he is not the boss of the Department of Industry and Commerce!" Zheng Fei was happy when he heard this, and said with high morale: "Then let's do it, then let's do it! Fuck Xiaomi to death Brother!" Roudan said, "You still call him Brother Xiaomi? Call him Xiaomi Dog!" Zheng Fei then said, "Yeah, Xiaomi Dog, let's kill this Xiaomi Dog."

When they were making trouble, I was the only one who said quietly: "Huang Xin, if you reveal even a single word about what happened tonight, I guarantee that your life will be worse than death." Everyone suddenly fell silent, and then they remembered that Huang Xin, this bitch, was still in the dormitory. Woolen cloth. We are talking about confidential matters, and he and we have never been on good terms. If we talk nonsense outside, we will not be able to live with it.

Huang Xin said: "Don't worry, I won't say anything. I have long disliked Sun Kai."

"That's okay." I said nothing more. After the conversation between the two of us, the warm atmosphere in the dormitory calmed down. Everyone is doing their own thing, some are reading books and some are looking at their mobile phones. Roudan didn't speak for a long time, and kept playing with his mobile phone. I asked him what he was doing. Roudan smiled and said I won't tell you. I knew he was texting Xiaoman. These days I like playing with Roudan more and more, because I think this guy is so fun. I jumped out of bed and ran to the meat bed to make trouble with him, trying to read his text messages on his cell phone. In the end Roudan couldn't resist me and had to give me his phone. I became angry as soon as I saw it. Roudan was indeed chatting with Xiaoman through text messages, but most of them were talking about Xiaoxin and me. The two of them agreed that Xiaoxin and I were married, and they wanted to kill me no matter what. The two make a pair! This unlucky thing really pisses me off. You are going to any lengths to win over Xiaoman!

I held up Roudan’s cell phone and announced on the spot that I would express my love for him and asked everyone if they supported it. After all the fuss at night, everyone knew that Roudan was pursuing a girl, and they all agreed without hesitation. Roudan howled and tried to grab the phone, but at my command, Yu Qiang, Brother Peng, and Zheng Fei all came over and pressed down on Roudan. It has to be said that Roudan was quite strong and struggled desperately, but under the suppression of Yu Qiang and the others, Roudan was still unable to move. But I shouted deliberately: "I can't hold it in anymore, Huang Xin, what are you doing? Come over and help me quickly?"

When Huang Xin heard this, he immediately jumped out of bed and helped hold down Roudan. Everyone was in a high mood and laughed non-stop, and no one cared about whether Huang Xin and us were at odds with each other. Roudan cursed loudly, but the more he cursed, the happier we were. It felt like the barrier between Huang Xin and everyone suddenly disappeared at this moment. While they were pressing Roudan, I edited a text message to Xiaoman. Of course it was a very, very disgusting one: Xiaoman, actually I have always wanted to say that I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. Can you be my girlfriend? If you are honored, I swear to God that I will treat you well for the rest of my life.

I deliberately wrote Roudan instead of his name. I was posting and reciting it at the same time, almost making everyone laugh to death. After I finished sending it, I made an "OK" gesture, and everyone laughed and stopped. Because they were afraid of Roudan's revenge, they immediately ran back to their beds. After going to bed, everyone kept laughing. Laughter is contagious and you won’t be able to stop for a while. Roudan jumped out of bed and grabbed my phone. I had already finished sending it, so I gave it to him. Roudan took the phone, played with it for a while and said, "My dear uncle, did you really send it out?"

I said, "Is there any lie? I have always been very efficient in doing things. Now you just wait for Xiaoman to text you back."

Roudan was so nervous that he kept looking at his phone, waiting for Xiaoman to text him back. The more nervous Roudan was, the happier we were, laughing on the bed. Roudan scolded: "You laugh, laugh as much as you want, wait until I am out of singlehood, I will see if you still laugh. I will be the first one in this dormitory to be out of singlehood, and you guys will just hide under the covers and beat me all day long." Let’s fly.”

Because Roudan usually has a mean tongue, everyone jokes with him more harshly. Some say that Xiaoman is so attracted to you that the sow can climb a tree, and some say that Xiaoman is thinking about how to reject you if he doesn't reply to text messages for a long time. Well, anyway, just hit him however you want. While everyone was talking happily, Yu Qiang said: "Mouse, come with me to the toilet." I knew he had something to say, so I jumped out of bed and went out with him. The two of us came to the toilet, looked at no one around, and talked while peeing. Yu Qiang said: "Mouse, do you think Huang Xin is reliable? He can't tell anyone about what we did tonight, right?"

I said: "Probably not. I have observed that Huang Xin was rejected by us, and he himself felt quite guilty. So I wanted to take an opportunity to bring him over, so I didn't kick him out when we were talking about it. I just talked to him Roudan deliberately called him when we were having fun. After all, we are from the same dormitory, so we can't avoid him all the time."

Yu Qiang nodded: "Then just observe and see."

Taking this opportunity, I told Yu Qiang a few more words, asking him to go to Sun Kai tomorrow morning. After clarifying Sun Kai's side, don't rush to talk to the freshman people. After Zuo Qiang is killed, strike while the iron is hot and talk to a few freshmen. These freshmen are all just outsiders, and they will follow whoever is stronger, so there is no need to collude with them. Yu Qiang kept nodding, saying that he understood. After finishing speaking, Yu Qiang looked at me and said: "Mouse, in addition to your good skills, I didn't expect that you are also very thoughtful. The steps you take are like playing chess, which reminds me of the idiom 'step by step'."

I thought to myself, aren't you talking nonsense? The huge Beiyuan City is in my pocket, and the small Xinxiang University is nothing.

But I said: "No way, I have watched too much "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"."

Yu Qiang said: "I have also watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but it is not as good as you."

As we talked, we returned to the dormitory. Everyone stopped fussing, some were reading and some were sleeping. I also climbed into bed. Although the lights were turned off, through the sunlight in the corridor, I could still see Roudan holding his mobile phone in a daze.

I asked: "Roudan, Xiaoman hasn't replied to the text message yet?"

Roudan said: "No, maybe he fell asleep."

I thought to myself, I was chatting happily with you just now, how could it be possible that you happened to fall asleep as soon as you confessed your love. But I said: "Then don't wait any longer and go to bed early." Roudan said "Oh" and turned around. Because he was facing the wall, I didn't know if he was asleep or not. I was getting ready to go to sleep. Before going to bed, I habitually checked my phone. There was an unread text message on it from a strange number.

"Wang Hao, I'm Xiaoxin, what are you doing?"

I thought about it and didn't reply to the text message. If she was smart enough, she would know what I meant. I turned off my phone and put it under the pillow. I took one last look at Roudan and saw that his phone was still lit.

He is still waiting for the text message.

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