Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 870, First experience in college

But even so, Roudan is just a little bastard in my eyes. He was whining and going to hit the bricks, but I didn't say anything next to him. After a while, Yu Qiang and Brother Peng finally persuaded Zheng Fei. Roudan was still a little reluctant, so Yu Qiang said, "Okay, don't you think it's enough?" Roudan stopped talking. , I feel that Yu Qiang is quite prestigious in the dormitory, and he should be the default boss in everyone's mind. No wonder, Yu Qiang is tall and strong, and most people don't dare to compete with him.

After persuading them to leave, Yu Qiang introduced them one by one, telling them who they were and where they came from. He mainly told them to me. It was then that I learned the names of Roudan and Brother Peng. After the introduction, Yu Qiang made some remarks, saying that everyone is in the same dormitory and should unite and love each other in the future, etc. Then Brother Peng added a few words, saying that there should be no internal strife among people in the same dormitory. I have a feeling that Brother Peng wants to seize Yu Qiang's boss position, while Roudan is aiming for Yu Qiang. Zheng Fei and Huang Xin didn't notice it for the time being. Everyone is around 20 years old, so I'm afraid they are a little young at heart. Yu Qiang chatted with me for a while and asked me where I went to school before and so on.

After a while, the sky got dark, and Yu Qiang suggested that we go to dinner together, ostensibly to welcome the newcomer me. I was embarrassed to refuse. After all, it was my first day here, so I was supposed to be with my roommates. While they were cleaning up, I called Xia Xue and told them that I would not have dinner with them and would eat with the people in the dormitory. Xia Xue agreed and said she would contact him later. After making the phone call, everyone finished packing and went out under the leadership of Yu Qiang. When I passed 316, I went in and took a look. Brick was still sleeping on the bed, so I didn't call him and planned to bring him a meal later. I took the opportunity to scan the people in their dormitory again, and found that no one was particularly difficult to deal with. We are so messed up that we can’t be 100% accurate when it comes to people. At the very least we can have a rough look at people. And I'm not worried about Brick suffering a loss, I'm just worried about him breaking others.

After finally quitting the underworld, I must live a good life as an ordinary person.

After going downstairs, everyone walked towards the cafeteria talking and laughing. Zheng Fei is the type who is quick to cry and laugh quickly. He soon got into trouble with everyone. The unpleasantness just now is probably over. But Yu Qiang also deserves a lot of credit. He kept making peace in the middle and worked hard to warm up the atmosphere. Coupled with Brother Peng's jokes, everyone was in a good mood. The funniest thing is Roudan. This guy dares to tell any kind of joke, and he is very sharp-tongued and often leaves people speechless. As for Huang Xin, he still doesn't speak. I observed this person carefully and found that he is really not good at talking, a bit like Liu Zihong from before.

When we arrived at the canteen, we found that it was really big and impressive. I have been to SMU before, but I have never been inside. I only played basketball, so I was surprised to see the cafeteria. The cafeteria has four floors. The first, second and third floors are ordinary places to eat, while the fourth floor is more lavish, with cooking, hot pot, barbecue, etc. According to Yu Qiang and the others, it is a place where rich people come. But ordinary students can come here for birthdays, parties, etc. The environment on the fourth floor is the best, with tables and chairs that are more luxurious than those below, and there are several large TVs for students to watch. There is a place to recharge meal cards on the first floor. I topped up the meal card with 500 yuan and said that it was my first day here and I would like to invite everyone to have a meal on the fourth floor. Everyone was very happy and came to the fourth floor together.

The fourth floor is quite lively, but most of them are couples, eating spicy hotpot and watching TV. There were also several groups of boys gathering together to drink. It was normal for college students to drink, but one group was particularly eye-catching because they were shirtless and spoke in rough voices. They looked like they were doing well in school. Sure enough, as soon as Yu Qiang saw them, he asked us to sit on the other side. In the past, I would definitely ask Yu Qiang who these people are, and then be on guard against them, but now I keep silent and pretend to be a good student. But without me asking, Yu Qiang took the initiative and said: "Mouse, that's Brother Xiaomi from the Department of Business and Industry. He's very vicious. Stay away from him in the future." I looked at Brother Xiaomi, and I guess he could do it even if there were ten of him. Just a brick.

But I still said with gratitude: "Oh, okay."

After sitting down and getting acquainted with the environment, I realized that I still had to go to the window to order. I took out the meal card and said to Zheng Fei with a smile: "Just order whatever you like to eat. I'll treat it as an apology to you." Zheng Fei was very happy, so he took the meal card and pulled out the meat. Go to order with eggs. Zheng Fei is a person I hate, but he is still easy to coax.

Maybe I was too generous, so Yu Qiang asked me in a subtle way what I did at home, and I told him that I ran a small business and usually had plenty of pocket money. Yu Qiang said "Oh" and didn't ask again. After a while, Zheng Fei and Roudan brought the dishes. Four vegetarian and four meat dishes cost more than a hundred yuan. This money is nothing to me, but to an ordinary college student, it is still a big investment. Zheng Fei was still a little embarrassed and said he wanted too much meat and eggs. Roudan said: "What's the matter? Wang Hao is a rich man." This was obviously teasing, so I ignored him and asked everyone if they wanted to drink.

Finally, Yu Qiang, Peng Ge, and Roudan drank, but no one else drank. I asked Zheng Fei to buy a few cans of beer. I feel like I am a bit like Zou Yang when he first came to the city. He just uses money to spend money on relationships. This method is very direct and effective. It can be said that I quickly integrated into this small group, but Roudan always stabbed me from time to time, and was still dissatisfied with me for kicking Zheng Fei earlier. But it's not a big deal, and Roudan doesn't dare to go too far.

Everyone was eating and drinking, and the atmosphere became lively, chatting all over the place. When boys get together, they inevitably talk about girls.

Yu Qiang asked: "Zheng Fei, how is the girl you like?"

Zheng Fei said: "I am so handsome, and there is a girl I can't handle? Don't worry, she will be my girlfriend when the military training is over."

Everyone booed and told Zheng Fei to take action early, otherwise he would be robbed by others. It turned out that during the past few days of military training, they had already begun to look for targets. In our major, there are more boys than girls, and there are very few good-looking ones. Zheng Fei spotted one the day before, her name is Hao Jiajia, and she is said to look like Li Ruotong. Roudan liked a lot of her, and he said that he had no requirements, as long as she was a woman, and he was casting his net everywhere.

Neither Yu Qiang nor Peng Ge has a crush yet, but I suspect they already have one, but they just don't want to say it in public. Both of them are quite mature and will not let others know who they like casually. But Brother Peng also said that there are two super beauties in our department who can be called the flowers of our department. Unfortunately, they are already in their sophomore year and there is no hope at all. He has only seen them twice in the cafeteria. Brother Peng is a very weird person. He deliberately talks about an unattainable target to hide the person he really likes.

As for Huang Xin, no one cares about him. I almost forgot about this person.

Then they asked me if I had a girlfriend. Although Xia Xue and Tao Zi are both at Xinxiang University, I can't say that they are both my girlfriends. I still have to consider whether they can accept it. I thought about it and said no. Then they were very happy and said that they would let me choose one during the military training tomorrow. But it's best not to overlap with everyone else, otherwise your brothers will have to fight first.

After eating, I packed another portion of fried rice for Brick to take with him, and then walked back with everyone. Roudan drank a lot and was staggering when he walked. Fortunately, Yu Qiang and Brother Peng are good at controlling their drinking. Zheng Fei was already familiar with me, and he held my arm and talked endlessly, mainly about his crush Hao Jiajia. He said that after the military training is over tomorrow, he will confess to Hao Jiajia. Speaking of this, Zheng Fei flicked his bangs and said, "As long as I'm here, there's no girl that I can't handle!"

To be fair, Zheng Fei is indeed quite handsome, a bit like Ekin Cheng in Young and Dangerous. It's a pity that he doesn't have the masculinity of Ekin Zheng. Maybe girls nowadays like Zheng Fei like this. I said, "Come on, we'll be invited to dinner when it's done."

When I returned to the dormitory building, I asked them to go back first, and I carried the fried rice to Dormitory 316. When he pushed the door open and walked in, he saw Brick hanging shirtless and upside down on the bed rail. Other people in the dormitory gathered around and praised Brick's muscles. While doing sit-ups, Brick said: "If you want to build muscles like mine, you have to exercise consistently..." Others were asking questions, and they all seemed to be fitness enthusiasts. . I was very happy to see this scene. Brick got along well with the people in their dormitory. After I came in, Brick jumped out of bed. I handed him the fried rice, and while he was eating, he continued to talk about fitness tips to the people in the dormitory. I sat next to him and watched him finish eating, then pulled him out of the dormitory.

"What?" Brick asked.

"You know I quit the underworld, right?"

"Yeah, I know." Brick said, "Don't you want to immigrate? I will go with you."

"Well, in the meantime, try not to cause any trouble."


"Don't just pick out bricks. You are a big killer and will break people."

"I know, I'm measured. I was really in a hurry this afternoon, he dared to throw away my scarf."

"Yeah." I put my hand on Brick's shoulder. When I was in Beiyuan, everyone knew Yang Mengying's story, so no one laughed at Brick's equipment. But when you come to Xinxiang, no one knows it, and we can't tell you. If you carry a backpack and wear a scarf in the summer, you will inevitably be laughed at.

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