Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 879: You have changed so much

How could Yu Qiang not understand? But he just loves Li Na madly and is willing to be played by her. Bi Song must be the same, and the two of them are also secretly fighting each other. If Yu Qiang wants to be stupid, there is nothing anyone can do to him. But I don't care about this. I have to get the MP3 back and tell Yu Qiang every day. Yu Qiang always says I understand, I understand, but as soon as class starts, he tells me that Li Na forgot to bring it again.

I think I have a broad mind, right? But she was still very angry at Li Na's behavior. I think she didn’t forget to bring it at all, but she took me as a victim and wanted to make money from my things! More than 800 quick bucks, which for ordinary students at that time was one and a half months' living expenses! No matter how rich I am, I won't mess with things like this, right? And Xia Xue and Tao Zi also knew about it, and they laughed at me whether I was fascinated by Li Na's beauty and wanted to take her as the fifth wife in the harem. I was speechless and determined to get the MP3 back as soon as possible, so that I could at least explain my innocence.

I gave Li Na an ultimatum: You must get it for me next Monday, otherwise I will go to the girls’ dormitory to get it myself!

A boy can give her a beating, but what can a girl do to her? I can only scare her. The reason why it's next Monday is because we have a holiday right away. We had two days off on the weekend, and the four of us agreed to invite Bai Qing to play outside. There will be no classes in our major on Friday afternoon. University is really very free. There are no teachers to care about you at all. Everything is done by yourself.

At noon, I asked everyone in the dormitory what their plans were for the weekend. Yu Qiang and Brother Peng said that they would accompany Li Na and the others to eat bibimbap. In order to cover up the fact that he was pursuing Li Na, Yu Qiang deliberately said: "When we have a good relationship, we will take you to socialize together."

Everyone was laughing and joking, but they didn't want to expose Yu Qiang. Zheng Fei and Roudan said that they signed up for a group tour to nearby scenic spots. This is also a way of entertainment for many college students on weekends. It is much better than playing cards or surfing the Internet. Zheng Fei has no plans to pursue girls since he chased Hao Jiajia but was beaten up by Brother Xiaomi. Roudan repeatedly failed to strike up a conversation due to appearance issues, so the two had no choice but to continue hanging out together and spend the whole day together. The miserable single life.

Then they asked me where I was going, and I said that Brick, Xia Xue, and Taozi from 309 and I were going to go out to play, eat, watch movies, and so on. Everyone was envious and encouraged me to pursue one of them. I smiled and said, "I don't dare. Her boyfriend is a gangster and he can chop me to death in minutes." Roudan muttered, "I think you are a gangster."

I have to say, this guy is pretty good at reading people, but I just pretended not to hear him. After asking, I was ready to leave and ignored Huang Xin from beginning to end. Although he lives in the dormitory, everyone ignores him. He is so mean and ignores him. Huang Xin ignored us and ran to the next door most of the time, only returning to the dormitory when he needed to rest. I'm not following the trend, but I really don't like Huang Xin, so I don't talk to him. As soon as he put on his shoes, he heard Huang Xin call: "Wang Hao."

Although I don't talk to him, I can't help but answer him when he calls me by his name. I raised my head: "Huh?"

In our dormitory, Zheng Fei, Huang Xin and I were in the upper bunks, while Roudan, Yu Qiang, and Brother Peng were in the lower bunks. So when I talk to Huang Xin, I have to raise my head. Since the fight with the dormitory next door a few days ago, this was the first time Huang Xin spoke in the dormitory. Everyone couldn't help but raise their heads to look at him. Huang Xin said: "Wang Hao, did you beat three boys in the garden a few days ago?"

I thought about it and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing. They are Chinese majors and they are doing well. They were planning to seek revenge from you, but I stopped them."

"Oh?" I looked at Huang Xin in surprise.

Huang Xin continued: "My brother is from the Chinese Department, and he is planning to come over that night. But before coming, ask me first, and I already know about it. I just talked about it in the middle, and then forget about it. They will I won't look for you anymore." There was a bit of condescension in his tone.

I can see that Huang Xin said this in the dormitory because he wanted to prove to everyone that he had a stronger backer, but he didn't use it because he didn't want to bully us! Yu Qiang and Brother Peng want to compete for the boss of the dormitory, but Huang Xin wants to compete for the boss of the dormitory even more! I just wonder how these people got through high school. As for how anxious they all are when they come here?

However, Huang Xin's tone really annoyed me. I said thank you lightly, then walked towards the door. When I opened the door, I turned around and said, "But next time, I won't bother you. Just let them come."

What I said was neither humble nor arrogant. It was neither low-key nor arrogant. It was the reaction of ordinary people. After saying that, I opened the door and went out. I was really speechless about this dormitory. After calling Brick and waiting for Xia Xue and Taozi at the school gate, the four of them went outside and walked for about twenty minutes to Bai Qing's school. This is a second edition, and it feels very worn out. It cannot be compared with the new one at all. I had never been here before, so I looked inside curiously. Some students came out and looked at us. Of course, the main reason is that Xia Xue and Tao Zi are too eye-catching, which makes Brick and I particularly noticeable.

After waiting for a while, Bai Qing came out. We haven’t seen each other for a week. Everyone misses her very much and chats non-stop. It was already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and Xia Xue was clamoring to go to the amusement park. There is also a playground in Beiyuan, but it is said that the one in Xinxiang is bigger. Xia Xue wanted to play for a long time, but Tao Zi and Bai Qing always refused to go. Because Xia Xue wants to play exciting sports, Tao Zi and Bai Qing dare not accompany her. It’s okay if Tao Zi doesn’t dare, but Bai Qing doesn’t dare either. She has really changed a lot. She gradually loses that bastard temperament and becomes an ordinary girl who studies hard and doesn’t lose her temper casually. .

As I said before, people change.

Now that Brick and I are here, the trip to the casino is a sure thing. Three to two, the minority obeyed the majority, so everyone headed to the amusement park. Five people took a taxi. Although it was overloaded, the driver didn't say anything. After arriving at the amusement park, Xia Xue went completely crazy, screaming, holding my arm and running inside. I played there for more than two hours and played almost all the large-scale projects. Each time, it cost me, Xia Xue, and Brick 30,000 yuan. Taozi and Bai Qing refused to go up, no matter how hard they tried to pull them. Later, we went to the haunted house and finally dragged them all in. When Taozi came out, she was so scared that she cried. Only then did we realize that she was really timid and we would never dare to take her to these places again. Brick and Xia Xue took Taozi under the sun and bought her a bottle of water to calm her nerves. Bai Qing turned a little pale with fright, but the situation was much stronger.

I said, "Sister, you have changed so much."

"Which aspect are you talking about?"

"In various aspects." I said, "You used to be very bold, fast-moving, and fearless of everything."

Bai Qing was silent for a moment and said, "Then do you like me now?" His voice was soft, not as sharp as before.

I lowered my head slightly and saw the diamond ring on her hand, which was still so dazzling. I gently held her hand and said, "Sister, I like you no matter what you become." I didn't lie to her, I told the truth. However, I still hope that she will be a little bit crazier, so that it fits the image of Bai Qing in my heart.

After Taozi calmed down, it was almost dark, so we found a buffet to eat hot pot. The interior was beautifully decorated, with an artificial river filled with various plates filled with various vegetables. The hot pot table is right next to the river, so you can just grab whatever you want. It has a particularly petty bourgeois feel.

After finishing the hot pot, we went to a movie theater to watch a movie. There was a very popular film at that time, Jackie Chan's "The Myth", which told a time-travel story. This film has received mixed reviews, but we were very moved when we watched it, and several girls basically cried. After coming out of the cinema, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. The three girls will go to Xia Xue's grandma's house to stay on weekends. At that time, I was going to send them there, and then go back to the dormitory with Brick to sleep. But Xia Xue said: "It's quite late. Let's go to my grandma's house."

I was shocked and said, "Is it okay?"

Xia Xue said: "Brother Brick can definitely do it, you..."

My heart immediately went cold.

Xia Xue chuckled and said, "Now that you are my real boyfriend, it should be no problem to go home and spend the night. Let's go!"

In this way, we arrived at Xia Xue's grandma's house late at night. It’s still the bungalows in that area, but this time when I came here, it felt a lot darker. Why were there no street lights? It was dark all around, but I didn't ask any questions. When the car stopped at the door of Xia Xue's grandma's house, crazy dog ​​barking came from inside. This really shocked me. When did Grandma Xia Xue’s family get a dog? It wasn’t there last time when Ye Zhan and I came here. We got out of the car, and the door opened just in time, and it was Xia Xue’s mother who came out to greet us.

"Come back so late?"

"Well, I just came back after dinner and a movie. Mom, Brick and Wang Hao are here too. Let them stay in the empty room on the left upstairs."

Xia Xue's mother looked at me, and I quickly called her aunt. Bai Qing also called her aunt, while Taozi and Brick called their godmother. Xia Xue's mother nodded and took us into the yard. There is a cage in the corner of the yard. There are two black wolf dogs inside, barking crazily. I'm even more surprised. I don't know why grandma Xia Xue's family keeps dogs. But Xia Xue’s mother was there, so I followed everyone upstairs without asking any questions.

There are several rooms upstairs. Xia Xue and the others live in the middle, while Brick and I live on the far left.

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