Reckless Youth of Delinquency

Text Chapter 864, You have to help her

After settling the funeral affairs, Yu Chengfei had a few more conspicuous stones built at the site, with five hundred dollars pressed underneath, as compensation to the owner of the cornfield. After all, he had destroyed a lot of his grain. After that, we continued to travel day and night to ensure that we could return to Beiyuan as soon as possible, because Brick and I still had to go back and fill out the application form. That afternoon, we returned to Beiyuan.

From going to Jinjiajing, to killing Lai Scarzi, and then returning to Beiyuan City, it only took two and a half days, and two days were wasted on the road. This kind of super combat power makes me feel incredible. The illusion of "killing one person in ten steps and leaving no trace in a thousand miles".

After I came back, I had a good sleep in the villa, trying to make up for the fatigue of the two and a half days of travel. The morning sun rose the next day, and I woke up slowly in the golden light. Lying on the bed, my experiences over the past four years passed through my mind scene by scene, from a bullied freshman in high school to growing up to where I am today. The last scene was fixed in the cornfield where Lai Scarzi died. . I know that from now on, that memory will be sealed, and my new life will begin.

I have to fill out my application form today. If everything goes well, I will appear on the campus of Xinxiang University in two months. Thinking of this, I got up energetically, washed and dressed, and happily drove Poussin to Chenggao. Cheng High School is very lively today. The senior high school students are about to graduate. The first and second grade students are looking at us with envy. This time not only we have a holiday, but also the first and second grade students. In the cram school, many people were worried about which application to apply for, but Brick and I applied directly to Xinxiang University. In addition to my first choice, I also had a second choice. I was a little worried, so I applied for Bai Qing's second choice school.

As for my parents, they knew that I was a bad student in high school, and they thought that I would get high marks if I could pass three exams. In fact, I am with people like Xia Xue, Taozi, and Brick every day. It is difficult to learn well. Learning depends on the environment. If you are surrounded by smart people, you will not be too stupid; if you are surrounded by fools, you will inevitably smoke and drink.

The students in the cram school were all packing up their books. Neither Brick nor I wanted these things anymore, so we threw them all out of the window on a whim, which triggered a series of book throwing frenzy. Of course, city height is city height after all, and everything is within control. The cram school also has a break-up meal. Under the organization of the head teacher, Mr. Liu, we went to a restaurant near the school at noon. It's not a good hotel. We just entered and it was already full with more than 30 people. But the important thing is this atmosphere. I enjoy this ordinary high school life now. When I think about not having to worry about it anymore, there is no discomfort anywhere in my body.

Now I especially hope that time will slow down a little bit, and then a little bit slower. Because since I embarked on this path in my freshman year of high school, I have hardly lived a good high school life. It's a bit embarrassing to say that there are more than thirty people in the cram school, and two-thirds of them have never spoken, and some of them can't even be called by their names. I think now that I am about to graduate, I must talk to them, whether they are men or women. Of course, I prefer to talk to women. If I catch a woman, I will talk to them more, no matter whether they are beautiful or ugly.

Soon, I became familiar with several girls in the class. They chatted around me and asked me to talk about my previous experiences. I randomly took out a few paragraphs to talk about, and they were very happy to listen. One of the girls also said: "Brother Hao, you are a legend in our hearts, but you can't be approached from a distance. I didn't expect you to be so approachable. If I had known, I would have said a few more words to you."

I had a great time drinking at noon, and now I have completely stopped stressing myself. At the end of the drink, I felt dizzy, and I heard a girl crying, and other girls were comforting her. I originally thought she was reluctant to graduate, so I didn't mind her business. But after a while, a girl came over and said, "Brother Hao, you have to help her."

I asked what was going on. As soon as they told me, I realized that the girl had been molested by a kid who was a freshman in high school. The incident happened a week before the college entrance examination. When the girl went to the toilet alone during evening self-study, she happened to encounter a group of first-year high school students smoking at the door of the toilet. Maybe because this girl was easy to bully, a kid came over and touched her breasts. After touching it, the boys laughed loudly, and the girl turned pale with fright and hurriedly fled back to the class. She didn't tell anyone about this matter. After all, she was a girl and she was about to take the college entrance examination. She didn't want this matter to affect the exam. But this incident was like a nightmare, constantly affecting her spirit. Even when she was sleeping, she would wake up in the middle of the night. She performed abnormally in the college entrance examination this time, and a large part of the reason was because of this matter. Because of this, she started crying at the dinner table and told the people around her about her experience.

As soon as I heard this, I became furious. I slammed the table and said, "Brothers, go away and avenge the girls in our class." The boys stood up immediately. Although there were only a dozen of them, it was more than enough to deal with a few freshmen in high school. The head teacher also advised us that it would be best to leave this matter to the school. Naturally, I scoffed. Reporting this matter to the police station, let alone the school, might not be effective.

At my insistence, everyone followed me out of the hotel and went straight to Chengnan High School. When I got to the corridor of the first grade of high school, I kicked open the doors one by one and asked the girl to identify the murderer. This feeling reminded me of the time when I first started hanging out. The most intuitive criterion for your high status in the school is how many classroom doors you dare to kick in.

It's also the last day of class for the first year of high school. After today's class, they can go home for the holidays, so there are no teachers in each classroom, and the discipline is not very good. Every time we kicked in a door, the students inside immediately fell silent and stared blankly at us drunken uninvited guests. Needless to say, I am leading the team today. Even without me leading the team, they would not dare to do anything to the cram school. The girl looked it over and said no, and we continued to the next classroom. After kicking the doors of four or five classrooms, the girl finally cried and said, "It's them, it's them!"

I took a look and saw seven or eight boys gathered in the corner, looking at us blankly. Well, we are really enemies, the same ones I had a conflict with last time. I shouted, and the boys in the class rushed in. Brick was naturally the first one, and I was the second one. He led the boys from the cram school to beat these first-year high school brats hard, making them cry and scream. After the fight, we left the classroom triumphantly, and some people happily sang the March of the Volunteers. I'm also very happy, and I feel more and more like I'm back to when I first started messing around. This can be considered the last time I went crazy before leaving Chenggao.

We are on vacation now, but the other boys in the cram school still have to go back to the dormitory to pack their bags. I had nowhere to go, so I went back with them. When they arrived at Brick's dormitory, he fell asleep on the bed because he drank too much. It felt like I had slept for a long time. When I opened my eyes, it was already dark. Brick was the only one in the dormitory. He sat in front of the window and rubbed the scarf on his chest. For the first time, I felt that Brick's figure was so sad and lonely, and a sense of sourness suddenly surged into my heart.

I asked: "Brick, what time is it?"

Brick was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said, "It's 8 o'clock in the evening."

"Well, is the cafeteria still open? I'm a little hungry."

"Yes, some students are far away from home and won't be able to go home until tomorrow, so the canteen is open as usual."

So I got up and went to the cafeteria with Brick to eat. Except for Brick's bed, all the other beds in the dormitory are empty. After leaving the dormitory, the corridors of the senior year were even more empty, but there were still people in a few dormitories. After going downstairs and arriving at the dormitory floors for the first and second grade students, it was more lively there. After all, they were officially on holiday tomorrow.

We didn't stop, we left the dormitory building directly and headed towards the cafeteria. I have walked this road many times, even if I close my eyes, I will not go wrong, but now I still have a different feeling in my heart. It starts here and ends here. When we came to the canteen, there were not many people eating, but it still showed a lively scene. Brick and I made rice and vegetables and found a remote corner to sit down. While eating, a burst of ear-piercing laughter suddenly sounded in the cafeteria. It's not a big deal to laugh while eating in the cafeteria, but their laughter has a deliberate element, as if they want to prove their existence to everyone.

I looked up and saw that it was indeed the same group of kids from the first year of high school. They had just been beaten in the afternoon and they didn't show any sadness at all. They were still chatting and laughing unscrupulously. But it didn't matter to me. Brick and I continued to eat and left the canteen after eating. Walking on campus, Brick said he was going back to the dormitory to prepare for his last night. I said goodbye to him, went to the teaching building to drive my car, and prepared to go back to the villa to rest. When I got downstairs from the dormitory, I got into the car and was about to light the ignition when I suddenly remembered where was the black leather notebook that Xia Xue gave me? All books can be thrown away. That black leather book is my most precious memory.

I remember taking it out and putting it in the car. I searched around the car and couldn't find it, so I wondered if I had put it in the trunk? I got out of the car, went around to the back of the car, opened the trunk and looked for it. There were a lot of things in the trunk, including a bulging sack, a sharp machete, and some messy items.

As I was flipping through the pages, I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps all around me. I looked up and saw a dozen first-year high school students gathered around me. They were the same group that had clashed with me again and again. They had all kinds of tools in their hands, including wooden sticks, steel pipes, pickaxe handles, machetes, chain locks, and nunchucks.

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